
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Skate Back in Time

Hey Jammers! I'm really truly sorry for this excessively tardy post...Spring sports just started so it's just been a long, rough day overall. Anywho, today's new item is the Skateboard, sold in Jam Mart Furniture in ten different unique patterns!
My personal favorite pattern is the last one! I love the intricate phantom design!
Gah, forget about my silly preferences..
Today's the last day to get the Snow Cannon, so head on over to Jam Mart Furniture and buy one NOW!
Now, if I may, let me take you on a quick trip back in time :)
Today we're going to go as far back as 2010 to explore some of the things we all miss MOST about Animal Jam Beta Times. Beta has left it's mark--I have seen my fair share of Beta Players...but I'd like to see a lot more Beta esc. places and structures come back to Jamaa, wouldn't you?
First things first, weekly updates. GAH do I wish we had those! An update EVERY week would be absolutely pawsome!
And of course, BETA DENS! Three stories and accessed by a bridge! How cool is that? Don't you wish nonmember dens were still like this?!
Ooh, my personal favorite! Guides and Party Schedules! I so badly wish AJHQ would return Guides to Jamaa and allow us the opportunity to meet them at specific times!
And we certainly can't leave out Beta Crystal Sands, either!
 (Notice the Volcano in the background--Could that be the one from the Greely's Inferno Adventure?)
I'd sure love to see all those mysterious caves return so I can explore them, especially that Cave that resembles a tiger!
Speaking of tigers, check out the most recent Daily Explorer Post on the Malayan Tiger! Click below to read more and watch the video!
You know what? Let's travel back in time ONE last time for our Trivia Tuesday!

Trivia Tuesday:

What was the first member animal ever released?

Phew, back to the present! Wow, that was awesome! Thanks for joining me, and happy jamming! :)


  1. First!
    I miss old Crystal Sands. I never got to see it :(
    I wish I could go back to beta...

    1. I know, right!? I didn't either :(

      I wish AJHQ would at least do a Beta themed transformation for a little bit as an anniversary party or something.. Like everything would go back to the way it was in Beta :D

      Wouldn't that be cool?


    2. That would be very cool! Imagine if on that day all the rares vanished... People would panick about where they had gone, but it would be very peaceful in Jamaa. No more screaming about how much someone wants a rare headress or something like that!

    3. I was there during late Beta, so I saw the Crystal Sands. It was so much more AWESOME than this one. The older one had a more Jamassian feel to it.
      None of the older places are appreciated. Most Jammers don't even KNOW about the Canyons Pathway (My favorite place just about), Club Geoz, the Juice Bar, or the Flag Shop (One of the first, "New shops")!!

    4. Congrats on first! I also never got to see the beta crystal sands ):

    5. I loved it I got to see it!!!

    6. I was in beta, so I saw crystal sands. It was amazing. But, it's also where I would've met my first buddy, but I didn't cause he said "let's go to my den", lol I had no idea what dens where, so I asked my dad what "let's go to my den" means, and he said it means, um.... doing the s word o3o

    7. I don't think AJHQ would make rares just go away from jammer's acounts. I think I might even quit if my fox hat, rare boww, headdress, and other things were just gone. that's my only outfit! I have got to have all my rares or I'd go mad. ~littelbunny24

    8. Congrats, person way up there! ^^^^^^
      I saw the old Crystal Sands. It was SO. MUCH. BETTER. Crystal Sands used to be my favorite land, but I can't really say that anymore. =(

    9. I came in and started playing during Clouds, And Claws As member gifts. I miss those days. Everything was still better then now. Does anyone else agree?


    10. i really want beta crystal sands back! it looks EPIC.

    11. ^^^^ Dudes, rares don't really matter, it's about friendship. It's starting to become like the real world: Rares= money, both control your life. I wouldn't care if my arctic hood was to just suddenly disappear. Well, maybe I would be disappointed because I put some time into getting it. But seriously, AJ was meant so that EVERYONE could be EQUAL and have FUN, but it is like the real world now. There are two groups of Jammers: Regular (Non-Member) and Premium (Member). Those categories can be sub- divided in to two groups: High (Very Rare/What everyone thinks is beta) and Low (Not very rare/beta). I am sorry for ranting guys, but it just annoys me how much peeps care about being rare. Sorry Snowy for ranting.


    12. I never was in the beta times so sadly I don't know much about it! I think the beta nm den would be awesome to have!!

      Be Yourself!

    13. Ahhh I love the beta crystal sands! It's more.. animall-y.. The new one is more humany with slides and such.... *sigh*

    14. Wow! My comment has so many replies!
      It makes me feel appreciated *sniff*

    15. Okay, The Trivia Today. The First Member Animal That Came Out Were Seals, And Everyone Wanted One! I'm Glad They're For All Jammers Now.

      (Feel Free To Add Me!)

  2. 2nd!
    I really wish I was a beta player. There would be no scams, no 'I'm famous, send me things!' and no people recording things. That last thing really gets on my nerves. If I am at party and someone's just saying 'I'm recording!', it really bugs me. Besides, do they even have the PERMISSION to record people? They record not caring if someone wants to not have their name mentioned. That's just my opinion.

    1. Congrats on second! I also agree that it would be beta again ): I think some people record fake just to get attention! But some people ACTUALLY RECORD and some people still think they're doing it fake ): It also bugs me as well!

    2. I've done music videos, but they're just at my den, and no one but me and my family have seen them. Some I've done in the ocean lands, but no one goes there. There was one I took with other people but no one seemed to care.

    3. Congrats! I totally agree on the recording thing. If I got recorded, I probably would go and ask the person (if they posted it and I found it :P) to take the movie down. Maybe that's a little extreme, but I don't want to be in random videos. :I

    4. Well, the reason they say that is because there are a lot of people who want to be on Youtube, thinking they will be famous or something. I seriously don't understand why people like AJ Youtube, or what they even do when they record. Well, I do agree on beta days should be back. I would really love that! Beta days looked so cool! Everything was really cheap too! Ooh and I would like to see what a Skully would look like on an animal. Well, I thought the beta days were cool. Oh, and I think you must choose an animal that was available in the beta days. P.S Snowy, your vids are cool. Well, the ones I have seen at least!


    5. Congrats! From what I've heard, beta was a more peaceful time with less scamming.. sure wish I'd been there.

    6. I miss the beta days a lot, I remember when crystal sands didn't have the water slides and when mount shiver wasn't even discovered yet, neither was appondale only jamma township coral canyons saripea forest and crystal sands was there. And when appondale opened up they added the gazelle horns to its shop! Man those were the days <3

    7. Well, I started playing AJ roughly in 2012 and forgot about it for a while so I never got to see the beta days. anyway, just the other day someone mistook me for Snowy (hey, I like impersonating her except I don't go around saying "I'm Snowyclaw" and whatnot) and said in a Jam-A-Gram that she was recording, waiting for... something. I t left off there.

    8. Beta was much better times. You could get "Beta Mats" from the claws and much more. Right after beta, you could trade Plushies for basically anything, there were no colored plushies, the ''Rare''' Plushies were pandas and koalas. I know I sound like an old geezer, but I remember it so much because it was so much better

  3. I'm not going to talk about AJ itself, but this brins back tons of memories. I remember being on AJS in, what, 2011, 2012? I remember so much... Yet my computer is hacked and I have to reboot it. >:( For anyone that remembers me, I am chu714. Sound familiar? :D

    1. Ermahgerd yesh!!!!! :{D

    2. Aw I don't remember... I came on AJ and AJS quite recently in 2013... hmm..

    3. I have heard of it before... I might!

      ~Animal78959~Owner of :D~

    4. I think I actually DO remember you! I joined in 2011 but my account got banned in 2012, it was member too, so I just sulked for a few months until my friends got me to play again on a different account. I'm Artirox.

    5. Actually no, I joined around the late beta times.Sorry.^

  4. WOW COOL ARTICAL! Well done and congrats on first!

    1. I know!! It really tells me about the beta time... ahh how I wish I was there! >.<

    2. Me too, ShadowCharizard. Me too.

  5. Replies
    1. Ok heres my real comment, I totally agree with SnowyClaw because I was in the Beta Days on Animal Jam and it was actually so much better!


    2. Thats Endagered Species XD And i agree with him! Some jammers actually never got to be in the Beta days!

    3. Yeah like me X3
      I joined AJ in 2011 or 2012.
      I don't remember XD

      Be Yourself!

    4. Hi Hidden! I met you on AJ today! c:

    5. @HiddenForever
      Really? A lot of people seem to say that...

  6. 7th lol
    ~memango who is too lazy to reply

  7. 10th! XD Those beta days look amazing! I wish I were apart of them! Also, those skateboards look useful! I probably buy one of the phantom ones and show it off to all my buddies! Finally, thanks for taking us back in time!


    1. I know, right! At first when I looked at the skateboard I was like ''eh...''
      Then when I saw the awesome phantom version I was like ''whoa"
      "I need dat"

    2. I seriously need that and add it to my awkward movie with crazy ducky

  8. 8th (I counted the comments, not replies)

    1. Real comment,
      The first animal was... (I know this I was there!!) The elephant? If not the rhino? :3

    2. I think it was the umm... Well first it was wolves koalas (Nonmember animals) Then i think it was sharks and dolphins first as member ocean animals? Then umm...OH I ACTUALLY WASNT THERE!! DX

    3. I was there I think it was the panda

    4. I was there, think of the first new animal ever released.


    5. Congrats! I have no idea on the animal though...

    6. Well, wolves and koalas have always been nm, and ocean animals were WAY after beta. I know it was either the Rhino or the Elephant.

  9. The volcano in Crystal Sands actually looks like Greely's volcano! I wonder if back then they were already thinking about adventures? If they weren't, why was it there anyway? That's what I want to know.

    Animal Jam Spirit
    Jamaa is in danger everywhere
    Tears drop everyone's scared
    Scammers rule and hackers hack
    "I want beta to come back!"

    But over the stiff mountains
    And through the whispering trees
    A brown wolf wanders
    Wanders over the groves
    She waves her snowy claw
    Silence falls
    She tells them of the problems and of the new things too
    Of the mysteries and legends and adventures to beyond
    Knowing not of the scammers and the hackers too
    Peace is in the air
    Jammers discuss lots of things
    And help others too
    In spirit
    Animal Jam Spirit

    1. Lovely poem! ^.^
      They probably weren't thinking about adventures back then, but it is true they were more animal/exploration themed back then though...

    2. Epic poem!

    3. Wonderful poem!

  10. Nice. You know. There wasn't really a FIRST animal but there were THE first animals. The bunny, the wolf, the tiger, and the panda. No seals were created then. Actually, the seals came out when the mt. shiveer came out. I really miss when beta was still there. I think I was in late beta when I first came on as a non-member

    1. He/she meant what was the first MEMBER animal ever released.


    2. Yes, that would be crazy if everyone were one animal! o-o


    1. Well, we're not 100% sure if old AJHQ meant that this volcano would be from an adventure because this image was from 2010 and Greely's Inferno was released in 2013. Did you remember when AJHQ forgot about "quests" that they mentioned in beta? We brought "quests" here but they're now called Adventures. Remember, it isn't NG (National Geographic) who is running the game now like they used to. It's Smart Bomb Interactive.


    2. 2014*

      My bad. XD

    3. Yeah it looks more like Sir Gilbert's inferno if you ask me.. XD

  12. I think the first member animal was an alligator?

    1. Nope, but good guess. ^.^


  13. I was never around during Beta times, but it looks cool! I'm going to take a random guess at the member animal question so I'm going with... Hmm... let me think... Elephants?

    1. Close, the first member animal is a little bit older than the elephants.


    2. Well I would guess penguins, I remember seeing an article while browsing the daily explorer announcing that penguins would be made for all jammers..
      But that's not correct XD

    3. Oh my God, you would never how long it took me to think about this.... How about giraffes?

    4. Well, it's not Penguins or Giraffes, Giraffes were after Horses (The article on horses included how to be a giraffe, zebra, and deer etc,.) And the Penguins was in 2012 I believe.

  14. Replies
    1. I think you, Pink and me are correct! ^.^


    2. Don't forget me! lol your right

    3. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's right!

    4. Mhm, I was in late beta and it was around december/new year when they had a vote between seals, polar bears or arctic wolves to be the first released animal. I was really sad that I couldn't buy one :(


    5. Yay :3 i thought so. i was pretty sure. I was nm when the seals where released. i think i was on my aisling01 account then.

    6. Well I wouldn't know, I wasn't there. Really? Seals were member?!!? I cannot imagine that 0-0'

  15. im pretty sure it was elephants because aponndale was the first real new land


    1. Coral Canyons was the first new land, actually. ^.^ But you're close to the first member animal, it's just a little bit more in the past.


    2. Darn, well that's a logical guess, I guess. >.<

  16. The first member animal was a turtle

  17. Trivia Tuesday:
    I think it was the seal..? I dunno.

    1. I think you're right, Pink....


    2. I'm pretty sure you and everyone who said seal is right

    3. Wow. Seals. Member. Seals just don't seem ''epic'' enough to be member. I dunno. They seem small like bunnies..

  18. First member animal was Foxes maybe? Idki wasnt there. -aaoazja2001

    1. Nope, but nice guess. I feel bad that you weren't back in the old and WAY better AJ.


    2. That's ok that you weren't in the old AJ! I wasn't either... though I feel like I missed out.. qwq

  19. I TOTALLY agree to bring back these beta features. AJ is becoming unfair and boring lately. Because they don't give out updates EACH WEEK and that they don't have as much features for non-members as they used to! UGH!

    Trivia Tuesday: I think it's the seal, it stayed as a member only animal from the release of Mt. Shiveer until the release of oceans (I think). They became animals for non-members too so that every Jammer can explore the oceans because dolphins and sharks were members only since they're "new" and "epic".


    1. No offense, Krazy, but I'm pretty sure seals actually came out before then. I might be wrong though, since I can't find that paper on Snowy's archive blog.

    2. Well it was around where Mt. Shiveer was about to or became a new land. I think they're released the same month as Mt. Shiveer.


  20. OMG I know the answer (for once)! Seals were the first member only animal. They came out when Mt Shiveer was discovered and were member's only for about a week or two. They are the animal with the shortest time as a member's only animal.

  21. I think the artic wolf was the first or the seal. I am not sure.

  22. -sigh- I miss the old crystal sands.... it was so natural, and detailed, and fun!!! I don't like waterslides, period. So I don't like the ones in the new crystal sands! I remember when seals first came out (as a member animal), and I saw a girl with one. And she was my first buddy! And we're still buddies.

    1. Wow! I think my first buddy quit along time ago. And I've only been playing since 2013 or 2012 ~littelbunny24

    2. I agree! I would rather have the old crystal sands...
      And my first buddies are all grey tigers, but I dare not remove them. One actually came back for a while! ;u;

  23. Teach me to join a game in 2013. Missed all of beta :( I wish there was a time masheen. Then I would go in, and *ZAP* explore beta. SO wish I could do that. ~littelbunny24

  24. Um guys.... I think theres something here you need to see. Look at snowy claws latest 'doodle' of vapor eon then look at this.
    Did you know she copies off other ppl drawings?

    1. U know that the other person could have copied her right?

    2. Hehe, my friend gave me a reference, and I believe that person used the same one! ^-^

    3. There's nothing wrong with referencing, though I wouldn't post heavily referenced work if I were you. ^.^;

  25. oh my gawd i thought she was a original artiste. oh well, doesn't rely matter. Just interesting that she kinda tricked us...

    1. It was just a doodle I did for a friend silly. ;) Being a Pokemon, it wasn't very original in the first place, haha.

    2. Hey Snowy, what's that small yellowish orange profile picture of?

  26. Hmmm, wasn't the first new animal the seal? :|

  27. I'm pretty sure it was the fox, but I'm probably wrong. I joined a few monthes after te beta, in late match/early April of 2012. Beta ended in October if 2011. Btw, can someone get me a snow canon? I won't be able to get in this whole week.

    - rascalcat

  28. The first member animal was a penguin, I think.

  29. Speaking of beta.... Yesterday I got traded a Zios head member den beta for my headdress- was that a good trade?

    1. Oh actually it's called a Zios Sculpture and Snowy has one in her den. I think I really lucked out yesterday!! :D

    2. That's a good trade! :D
      Though I think it would be fair, because headdresses have SO MUCH demand it isn't even funny...

  30. So I got a blue nonmember sword.... I have no use for it and want to trade it off... BUT I dont know what it is worth... anyone help?

    1. Hm, since it's in adventures I would price it the same as another adventure item, like worns or fox hats, but you might have to add a little because worns/foxhats/bows are in a bit more demand...

  31. I wish I was there in Beta days! It all changed when membership arrived :( Everything had more detail and better art...

    1. Well, they let the jammers make the art now...

  32. The first member animal was the seal and then the elephant and rhino.

    1. Basically. I forgot the seal in my comment x3 Probably because it was only Member for a week or so.

  33. My goodness! I have been to a lot of massively multiplayer online games in my time...and I have NEVER seen mobs of players carry on about the old beta days as much as I see jammers do. Yeah okay, most beta days for games are really CRUDDY and everyone can't wait for those days to end because the game isn't finished yet, and there aren't as many features. But Animal Jam has a lot more features added since their "beta" testing days, and nobody seems to care, they just want to go back in time to when there wasn't much of anything added yet. Why all the living in the past? Why not enjoy right now? There are probably a lot of things happening in Jamaa right now that players in the future might miss, but you won't know it until it's gone. And that was also true in these beta times. Why do things have to nearly disappear before anyone values them?? WHY DO THINGS HAVE TO BE RARE BEFORE ANYONE LIKES THEM. THEY ARE THE SAME ITEM IT WAS BEFORE. DX

    I am in no way meaning to be offensive but I just needed to get that outta my system.

    Okay rant over. x3

    1. I agree! Why does everyone want to go back to the beta days? Live in the moment people!!

  34. I joined Animal Jam in 2012 Summer,i think,i think is it :u

    So,i wish,i wish~~

    To hatapalooza back ;n;



  35. I wish AJ was the same as it was in beta.. I started playing a little after beta time though. But it was different then too. Now lots of people just care about rares and betas. And people scam..
    Another thing that kinda bugs me is that newer jammers don't know, or sometimes even care, about Jamaa's lore and history. Also, AJHQ is kinda turning Jamaa into a different environment, and its losing its native sense with the alphas and all.

    1. I agree completely. All Jamaasian Spirit is gone. They should tell the REAL story of Jamaa. With Zios creating the sky, not the stupid "World is ending Alphas come back" crud. Even the Alphas look different. 62% Of Jammers don't even know who Mira is!!!

    2. who is mira? XD just kidding

  36. I totally agree with all the Beta things I think if we can have enough people ask for them back I think they will bring it back!
    We should all ask for them back and provide this link!

    1. P.S. I also had played a little in the Beta days on one of my other accounts but I didn't have anything special BUT I REALLY WANT THE NM DEN BACK!!!!! Sorry about caps......

    2. Well, even though it would be AWESOME to have Beta back, AJHQ need Members and other things that help pay for things to make the game better ^w^

  37. The first member animal was the FOX. I know that because I joined Animal Jam in April 2011. Isn't it the fox?

    1. Sorry, nope. Do you remember the Horses coming out? Because, no offense, they came out before the foxes :3

  38. Nice time machine

  39. omg I know the person in the first picture the nm wolf is hunttt :O

  40. I miss beta too. :) except for the glitches, of course. Every time I made a new account, it logged me off. But i really loved the den (3 story epicness)


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw