
Friday, February 20, 2015

A Cozy Clover Blanket!

Herro, Jammers! C:
The Lucky Party festivities haven't quite begun yet, but I suppose
AJ still wanted to bring out some Lucky items early! Today's new St. Patrick's
Day item is the Clover Blanket! Looks pretty cozy.

Better stay nice and snug for this frigid winter! Brr...
I'm sorry, I don't have the winners for the Written Wednesday yet, jammers!
I've been quite busy this week. But I promise, I will have them next post! C:

And now, some posts over on the Daily Explorer!
First off, the newest Jammer Snaps winners! Congratulations Swimming Sunnyseal, Dancing Chillylily, Sparkle Braveseal, Awesome Funnyleopard, and Happy Fancypuppet! You all look so nice! At least they get to relax on the's too cold here! Ah!

What I wouldn't give to be in Jamaa right now, chilling on Crystal Sands. No, not chilling! No more cold!

Anyway, on a cheerier note, the new Pet Ponies! I honestly think
they look like MLPs. Hehe, they're so cute! Have you gotten a Pet Pony yet?

Cuties! ^_^

The Heart Boots in the Hot Cocoa Hut are on their second to last day!
Pick them up before they leave! And, thank you Loki for pointing out the clearance to our attention C:

And now, It's time for a Friendship Friday post!
(First time! Oh yeah, I got this o3o)

Do you ever feel like you might lose a friend? That they might not accept who you are because of something that happened? That they might turn your back on you?
Well, I have.
And I'm sure you've all had that happen. But you can change that. 
Your friends will still accept you, even in your darkest times. If they are true friends.
You are never alone. Your friends will be there.
Never be afraid. Your friends will comfort you.
You are kind, wonderful, beautiful, Don't let anyone change that. 
Because your friends will help you.
They don't care what you look like. How you talk. What you wear.
It's the beauty inside. You all have that.
Don't let anyone get you down. Your true friends will help you.

That was, right? 
For the Friendship Friday contest, please submit a picture of you are your best AJ friends doing something fun or nice together. And if you'd like, share a touching story about some time they helped you, or guided you in the right direction. You can either send them to Or, if you'd like, personally to me at

And to wrap up my post, a friendship quote from Juniper.

And, as always...
Happy Jamming!


  1. Nice!!! And first O3O

  2. Good post hungergames, and great job on your first Friendship Friday!

  3. Thanks, Arthop! C:
    Can't wait for the Fashion Friday post!

  4. Oh, btw even though I'm an author like you, can I still enter the contest you had for FF?

  5. Also, I just noticed on your profile that you enjoy Martial Arts. I do, too! I've been taking karate for a while C:

  6. Np. And I'm starting to work on it now. It will probably be up around 10:00 am AJS time (feature posts are much later then daily posts).

  7. Red. Right below black. I might be testing for it in June.

  8. not trying to be a poot, but will arthop do fashion friday layer? i was looking forward to it all week. oh and me and arthop had a lovely jamagram convo last week, and i enjoyed it. she was very sweet.

  9. Yes! Fashion Friday is a feature post. That means it will be posted later in the day. No worries! C:

  10. Wow! My dojo has lots of belts, so I'm green only 1 more then half way to black XD. (There are 9 belts).

  11. Ah. Mine has quite a lot, too. After black, we have degrees in black belt.

  12. Hello jammers! I can't wait to get the pony!! ITS SO FLUFFFFYY!! or not.... No jk :D

  13. Yup! Anyone can enter anything on AJS!

  14. Finished Fashion Friday, and sheduled it to post around 10:00 am AJS time... is that a good time?

  15. You mean, your friends SHOULD always accept you

  16. You ruined it by saying "THAT WAS CHEESY RIGHT!"

  17. Okay, my fave colours of the Clover Blanket are:

    GREEN (classic)
    YELLOW & GREEN (it reminds me of garlic bread)
    PINK (it reminds me of Gummy Unicorn)
    BLUE (so soothing!)


    RED (so lovely and lush!)

  18. I really don't like ponies D:

  19. I lurve this convo! Not spam at all, but it's really interesting! xx

  20. Congratulations, Shattered Dreams! All your fair comments showing fair opinions - you deserve 1st place!

  21. Request:

    Please may you start doing larger posts - ones like the one above are fine - and not do about 4 in one day, but miss about 2 days out? Because often you do that. You go 2 days without posting, then do about 5 in one hour!!!!

    Please try and add one-item posts into larger ones, xx

  22. If I can convince my buddy into doing this contest, you will see an entry from me XD

  23. Sorry for getting off topic and breaking into your conversation but..

    I take karate too! :D Yesh! Finally, some people! :D I'm a blue belt. :P

  24. fluffy ponys are the best!February 20, 2015 at 8:37 AM

    gift me my user is murrell23 or murrell29

  25. ♘Ⓒⓐⓚⓔ ⓖⓘⓡⓛ➅➍➃➏♞February 20, 2015 at 9:25 AM

    Anyone With an otter should wear clover blankets then play to see what happens

  26. it's old though.........

  27. Hey jammers!

    Earlier today, I was trading away in Jamaa Township looking for a different color warn. A jammer traded a purple worn and I didn't mean to press yes, lol! This is kinda funny, but I lost my yellow worn which I loved. If you've got a yellow worn and you would one of the following worns, please pop over to my den so we can swap! ^.^

    - Green
    - Purple
    - Brown

    Thank you!!

  28. Is it me or are there more animal slots? I counted 32.

  29. well if you are a member than you probably have more slots..

  30. Yes. AJHQ added more animal slots! I'll include that in my post tomorrow here on AJS! ^.^

  31. REALLY WHOA!!!!


  33. Agreed, why should we, you could ask politely you know....

  34. Can you please post it, I am impatient sorry, I waited a whole day!

  35. They didn't include it in this week's Jamaa Journal which was pretty surprising. Apparently, updates will get bigger soon! AJHQ are just very busy launching Play Wild Bea (AJ's new mobile app.) ^.^

  36. I don’t have a gmail.
    Oh, and up there, ITSH A BOY ALICOOOORN! ^.^
    Shining should be one. It’s about time he gets wings or something.

  37. Stunning winter beauty found of the coast of lake Michigan.

  38. guys I just made a blog called animal jam swift blog I just made it like a minute ago XD here Is the link

  39. I liked the paragraph about friends. I once had a friend who betrayed me in a way last year. So it all started 5 years ago when I was the new kid in 1st grade. I really liked it except for one thing. There was a girl who taunted and teased me, I tried to ignore her. It worked! After a week, she stopped. then it started again in 3rd grade. However, this time it wasn't simple teasing. She started telling the whole class about my embarrasing mistakes and convinced all the "popular" girls a.k.a. her minions to believe her. It hurt, but I still had my 2 bffs, so I was okay. In 5th grade, she finally found out how I resisted the gossip. The teacher put her, me, and my friend on the same table. The mean girl told my bff about those mistakes and told her to tease me and taunt me about it, if she did than she will be accepted as a popular girl and have all the popular girls at her side all the time. Guess what? She accepted! After school, I called her and asked her why she did that, and she said "Omg like I'm sorry after all the mean girl like told me to do it" I'm like, " So! if she told me to do that to you, I wouldn't of have done it!" Then she tried to change the subject and I hung up on her. After that, she stopped hanging out with me at lunch and only talked to the popular girls. She only called me to want help for homework. I learned that she became full known as a popular girl a while later. She said that a boy in our class was calling her "stupid" and "jerk". The boy said that he onlu said to her to participate in the streches that we were doing in recess because it was too cold to go outside. Guess what? All the popular girls backed her up even though only 2 of them were there.

  40. Wow! That was touchy, nice post, Hugergamesrock1937 (i might've gotten that wrong)! I might just enter this writey thingimijig this time!

  41. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i was so looking forward to the results of written wedsday, i wanted to see if i won or not....

  42. Tell me why the world makes it so hungergames cant post the winners/

  43. Umm maybe because she doesn't have time. The older you get, the more school work your receive making you have less time for other things. Plz be patient.

  44. Yea i know, im in seventh grade, i barely had time to type that story

  45. O o sooo wut makes you think that she would have time to READ all the stories if u just stated that u struggled to WRITE your story.

  46. *sigh* I just read the saddest book in the world. I can't say the name or else I'll cry. It's so sad!

  47. Sorry! I promise they will be up next time I post :C

  48. The Fault In Our Stars?

  49. i just finished The Fault In Our Stars... I cried :(

  50. Yippie. Im a NM... Ill live though i dont NEED to be a member :)

  51. You want some fries with that? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  52. Oh. I haven't read it but I heard it's really sad. Hmm, now that I think of it I wonder which is sadder, TFIOS or Watership Down...

  53. Uh-huh, sure.

  54. i can tell you now that it is extremly sad, but there are funny parts and its a good book in general

  55. my friend lent it to me

  56. ok forget that its so restricted AHHHHHH

  57. yeah this is annoying

  58. Watership Down is even more sad in my opinion ( maybe its bc i watch anime and the ppl ALWAYS die... )

  59. Don't feel so pressured/bad about missing the post. Its not UR fault that u get overloaded in homework. (its the teachers xP)

  60. I bet they're releasing Lucky Day items early because they'll have to take them down before Lucky Day is even there. Like at the Frienship Fest. AJHQ might have gotten some complaints from the new items leaving so fast. So they don't want to do that with the Luck Day stuff.

  61. Dude be patient. You shouldn't be so happy about winning you should be happy about your story. BE PROUD OF THE GOOD STORY YOU WROTE NOT ABOUT THE PRIZE. BE PROUD OF THE WORK YOU DID NOT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE THINKS ABOUT IT.
    okay sorry X3


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw