
Monday, April 21, 2014

Rare Pirate Beard

Click here to enter the Party Hat, Rare Bow and Cocoa Giveaway
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube

Hiya jammers! The jamtastic Pirate Beard awaits, me jam-mates!
Aye, me jammers! Move ye furry tails down, to the eighth page of Jam Mart Clothing to pick'p this here loot! 

A little mundane, but here is how the prizes from 'Greely's Infero: Hard mode', look like on an animal.

Now what do we have left of the spiel? Is it?... it is! A Monday Mystery!!!
(Idea credit submitted by Nicole)
Now this river flows throughout most of the lands of Jamaa. What might be in the river? Is it the same river that Mira travels on? Is it of any significance? Like the previous weeks, the most pawsome story get's a little something from me loot! (Whew, that pirate accent dies hard!) Happy jamming!



  1. Replies
    1. Ok, about the river: Maybe it was where Mira traveled a long time ago while Zios was here and she might do that today in Jamaa still but; what if Mira had to sorta "seperate" our little worlds so that the phantoms can't come through? And I think the river is a protection the blocks the phantoms from Jamaa so we can ALWAYS be safe :3!!

    2. CONGRATS - throws mini cupcakes around -

    3. Congrats :D -Suddendly a bunch of cute nyan cats surround you-

    4. 0 . o random nyan cats and mini cupcakes . . . yup I'm on the right AJ blog! XD

    5. LOL XD and Cindy, congrats on 1st!

    6. But didn't Mira MAKE the Phantoms? ( This question is directed at Cindy)

    7. *Furries in fursuits run up to hug you*

    8. Congrats! And epic story, BTW.

    9. (Directed to Anonymous: Well, yes but I think that after Zios "died" Mira made the phantoms right? Then I thought Mira realizes that the Phantoms are evil and she shuts them away :P so we jammers will be safe in Jamaa.)

    10. hey congrats give like a billion cupcakes and party hat.
      I haven't been commenting for weeks lol

  2. 2nd!
    OMG YES.

    1. Congrats on SECOND!! :DD!!

    2. Congratties! Cupcakes and chocolate to you!

    3. Congrats! Isn't that feeling just amazing ^-^

  3. Oh sorry, I'm third. Congrats on the 2nd, Despare!!! :D

    1. Congrats on 3rd :)!!

    2. Congratties! Third is better than fourth, or fifth, or twenty sixth....

    3. Congrats! :D
      Wouldn't you agree 3 is a nice round number? It's also good for making a cat face. :3

    4. Aww, thank you! By the way, this is neonblueberry. I forgot to put my name! Real forgetful sometimes. Thank you, thank you so much for the congratulations.

      @Cindy Chen-Thank you!!! Congrats on the first! =]
      @Wolfez- Thank you too! And yes, you are totally correct! But it's sooooo embarrassing if you type "third", when you're actually the tenth. Arghhh... Happens to me a lot of times. =]
      @FacotryDash-Thank you too!!! Love your profile pic, by the way!!!
      @ShadowCharizard-Thank you! 3 isn't exactly my fave digit, but I absolutely agree taht it makes a perfect cat face! Mrrooooow!!! :3

      ~neonblueberry =]

  4. Congrats on the first Cindy Chen! Lovely explanation too!!!


    1. Argh.... Wrong comment form... Still, congrats again to the 1st and 2nd!!!


    2. Lol that sometimes happens to me

    3. Lol! I HATE when that happens x3

    4. Hehe, I hate that too. It's so annoying and kinda embarrassing. X3


    6. Aww, totally! I finally can relate to you guys!!!


  5. The river is the flowing of all out jamaa it is where new jammers travel though the undiscovered land where the birds of paradise are (Paradise Party). The viewing of mountains are then covered by the large forest as the blue heron makes its way to the township

    1. Cool!

    2. Oooh! Oooh! *waves paw wildly* And the jammers have to play river race to get there! o3o

  6. Replies
    1. Ugh silly me forgetting to hit reply -.-

    2. I forget to hit reply ALL the time! :3

  7. Great job everyone that got a place! Please visit the

    and maybe join the contest.

  8. Infifitymagichero is a scammer , they said six items for my spike , we traded four items and they left with my spike

    1. Well, you can't expect them to give the items if you only have four trade spots.

  9. Once upon a time, in the time when the phantoms roamed, there was no river, just cracks in the earth separating the places. The cracks first formed when phantoms came, putting there goo stuff basically everywhere in the rivers and in the cracks. The land was phantom filled and destroyed, but after Zios fell, Mira disappeared and the Alphas came, a sudden flood came, causing great terror in jamaa. It was short, and when it ending, they saw that the phantom goo and cracks were gone- lush vegetation was growing already! and there were no longer cracks, but a river! Legend has it the flood wasn't a curse, but a gift from Mira herself.

    dis story was written by aaoazja2001

    1. Poor flood, it was so misunderstood :c

    2. That sounds epical! (My autocorrect still says it's a word)

  10. Congrats to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd commentators! I thought that the river on the map was the same the Blue Heron (boat in which you take the new tutorial) Because Jamaa Township comes into view with the view of the Solar Arcade and etc.


    1. That sounds so right!!!! :OOO

    2. I made a story about that boat. ^.^


    3. And also the river. It's a few comments down.


  11. 18th! Yay! Monday mystery.

    Chapter 1
    As Zios was nearly finished creating jammaa. He relised that there was no life without protection water and food. So he made a river that separated the lands. He knew that his animals would be safe. So he created his first animal a blue heron, Mira. They fell in love and Zios loved to watch her glide in the river. Zios relised his river was bringing life to the sea. So the water lands were added and were safe. But what Zios did not relies that when he died the animals were not safe

    Chapter 2
    When Mira relised what her sadness had done to the land she felt, alone. She felt no jammasian knew who to trust. So eventually she went to rest and turned into a stacho, thinking herself useless.

    But there was still hope in jammaa, but it wasn't the alphas. It was the river Zios had created so long Ago. It gave the animals what they needed. Orthoe the jammasians thought the alphas were there heroes, the river is what gave hope most. The animals ate all the food supplied but the river grew more to help defeat those garstedly shadows.

    Finally the animals forgot the river as a use of protection and life. They went and came but know one cared if the river was destroyed or not. The alphas looked in the ancient bookes. So the then relised the river was the strongest hope to keep the kingdom going. So they figured out that in Order to regain jammaa they had to protect that river. So they continued to do that and jammaa grew in to what it is today.

    Then many jammaas forgot the alphas And were just used in story's. So they thought they were the heroes and continued to fight. But the alphas do still protect the acinet river, that once gave life to jammaa

    Thanks for reading and all the story's so far are amazing! My username is catabogus . So keep carm and fight phantoms!

    1. Really nice story, catabogus!

    2. Epic story! :3

    3. Oh, and if you feel silly for saying, "18th!" I do that stuff all the time :3

  12. I can't buy animals! It keeps showing numbers!

    1. I hate that glitch DX

    2. Im mad.
      Really mad.
      I WANT TO BUY A SEAL BUT EVEN IF I TRY IT SAYS "OOPS! Could not buy animal" or something like that

    3. What.. really!?!? AJHQ will fix it though, hopefully.

  13. Monday Mystery! Here's what I think about the river:
    Maybe Mira had enchanted the flowing water to let the jammers know, do not pass this line. If you do, phantoms are on the other side. So in my opinion, I think that Mira had made a barrier for the animals to go, so they don't hurt themselves, because we all know that Mira loves all her animals, so she wanted to protect them. Then she named the Alphas to help the jammers remember that they should never cross the boundary.

    1. That sounds epically AWESOME!!

    2. ...Except the swimming animals. They're rebels, you know?

  14. That lake takes u to what lengends say a Time Turner (a handheld time machine)


    1. Epic! That's from the HP books, am I correct?

  15. Lol pirate jokes! :P
    Phantom Armor on bunnies make them look more phantom than bunny! >:D

    1. Monday Mystery time! :)

      In the beginning of Jamaa, Mira and Zios perched on a tree branch overlooking Jamaa Twp. Mira looked anxiously at Zios. He giggled. "Don't ruffle your feathers, Mira." Zios then put an arm around Mira. Mira wide-eyed wrenched free, and pointed a wing in the middle of Jamaa Twp. "Look Zios," Mira said with tears. "The animals... our poor children. They're dehydrated; surely gonna die. We must save them." In Jamaa, Jamaasians looked very sick. A young bunny had a pale face, gray eyes from tiredness, and was wobbling unbalanced. A panda was spluttering and slouching. Lots of wheezing followed. A wolfs tongue was out, dry as wood. Through coughing fits he said, "We need water. Now." Instead of modern-day rivers that separated each Jamaasian continent, there was just hollow bends in the Earth. "Mira!" Zios called out. "I'll be heading south towards the sea. It's clearly blocked." Mira looked confused up at him. Zios sighed, pat down Mira's ruffled feathers, and headed south.

    2. Continued:

      Suddenly from the direction Zios headed, came a strange sound. A roar but not from any creature. Mira looked at one of the hollow bends. All of a sudden, this clear with a hint of blue liquid gushed through. Zios came from behind her. "There was-is- a sea. You found water. Oh Zios, my hero!" Mira gasped with tears of joy. In the hollow bends were water filled to the top; life. All Jamaasians danced in and drank the crisp fresh water. They no longer looked so ill. Zios splashed water on Mira. Mira splashed some water back at Zios. "Hey!" he laughed as they shook the water off. Mira hugged Zios as laughter and joy filled the land once more.

    3. Also, if you're nice and have the time. Please visit my blog: The Jamaa Mist. It's still pretty new. And comment if you want. :)

    4. awww, I love it :) Zios and Mira are such a cute couple. My story's about the Dolphin Alpha going behind Zios' back and getting water for the animals :) I'll be sure to look at your blog! Great job btw!

    5. Thanks! I read your story too! ^.^

    6. LOL I cannot imagine Mira saying "gonna" XD
      Great story though! A fun read :3

  16. **Search for Greely
    Also, I think the river is for the The Blue Heron as well, and The Blue Heron is coming from the land that we can't go to, which is the place with the mountains that AJHQ said would come. I do wanna know more about the river and where it comes from and leads to. I bought the pirate beard and I put it on my fox... I love pirates, especially Jack Sparrow from POTC YEY :3 The phantom armour looks awesome btw :D

    1. I think the River is where jammers set their boats afloat during a fast-paced game of RIVER RACE!! 8D

  17. Here goes my story:

    Long ago, when Jamaa was only thousands of years old, Mira decided that she will travel for a while. Zios told her that at the end of the river in Jamaa Township will lead to a surprise gift from him. She was excited and decided to ask a few lucky Jammers to join her. They constructed a raft called "The Grey Heron", that was named after Mira. It took only weeks to create it and when it was done, they decided to explore the river with Mira flying above. One night after 3 days of exploring the rivers, a violent wind had hit on the boat. Most of the Jammers fell but they got up to find a tornado coming straight at them. The storm was fierce and the Jammers started to panic. Mira tried to use her magic at the storm but it was stronger and she blacked out, leaving the Jammers getting caught in the tornado and they suddenly disappeared. The boat went flying and it sunk into the river. The world became quiet, and Mira woke up, and she never saw those Jammers again, not even her boat.

    In the year 2010, when Mira died, the boat was found but still not the Jammers that were exploring. The boat was fixed and the Grey Heron is now called the Blue Heron (the boat when you first go to Jamaa). Some Jammers think that the ones that disappeared went to a new world from Jamaa. People think that whenever Jamaa will be corrupted they can be safe just by going to that world. The knowledge of that river is that it is "the River leading to another World". No one knows what will happen when you visit that river but no one will go there...for now.

    I hope you enjoyed!


    1. hee hee :) your story leaves a sense of mystery ! I like it! :)

    2. That is a lovely story, but very sad... I would not want to set paw on that boat though.. o-o'
      Went down once, it'll go down again.

  18. I know this is mean, but I have to say it:
    Please don't do this to jammers it's just sad. Sorry, but it is. Also, the majority of people on this blog will be able to say and do things to stop you, like banning you from commenting, removing your comment and other things, and on a blog as huge as snowyclaw's, don't you worry that AJHQ may notice and ban you, they've already said they monitor these things to see what the people of AJ want happening.
    A note to those who have fallen prey to these people (hackers/scammers):
    If you have been hit hard or simply need help, or haven't but want another place to hang, have a look at my blog, AJ tommorow's snow
    ( html )
    it has giveaways and tips to help those who have been scammed. report and block scammers and hackers you know of to avoid becoming their next victim. Hope I helped,
    P.S. click the link of my name to be taken to my giveaway page, ONLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED/SCAMMED!

    1. hey, I put the comment above, it's weird though, it was ment to go under the comment that said to give user and pass for double items, diamonds, ect. Just saying. (So I wasn't talking about you, Krazy) lol it must be a glitch.

    2. I understand, Snow. I think it was deleted but there's another one under this comment.....


    3. That one was deleted too! :D Lucky him, he didn't see my comment. Lucky lucky lucky.. =-=
      (Yeah I put a piece of my mind in a reply to his comment)

    4. @ pink:
      I also replied to that awful comment that you did too. It's at the bottom when I know I replied to the same comment. Then I saw it (1st comment) was deleted! Yay! c:

    5. Or it could be an I-D-10-T Lol

      Don't swear kids, it's not cool

    6. Yes, good thing. People really need to keep their passwords safe these days. It's too bad you cannot trust people, but that's the way they are.

  19. (Real comment) River Story (part one):
    Long ago the animals were happy and all of them were freinds with each other.


    OK, they weren't. Well, no-one noticed, so it was all right, kind of. until one day a young wolf cub called Snowflake Fastclaws was playing in the forest, and explored further than she should've.
    "Snowflake? Snowflake? Where are you, little one?" Her mother called anxiously after her, she didn't listen, all she could think was,
    I'm free! I'm free! Let no-one take this from me! I will finally see the world, and when I get back in one piece, maybe mum* will let me go out more often without stopping me!
    Little Snow ran as fast as her huge paws and stubby legs would carry her, the wind in her fur, darting between the trees, not looking back, letting the smells of the forest fill her nose. She ran for what felt like hours, but must only have been about 30 minutes. Then stopped. she felt the odd grainy texture beneath her pads, moving her toes in it then jumping about, she liked this golden stuff. She rolled in it and the came across a hill, rolling down it she yipped* in joy. she landed in the open, and shook her silky coat, spraying golden grains everywhere. then she looked ahead.
    and stopped.
    and stared.
    and gaped.
    Her eyes widened.
    "No way...!"

    1. Wow... great descriptiveness there! Can't wait to read the rest o3o

  20. Hey peeps! Just a random note but what are your guesses for the 3 animals coming to Jamaa in 2-4 weeks? Here are my guesses:

    Spot pattern: Hyena (it can't be an ocelot because spotted hyenas have rounder spots than them. Ocelot's spots have an odd shape like a jaguar's)

    Brown fur pattern: Bear (a grizzly bear to be exact)

    Ear pattern: A lynx or ocelot (they were the 3rd and 4th most voted in a poll in the AJ Loop. The most voted was the eagle and the 2nd was the hyena. That ear fits for a feline or canine)

    I was also discussing these with my buddies in AJ. I was hoping for a hyena and a bear. We already have a lot of big cats, I'm not arguing or anything. I think it would be amazing if it was an ocelot (or lynx) so that Warrior clans will no longer have wolves as cats. I can't wait for these animals to come!


    1. I'm a peep yay
      Is it the marshmallow kind?

    2. No, my way of saying "people" is "peeps". X3


    3. Ik, I just have marshmallow on the brain x3

    4. :P marshmallow peeps, did I hear- er, see? I luv Peeps! :3 I ate a donut with a peep inside- was delicious! LOL.

      @ krazy: Smart ideas! :)

    5. PS: Krazy, I like your story and the action! (:

    6. Hyenas seem interesting.. I would really like to see them in AJ style.

  21. The River Story (part two):
    Snowflake gaped at the vast expanse of blue. Now, of course she'd come across water, and lakes before, but nothing had prepared her for the sea. Eyes wide she took a hesitant step forward, wondering if a movement would shatter the beautiful sight that must surely be a dream. She moved tentatively forward, with more confidant steps as the vision appeared to hold. An idea occurred to her. She bent at the edge of the water, and sought to test whether or not she was unconscious. She drank.
    "UGH" Snow reared back. The salty taste had been unexpected and caught her by surprise. It was at this point that she realised no plant life seemed to take advantage of the water, as from left to right nothing but the beach of golden grains of sand was in sight, as though Zios had drawn a line at a certain point, an invisible barrier to stop any plant from touching the bitter waters of the ocean. Not easily put off, the young wolf cub decided that as it was a clear day she would put to practise "wolfy-paddle"*** and swim out as far as she could, before she ran out of energy for the swim back.
    Snow started out with strong paw sweeps, surging forth as fast as the wind (or so she thought) happily making her way to... wherever the sea went. She didn't know anything about it. suddenly clouds blocked out the sun.
    Brrrr... It's so cold all of a sudden, I think just a bit further then I'll head back, I can always try another day. Thought Snowflake, but luck was not on her side, it started to rain. Snow looked back and suddenly realised how far she'd come
    Whoa. Can I even SWIM that again? She thought.
    Oh dog. Hmmm... well, guess I'd better try. She Wolfy-paddled*** with all her might, attempting to get to shore as vicious storm raged up. Then, spent of all energy, she went under.
    TO BE CONTINUED (yep, there's more!)

  22. The River Story (part three):
    When snow woke up, there was something strange, all around her. The strange things looked like this:
    \ * \
    | \_____
    ./ /-------, \
    '-' /_/\_\
    and one of them, a small one, was looming over Snow, with a toothy (Snowflake hoped) smile.
    "Are you awake?" it asked.
    "Your a weird looking one."
    "Wha..." Snowflake gasped "Where... Where am I? What and I doing here? And what are YOU?!"
    "I'm a seal, like most of us, appart from penguins and a few other animals, yourself not on the list, we ocupy the ocean. Your on Our Rock, because we rescued you. What are YOU, may I ask? Mummy* said she'd never seen one of you before..."
    "I'm a wolf and along with all other creatures I know, I belong to the land, is "Sea" the name for this horrible tasting water that goes in all directions?"
    "Yes, so there are more of you? I've never been to the land, mother says it's dangerous... what's it like?"
    "Well... it's dry. and safe, and beautiful! I guess I wish I'd never left it..."
    "Safe? could you take me there?"
    "No! I wish I could but I don't know where I am, I can't see anything as far as the sea spreads..."
    "Could I take you there?"
    "I don't know... I miss mother wolf... Mira, please help me..."
    Snow looked up, and saw a blue seagull.
    "WHOA! What's that?" She asked, pointing with her nose.
    "It's a blue seagull, though they're usually white/grey..."
    "Lets follow it!"
    "OK, get on my back!"
    Snow clambered on.
    "My name is Dancing Icybreeze, what's yours?"
    "Snowflake Fastclaws, thanks for this!"
    "No problem," dancing shot through the water like an arrow.
    "I wanted to go to the land anyway"
    You've probably solved the mystery of the blue seagull, who was Mira, and she was creating as she went, a new idea had come, when she saw how Dancing and Snowflake got on, she made a new thing, a RIVER, a path to and from the sea so animals that could got on land and in water could visit the land, and all animals could communicate. It also meant she could help the lost wolf cub get home to his mum, via the river, so the blue seagull showed the seal pup and wolf cub a new thing neither animal had seen before.
    "Look! What's that?" Snowflake pointed. leading into the township was a winding trail of water, which dancing swam up.
    "I don't know, but I can take you to your mum from here..."
    Snowflake was reunited with her mother, and lived happily, visited often by dancing and other seals and penguins. Jamasians were no longer separated by where they lived, and everyone was happy with the new rivers.
    Thank you for reading :3
    *Yipped, in this context means a laugh, but for a wolf cub
    **Mum/mummy, I'm english so if your american you can translate that to mom or mommy
    ***Wolfy-paddled, equivalent of doggy-paddle
    Hope you enjoyed sorry it's so long ^.^ it was ment to be shorter I got carried away...
    lol I'm sure I can't be the only one with that problem...

    1. Oh dear I forgot text pics look different in the actual comment, its meant to be a seal as you probably guessed. It looked better in the comment box...

    2. ooooh! I love your story!!! :) If you want, can you look at mine? Its somewhat below your story :) hee hee! Great job, I really loved it!!

    3. Snow, your story is epic! Cool adventure! :D

    4. Aw, thx guys, sorry it's so long like I said, I got carried away... by the sea... XD and yeah your storys are awesome too :3

    5. That story... it's amazing!! I loved reading it :3
      Great ending too!

  23. You get my vote!!!!

  24. I totally agree with you Pink and the SECOND Anonymous! The first Anonymous is just a hater that wants to post inappropriate and swear comments. Please leave and comment this junk (<- I follow the rules and don't swear, when it clearly says NOT to swear) on your own blog or whatever, 1st Anon! We're all fed up with you, and GET OUT OF THIS BLOG'S COMMUNITY, ALL OTHER AJ-RELATED BLOGS, CHILDREN'S GAMES, AND EVERYTHING!!!!! NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE!!!! OH YEAH, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!! *meant for the weirdo above (aka 1st anon here) D:< D:< D:<

      ~I sure spoke my mind X3

    2. wow- what a meanie >:( glad I didn't see his comment. And seriosuly, Snowy worked hard on this blog, and if you don't like it, GET OFF. We don't want to hear your inappropriate and rude comments. IT WONT GET YOU ANYWHERE IN LIFE!!!! If you have something mean, hurtful or inappropriate to say- let me give you a clue- DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! Tons of people love this blog, including me, and hate to see mean things like this. Please STOP.

    3. I agree with chu! :3 Haters just shouldn't visit sites to post inappropriate behavior and bad words. That Anon has been posting stuff like that for so many posts on here; and I don't know about you, but doesn't that make you very angry and frustrated with him!? If they came to only do that and not to actually view the blog- they're idiots. 'Nuf said. .-.

    4. I have heard that Fman188 might be lolkingCentury and this must be the true him .-.

    5. Hey, I searched up "fman188" and it's just a gray player card :I. But "lolkingcentury" and "lolkingcentury1" I've heard about. The rude dude <- that rhymes XD. Anyways, that might be HIM. OMG O-o No wonder: the hacking, inappropriateness, swears...

      And for those people who have no clue what we're discussing: There was this very rude and inappropriate commenter commenting many times on this blog. And yesterday 'he' <- I'm pretty sure O.o) commented about if you email him your password and username, he'll double everything you own on AJ. Such a stupid scam, and obvious that he'll hack everything you own. =.= Then followed by a series of inappropriate behavior and swears. For a few days now. NOT OKAY. so that's why I'm mad (only at that person) not you guys. Hopefully they're gone.

  25. i don't know why almost all rare items are for members!!!! arg!:x

    1. Because AJ wants us to buy membership. Which I would.. but I have no $$$$ XD

  26. I think the river was created to pass jam-a-grams through jamaa
    when eagles had not came to jamaa yet. simply you give your letter and gift to the jamasian post service, the workers at the post service put all gifts and letters in a long boat, and they float the boat down the river paddling to your destination in jamaa. if you have an underwater den or you are in one of the ocean worlds that calls for special measures the post service has to use one of the submarines purchasable in sunken treasures.

    1. Nice guess! ^.^ I thought at first that the river is for transportation. My guess is that it's the river where new Jammers come but they don't go farther because legends say that long ago, Jammers set sail and disappeared there and that they went to another world or gone forever. I made a full story of that.


    2. That is actually.. a REALLY good idea, I would never think of! Kudos for creativity!


    1. I saw your blogs. So much fun! :{P

    2. Glad you haven't forgotten about Earth Day, because not a single teacher even MENTIONED it at my school... and then I ranted about how every day should be Earth day and peeps looked at me weird. lol

  28. Hey everyone! I have a story too, I made it in the morning, but I couldn't get on the computer. Love the phantom armor =) anyway, hope ya like it!

    The secret of the river: only the elephants know (Monday mystery for AJS! Hope you enjoyed it, and happy Monday!!)

    Great currents of water filled Zios' fingertips. "There will be water!" He cried out, and the glistening water filled the giant crevice in Jamaa, making the oceans. He had planned this out very well; he did not plan for a river.
    "We have to make a line of water -a river- so the thirsty animals can drink," the dolphin Alpha whispered to the sea creautures. The town of Jamaa was in a drought; there were no ponds, no rivers, no tiny streams. No actual drinking water- Zios didn't realize that the oceans were filled with a great amount of salt. The sea creatures were not thirsty, and they wanted to help! The animals each found a different job. The dolphins jumped up high to plan the river; the turtles swam and got water; the shark scared away anyone so they wouldn't know what they were doing, wouldn't even see it until morning; and their friends, a group of elephants, pounded the earth in the way the dolphins told them. Those elephants were the only one who knew how the river suddenly appeared in the night. (besides the water creatures) Finally, they had everything planned out and the Dolphin Alpha yelled "Pour!" And the turtles poured it in from little baskets tied around their necks, and the other animals fanned it in with their tails and fins, and finally, a great burst of water swept into the Land of Jamaa, ending the drought for good.

    1. Oh, by the way, can you guys check out my blog? I know tons of people advertize and stuff, but really, I just want people to look at it and comment a little :)

      Thank you so much, if I'm advertizing, I don't mean to, I just want to mention my blog ;)

    2. Pawsome story, Gamer_girl! :D Such teamwork!

    3. Hey I completely understand about your advertising guilt, I don't advertise but I sort of did because no-one views my blog I said at the comment to the person hating snowy (and attempitng to hack people at the same time) that you can go to my blog for giveaways for people who have been scammed/hacked and feel guilty, though I think its ok doing that most people do and I DO POPTROPICA TOO IT'S PAWSOME X3 I'm Invisiblebird, it's a shame the friend system is a bit weird, but if it improves I'll friend you. X3

    4. Naw, advertising isn't a bad thing, as long as you don't spam the blog with it. Posting a blog URL in your signature or something shouldn't make you guilty at all.
      And nice story, Gamer_girl! ^.^

    5. snow-yay! poptropica luv! lol
      thank you everyone for such nice comments :)!!

    6. actually, i would love to friend you! just tell me your username for both poptropica/aj :)

  29. OMG GUYS!!! Last Thursday I did a trade a few minutes before the update I did a trade for a beta basketball, and it didn't go through... but guess what! AJHQ gifted me another one .0.

    In the jam a gram it said: We are sorry to hear the phantoms tried to steal your basketball. Luckily we (the rest is cut off)

    I'll be sending the AJS email a picture of the jam a gram >:D


    1. Lol, I think the scammers are now called Phantoms. Or are the scammers Phantoms in disguise to try and ruin people's fun? O,o

      Anyways, good thing you got your basketball back. I wish AJHQ can give me my stolen items back but it was a long time ago when I wasn't careful with trading/sending.


    2. That's nice of AJHQ to send your scammed basketball back to you! :) That JAG is kinda funny.

      XD Scammers are phantoms in disguise. Excellent logic! X3

      I saw this vid about this Jammer had his long black spike collar scammed, and then he got a JAG from AJHQ with it. He got sent his long black back. So I heard something about this before. ^-^

    3. Actually, mine didn't get scammed c:

      It got glitched out of the game or something... it was strange :P


    4. Woohoo AJHQ is being better! :3
      This is what I'm talkin' about ^.^

  30. Could anyone buy me a rare pirate beard? I still haven't saved enough for membership....
    User is ShadowCharizard

    1. I could try, but since you're not a member how would I get it to you? Should I just gift it or wait until we could do like 'rare pirate beard for necklace' trades?

    2. Send it to me, I will open it once I have the $$ for a membership. hah TwT

    3. AJHQ has put a restriction on sending jam a gram gifts to non-members! Buddy me or something and when I see you're online I will either do a trade or send if you got membership! I'm so so so so so sorry!

    4. Darn it... what's your user?

      {I knew spending all my moneys on Mcdonald's ponies was a bad idea... >.<

    5. My username is singingsuperstar
      At least you have ponies, am I right? XD

    6. YES! The only one I'm missing is Pinkie Pie.. I found her in the first McD's I went to, but I didn't think I'd be collecting all of them. Now I can't find her anywhere! >.<

  31. I think that Jamaa was once all connected and when Mira created the Phantoms after Zios died the world started falling apart into pieces of land.So the Phantoms were born on the Night Of The Phantoms.This is why Phantoms appear on The Night Of The Phantoms.Also the Phantoms were born hating clean water so to this day Phantoms have not gone near water and only travel on land so to be safe from the Phantoms Mira stays and travels by water.

    user... Birthday93403

    person... laohutiger

    Stats... nonmember


    1. mess up email


    2. opps wrong emai again

  32. Omg I'm GETTIN a long black spike collar from AJHQ and a rare headdress!!!!!!
    User: nat95201
    P.S. I have a pink party hat,artist pluaqe and an epic plushie do u think I'm rare?

    1. How do you know you're getting those items? Did you got scammed/hacked and you're getting them back? Or do you have a parent or guardian who works for AJHQ?

      In other way, you're pretty lucky. Hopefully nothing will happen to those items.


    2. P.S.- I don't think ANYONE is rare. It's just a way of people by saying they're popular or cool with rare items or beta items on them. I think all Jammers should be equal. Non-members and members; little kids and teens (yes, teens can play AJ, too).


    3. Wow, congrats! ^.^
      I think the ''rarest'' jammers are the nice ones... kindness is becoming rarer and rarer on AJ, sadly. :c

    4. Omg congratulations

      - rainbowdash2020

  33. How do you know the winner of the mysteries?

    1. She reads the stories and the author who has the most interesting story gets a prize. I do it for fun but I put my full user in case I win.


  34. Before animals lived happily in peace in Jamaa, there was only a vast land, Alphas, Mira, and Zios. An enormous saltwater crocodile named Cornelius, had always wondered what saltwater was like. Unfortunately, as he lived in the western mountains, he could not make the long journey down to the ocean without water, so he did not know what the sea was like. A large glacier was melting, and was flooding the poor animals homes. They would not be able to live for long with all this water, and would soon be driven out of their habitats, which would leave them homeless. Crocodiles have much softer hearts than you might think. When Cornelius heard of this news, he was greatly saddened. He knew firsthand how hard it was to lose a home, as his family and all he loved had been destroyed by the two-legged ones when he was just a child. He could not bear to have these innocent animals face such loss, so he decided he needed to do something. After days of thinking, Cornelius finally had a plan. He called all of his fellow crocodile friends and asked them to help him create a river flowing through all of Jamaa, which would allow the animals to stay in their homes, have fresh drinking water, and also allow Cornelius to finally see the sea. Quickly, the crocodiles made their way towards the glacier water. Cornelius was the first to plunge into the icy cold water. He beckoned for his friends to join him. Cornelius started chewing his was through the ground allowing water to flow through. After many days of non-stop chewing, the crocodiles spread out through the land of Jamaa, bringing fresh water to all of the animals. All of the crocodiles ended in different places- all except Cornelius. His eyes were set on the sea. The final day had come. Cornelius's jaws hurt and he could chew no more. He lay there exhausted (you would too if you were chewing through dirt non-stop for days) when the ground began to shift under him. Actually, HE was moving!!! Cornelius and the crocodiles had done it!! He was pushed into the ocean, as river water flowed throughout the land of Jamaa. All the animals rejoiced, but the truly happiest animal was Cornelius. Mira flew down to greet Cornelius. "I thank you Cornelius, for saving animals homes, and creating a way for all animals to attain clean drinking water." "Oh, and I also have a special gift for you..." she said. The next day, Mira led Cornelius into a secret room in the Chamber of Knowledge. When he walked in, he was amazed to see all of the alphas sitting around a large table, all smiling at him. "We are here today, to witness Cornelius becoming an alpha" Mira began. Cornelius gasped. "May glory and honor reign throughout the land of Jamaa forever and ever." she said. All the Alphas chanted the Jamaasian Anthem in unison. Cornelius felt like gold. Never had he been so happy in all of his life, as it was quite an honor.

    1. PAWSOME story, Arcticstar!

    2. Wow, that was great! Way to get one of those lesser known alphas in there! o3o

  35. Not so long ago, Jamaa was a different world than we know today. It was, of course, still beautiful, but a different river ran through it. The River Mira. It was known for its water, said to run with the power and glory of Mira herself. The water was supposed to give strength to the drinkers. All of Jamaa benefited from its waters. Of course, when the phantoms took over the land, they were scared of Mira rallying Jammers against them, do they planted pipes that spilled foul, gooey sludge into the river. It weakened Mira's spirit, and she was banished from Jamaa. The alphas left to try and bring Mira back.
    "We will be back soon," assured Liza.
    "While we are gone, try to hold your own," Sir Gilbert advised.
    "And if they fight you, fight back!" barked Greely.
    "Those phantom pipes are a truly technological invention," mused Graham. "I wonder if I could figure out how to..."
    "Really Graham," chided Peck. "Let's leave! We're burning daylight!" The animals waited for them to come back, first trustfully, then hopefully, and finally, despairingly, they acknowledged that the alphas would not come back. All of the animals were frightened and didn't know what to do about the problem without the alphas to guide them. Except for one brave fox, Amelia. She refused to believe that the alphas were gone. She traveled for a long time, finally stumbling into a barren and icy wasteland that she did not recognize. In the wind, she thought she heard a howl, a growl, and a hopeful bouncy noise.
    "Peck?" she called above the din. "Greely? Sir Gilbert?" She couldn't walk any farther, it was too cold. But with the last of her voice, she called. "Graham?... Liza? Cosmo?...." she coughed weakly. "Mira?... anyone?"
    She heard a voice.
    "Amelia?" it gasped.
    "Greely!" she cried happily. He hugged her. "It's okay, 'Melia. Come see... what we found."
    She walked cheerfully into a cave, where she gasped again, but this time in shock, disbelief, and sadness. There was Mira, frozen still as a statue.
    "No!" Amelia cried, rushing towards her.
    "We've tried to revive her, but with no luck," sobbed Peck.
    "All we found... was this piece of paper," gulped Liza.
    It read:
    Beta is gone and so am I,
    But when there no enmity between Jammers,
    I may return.
    "Let's take her back to Jamaa," sighed Sir Gilbert.
    "I have found out some very interesting news," declared Graham. "While you all were moping, I studied those phantom pipes, and I now know how to stop them."
    "Really?" I gasped.
    "Yes," he said. "A jammer with great bravery has to plug each pipe with a cork, and the sludge will let up."
    So, you know the rest of the story. Mira now stands in Jamaa Township, a frozen ice statue. Brave jammers are sent on adventures to plug phantom pipes. And the frozen wasteland...
    Is now known as Mt. Shiveer.
    I hope you enjoyed the story!

    1. wow great story! And it all makes sense, though Mira dying is sad... :(

    2. Thank you all guys!

  36. A long time ago, a time known as the Beta days of Jamaa. A river flowed amongst the few lands Jamaa has started out with.
    Mira the graceful and beautiful blue heron rode together in a boat named The Blue Heron to The Temple of Zios. They were traveling to Zio's and Mira's anniversary event. It had been a whole year since Jamaa was created. They stepped from the boat and onto the shore. Cheering of animals surrounded them.

    That's the most I could do!

    1. I think it's a lovely story and you should continue! ^^

  37. HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! Join my Earth Day celebration at my blog (it has rare prizes!) if you haven't already.
    THANKS SO MUCH!!! Prizes will be announced later this afternoon.

    1. I checked it out, lol! It's over already. But congrats to the winners! 8D

  38. I am going to make a blog soon just like snowyclaw :D its going to be awesome

  39. My river story:
    long ago in the lands of Jamaa there was a beautiful Trumpeter Swan.One day he flew across a river.He decided to bless it.Out of the river came the 10 animal alphas.They worked together to build a ship for new animals joining their world.It was called the Blue Heron.It carried them out of the joining island to the rich land of Jamaa.mira, the leader of the alphas glided across the river into the township.She became a statue.Lisa owns the ship, and to this day she guides new Jammers into the world of Jamma.


    1. Real comment:
      I love the Pirate Beard!Its purple, and beaded, and long.The Bunny with phantom armor on looks exactly like a Phantom!

    2. Nice story! ^.^
      I agree, the pirate beard is a nice item.

  40. Earl in the days, even earlier than the betas. When no jammers yet roamed the earth, before phantoms came and ruined zios. It was a lonely time in animal jam for Zios and Mira. They had no one but each other. No water was yet formed in animal jam, not even the river that runs through all lands. Suddenly, one day when Mira was at crystal sands, a bright blue flash soared up into the sky! Instead of the dry desert, there was an ocean! The first Mira had ever seen! She had heard about water when she was young from her now dead, parents, but she had never seen it. She called for Zios at once. He was amazed and idea struck. He wondered why not make some animals out of the clay that lies at the bottom of this small ocean? Mira agreed at once. They worked day and night carving their mighty creations, but one day disaster struck. Zios wanted to carve a polar bear, but Mira knew it would be too dangurous to their creations. Mira got so angry she turned him to stone, and thats where he lies to this day. Now, there anger had make the phantoms come to life and Mira watched in horror as her animals died each day. So she banished the phantoms to differant lands. But just before she said the spell the phantom king make a river so all of jamaa would be seperated. But Mira gathered up the protectors called the alphas, and together they made bridges so they clould visit each other in peace and harmony ever after. But as you know evil never stays away for long... THE END! make by: kiljhtf

    1. sometimes i feel like Zios is Adam and Mira is Eve... anyone know that tale?

    2. Wow this story makes Mira seem like she has anger problems... but nice writing kiljhtf, or anonymous! XD

    3. XD So true

  41. wha the y do such long writing

    1. It's because they're stories. Stories can be long, right? It depends.


  42. OMG someone at snowyclaws den buddied me, I went to where she was, and everything was in French!!!

    1. Lol! I should try to go to a French server sometime. Your new buddy was probably in a French server. ^.^


    2. I like french fries :P AND 137 COMMENT!!!! XD

    3. The epic new French server! I'll try going there once I'm member, lol

  43. AJ seems to be growing since I last quit. I might get a membership if I get money from my birthday party so I can get a eagle and cheat my way through adventures xD

    1. Aw, hate to break it to ya, but the eagle can't go on land adventures. I heard the glitch that lets it in was patched... o-o

  44. Please visit and comment on my blog, there will be a 65 followers contest soon!

  45. If anyone has a pirate beard (Rare) to spare, I really want one D:
    My username is Tarachimah :c

    1. I don't have one, I'm nm. Can anyone give a beard to Tarachimah, I'd hate to see them go beardless...

    2. I currently have a rare beard. I will try to send it as soon as I get on aj.

  46. Aww, couldn't get that pawesome beard on RIM :P anyways, great post cute girl! -LilSmile

  47. I mean, where do you see the winner?

  48. A rare pirate beard is kinda cool but im not into pirates. Anyone else?

  49. OMFG! The story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Mira fell in love with zios, jamaa was once a beautiful lake with one paradise island (now the paradise party). Zios went into the forest, giving mira a grand goodbye. But zios didn't know what lurked in the forest. Phantoms haunted the forest. They killed zios. The lake grew smaller. Mira was very upset. She flew up into the sky until she couldn't fly anymore. She didn't fight the falling. She plunged into the lake and every drop of water wizzed into the sky. It rained and rained but the lakedidn't fill..there were more islands nlw with a river flowing between them. Alphas were created. To form the animal race again. each alpha had an island. Sir Gilbert was coral canyons. Liza was serpia forest. Cosmo was temple of zios, where zios died. Gram was appondale. Greely was mt shiveer. Peck was crystal sands. Jamaa Township is where they would all meet. with their powers, they made their islands unique. They added their personal touch for every jammer to be happy. They used their magic to creat a population of millions. Jamaa was then a happy place. The alphas would fight day and night to protect the jammers from phantoms. When the alphas couldn't fight all the phantoms, the jammers started to help. they went on adventures to forests and other places to fight every phantom. Jamaa is a happy country.

  50. I don't have a piret beard but I do have a beta silver beard! Username: browniesstash


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw