
Monday, July 28, 2014

Rare Eye Patch

Hey jammers! Cutegirl is on an exciting vocation, so I'll be posting today's Rare Item Monday for her! This week's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Eye Patch which is available today only in Jam Mart Clothing, 2nd page! 
Another special treat is that this rare is available for all Jammers! Now time for some more exciting news, you can now climb the tree at the Appondale! AJHQ removed this feature for some reason, and in the recent update they brought it back!!
I missed that tree! In other news, there seems to be a trading problem in Jamaa! Is anyone else having the trading problem? I do hope it stops loading and AJHQ fixes the bug, them pesky phantoms! 
Departing from Jam Mart Furniture is the computer. Today is your last day to purchase the computer for 250 Gems! I believe AJHQ are taking the old items away to replace them with a better design in the future, bye bye computer! 
Monday Mystery:
What is hidden inside the books in the Chamber Of Knowledge? ^.^ What if there's secret Jamaa stories and legends? Maybe the alphas diaries? Tell me what you think.
Happy Jamming! 
 To post anonymously simply leave the email instead of your own. Come and join the conversation!


  1. Also I think the RIM is a bit boring, AJHQ needs more original RIM. AND I'm happy we can climb the tree again, ah so fun...

  2. I am now going to be sitting in that tree forever..... my destiny is now. Anyway I really think they should have something more exciting for R.I.M like a headdress for probably 1000 or more gems!

  3. ALLSSOOO, is this a new feature?


    I think that is me finished for the day.

  4. Anyone here?

  5. That is a new feature! It's very useful too!

  6. Snowyclaw has covered the new feature, and another author has too. A flying sea turtle pet? Hmm... I'm sure AJHQ will fix that!

  7. AJHQ told me they can't bring the headdress back due to the fact they have lost the headdress designs, they also said they are trying their hardest to find their designs.

    You never know what's around the corner! :)

  8. Does anyone get mood swings?

  9. You know, whenever there's a boring item a big item follows after! :)

  10. Let's hope for one!

  11. They lost the headdress design? As in the code? Do headdresses still exist?

  12. Why do Jamaa computers have only eleven buttons!?

  13. Lol! They lost the designs?!
    Why dont they just use Jammers Headdresses xD

  14. Because they have lost the coding. :)

  15. Oh! So no one has headdresses now? Unbelievable...

  16. Do you know what coding is? It takes time, AJHQ has to code their whole site and make sure the headdress fits on all animals... I think a rare headdress will come.

  17. 19th Comment XD yay me!

  18. I know what coding is. And I know it takes time. I play Minecraft, and I know it takes long for an update to happen.

  19. How did they lose them?

  20. Like, SIX MONTHS!

  21. Sorry! Did not see they had covered it! Anyway, I pretty like my pet flying, it means we can fly the skies together... (I love my pets!)

  22. But it's worth it.

  23. I do not know how they lost the headdress designs.... they need to be more careful!

  24. Or what if it wasn't their fault? DUN DUN DUN!

  25. Ya know, I just got a rain cloud for a slingshot, freedom tie, and bow!

  26. Even if they lost the code, that is a bit stupid as well.

  27. *drumroll Akachip style*

  28. The winners will be announced next month! ;)

  29. We should do AJS awards for jammer who help out or make people feel happy on the blog!

  30. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:37 AM

    Omg I never counted but 11? There are 15 missing! Maybe some letters do not exist in jamaa.

  31. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:38 AM

    Yeah that would be awesome!

  32. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:41 AM

    Hallehujah! I don have to be an eagle to get up the tree again!v👏

  33. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:42 AM

    Brb I'm changing my pro pic

  34. Hey jammers!

    Me and Snowyclaw & the rest of the AJS team are trying to make the comments area a place where you can comment your thoughts on the post, or the daily item, or your day on Animal Jam that kind of thing. We don't mind you commenting, but please comment respectable comments & focus more on Animal Jam.

    Spamming is not allowed in anyway, yesterday I saw many Jammers advertising too much and spamming. Please don't overflow the comments area with links and spam, it will be better because Jammers will be able to see other Jammers comments more clearer.

    Rude comments are not allowed, if a moderator sees a rude comment the moderator will remove it; you may even be banned depending on how much you've commented. The commenting area is a place for all Jammers to share their thoughts. Follow these rules below please:

    - Never include any bad words in your comments.
    - Never share personal information, such as phone number, AJ password, real name.
    - Never spam and overflow the comments area.
    - Include one link in your comment, we don't mind you posting your AJ blogs just put them in one comment.
    - Never be mean! Be nice to all Jammers!
    - No scamming.
    - No bullying.

    Thank you for reading, have a great day in Jamaa and keep commenting.

  35. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:46 AM

    Woo too hoo

  36. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:46 AM

    Omg why did it do a spell check 💔😵

  37. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:49 AM

    ERM, anyone?
    Rm, anyone?
    M, anyone?
    , anyone?

  38. Please don't spam, it's like spam meat, too much and you'll gain weight. LOL. But seriously, no spam.

  39. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:51 AM

    OK so no one.

  40. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:52 AM

    Oh right you.

  41. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:53 AM

    No one except from me and you.

  42. But I'm supposed to be sleeping. So..

  43. Pretty37676animaljamJuly 28, 2014 at 4:54 AM


  44. But I need sleep. And 12 is such a weird age for me.

  45. I could stay awake I guess..

  46. For a little.

  47. I think AJ needs a new land, that river place is taunting me!
    River Township (I saw a leaked photo, that's what I remember): You'll never know my secret! MUAHAHAHAHA
    Me: Nooooooooooo!

  48. It feels like you like to show off your headdress on every single animal you have.. :l

  49. I want to post a picture of my animal but they dont have that picture thing anymore. :/

  50. well i think there will be because if you look at the map and look above of appondale there is a land looking place it looks like a swamp! <3

  51. well im going to play AJ

  52. That trading thing has been happening to me too :T but not all the time, just some of the times i trade

  53. That trading thing has been happening to me

  54. Hehe. congrats
    (second reply :P)

  55. that trading thing happened to me and i do not like it.

  56. They don't!?!?!?!?!?

  57. Aww, That sucks :c

  58. well, his arctic wolf with his headdress, i think is his main outfit....

  59. That trading thing happens to me with every trade I send! If they are behind the trading pop-up and the trading bubble goes away over them. You would never know they declined. Just make sure you can see the person when the request is sent.

  60. THAT TRADING PROBLEM HAPPENS TO EVERYBODY!!! Lets just put it that way :3

  61. i had the trading many times so annoying :l anyway i just noticed the tree

    yesterday im glad its back its a nice plae to hang out and enjoy jamma :)

  62. I agree. The best thing since random packed parties in my den. XD

  63. That would be cool. Little places with plant life are very popular. Like Appondale or Sarepia.

  64. On all my days of jamming, is it strange I just found out about Monday rares?

  65. Sadly, the picture feature got removed due to certain people posting rude images. Sorry guys, they ruined the fun for all of you. :(

  66. That's why. :( I wanted to do my icon since it doesn't fit. XD

  67. I'm sure AJHQ will fix this bug, them phantoms!!

  68. Them phantoms are always getting into trouble! :P I'm sure AJHQ will fix this.

  69. I'm sorry, I really want it back too but the image button could come back if everyone uses it correctly! ;)

  70. That sounds so cool! I hope your idea comes to Jamaa, maybe a new land is coming this year? Maybe in the NEXT UPDATE? Hmm...

  71. Yes! The tree is back! Oh tree, you don't know how much I've missed you

  72. I agree. Do you know why they removed the tree climbing?

  73. I'm not sure, I can't think of any reasons, except for maybe fights. I've seen like lion prides and things in Appondale, and they would normally try to fight me, even though all I wanted was to sit in the tree!

  74. That makes of why AJ removed it. Thanks. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ ← baby seal

  75. I love you, tree! (hugs tree) XD Hey, you all know my opinion on the books in the chamber of knowledge... dun dun dun...... Poor books, didn't ask for this! ^.^

  76. I swear, if it does the "not logged in" glitch one more time, I'll...

  77. are u kidding meh

  78. nice face! how do u do it

  79. them early birds At 3:33 am!

  80. the three are in a row

  81. What happened to the image button

  82. I know, right? Now I don't know if the person accepted or not! It's a Terrifiying glitch!! O_O

  83. Ugh, I strongly dislike (if you know what I mean XD) that glitch. It was very confusing. I try not to trade because of it. I traded a girl for her freedom helmet, but when I thought it took too long, I clicked cancel, and exited the trade, but when I took a look at my items, I noticed I was missing the item I traded, and I had gained the freedom helmet.

  84. Not sure if it's the same one though! Lol

  85. I also have a headdress, but to be honest I really like it. It's fine to like an item, at least the outfits match. Not like some jammers who will wear a rare spike on EVERY animal they have!

  86. Likes for everyone :D

  87. I neeeeeeeed a rare shoebox :D

  88. I hope cute girl has fun on her vacation ^_^

  89. oh thats great! i cant wait till they find it!

  90. Yep! Have fun CUTEGIRL2001

  91. i love my pets too! ^-^ they are so cute!

  92. cant you buy rain clouds in le diamond shop?

  93. #TreeBuddies I love the tree so much :D

  94. They don't even receive the trade...

  95. yep same to me! its kinda irratating

  96. omg! HOW COULD U XD

  97. Don't worry! It took me about 3 months to find out Animal Jam had a rare item Monday

  98. HMMM weird ..... L:

  99. Idk but I think its is partly fixed because sometimes it says they have declined/ cannot trade right now while the other times it doesn't

  100. I shouldn't laugh, when I was playing, I had no idea that there was such a thing as RIM 7 months ago.

  101. i think that the rare item monday is cuteeee :D
    i think that AJ should stop with the Color change thing

  102. I think he just likes how it looks on his animals, I wuv my headdress >:3

  103. I'm glad the ability to climb the tree is back, but I tested it and I think we were allowed farther over on the tree before. Maybe it's just me.

  104. I saw that weird trading mishap. My little brother thought it was a glitch😆

  105. It had to be removed because some bad Jammers were commenting rude images.

  106. AJHQ should have an update so you can be able to click the books in the chamber of knowledge. And every time, you would learn something new about Jamaa!

    - masterlexy 🐳

  107. I have that stupid glitch i hate it!!@

  108. Sorry if i said to much for younger viewers ib that

  109. I'm glad you can climd the tree again. I had a good long talk in it with another jammer.😄

  110. Snowy I sent you some emails about otters. Did you like the baby otter?

  111. Do we know any more about the new, exciting otter that is coming to Jamaa?

  112. OMG why did u trade so much for it?

  113. We think we have leaked pictures of the otters :D They look like they are based off of river otters :)

  114. its gonna be cuutteee XD

  115. Akachip, I sent you the screenshots of the Play Wild Party glitch to you. I wonder what everyone will think about that weird glitch... Anyway, thank you for showing off the Heatwave Party glitch that I spotted. I enjoy sharing these things to all Jammers of Jamaa. :3

  116. owe i never got to use it :(

  117. WE hope it is for gems

  118. weird i hate the glitch too

  119. What new animal would u like to see?

  120. I would like to see a komodo dragon

  121. Monday Mystery? Challenge accepted, Akachip. Challenge accepted.

    Zios sat at his desk, tapping his quill upon the parchment. This was something he hated to do, but he must. Mira flew in. "Honey, what are you doing?" she asked. He sighed.
    "You've seen those Phantoms coming from those portals, right, dear?"
    "Of course."
    "And that the animals are dividing...?"
    She looked at him curiously. "Yes...?"
    He got out of his desk and embraced her. She awkwardly hugged him back, as she had to guess where his body was, seeing as he was a spirit. He stoked her cheek. "Mira," he said in a dismayed tone, "I believe the end is near." She stared at his mask. He looked back at her. There was a sudden pounding at the mansion door. Mira's eyes widened. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking wood and faint buzzing. Zios ran to lock the door, but it was too late. The door was slammed to the ground, and Phantom guards came filing in. They grabbed both deities with their tentacles and flew outside. "HELP!" Mira called, "SOMEONE, PLEASE!" Zios began to work his magic, but a Phantom zapped him unconcious. Mira began to break free of the Phantoms, but she was too late. She could see the dark portals where the Phantoms traveled between our land and theirs. Mira watched in horror as the Phantoms threw Zios headfirst into the sea of swirling black and purple. "No!" she cried, and dived in after him. The Phantoms made a hissing sound that may have been laughter, and hopped into the portal behind her. But the Alphas saw, and were right on the Phantoms' tails. But the portal was closing - surely they could make it it - it was tiny now - only Peck could get in - the Alphas slammed into the portal, just as it closed. What were they to do now?

    Two Hours Later

    It had been an hour since the woebegone Alphas told the Jamaasians what had happened to the guardian spirits. They were now going to the Sky Mansion to look for anything important they could use for battle. A gasp of amazement was heard from the library. "Everyone," called Sir Gilbert, "everyone, look at this!" He held up a piece of parchment in his paw. "It's Lord Zios's will! And the ink is still wet...but he didn't get very far..." He read the unfinished will aloud.
    I, Zios, do leave all of my scientific possessions and books to the Jamaasians, so they may learn all about the wonderful land that they have divided in hopes that they will unite once more."
    "Well?" Greely asked. "Is that it? That's all he got to?" Gilbert nodded.
    Liza, her eyes still pink from crying, said, "Well, if that was first thing on his will, it must have been the most important. We will make sure the Jamaasians are free to read these amazing books. A library should be built at his temple." The Alphas all agreed, and the Chamber of Knowledge was built.

    By rendall2002


  122. I made a story id=f someone can approve it. :P Please.

  123. I wanna see ostriches they would be so cute x3!

    I also want squirrel pets :P

  124. If an admin is on, please approve my story, I worked hard on it.

  125. The eye patch would look good on some sort of minty colored eagle, in my opinion XDD o3o

  126. An odd (yet small) glitch happened to me today. I was trading in jamaa township, then an eagle appeared its name tad had a picture on it so i thought it was my buddy, but when i clicked on his player card he wan't my buddy 0-0 (no he wasn't in news crew it was a paw print badge)

  127. Ohhhhh that would be awesome!

  128. Yeah! They removed it once due to the eagles coming back, but then everyone got upset about not being able to go in it. It's a very nice spot to hang out!


  130. Yes! How cool would that be? Who would you think would get an award? What would the award catagories be?

  131. Maybe they have another alphabet!

  132. My favorite animal is already coming out but crows would be awesome ^^

  133. sorry about spelling it happens sometimes

  134. Has anyone noticed that when you go to the Daily Explorer from the Animal Jam homepage, it only takes you to the AJ Jump app post? You have to log onto Animal Jam, go into the Jamaa Journal, and click on the Daily Explorer tab for the up-to-date posts. I've seriously noticed that within the last couple days... HOW FRUSTRATING IS THAT?!?!?! >8U (annoyed face)

  135. CHINCHILLAS!!!!! XD

  136. My fave animal is already out, (wolf) but I would like too see lynx and bobcats ^^"

  137. i found out on my first day of aj my first day was on a Monday

  138. The land for otters!!!! :3

  139. Yah :D Next update to hold us over would be perfect :)

  140. That would be AWESOME!!!! :D

  141. I would rather have them as pets but still they are so adorable ^^ (they bounce off wall :D Too cute).

  142. I would rather have them as pets but still they are too cute :D They bounce off walls when they are happy, how cute is that ^^?

  143. I would rather have them as pets but either way they are too cute :D

  144. AJ moderator maybe? Weird still...

  145. AJHQ might add a 'blog' button at the top, you can always click the 'blog' link at the bottom of the pages. :)

  146. just asking does the beta party give anyone else the shivers sometimes?

  147. I had a cream colored eagle with mint colored splotches. She was B-E-A utiful!

  148. Akachip, who won the fox hat contest yesterday?

  149. that would be helpful

  150. very wired i had that happen two i cant explain.....

  151. feming (my aj user)July 28, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    OMG, YAY, YOU CAN CLIMB THE TREE NOW!!! The tree was my fav hang out place. Keremel, the AJ Jump link has happened to me, too. Also, there sometimes is an ad on top of the AJ homepage, which is weird. That happened in the last couple of days too...

  152. i cant remember their use... i think it was ilovehungergames followed my numbers... not sure tho

  153. The winners will be announced next month! You've got a long time to enter. ^.^

  154. i mean too not two

  155. once one of the ads on aj homepage was for aj xD i was like IM ON IT YOU FOOL :O

  156. just asking does the beta party give you the shivers sometimes?

  157. Aww I will miss them books D:

    And yay the tree TREEturns.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw