
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ten Gallon Cowboy Hat

Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on Youtube.
Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Ten Gallon Hat, perfect for creating a cowboy fashion theme! This item is located in Jam Mart Clothing on the first page for 450 Gems and is currently on sale for Club Members only.
 Moving on, there's been many glitches around Jamaa this week. The glitch I've spotted several times is the Jam Mart Furniture glitch, take a look below fellow Jammers:
The Emu Egg in Outback Imports is on it's last day in Jamaa, be sure to head there now to pick yours up for 600 Gems before the Emu Egg leaves Jamaa, poor egg :( There's been many clearance items in Jamaa, I sure hope AJHQ brings them back to Jamaa soon. :)
I would like to thank everyone for your pawsome comments on my first post :) You really made me welcomed to AJS, and thanks for everyone for visiting my Den too. It's very exciting to work on this pawsome blog, I've got over 70 spaces left on my list feel free to ask me if you want me to add you.
 Lastly, I leave you with a Daily Explorer blog post about the all-new Den Portals! Have you tried them yet?
Happy Jamming!
P.S: Do you need to contact me Jammers? Send me an email to: I will reply back to your email as soon as possible.


  1. Replies
    1. Now for my real comment. Anyone can add me. I am jam52099. I don't think I like the new item. Weird. And I liked that egg. I'll have to get it. I saw that yesterday was the last day for the mermaid necklace underwater. Did you guys know that there is an underwater best dressed? It's in the place with that sea horse statue right above the clothing shop. Sorry, I don't know the names.


    2. May please be your buddy? I'm 3berrygirl.
      The ten gallon hat looks funny LOL!
      Poor eggy :C I'll never get it again!
      Oh well.........

    3. Congrats on First Jam53099! I think the underwater best dress existed last year....


    4. I think that cowboy hat is a bit weird too-- what with the strange shape?

    5. Congratulations on 1st, Kitty K good work!

      I appreciate your thoughts on the new item, and my post. If you would like to add me, please send me a Buddy Request I will accept them all until I reach 100 Buddies. I do delete Jammers who don't log in for 30 days.

      Have a fun day, Jammers! :)

      - Akachip8967

    6. I would love to be your buddy Akachip8967 :3

    7. Haha that ten gallon hat made me laugh. It's an exaggeration of what sheriffs used to wear.

    8. I would also like to be ur buddy
      btw im guardiansofgahoole101

      on CS (Chicken Smoothie) i'm guardinsofgahoole1

    9. May I please be your buddy, Junior? :3 it would be very pawsome!!! :D Nice post.


    10. I Was so happy cuz yesterday I met snowyclaw :DDD
      Shes Pawesome..!

    11. Congrats on first! Aww i wish i met Snowyclaw!

    12. Can u guys HELP!!! My party hat was hacked this is no lie plz help me!whaaaaaaaaa! :(

    13. Congrats!! @nat95201 Idk if I can help with that :( If there’s anything I can do to help please let me know - I HATE SCAMMERS

    14. Congratulations on first, Kitty!

    15. Last week, to be funny,
      I stuck a milk gallon in my dad's hat and made it a
      'Milk Gallon Hat' X3

    16. Hi I'm Stoneystarxx and I'd love to be your buddy and is that your raccoon there (just asking)?

    17. Congrats on first, comment waaaay up there! Choo choo, all aboard the Long Comment Train headed to Farther-Down-The-Page, which is a foreign country.

    18. I can u add me? I'm notebookz

  2. Replies
    1. Real Comment :3 Well, I love the new item though it's name sure is weird (to me) but the west-y style is cool :3 Also are traffic cones released items or not? They seem like an unreleased item :)

      70 buddy space :D Lol I got tons of buddies XD I'll buddy you my username is florafirez


    2. Well done on 2nd, Windysnow!

      I appreciate your feedback about the item, and I'm not sure about Traffic Cones maybe they aren't released yet. Be sure to just send me a request, thanks. :)

      - Alachip8967

    3. Congrats on 2nd! I think the new item is...weird?

    4. Congrats on 2nd! I'm just gonna stick to the regular cowboy hat *slowly backs away*

    5. Congrats!
      Eeyup, me too. No thanks, I ain't want no arrow stickin' outta me hat.

    6. Congratulations on 2nd! That cowboy hat reminds me of Arby's... XD

  3. Please add me!!!! My user is dreamcloud13 :D thanks!


    1. Hey there, Fuzzy AJ!

      Be sure to send me a request, I will accept if I have time but I always try to add other Jammers. :)

      - Akachip8967

    2. Can I be ur buddy

    3. Congrats on an unsaid third!

    4. Congrats on unsaid third!

      La la la..... Okay, I admit it, I only said that to make my comment nearly identical to Arcticstar's. X3

    5. NEARLY Identical, you say?

      -prods Factory in the chest with the glow-stick-of-destiny-
      Tell me da truth O3o

    6. Woah there Loki no need to start up another time war XD

    7. Congratulations! And I added you, Junior. ^_^

      Factory is right though... they left out the "an."

  4. Second! Now the real comment: Ok, what is going on with that hat? I'm not saying it's bad, but it looks too weird for my tastes. The egg thingy, it was actually one of my favorite items because of it's interesting look. I may not always have an empty space on my buddy list, but hey, try to add me when I'm on or simply go to my den. Since I didn't mention my username in those last sentences, my username on Animal Jam is Luvy23 :D

    See you in Jamaa!- Luvy23

    1. Hi, Luvy23!

      I appreciate your feedback about the item, just be sure to add me I might accept and I always try to accept. Have a fun and interesting day. :)

      - Akachip8967

    2. Hey I didn't expect to meet you on this blog, Luvy23. We're buddies :3

    3. You're actually fourth, but still great job! Congrats! :D

      Isn't it fun when you see your buddy commenting on a blog?^^

    4. My friend called me an auto-corrector on a previous post, and said I was trying to make everyone else feel like an idiot.

    5. Congrats! @factorydash I agree
      @loki not very nice of them :l

    6. I agree, that hat seems stretched...

  5. How did you get those badge things with your username at the end of the post? I really want one!

    1. Hey, Arthop Jamaa!

      I made my post tag by using my own photo editor, I'm sure you can find loads for free on the internet. :)

    2. :D I have to try that on my blog sometime

    3. I make mine by going onto a typing document and layering pictures/words. It works really well. X3

    4. Im CONSIDERING making my own Marvel Facts blog.
      Look at previous posts. Can I do it?
      (Probably XD)

    5. @Arthop
      All you have to do is get an image (make sure the person who made the image doesn't mind you using it! If it's an official animal jam picture, then they probably won't..) and then put words over it in a photo editor, as Junior said.

  6. Tenth? :-D


    1. Real comment:

      Hi! I love your writing skills :-D! Welcome. If you want to buddy me, I'm: biamorawesome!

      Anyway, about that Ten Gallon Hat... it looks all cool, but I couldn't buy one - I am a non-member, for your information.

      I love The Emu Eggs! But, I still couldn't buy it - it's sad that some memorable items are on clearance.

      What about those Den Portala? They rock! Though, I couldn't get them ;-(. Oh, well... at least some new items are for non-members - I'm content!

      And, those glitches recently do that to me! They're a bit annoying.

      Happy Jamming to you, too, Junior Snowyjammer!


      P.S., this is random: Wolfez is back! Wolfez is blogging again (AJ Howl).

      P.P.S, don't think that I am trying to bring down AJS, I LOVE this blog! I just promised Wolfez that I'd spread the word, thanks.

    2. Congrats on 10th, silverdarksurfer123!

      Thanks for your pawsome thoughts and comments. :)

    3. @silver
      I'm nonmember too. The struggle XD
      You could always ask a member buddy to buy you the emu egg, I'm sure they'd be willing to spend a couple of gems for a buddy... If they don't either they're broke or they're a greedy buddy. lol

  7. Okay, the den portal thing seems REALLY cool, and I could see myself using them! Their also cool looking, so that's a plus!

    1. Ikr? They're epic and epic looking, too. Honestly though, this is one of those things AJHQ actually should make nm.

    2. I had a bad day. First i have to get up early, get ready to leave, I get a shoot that is missing a button, I have to switch to a different suit jacket because the first was messed up, long car ride, I meet an annoying kid who has a very short atention spand, AND basically makes you do what he wants to do, and he was all like "Can you give me a taffy? ewe. this taists bad, here throw this away. I'm thirsty. No, I want a coke, not water. Eeep eep eep eep eep! Hahaha! Awe, to much acidy feeling. Whats the scaryest movie you'v ever watched? (He asked that just to say that, he didn't want an answer.) Hey, pick me up again! Again! again! THE KID WAS FOURTEEN YEARS OLD! (same age as me...) THEN my pants rip. (dress pants are NOT mean't for playing around in... a BIRD hits our car windshield, and now I have to go weed-eat the grave yard road, after doing hours of doing my, and our grandmothers yards. (Our yards are pretty big. and the grave yard road is a mile and a half long... so. I', not. happy..) and NOW I find out that the new portals are members only. (I was really looking forward to getting one.) The only good thing to happen today, was I got to hold a baby ground hog! so cute :D (It was abandoned by it's mom...) (Nice lady took baby ground hod home)
      Anyway, Good afternoon everybody, I hope you all have a swell week. :)

  8. Could I be your buddy? My username is Doogal, and I really need a friend who is active :( I dont like the ten gallon hat, yes its original, but its more for cowboy roleplayers. But the glitch is bad too, I hate the glitches popping up this week!

  9. YaY! 14th comment! closest to 1st i've been

  10. Yesterday someone traded me a party hat a rare eyeball a beta tail armor and rare wings for my mech angel helmet. Was this a fair trade
    Live laugh and love huskies

    1. Its almost fair although if the party hat was a headdress it would be an overtrade

    2. I think it's about fair. I'm not too sure though, I'm not very proud of my rares knowledge. /).(\

  11. Wait... Who is akachip8967? I though snowyclaw was the owner of this blog... ;o


    1. She is, other authors take turns writing on her blog though.

    2. Junior Snowyjammer/Akachip8967 is the Sunday author, Cutegirl2001 is the Monday author, and HelpEndangeredSpecies is the Tuesday author, Snowyclaw is the founder or something, she posts on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday :)

      Be :) not ;~; XD

    3. Hi, QueenOfHorses AJ!

      I'm the newest author here on Animal Jam Spirit, I post each Sunday. Snowyclaw is the owner and founder of Animal Jam Spirit. :)

      - Akachip8967

    4. Oh ya, you're the one Lostflight said Eternal had a crush on.

    5. Oh, Akachip8967 also known as: Junior Snowyjammer, is an author of this very blog, owned by Snowyclaw, of course.


  12. I guess I'm 8th. I really do wish AJ would make den portals for nms.

    1. AJHQ is not being very fair with nm although i understand they need money to pay for the game and congrats on 8th!

    2. I agree, Eternal. Most of the things AJHQ is keeping back from nms is fine. They need money from memberships to keep the game going. But the portals are, in my opinion, one of the few member things that should be nm.

    3. @Anon
      Congratulations on 8th!

      Oh, and I totally agree. I also, do with Den Portals are for non-members. At least one color, that's okay ("at least one color" was in a post here)!


      Oh, I know, right? They are being a bitty unfair with non-member, aye? Though, NM's and M's should be happy in what they have.


      You have a point!


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If you're 8th, then I'm 9th xD don't really care about first anymore, epic post I really enjoy it when an author posts, I like to have an author that answers questions, ect, ect. XD idk it makes me feel like the author is comfortable with commenting.

    Thanks Akachip8967

    1. Congrats on 9th! Ikr i like authors like that AS A FRIEND

    2. Hi, Cowcat3AJ!

      Thanks for your pawsome comment and I'm happy you like my post and you like me commenting here on AJS. :) Have a fun day!

      - Akachip8967

    3. Lol eternal myth, Lostflight still bugging you about <3 lol

  14. I dont know why AJ released this for members i dont see much people on aj wearing it

    1. IKR

      Maybe they didn't see it or they think its too *cough* too weird *cough cough*

  15. i think in 10th XD about the glitches im getting so annoyed these weird numbers pop out when i want to buy a new animal in animal jam instead of creature it says 5467 its so weird i hope aj gets a solution to this
    - lolly2014

    1. Agreed those type of glitches happen a lot in my computer DX AJHQ should really make them stop D:


  16. Your good at doing post Chip (sorry if that's mean in any way) :P

  17. Can u add me akachip? My den is always open too. I got a designer skirt and an art easel from eagle adventure!!

    1. Hi, Anonymous!

      Be sure to send me a request and I'll be sure to accept the request. :)

  18. fuzzhead Peace, Love, and UNICORNS!!May 18, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    Hallo ppl who read snowy's blog!
    who wants to play a game?
    Everyone- Duh
    ok so the game is called kill or save bob
    basicly its a story like this:
    bob jumps off of a horse, kill or save bob
    Save bob, he lands on a patch of nice grass
    Kill bob the grass turns into nails
    thats pretty much it
    ok so the first little piece of the story is...
    bob is at the grand canyon and jumps into the canyo, Kill or save bob?

    1. Kill Bob.

      He breaks almost his whole body. Kill or save Bob?


    2. Save Bob. He can regenerate and heal his body

    3. Kill Bob! >:D
      To regenerate and heal his body takes too much time and is too expensive. Bob is poor.
      Kill or save Bob?

    4. Save Bob.

      A nice billionaire gives him a thousand dollars to help him heal. Kill or save Bob?


    5. Kill Bob.

      Bob loses the money to a thief who steals it and runs away.

    6. Save Bob. He uses his laser eye powers to catch the theif. >:D

    7. Kill Bob
      His powers backfire and fry his eye.
      Kill Or Save Bob?

    8. Kill Bob
      He is now permanently blind, and he accidentally falls of the Grand Canyon... Again.. (I feel so sorry for you Bob...)
      KILL or SAVE Bob?

    9. Save bob- wait actually the guys half dead let's just leave him there. KILL BOB

    10. Save Bob eagle swoops in and saves him while hes in sky CAWW :3

    11. Kill bob- the eagle hits a branch and falls. Kill or save bob?

  19. If anyone could view my blog please do it :3 Thanks :3

  20. Hey guys! This is the 3rd chapter of my story! If you missed the 2 parts, read them so this can make sense! By the way, even though I said in the first part was in 1836 or something, I changed it to near the present time (today). Because the ending won't be as good.

    Chapter 3

    The Big Bad Wolf (if you didn't remember him, he's the hyena bandit pack leader, his real name is Wren) ordered his whole pack to tie up the town animals. Rae and Marle watched them threatening their friends.
    "Our friends are in grave danger", Marle whispered. "What do we do, sheriff?"
    Before Rae could answer, he saw that each hyena has a pickaxe on their backs. The bunny realized that they were going to mine the 5 crystals guarding the valley which is a great threat to it, the town animals, himself and maybe all of Jamaa. He finally answered:
    "Since you're the fastest equine of all, try to distract the hyenas while I'll help our friends."
    Marle nodded and landed off the rock they were standing on. He galloped towards the hyenas. They found out it was Rae's horse so they chased him. The only member of the pack who wasn't chasing Marle was the Big Bad Wolf.
    "I sense the sheriff that he returned to me to save his little friends", he said. "I'm sure he's around here because of that horse."
    Rae kept quiet but not when the Big Bad Wolf padded a little female raccoon and gave her an evil smirk. The poor girl began to cry.
    "Stop threatening my friends, Wren", Rae shouted.
    "I knew it was you who were following me, sheriff", the Big Bad Wolf shouted back.
    The Big Bad Wolf launched an arrow from his bow and Rae dodged, but broke his little arm. Wren chased after him and whispered:
    "Any last words sheriff?"
    "Yes, I do", Rae said smiling. "Watch the skies."
    The Big Bad Wolf was curious on what he was saying and looked up. Eagles with bows and feathered hats launched arrows at the hyenas who were still chasing Marle. Ivy landed and aiming her bow at Wren.
    "Let my friend go", she said. Her eaglet Lightning Cloud bit Wren and he made a howl.
    Ivy helped Rae up. They both pointed their arrows at the Big Bad Wolf, who had Lightning Cloud on his head, pecking him. Since the other hyenas were too busy fighting off the last of Ivy's tribe, Marle untied the town animals and set them free. But something was wrong, something else was falling from the sky. A purple lightning cloud went above the hyena bandit camp. The hyenas, including the Big Bad Wolf, retreated. A lot of Phantoms fell from the dark cloud but they didn't attack, they floated towards somewhere.
    "They're after the crystals!" Ivy shouted. "Marle, help the animals to go back to your town. Me and Rae will stop those Phantoms."
    Marle agreed and let several animals on his back while some of them followed him. Ivy put Rae on his back with Lightning Cloud and they went off to chase the Phantoms. When they got there, they realized that only shards were floating around.
    "It's too late", Ivy said, holding her tears. Blue light swirled around from the emblem that used to go and faded away. Rae knew that Mira was real because the emblem was part of her power to protect the valley. The grass turned dry and most of it was gone. Almost all of the plants died. Little ponds dried up. The valley turned into a large canyon and it became a deserted area. Everyone that used to live in the valley moved to find another place to live because of the Phantoms guarding the whole area. But the hyena bandits stayed near the Forgotten Desert. The pieces of shards are everywhere, if they were put together, the desert will still be dry but it will stop the Phantoms from staying there. That's when we come in.


    Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! c;


    1. Great conclusion to your story! :D
      But what animal is Rae, again? Sorry, I forgot.

      PS: I have a story on my blog as well! ( ^.^

    2. Rae is a bunny. ^.^


    3. A marvelous story! It was entertaining as well. But will these hyena bandiths ever come to jamaa? Since hyenas are coming to jamaa as the update says. Anyhow, keep up the good work!

    4. Oh ok thanks. :)
      I was thinking of Rae as a bunny, but I just wanted to make sure. I didn't want to be incorrect, lol. ^-^

    5. No, they stay in the desert even the ranch animals, but the wild animals there moved to another place not faraway called Jamaa, except the "civilized" animals because it's hard for them to start a new life outside their home. Hyenas from other places will come to Jamaa.


    6. I love it! Unfortunately I think I missed Part 2. Ima go find and read it.

  21. Can you buddy me? I always love new buddies :) maybe we can do the eagle adventure sometime :D -LilSmile :-)

    1. Me? o.o

      If yes then sure!


    2. Only if you want to be my buddy ^-^ I really liked your story because it was enjoyable to read. I love all the description in it too. ;) You explained the adventure really well also. LilSmile

  22. Could I add you? I really hope you don't mind, I just have a few more buddy slots left. :3 I'm cookers113578

  23. Lol I like the hat! ~Husky Smile

  24. Could i be added? c: I'm Nicewaffles c: Btw i'm so happy betas are coming back! I mean.. Less scammers! c:

  25. Please add me, And i ve got a bad news for snowy and good news for common people of jamaa
    Bad news: Lavender gazzelles are back! Sparkles770 has them!!!

    Good news: Now ppl ccan get them on eagle adventure

  26. let's give akachip8967 a good Spirit Blog welcome! *throws confetti every were and brings in a huge cake*
    PS: want to be buddies, akachip8967 (mind if I just call you akachip) ?

    1. *writes WELCOME AKACHIP8967 TO THE AJS TEAM on cake and shoot ice cream out of cannon* Lets all sing a welcome song!! WELCOME TO U WELCONE TO U WELCOME DEAR AKACHIP WELCOME TO YOU!!!!!! *claps loudly and cake explodes* o_o (can u buddy me too akachip?) -LilSmile

    2. XD I put welcone instead of welcome XD *explodes*
      -LilSmile >:{3 (angry mustache guy)

    3. Umm. I'm gonna need a little more than just a mop to clean that up... CUSTODIAL STAFF WE NEED YOU!!!

  27. Animal78959- Future CelebMay 18, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    Add me plz! Im Animal78959!

  28. add me please i will give you rare elf armor

    my username is mikeistheboss

  29. 1. Hey Junior Snowyjammer, is this your first blog post here on AJS? If so then, pawsome first post and congrats on becoming a Spirit Author! If not then, sorry I haven't read a previous post of yours.
    2. That 10 gallon hat just looks weird to me. That thing in it looks kinda like a toilet plunger with a feather at one end. O-O XD
    3. Silly AJHQ, it isn't Monday! :P I saw this glitch a few times, but it never occurred to me.
    4. DX Nu the precious Emu eggeh is leaving. Nuuuuu!!! D': -cries- lol jk. :3

    1. Thank you, Cutepups522 AJ! :)

    2. EXACTLY! I thought it was a toilet plunger and I'm like- wwwwwwwuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttt O.o AJ getting weird

  30. I want to make a aj blog, but everyone always says im copying this person.

    1. You can always follow what your heart desires! Ignore people who are always negative >:3 -gives cupcake with candle - LilSmile

    2. Go for the gold! (but not in your nose...) I'd read your blog! I have a blog too, quite unsuccessful frankly :( Oh well.

  31. Omg I forgot its my brothers Bday! I feel terrible not remembering it! I don't have good nm items so can anyone send me nm things that are nice for him? He is nm but I'm member :3 I'm LilSmile and he is xxwhitefangxx12345. Thanks everyone who help X3

  32. 1.I think AJHQ is hinting new items at us, by putting so many items on clearance, and maybe the new items are like little teasers of whats coming to us in the future. I dunno thats my theory :P
    2. I actually don't care that betas and rares are coming back. I really love the way they look, and i wouldn't mind everyone having a taste of them! ~firestar137

  33. :o Oh? If your adding people Snowy, I`m faolan98. It`d be nice to meet some one I`ve looked up to.


  34. Ugh. I need to sleep more...I misread the tag at the end
    Thats what I get for having a brain disorder |D
    Could I friend you, Akachip?


  35. ._. Hello it's snowypack here I think I should play animaljam because I feel sorry for my friends they were happy when I played it. I should play I can't believe I have my acc well it happens to my life I'm going to make a new acc so my friends won't be so sad. I feel really bad for my friends even tho my friends hack they are still my friends they have been nice to me and it's mine turn to do something better for them. My school break is almost over 2 more weeks and it done. I am never giving up my acc any more. I will owe my items myself my friends are nice to give stuff but I need to change. My brother doesn't want me to play it but it is my choice not anyone's choice. This is my life and this is not anyone's life. But it's my secret that I should play and no one is stopping me to play random fun games. My friends are the best and no one can do this to me. But some of us are growing up so, some of us quit some don't because it is fun but sometimes not. Make your choice it's not anyone's choice only yours u can give it away or not.
    Snowyclaw, your blog is the best and so is everyone. I just miss my friend xXRobinHoodXx :(. I hope you understand. Thank you. -snowypack

    1. I might make some mistakes or forgot some word. But it's the truth, snowyclaw or other helpers who are helping snowy claw u guys are the best and everyone <3. But I had to spread it everywhere or not. Thanks for reading. -snowypack

    2. That was wornderful wat u made ;-; u have strong friendship :,) I'm proud of you ;) -sourispoke


  36. Replies
    1. Congrats on uh, one two three four five six... you know what I give up- congrats anyway!

  37. Can you add me? I visit the blog everyday but I visit it on ipad so I can't comment. --Ambert

  38. Cool! I think the hat looks a bit silly, though.

    And if you're STILL reading this ridiculously long comment that's technically spam, I applaud you. This is quicksilver132 here, a newbie at blogs and animal jam cheats! If you do have the time, I would really appreciate if you could check out my blog, and leave your opinion in the comments. Thanks a trillion!

  39. I love the Ten Gallon hat, I made EXTREME outfits with it! :D
    I'm going back to commenting a lot once school ends on this blog.
    I miss it!


  40. Add me send me stuff iluvehsm21 I love doing giveaways soooooooo fun lol please add me send stuff I only have four or five friend slots open do add me fast

  41. I think the new item is...a bit....circus-y? Lol, but i do like the idea. I do like the portals, as i have 2 (the wooden floor and arch ones with the moon emblem XD). I really do wish they made the portals nm though. I think its a bit unfair. I think I'm going to miss the little egg. I really like the design on it and it seems kind of bohemian to me :) And I'd like to add you if at all possible Akachip8967. Happy Jamming...Jammers :)!

    -Violet0917 :3

    You actually read this far down?


    -throws confetti around you and gives basket of cookies- :D

  42. Akachip please buddy me! My username is Twinkleninja and I would love to have you on my buddy list! Thank you very very much!

  43. The glitch is very common actually. It happens everyday. I'm in Asia so I can get to the updates around 3PM. So here's the thing:

    1.You log on around 15 minutes before the 'next day'
    2.15 minutes later, you went to the stores to shop around
    3.The 'glitch' happens, which forces you to refresh the page
    4.You're on the 'next day' (daliy spin, updates etc)

  44. Would you like to buddy me, Akachip? You seem like a very nice and happy person. :) Also, den portals are awesome! Mine is leading to my storage account.
    -Cat38876 (Animal Jam user)

  45. I'll send you a buddy request.

  46. I shall add yooooou!!!!
    -papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Just prance in the field and everything shall be ok.

  47. Can you please buddy me, snowyclaw? My username is Delskitty

  48. Do you think the hat weighs 10 gallons? LOL

  49. hi snowyclaw! I'm a big fan of your videos and your blog. I was wondering if you can you add me? my username is Emiegreen7. byee!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw