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Hey jammers! Snowyclaw has some big exams today, so I'm going to be posting for you Jammers. Today's new item is the Lawn Sprinkler which is located in Jam Mart Furniture for 350 Gems! This item is perfect for Summer.
Are you excited for next week's update? I think the Hyenas are getting ready to arrive in Jamaa, they look so cute and I love the design of them. :) Are you excited to purchase your very own Hyena next Thursday? Be sure to watch the video in the Jamaa Journal!

Lastly, I leave you with today's Daily Explorer blog post. A huge congratulations to Awesome Snowydog for winning this week's News Crew! Be sure to check out the winner's work on The Daily Explorer. :)
Happy Jamming, good luck Snowyclaw in your exams!
P.S: I'll be publishing my next post this Sunday, Jammers. :)
Are you excited for next week's update? I think the Hyenas are getting ready to arrive in Jamaa, they look so cute and I love the design of them. :) Are you excited to purchase your very own Hyena next Thursday? Be sure to watch the video in the Jamaa Journal!

Lastly, I leave you with today's Daily Explorer blog post. A huge congratulations to Awesome Snowydog for winning this week's News Crew! Be sure to check out the winner's work on The Daily Explorer. :)
Happy Jamming, good luck Snowyclaw in your exams!
P.S: I'll be publishing my next post this Sunday, Jammers. :)
DeleteEternal, be nice to da children XD
DeleteGood job yoo
DeleteCongrats!! @eternal You know how hard we try to teach you to be kind?!
DeleteAlso Congrats on first!
Deletei wanted to say something other that congrats or good job soo yah..
DeleteHmm.. You know what. I agree with Cloud.
how cares dumbo
DeleteOk guys, just, ignore the rude anonymous. There's always one every other day. Be nice, people, some young kids read this.
DeleteHey don't judge meh for my meaness >:U I TRIED not to be mean but hey- I GET CRAZEH WHEN SOMEONE BEATS MEH!!! Idk why but... I think i've got umm.. Craziness? XD
DeleteLol, I have R.M.O.
Dang son you are really making me want to get into the marvel fandom
DeleteAlso @ anonymous : ok number one you sound like a complete idiot,, is how supposed to be who? Honestly who cares about your comment: you're quite obviously too WEAK and COWARDLY to fight without a disguise.
DeleteI'm not a guy. Geez.
I'm sorry I call everyone dude or man or whatever no matter who they are
DeleteDon't take it personally lol
And YESS I do which movie should I watch first??
1. The Incredible Hulk
Delete2. Iron Man
3. Captain America
4. Iron Man 2
5. Thor
6. The Avengers
7. Iron Man 3
8. Thor 2
9. Captain America 2.
10. Guardians Of The Galaxy
Hi another Anonymous user. Meep.
Delete-throws confetti and dynamite at just for the heck of it- Congratz on first! >:3
Thank you lokifan that is very helpful indeed!!
Deleteiamthelokifan, its sort of offensive to call us '' da children''.
DeleteI mean, I am a child, but really.
9 is not so little dude...
I have to admit I think YOU should be nice to ETERNAL.
Deleteits not his\her fault that he\she is a bad sport.
( forget what I just said eternal )
oh and I am also crazy...
you probably have already noticed that if you've read my other comments. ( on other blog entries)
Meep! Second I think C:
Delete@ Hayluc: How did ya know? XD Today's my birthday. *Hint, hint* That's why my username is cutepups522. ;)(May is the 5th month... ok this has no point.. whatever.) I feel so old- jk. X3
DeleteYayayayayayay!!!!!! 8D
Ooh. My sister in college also has exams this week, today, yeah yeah yeah. :/ I think she had one today- on my birthday. That's the only connection I have with exams today. c; lol.
DeleteCongrats on second and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D
DeleteCongratulations Cosmic! ^_^
DeleteAnd happy birthday to you too, Cutepups! I've always wondered why people put numbers in their username, now I know. lol
I have a huge end-of-year math exam. (I'm not in college, I just like to call it an exam XD) It makes me feel like I do Harry Potter -sticks glasses on face, and draws a lightning shape on forehead- :D
DeleteI already knew today was your birthday. I said happy birthday, didn't I...?
DeleteOh yeah. lol.
DeleteYep. And (never start a sentence with and, my language arts teacher would kill me) the only reason why I have numbers is BC in kindergarten (ooh I used a German word) anyway, my best friend missed my b-day, and he gave me a webkinz domino kitty (I wanted her before, and I would have named her domino) she looked like a cow, although she was a cat. So henceforth the name cowcat. Part 2- I went on and made an account. I was confused and thought my username was my pet's name so I said "cowcat", and it was taken. Cowcat, cowcat1, cowcat2, and cowcat0 were all taken, I loved the number three that year, so it was a perfect match. 2 years later...
DeleteMy friend tiger19742 helped my make an AJ account, and I really didn't like it (I couldn't type that fast). 3 years later....
I had bookmarked a webkinz craft page and an ad for animal jam popped up, "oh I remember this game" I said "it was kinda boring, oh well" being bored I clicked on it.
Epilogue: Since my webkinz user was cowcat3 it became my AJ user :P. So if you ever wondered why I have a three after my name instead of a 1, it's because I was remembering a game I played long ago
(If you were wondering about the part where I was bored, it was because AJ was in beta and I never bought anything LOL) WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS! Ooh I named something that almost all the replys were talking about
My longest comment :P
DeleteThanks! :)
Whoops meant CosmicDuck* xD
ReplyDeleteOr do you mean CosmicVolcano? :U
I think a 'cosmic volcano' would be dangerous. Then again, I support someone who caused a inter-galactic alien invasion, so, what do I know?
DeleteHey man there are ALREADY cosmic volcanoes. Have you ever heard of the moon Titan? It's one of Jupiters moons and instead of magma erupting I think this blue element comes out urghh I forget what it's called
DeleteaHAA it's called ammonia!
DeleteI forgot to mention. They're cryovolcanoes meaning they're at a very low temperature / icy. B) Science guys. Science.
DeleteLol loki. And thanks for our science lesson Hayluc, if i had read it earlier maybe i could have skipped school :P
DeleteThat's why i love Astronomy.
This is why i would NOT like to be a scientist,
Why maths is boring in my opinion:
CUZ division, times tables, subtracting, addition, pointless hard maths problems that make you have a headache, many more reasons, etc.
(sorry if you like maths though.. just my opinion.)
Lol, I don't like maths. I wanna (hopefully) get a job at Marvel Studios :D
DeleteI think I've seen you before, Cosmic. ^^
DeleteBut Cloud, I love math... I dislike science because you needa like write everything down and not make a single mistake and if you make a cool discovery other scientists will hate on you until you can prove it. BECAUSE THEY DON'T TRUST YOU TO BE A NICE HUMAN AND TELL THE TRUTH. Yes, scientists are haters. /sobs
@Hayluc Actually no i do not know about Moon titanic! O3O And yes i already knew there were cosmic volcanos! Eeesh can't you guys take a joke!? XD
DeleteNo. Look into my picture's demonic eyes and say that again.
DeleteLOL. ACTUALLY, according to the Avengers, there WAS an ALIEN ship in space, then it BLEW UP, making it WRECKED? Eh? eh? No. XD
DeleteBadumm cshhhh
DeleteI agree all the way with ShadowCharizard. Math is almost always one answer and one answer only. I don't like the technical work- light bulbs, human body, ecology, ect..
Deletegrrr you peeps ish makin meh sad. I liek science and hate math :P
I like science; I hate math. Except for pi day, that's the only day in math that's actually fun. XDD My comments on here that day..
DeleteI just finished studying rocks and rock layers in science. c:
I'm learning..... ROCKS.
That's Patrick's pet: a rock. :3
Yarg why ish this subject turning into math!? >:U ITS REMINDING ME OF MY TEST!!!
DeleteI love science because I have an awesome science teacher. I don't really care for math because its really frustrating sometimes
Delete4th? Cool! Love the new authors, but we'll always miss you Snowy <3
ReplyDeleteCongrats on fourth! I thought Junior SnowyJammer had to post on Sunday O-o
Delete-Im just a Myth! EternalMyth!
Hi Jammers!
DeleteIf you see my post, you will know why Snowyclaw asked me to post for her. :)
Alright then, I'm sorta curious! Thx for reminding me to do my quote, Eternal XD
Delete-My Brain Is A Bag Full Of Cats
Ohh yeah I hope you did good on your exams snowyclaw!
DeleteAWw don't worry, chorus! Snowy still posts. She just can't today.
I minute and 30 seconds.. lol...
DeleteI wish the update was sooner... Bleh. Oh well
DeleteYou guys need to hone your patience skills. O_O
DeleteThe longer they take, the better. The hyenas will have higher quality animation and less glitches. C:
True, true indeed
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 6th! Btw your item might go on stores... :U
DeleteIm just a myth! EternalMyth
What's the item?
DeleteI don't think Snow can come to your den if she doesn't know your user! ^.^;
DeleteShe's awfully busy at this time; I think you're much better of emailing her with a screenshot of the item.
Here's her email:
She may feature your item in a blog post!
Delete.... How do you send screenshots to emails..? D:
You can either use the Snipping tool or follow these directions:
Then you do this:
Remember, when in doubt, consult the almighty Google.
The Google (something or other last part) stops people from using their brains to remember things.
DeleteSnow does not often do the stuff but myself I might be interested :)
DeleteIts the same person as before. Its called a buttercup rug and I am cheeselover12345
DeleteAww it's so cute can a pet it? XD
ReplyDelete:I Do ANY boys exists here?? IM LE TIRED OF ALL LE CUTENESS!!!!!! BOYS UNITE!!!! >:U
DeleteI'm a girl, and my pic is of a demi-god that god beaten to a pulp by a radio-active monster. Cute? I THINK NOT!
DeleteOkay, i admit that im a girl that loves cute stuff like cats.
DeleteBut i also think dragons are epic. I once created my own species, called a Snowflurry. It's a huge dragon that lives is arctic regions and has thick white fur all over its body. It also has a HUGE wingspan. It doesn't look super-scary and ugly at all though. o-o
Pet the hyena? XD
DeleteIt might bite your hand off... good luck with that. O.o
WAIT SO....-Le fainting gasp- IM LE ONLY BOY THAT COMMENTS!!??? YARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteAnd that matters because...?
Hey man you're surrounded by females that's not necessarily a bad thing for you yknow
DeleteHey, remember, children read this.
Yes, the children.
DeleteO_O That sounds kinda creepy now... oh well. :P
I'm a tomboy actually but hey I love animals like a Fluttershy :D
DeleteOh and
DeleteCongrats on fourth! I thought Junior SnowyJammer had to post on Sunday O-o
ReplyDeleteYes, but Snowy needs a substitute today, as she has that huge test, remember?
Congrats on 11th!
Delete-Im just a myth! EternalMyth
Congrats! 11. It's a nice number. Very easy to memorize its times tables lolol
DeleteCant wait for you to post aka chip!
ReplyDeleteLOL I AM SO READY FOR HAYENAS (i know i didn't spell it right)
*listens to 5 sauce*
I think hyenas are coming this June! -Le gasp- OR they might be for nonmembers -Le double gasp-
Delete-le triple gasp- -le quadriple gasp- -le x5 gasp- I hope dey nonmembers o3o
Delete-My Brain Is A Bag Full Of Cats
If they are member and sold in diamond shop, i will be mad but then think: At least it's not in the diamond shop.
DeleteIf they are nonmember, i will SHOUT FOR JOY!!
If they are in the diamond shop and member, then i will get a huge killer machine and destroy the diamond shop with a hammer. (I will get all jammers out before doing that though)
Thor's Hammer?
DeleteDude they ARE GONNA BE FOR NONMEMBERS because i saw a NONMEMBER HYENA *le x1000000 gasp* AND IT WAS A HYENA! *le FIVE MILLION GASP*
DeleteReally, Moily!!??! Who had the nonmember hyena? WHO WAS IT?!?!
Delete*gets a telescope out of nowhere*
She/he was too crowded to see the username :l
Delete:gets out another telescope: FIND IT SHADOW! :screams:
*gets a magnifying glass*
* calls Sherlock Holmes * THIS WILL ALSO HELP
Delete-call Fury and the whole of S.H.I.E.L.D.- I CONTRIBUTED THE MOST 8U
ReplyDeleteLove the looks of the hyenas! @ Eternal Myth: ikr! What if they ARE for nonmemebers?! If they for diamonds i do have enough.. My friend got me the 25 diamond card. And i saved 10 diamonds for the hyenas.
I sure hope they're not diamond. Too many diamond animals already. Geez, AJHQ, calm yourselves.
DeleteYeah agreed their is WAYY too much
Delete(oh yes and I love Hyenas just like any other animal :3)
I got a story for hyenas. Here it is! Hylinna was not a joker, but was a pranker! She pranked her sister, brother, and even her grandma! "Sis stop with the pranking please" Her sister, Veenala (Vee) said. "Ok fine, how about you sit down in this chair" Hylinna said, smirking. Vee sat down and, there was a whoopee cushion! "HA gocha sis!" Hylinna said cracking up. "Hylinna Tarry Hyena!" Her Grandma said. Hylinna and Vee's brother, Quka walked in and backed away. "You get back here Quka!" Hylinna's grandma said. "fine" he said. ok so im tired typing so part 2 is coming soon -AJC PEACE OUT HOMIES
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely story, maybe send it to AJS I personally love it I'm sure they will. :) Great work, Anonymous!
Delete- Akachip8967
Wow, Hylinna seems like quite the troublemaker. o.o
DeleteThat was adorable :3
DeleteTy akachip, yes she is shadow o3o and kerre yes it was -AJC PEACE OUT HOMIES
DeleteI love the sprinklers! They add a great touch to your den just in time for summer! I am also excited for Hyenas because I feel it is time for a new animal. By next Thursday, I will be on summer, yay! Great post Akachip8967, love it!
Thank you, AnimalJamDreamer!
DeleteI agree with all your points! Have a pawsome day. :)
- Akachip8967
And yet, its winter here. It doesn't just fit with the AJ seasons. Sometimes it feels wrong.
DeleteSprinklers are nice anytime of the year, lol.
DeleteUnless it's freezing, and it turns to icicles as it sprays and takes some kids' eye out. Well, aren't I a little ray of sunshine? XD
DeleteThat is simply beautiful, Loki! :D X3
Hi, Ajacip8967! I asked if you could buddy me on your last post but I don't think you replied. Could you tell Snowy I said good luck?
I'm sorry I never replied to your comment regarding my Buddy List. Sadly I had so many buddy requests my Buddy List is now currently full, when I've got space you can try to add me. :)
Delete- Akachip8967
I'm sure Snow will read your comment. I hope she does well on her exams too. ^.^
P.S. That was auto correct
Those are so cute! Animal Jam HQ really wants to get the feel of summer I guess! Too bad i'm a non member! I want to get membership by the time the summer carnival so i can get all that cool stuff i love in different colors!
ReplyDelete~ craftytigerz
Who knows? They have been releasing lots of sprinklers... maybe there'll be a small one for nonmembers. I would sure like one in my nonmember den. ^_^
DeleteI wish you luck on getting membership! The summer carnival is full of snazzy items. I really liked the moon hat last time. c:
Hey, has anyone noticed, my pic on the list isn't current with the one I have on my profile now? Hmm...
ReplyDeleteHmm indeed. Investigation shall ensue.
DeleteThat's because of what happens with Blogger accounts. It will no longer add any comments with your old profile pic and you painfully have to start all over again...
DeleteSometimes, i hate Blogger. I haven't been able to reply to comments on my blog for about 3 months now and people can't start ANY conversations. It's so annoying, and i tried to search help off the internet, well i found this really helpful one but it showed the OLD blogger's HTML code. -.-
Cloud is right. That's why I'll NEVER CHANGE MY PICTURE AGAIN lol.
DeleteBlogger is kinda annoying sometimes. They should really update it or something.
Sup Jammers! 8D
ReplyDeletePS: Cool post, akachip! :)
PPS: Snowy, good luck on the rest of the exams- if there even are any! ^.^
~I have older siblings and know a lot about exams- I hate 'em. :P
I hate exams too. I've taken.. millions of them. Not fun >.<
DeleteHas the state nothing better to do than torture kids? T^T
I know the feeling. I had to take my state's standardized testing thingy (so legit 'thingy' yo) a month ago. Luckily, I think its the last year of it for me. Ugh, next year that means I have to take official called "final exams/finals" though. WHY DO THEM EXAMS HAVE TO BE SO HARD?! D: And yes, they do torture us. While we wait for a few hours waiting for the rest of the school to finish, we have to stay in our assigned seats and be silent until its time to go home. :T That's done for me- this year. (:
Deletei have to take one exam. i had two absences in geography so i have to take it next wednsday.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on them!
Deletethe hyenas look horrible don't take me wrong its just my opinion and I hope their for sale at the diamond shop for 10000000000000000000 diamonds their too ugly don't take me wrong my opinion again
DeleteO-O Okay i hope they don't cost THAT much.. Nobody wouldn't even get them since they membership will end in 12 or 3 or 5 months! And really, since i cannot argue about your opinion its just i hope you make even more sense later when you comment :) Agree? Good. Agree.
DeleteI agree with Eternal on this one... I hope nothing ever amounts to that many diamonds.
DeleteThat would be highly impractical for animal jam to market one of their virtual products for such a staggering price. They would not sell any hyenas that way. So they would never do such a thing, don't worry ppl. XD
Deleteikr they look so develish
ReplyDeletehahahaha nice 1
ReplyDeleteANIMAL JAM! How dare you! Don't you realize that California is in a DROUGHT? You should be ashamed of yourselves! -.- :D
ReplyDeleteCheers, Sriha123
Oh my. Animal Jam has really done it this time...
DeleteDo you think you buy them with diamonds or gems?
ReplyDeleteI want it for gems!
Delete-Im just a myth! EternalMyth
I hope gems. T^T
DeleteLol XD
DeleteI am so buying a hyena next week! I wonder what it will look like dressed in all my favorite items. :D I hope it costs gems and not diamonds... although even if it does cost diamonds I can afford it. I still would rather same them. x3
DeleteOh, thx for reminding me!
It's coming on the 29th, a Thursday, the hyena s I mean XD
ReplyDeleteOoh, that lawn sprinkler does match summer!
ReplyDeleteYeah, break a leg (good luck), Snowy!
Anyway, I wish the hyenas would be for all Jammers, aye? :-D
Mmm I speculate that they will be for everyone due to their coloring and the fact they're not wearing member items in the video. I dunno though.