
Friday, January 30, 2015

Fashion Friday #1

Hey Jammers!
Arthop here, with our first Fashion Friday! Fashion is all the rave in Jamaa, but, as lots of Jammers have informed me, sometimes it's hard to find just the right look (Sorry for all the commas, it's just my style x3). On these particular posts, I will be giving AJ fashion tips, cool outfit ideas, popular item blurbs, coolest outfit of the week, and more!
Check Below the Break for the actual post ^.^.
    Alright Jammers, lets start off with how to make a cool outfit. First, take all of the clothing off your animal, and if it's easier, turn your animal white.This example is made with an arctic wolf, and yes, maybe some member items. But this is just an example.
   Now, lets put some clothes on your animal. Start with a certain theme. Punk? Warrior? Princess? Totally Random? Maybe you don't know.. -says dramatically- Let the items speak to yoouuu! Go for a certain color range. What are your favorite colors? The outfit doesn't have to revolve around one certain color, but at the most, 3. Here are some examples:
Now lets see what they look like colored! 
  Neat? As you can see, I used only one color in the top look, but in different shades. And even though none of the items I am wearing have any orange in them, I used that as the base color because it compliments the yellow, and it would look strange with a yellow base, creme bottom, and yellow pattern. In the bottom look, I mostly used one color as well (gray). But as you can see, she has a white hat on. That's why for colors, I used white as base. That way the two colors are distributed more equally on the animal, rather then the whole animal (items aside from hat, colors, and patterns) being gray and black, with the hat being the odd one out. 
              For the next segment in this post, I would like to show you the outfit of the week, by coco24crazy! 
This is a perfect example of what I was saying above. The main color is blue, with a more aqua bottom to compliment the inside color of the wings. And then, seeing how the black friendship necklace is a neck item (obviously), she used black for her pattern. Over all a really cute and unique look! I love the whole 'bug' looking theme with the wings and heart antennae! And this outfit shows that you don't need to look rare to have your outfit look awesome. 
Up next we have the most popular item of the week (in outfit terms). I know, I know, spikes! Spikes are one of this weeks most popular items worn by jammers. Look at the picture below, and see how many spikes (rare and nr) you can pick out:
There's alot, isn't there? I knw, you guys probably ALREADY knew spikes where the most popular, but still. 
Alright, now for the list of outfit tips:
Have at most 3 colors in your outfit
Choose a wise base color
You don't have to look rare to have an epical look
Always make sure you don't have an odd item (an item with no color compliment).

And that's me signing off, Jam On!


  1. Ok, I came here just for oufit tips, I didn't know there were, and I can read the future maybe!!!

  2. Do it for non members they have fashion too

  3. I sometimes do stuff like this o,o

  4. Ok. I will do that next week. I basically did. It was outfit tips on how to make your own outfit nm or not. I just didn't really have many nm items, that's all :P

  5. Awesome fashion ppl buddy me at michelledd u to non-members!

  6. Great tips! And love the outfits you made :D

  7. Making an outfit for non members ins't as hard as you think guys, all you need is creativity! :D

  8. In terms of item rarity, I think the rare friendship mask may go down in it. It's getting popular, and it will become more common to have it. To me, all the ignored and neglected items are the rarest.

  9. Is it just me or your a new author on AJS.

  10. so I see well come to my den today before 3:00 and see mine

  11. oh and my use is bear2736

  12. HI GUYS!


    Usually I dart on and off at the GIFs and most interesting parts, but Fashion Friday is genius! Oh, and plus, I was wondering at the start "Is this gonna be a rip-off of Rarity Ratings?"
    But it's utterly different and unique and BEAUTIFUL!

    Loving everything.

    That's exactly how I make my outfits! I evenly distribute which is ever so important because you don't want clashing or too much of one colour. Congratulations coco24crazy,
    Did you know "loco" is Spanish for crazy? Because I do! And "loca" is the girl version! Haha, have fun! xx

  13. WHAAA! Style, gal, style!

  14. Yes. Often members get too many member items and end up being slightly biast, whether we want to or not!!!!!!

  15. Exactly! And members can change colours of items for you, remember, if they're kind enough! I have 45000 gems and am happy to do this anytime! My user is gemmarocks112!

    Non member items aren't actually that bad, despite my lectures :)

  16. i see but beware to dont let the membership expire

  17. Love this! Another tip is to find colors next to each other on the color palette, or, if you're going for a more bold look, you can choose colors opposite to each other on the color wheel like Purple, Orange, and Green!
    Arthop, this is awesome!

  18. Thank, I'm really glad this article was a hit ^.^. Thanks for the color tips as well! Very helpful :)

  19. I'm so glad you like it! I can see how you thought it was like rarity ratings at first, but I'm glad I didn't make it like that on accident XD

  20. Another
    After I pick my items, I decide the colour of my eyes before anything else.
    I usually keep my eyes the most visible color on the items, but My fur the least visible, but still visible color

  21. But I have to go now because my stupid brother is stealing back his computer

  22. Good job! It was interesting and cute!

  23. The thing that non members most ask for changing colors are head flowers, they look perfect in almost any outfit. Even when i was a non member i asked members for head flowers lol :D

  24. Cool, it's really hard to get on AJS if you don't have writing skills. :D

  25. i always apply items and then look at the fur for example: Artic wolf wearing black spike,black gazelles,black elf bracelets,black worn and a white red and black elf tail. Light brown fur and white under fur dark grey swirls and dark red eyes :3 if you have those items you can try that it looks pretty cute :D

  26. I asked for everything, even Tiny Shelves, LOL :D

  27. It's the best, inspired me to make my own Fashion Fridays book. I write novels :D

  28. lol, i wish we could choose in different colors when we buy rare item mondays too

  29. I think my color patterns are based on complementary colors! I noticed that AJ uses complementary colors a lot too lol

  30. Thanks for all of the tips Snowyclaw!You could see my outfits if you want.My username is einstienlover27 (spelled exactly like that).I hope you like them!:-)


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw