
Monday, August 4, 2014

Rare Monkey Hat

Hey jammers! Todays rare was hidden well, in the Museum shop at Appondale!
Monkey faces... ah its probably mocking me for spending so much lost time looking for it! 

Yikes, time wasn't the only thing lost! It looks like I have lost a few pets! Either that, or they have an extreme case of stage fright, or in this case, den-fright ^.^

Speaking of frights, I think my tiger is a fraidy-cat >_< It's always disappearing when those pesky phantoms come and scare everyone!

In the subject of disappearances, it looks like the sports jersey and the Phantom Throne are going to leave Jamaa soon!

Nice update, Graham! Thanks for letting us know :)

Anyways on to today's monday mystery!

What is the story of the otters? Why have they come to Jamaa? Had something happened to them before? Let me know what you jammers think! Happy jamming! :D


P.S. If you have a collection of plushies don't forget to sent a screenshot of it to

P.P.S. Have you got a cool glitch, or a pawsome Monday Mystery idea? Sharing is, after all caring, so share your ideas with me, at, and who knows, if your idea is phantasmic  I'll feature it on the blog, with credit given to you!


  1. I hope the otters are for everyone since all animals they launched on 2014 were for members

  2. SnowyPaw (Pandahearn On AJ)August 4, 2014 at 4:11 AM

    ur the first commentor! I was first yesterday :)

  3. Eh what? Good job on an unsaid first!

  4. Yes. Nice job you two ^.^

  5. I like the # you have in your username!

  6. Does anybody think the otter's neck is quite long? Their head is very big and they have quite a small body! That is what makes them cool! ^_^

  7. I sure can't wait for otters!! I wonder what pawsome actions they will have :)

  8. Those otters are not only cute, but they're awesome!!

  9. Non-members need some joy!! Why doesn't AJHQ surprise them with a non member animal? They deserve it :D

  10. ugh i just got up >-<

  11. And one more thing!! AJHQ has recoloured their RIM again!! My, my AJHQ sure needs some more ideas!! Maybe we should message them and give thema suggestion for a RIM!! ^ ^

  12. Well. Good morning, to you!! Well if it is morning!! By the way, someone was talking about you being a faker.

  13. I am not sure, but thought I'd let you know!! I do not want to cause trouble. Just saying what is on my AJ mind :/

  14. Thanks and it is morning :) and whose doing that >:I

  15. I cannot remember!! Check last post maybe. I apologize for any anger I have caused you!!

  16. ok thank u i just hate it when people do that to others

  17. Maybe otters have come... because of a new alpha!! ^.^
    Maybe something huge will happen in Jamaa, and the otters have come to help! This might seem a little silly, but maybe Liza is in trouble! Or Mira might return! AJHQ gave us all a message to dance around the Mira statue a few days ago!! I wonder what will happen!!
    This is a really silly guess... :P

  18. ugh i know who she is i been stalking recent posts she calls anyone who isn't her fake and i've watched her videos she rants on anything she said not to feel sorry for people with a tragic life i messaged snowy countless times for her bullying but she will never get kicked off people like that make me sick thinking that there so superior and better and don't say "OH SHE JUST HAS PROBLEMS" we all can tell if she calls everyone example: Hello! doggz: FAKE im messaging snowy -_-

  19. Hello!! ^.^


  21. I AM HAPPY. Well, I was happier earlier... ^.^

  22. .... um please don't cause drama o3o
    And stalking posts.... okayy

  23. When otters come out, will you buy this amazing animal guys? :)

  24. Ok do you think telling her that will help tell her not to call anyone she doesn't know fake and im sorry if i had a little drama going on above

  25. Hi Jammers! Just wondering, could ya'll check out the giveaway on my blog,, Thank you! C:

  26. Of course!

  27. people r saying wensday but i might sure

  28. I guess you're having a good day!!!!
    Don't you just hate it when you have a good day and then the next day, your day is awful?
    It is very annoying!

  29. Wednesday? Maybe. Or Thursday? Or ANY day! Who knows? :3

  30. Are you new to here? I've never seen your username before! I am just curious! I like welcoming others :D

  31. Not to be rude or anything, but there isn't a story for the otters. AJ just wants to make a new animal. But still. We may never know. Maybe till next month's Jamaa Journal.

  32. Oh my gosh, i feel you there blingy D,X

  33. ikr

  34. Yeah, but i think she's asking HOW the otters came to Jamaa, you know?

  35. Hey would any of you mind checking out my channel?

    Thanks! c:

  36. I think its thursday. :3


  38. Guys wanna be jammer of the month? We'll go to and comment what it says to comment in the post thanks!

  39. i love the way the otter looks

  40. Yeah, she knows. This is kinda like some creative writing, so YOU write the story. It's a lot of fun.

  41. I read that as "Otters are rude!" XD it's like 7:30 in the moring

  42. They did also take away pandas...

  43. :? <----- Weird face (it means congratulations)

  44. Yes, it's so cute!

  45. I have a picture of the otter only its doing its play

  46. Your a spirit jammer now Cloudclaws?

  47. Yes, i have been for a year now o_o

  48. never noticed XD

  49. They're in the diamond shop?!

  50. Idk I am just happy because if they are I can get it. It probably is because usually animals that look like this go to diamond shop

  51. Ohh..
    Im gonna freak if they are gonna be in the diamond shop though.

  52. The problem is if they are I am just gonna get one for info on my blog and people are gonna say YOUR BRAGGING BECAUSE YOU SAVED UP YOUR DIAMONDS AND WE DIDNT BECAUSE WE DONT LIKE SAVING UP THINGS. And I am gonna hide in my den for the rest of the day

  53. Hey peeps! It's me Krazy, I went for a break from commenting here. So I'm here to make my own story about the otters. Sit back and have some popcorn and refreshments while I'll tell you the story!
    In Jamaa, the ocean animals; dolphins, sharks, turtles, octopi and even seals and penguins cried for help. The evil forms called the Phantoms took over the peaceful place of the oceans which is near the shore of Crystal Sands. The dolphin Alpha Taive made a help call that was heard even out of Jamaa! But no one from Jamaa was brave to help and no one outside heard it, except a tribe of otters; they were the closest to Jamaa.They lived in a pine forest with a river cutting it, with small islands, where the tribe is located. A young otter was the first to hear the dolphins call. It was loud and he understood what the call was saying. He was standing on a branch and he made a signal to the ground that is far down from the top of the tree. The other otters saw the messenger waving his tail as a signal. After that, they heard the call because it was getting louder and louder; someone is getting kidnapped. They rushed to the leader who was the same size as the citizens but the messenger who climbed down the tree was smaller. He was the child of the leader.
    "Everyone, my old friend Taive needs our help", the leader announced with his funny but strong voice. "We shall go back to Jamaa where our ancestors have lived until those Phantoms came. We shall get our revenge and save the ocean animals. but we must walk on land, due to the larger number of Phantoms underwater even if it's faster by swimming. For our old home, Jamaa!"
    The otters cheered and they followed the leader towards Jamaa. It took a few weeks to get to the beautiful but dangerous land though they didn't want to catch the Jammers' attention. So they sneaked past the Township, the Zios Temple, towards Crystal Sands. They made a burrow that's in the Coral Canyon pathway because of less Jammers there and more near the entrance to the ocean. By that time, Jammers knew that otters are coming because one of the otters of the tribe wasn't there and she was spotted everywhere in Jamaa. Only the Alphas knew the reason why the otters are here so they let them hidden for a while and let them have time to take down Phantoms from time to time. But the Alphas still announced that the otters will be coming in about a few more weeks. Let's hope that the otters will be great animals!
    I hope you enjoyed the story!

  54. Hey it's me here! Anyone here? If so, what's your fav den besides diamond dens? P.s I actually don't like crystal dens.

  55. i like all of the dens apart from the water park den

  56. the otters might be for gems C:

  57. yeah lots of people will freak out :O

  58. No, but if they are she will have the diamonds.

  59. Thats so nice of u to do! :DDD

  60. my idea is rare green pigtails :3

  61. SOS any fav dens? My worst is the crystal den.

  62. i know one :3 they juggle little fishies XD

  63. yeah nm's need more animals to choose from

  64. they will come back.... i hope :o

  65. Oh and I think I like the underground den best^_^

  66. Is anyone here or am I talking to maiself? O.O


  68. SNOWUPAW(PandahearnonAJ)August 4, 2014 at 7:17 AM

    i will freak out too!

  69. I was saving up for a Hyena but I think an Otter will be best because it can go on land and water! Also they are so cute!!!! ヽ(^o^)ノ

  70. BlackRainbowzBelleAugust 4, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    Ok my mm answer is:
    The otters have been being held captive in the phantom factory, where they have lived in cages being held prisoners. Until one day the animals of Jamaa came to the rescue! The animals invaded the factory and destroyed the phantoms. And now that the otters are free they are coming home :3

  71. hey guys did u realise that with the new otter animal will come a new name badge thingy! ^-^

  72. You know how the only animals that are both land AND water are non member (seal and penguin)? Maybe the Otter will be nm too!

  73. guardiansofgahoole101August 4, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    Otters lived in the oceans before the Dolphins and Sharks came out. When the Dolphins and sharks came, the otters left and found the Phantom Fortress. They went in and explored, since they never saw phantoms before. The phantoms captured them, but one day Sealia came to release the otters.

    When sealia freed the Otters, the otters thanked her. And so otters came back!

  74. hey guys and girls!

  75. I am guessing otters will be for 1k gems, but for members only. They always do that. They get you all excited thinking its gonna be nonmem and them BAM! It for members only. Also I would like to inform anyone who happens to read this post that me and a couple of friends are advocating for something called Winter Adventures Movement. To join just email this special message: WE WANT WINTER ADVENTURES! Tell others and maybe we can get enough people to do this to get AJ's attention. My username on AJ is Sappamathia, summon me through a Jam-A-Gram if you want more information.

  76. all the other land and water animals were non member maybe this one too!

  77. this is comment 101

  78. My story takes place before otters dissapeared from Jamaa.. Or so we think.

    Every animal in jamaa loved Otters, they were playful, kind, and very friendly to anyone they'd meet. Jamaa was joyful during the time that they had been there. But one day, the phantoms reined down destruction upon jamaa. Not only dens, but many habitats to innocent animals were destroyed. Sadly, the otters were affected the most. Their homes were destroyed, and buildings crashed down. blocking them from the oceans. Their only escape was to... RUN.

    The otters ended up lost, inside unclaimed territory, and most of them disappeared from the group. But the ones that survived have taken their time and have found Jamaa once again! Their rejoice with the animals was greatly emotional.

  79. they're river otters SILLY!

  80. a bunch of people in jamaa township were asking where the monday rare was, i said "ITS IN THE HAT STORE IN APPONDALE!"

  81. So is the otter for gems? I haven't been on aj for a whole month :'(

  82. I have Ben on 2 years and I hat diamonds just put it in the stores it's so not fair we need less diamonds and more gems I mean right . Every animal has bean diamonds I want it to be gems what's next put all close in diamonds. It's not fair!!!!!!!

  83. #otters

  84. ILCC Pikachu Rocks!August 4, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    Hey guys I know this has nothing to do this Aj, but any of you think braces are ugly? Because my mom's planning me on getting some, and yeah. I also heard you have to wear them for a year or 2! D: They said my jaw was small but my teeth were big. Is it painful to have braces? Do people make fun of you? Is it bad to have glasses and braces? Someone plz reply >.<


  85. Hi and I have glasses and they don't bother me cuz most of the time I don't wear them, I might have to get braces too... :'(

  86. For Me, Braces Are Not Ugly In Any Way. Even If I Thought They Were. I Wouldn't Tease Anyone. I've Seen Many People With Braces And It Doesn't Look A Tiny Bit Ugly.

  87. how about deer, they were in diamond times and they were for gems.

  88. no! braces actually are cool! :) you dont have to worry about ppl making fun of you because braces are not weird. they are just normal!

  89. Guess what? I'm going to need braces too and I ALSO wear glasses! You're not alone! :)

  90. ya i dont rlly care about my glasses i havent worn them WONCE in the summer yet :T

  91. wow su much ppl do that! i thought id NEVER have glasses before i got them

  92. guess what? I GOT A CAT YESTERDAY! i made my fox look like him :3

  93. nice... ajhq sld make them!

  94. ILCC Pikachu Rocks!August 4, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    OK thx guys, I feel a lot happier now :D


  95. anyone on? i wanna talk :-/

  96. When will the Otter Contest stuff be revealed?

  97. Anyone online video my den!!

  98. My sister wears glasses and she looks pretty smart with them.

  99. Nobody knows what the otter is going to be worth. Either diamonds or gems!

  100. Definitely not! I will have to get them too :(

  101. 55th Girl saying otters are cute/Adorable.

  102. glasses are kewl :D

  103. Even though its fun almost everyone won't read the stories including me. Because we're just too lazy! :)

  104. i dont have glasses or braces but i think that people who wear them look cool

  105. Otters are cute:3

  106. lol maybe next time :D

  107. Otters are cute! <3

  108. Party my den I'm bunnybobo231!!! Plz plz plz come!!!!

  109. sorry i might come idk im just cheacking wats up i prob will come though

  110. My Monday mystery:
    Otters were very important to Jamaa many years ago. They were the bravest animal to ever fight the phantoms. Every animal in Jamaa couldn't stop talking about the otters, about how brave and courageous they were. One day when the phantoms attacked the otters were captured and taken to the phantom king. The phantom king locked them away in a secret land where no one, not even the alphas, could find them. But the day has finally arrived. The otters have found a way out of the phantom king's prison. They are returning to Jamaa!

  111. Braces aren't that bad. I had to get some when i was about 8, I remember i didnt even want to smile. But when i finally did someone told me they were like jewelry for my teeth! It hurts the first few days, but soon it wont be too bad. I dont think people will make fun of you, a lot of people have to get braces. Hope this helped, i know its a little late :P

  112. hi i love otters how ab that?

  113. I hope they'll be gems and non member. But we''l just have to wait.

  114. hia whos on i wanna know how to make an account on here

  115. Ah, I have been wondering how to make a account on here too XD

  116. Am I the only one that wants to cuddle those otters... They r so cute <3

  117. i wanna cuddle too. I LUV OTTERS!!! although pandas r better...

  118. I luv the otters too >:O

  119. Mustachio luvs schoolAugust 4, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    :L I hope my membership doesn't expire when otters arrive...or would they ? Well right now in 7 days till school :3 tada! I'm going to 6th grade what grade are you guys going to :D

  120. i luv how it saves ur name and email when u type again

  121. I'm going to 6 the too!

  122. Good story, i bet those otters ARE courageous.. c:

  123. Ugh the meant 6th

  124. I live the otters ;3;

  125. gtg going into 4th, 5th, or 6th, u guess and brb not gtg

  126. Awesome! hmm what school do you go to we might be in thè same school!

  127. Otters are probably gonna be for gems.. :P I highly doubt they will be for diamonds XD

  128. That would be cool, a Otter hat :o

  129. Princeton charter school, nj

  130. Please delete taht

  131. Stupid auto correct..

  132. Hm.. the otter has a member name tag.. not a non-member name tag.. its basically a 20% chance otters will be a gem animal then... BUT maybe the otters will be a diamond animal.. we will never know.. we just need to wait.. :P

  133. Dang it -.- I go to lawless lions and that's my last grade and I'm in california!

  134. Is that personal info????

  135. Omg that's exactly what I said in my lower comment yesterday XDD

  136. No it was auto correct

  137. Mmm i don't think so it's close personal info is like giving your actual address and your full name and were you live

  138. The otters were an important specie in jamaa. They were one of the different animals in jamaa that could go underwater and go on land. They were important, because when the phantoms arrived in jamaa, they were the ones who spotted them first as they were trying to swim to the lands of jamaa. The otters told the other jammers to watch out for the phantoms. Everyone hid and the phantoms did not find them, that is, until one day the phantoms decided to attack jamaa. A brave otter was outside scouting for phantoms, and as he swam underwater and above the water, the phantom king decided to capture the otter, knowing that it could help them learn how to swim. As soon as the otter was captured, many more of the otters went to look for the missing one. After a while, all of the otters had been captured and hidden away by the phantoms, hidden so far away from the lands of jamaa that no one, not even the alphas could find them, that was then, this is now. After jammers started to trap phantoms during adventures, the phantoms defenses had gotten a little weaker, and know the otters have escaped! They will return to jamaa very soon.

  139. MustachioWuvsAwesomeAugust 4, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Lol made a easy account

  140. bck although i might be slow a friend is over

  141. Could you delete that it was a typo and auto correct anyway ima sorreh

  142. MustachioWuvsAwesomeAugust 4, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    Who wants to see my dog?

  143. ~~ . -- My Mystery Monday! -- . ~~
    The otters were an amazing animal in Jamaa a few years ago, when they were in Jamaa, they made all the little animals happy! 4 little bunnies, named Zany, Old, Eternal, and Cute were one of the otter's biggest fans! The otter's name was Admiral Frozenpaw. Admiral Frozenpaw was the most famous otter in all of Jamaa! His nickname was "Otter of Jamaa" Since he was known all around Jamaa.

    Admiral was walking down a path to Jamaa Township, with his friend, Silly Majormoon, they beamed their eyes on something they had never seen, The King Phantom. The king raised his tentacle up and slammed it to the ground, making the Zios Statue collapse. The King Phantom Picked up a certain otter. And it was... Admiral Frozenpaw. Silly was too frightened to save his best bud, so he went into the oceans of Jamaa, and no one ever saw the otters again.

    Where is Admiral? Will he bring an army of otters back? Will admiral survive The King Phantom?!

  144. MustachioWuvsAwesomeAugust 4, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    I took a picture of her outside :L I just want to pet and cuddle her now

  145. MustachioWuvsAwesomeAugust 4, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    Huge awesome story

  146. Ahhh Amazing story! I wish this was a book about the Otters of Jamaa :o

  147. When are you going to post the special Spirit Mail?

  148. Along time ago in the land of jamaa otters were the first animals that Zios and Mira made. They were playful and always happy . After a little while all the other animals were created. When Zios and Mira's anger fell to the earth a huge 'cage of anger trapped' the otters who were always happy. Ppl who went in the cage became angry and turned into phantoms :o ! But the otters were so happy that they were not affected after a long time the phantoms saw this and were angry. They did not capture them because they were also very powerful so the phantoms made a potion that made the otters invisible.!!!
    Do you think they were there the whole time?
    What have the phantoms been hiding?
    What do you think will happen next?
    Tell me!

  149. My Monday Mystery:
    The otters are one of the oldest animals in Jamaa. It's Alpha Kalea was on a search for a lost otter named Frilly. After going through the boomseed trees, Kalea found a sad phantom crying. After studying it, they made a bond, unlike the others, Kalea found the good in everything, because everyone has potential to be great. One day while having fun, the father of the phantom found them playing. The father didn't know what to say. As a thank you gift, he took them to the Phantom Kingdom, because a summer festival was going on. The King didn't appreciate it, so he trapped the otters, Kalea, and the traitor phantoms. Frilly was found dead in the cage. The phantoms were sent to bury the history of otters. One day, a tiger found a diary of an otter. One passage said "The summer festival was very fun, games, shops were all there. I couldn't believe those phantoms were helpful." The passage gave the tiger an idea. The Summer Carnival was born. Unfortunately, the phantoms were involved in making the games possible, so the tiger made robot phantoms. The Summer Carnival represents the kindness of phantoms. But of course there were more bad phantoms. So the tiger set to free the otters. And they freed Kalea to reform the phantoms. They have escaped to their homeland. (The upper left land) Now the otters are spreading to all of Jamaa, where they will live a happy life.

  150. I have a Monday Mystery :D
    But, however, to honor how I survived watching Guardians of the Galaxy... (you guys that haven't seen it have no idea what you're in for) xD
    I'm going to be sharing how Rocket Raccoon came to be (this isn't spam if it has a tiny bit to do with the post, aka monday mystery xD)

    Rocket was born one day by two lovely humans. He was named Jack, but his love for rockets and space inspired his nickname, Rocket. One day, an alien invasion visited Earth. The leader, Glaxor, wanted revenge on the humans that killed his family. Rocket and his parents knew why the aliens came, so they hid in an underground village of mutant mole humanoids. The mole-people helped the family hide by offering food and a lovely shelter. For weeks, the war lasted and the family were well hidden by the aliens. Rocket saw the blacksmith, Metalstar, and asked why he was building something. The mole smiled and leaned up to Rocket and whispered,"Us Molars are going to participate in the war, but your parents are safe with the caretakers." Rocket wanted to fight, but he knew that his parents would be heartbroken to find their toddler dead in the debris. He went back to the den, and found nothing but a note. The note read 'Dear Jack, our beloved little rocket, we'll be gone for a little bit. Stay with the Molars and don't follow us.' And Rocket knew better than to follow.
    Weeks have gone by, and his parents have not returned. Rocket snuck out of the underground village and tried to call for his parents. One second, he was depressed with loss, and another second, he felt light touch his skin, and he rose. When the rising stopped, he was in the mother ship. Glaxor had no intention of killing the boy. He rasped creepily, "Boy, you're going to be some help for today. Don't worry about a thing." The horn on the elite alien's head glowed a dark red. Rocket followed the alien to a testing area. "We have a superhuman serum mixed with animal DNA," A female scientist exclaimed. "You're perfect for the experiment, you have the perfect amount of DNA we can remove to that hideous bloodstream of yours." she smirked. He was tied to a tube, and was injected with the animal DNA. He groaned in agony and felt spiky fur rise from his body, everywhere. A long snout and terrifying fangs sprouted from his mouth. A bushy tail with dark stripes sprouted from his back, and he felt a raccoonlike howl rise from his throat. The scientist laughed, "We also erased any memory of human life.."
    And then, Rocket was born.
    P.S. I'm changing my guest name again to Groot o3o

  151. Hai everyone ^-^ I've been on Teen Ink so I haven't commented a lot, sorreh!

  152. monday mystery- otters have been scared out of alaska and ran away to jamaa!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw