
Monday, February 16, 2015

Cherry Trees, Rare Heart Capes, and more!

Herro, jammers! C:

Hungergamesrock19375, here, and today we have two wonderful new items in shop!
The first is brand new, the Rare Heart Cape! This can be found on the second page of Jam Mart Clothing for 750 gems! And over in Jam Mart Furniture, a lovely returning item, the Cherry Tree! This item is on sale for 500 gems C:

He he. C:
I love the color on the Heart Cape. It's quite nice, wouldn't you agree?
Did all you jammers have a wonderful Valentine's Day?
I sure hope so! C: I had hosted a friendship party in my den to celebrate with jammers!
He he C:
What did you all do to celebrate Valentine's Day in Jamaa?

Anyway, over on the Daily Explorer, there is a new fun
expirement to try out! Hehe, you can have your own little Aurora Borealis in your house!
Sounds neat!
If only that could really be in or outside your house...
He he, my silly dreams...

Anyway, I don't think anyone has updated the videos in a while...

You can watch these scientist's videos over in Brady Barr's theater, and Tierney Thy's theater!

And for all you collectors, the Nesting Greely Doll is on it's last day of sales.
Pick one up before it's gone!

And now, for my favorite part of the post...
Yay! C;

I decided to change it up a little today. I hope you enjoy!
I had traveled to Crystal Sands today, hoping to perhaps meet a friend, or go for a nice dip in the water. But as I had started to walk through the warm sand, I discovered something. A glass bottle. Something was inside. A scroll, it looked to be. I pulled at the cork, trying my hardest to open the mysterious bottle. Finally, it popped off. I tipped the bottle upside down, and the paper fell out. It was delicate, so I was careful. Unfolding it, I saw it was a message. It was hard to decipher, but I made my best effort.
(By the way, if you can't read it, it says:)
Dear Reader,
If you find this, then I must warn you. Dark times are ahead. I am lost at sea, hopelessly searching for land, or some source of food. The phantoms draw nearer. Jamaa will soon be nothing but rubble and sorrow. This is a warning. Deliver this message to the Alphas immediately!

I stumbled back. Cosmo was in trouble? Jamaa...gone? No, I could not let that happen. I looked out into the vast seas. Cosmo, I thought, Where are you?

He he. Sorry, was that cheesy?
Anyway, for the MM, you can write about anything this story has to offer. You can write about Cosmo, delivery the message to the Alphas, anything! At least, anything about this story. C:
I will pick three winners. They will be announced in my next posting. I can't wait to hear your stories!

And before I leave you, I have a wonderful code found by Awesomepanda868.
The code is friends, and as your reward, you are granted 1,000 gems! C:

Well, that's all for my post today. I hope to see you all in Jamaa!
Happy Jamming! C:


  1. Congrats! c:

  2. We still do numbers? Third.

    I,love the cape colors, too! They really go together well.
    I'll try and write the MM story later when I'm on a computer because snow day.

  3. Ravi examined the bottle and read the message. " I must deliver this to my father, Greely right away!" So she ran as fast as her paws could carry her to the alpha's hideout. " Everyone!", she yelled. "Cosmo is in trouble!" The other alphas ran out to crystal sands to go meet Tavie, the alpha of dolphins. Ravi ran with them. "Tavie!', she yelled. Tavie swam up to the shore. " Ravi?What is the problem?" said Tavie. " Cosmo is lost at sea and all the alphas want you to find him right away" Ravi explained. So Tavie swam for days until she found Cosmo. "ride on my back", she said. Cosmo hopped on Tavi's back and they rode home to Jamaa. All the animals had the biggest party ever since the victory over the phantoms. But than Ravi said, " There will be a new phantom war and all of the animals will have to fight it. you must get ready." So the alphas did, and won that war. Then another party was celebrated. an even bigger one

  4. I didn't do anything in particular on Valentines day in Jamaa, but I met 2 awesome buddies and we had alot of fun ordering pizza and suffocating out of the earth's atmosphere ;)

  5. to xxsmileurbeautifulxx:
    I know that you have checked out my website, but Below I will put the link to jammers of the month. I always do them one month early, and you are the march jammer of the month.


  6. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:16 AM

    Anyone here?

  7. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:18 AM

    Hallo! I have no school yay!

  8. Hi im cupcake7880(animaljam account)and im gonna do the MM.With me included in it.
    Cupcake put her paws in the water, but then,SLIP! she sliped off the bottle.
    Cupcake picked up the bottle. ``A bottle? that isnt possible! i should just read it anyways.``
    She tryed to open the bottle as best she could,but it was too tite in
    She smashed the bottle on the ground. but it didnt work.
    then she used her teeth, and she pulled the cork out and reads the paper.
    She drops the bottle. Heart beats fast. ``C-cosmo trapped at sea? Jamaa be gone? No! i must tell the other alphas!``
    Cupcake runs fast to the alphas, ``Cosmo is trapped at sea! we must get tavi!`` Everyone goes to the sea, ``Tavi! You have to go find cosmo!``
    ``Cosmo? alright then.`` Tavi said and she swam down to look for cosmo,Then a few minutes later, tavi comes back up with cosmo.
    ``Cosmo! we were so worried!`` After that everythig was back to normal, but then the clouds become dark, winds gust strongly.
    Phantoms came out, then the alphas came out, i wanted to fight also, friends join in, then more come in! then after the war was over.
    After is back to normal. Even if im second place that doesnt matter! this is just something fun to do! thanks!

  9. Lol same Family day rocks XDD

  10. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:20 AM

    Yay! Lol great minds think alike, I was gonna write something like that but ill choose a different topic!

  11. Thank you! i'd really like others like my story, this took awhile.

  12. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:24 AM

    Wait a sec is it okay if it includes reading the note and stuff...? Totally different goal though.

  13. Hey bunny wanna go on animal jam? im kinda bored.

  14. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:28 AM

    Okay, I might be a bit un-fun cause i'll be writing but kk meet me at my den!

  15. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:30 AM

    Whats your user?

  16. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:32 AM

    Oh k I just realized haha!

  17. i just got back from London HARRY POTTER WORLD WAS FREAKEN AWESOME AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Oh, I've been there! Isn't it fantastic? C:

  19. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:42 AM

    Omg theres a harry potter world? Lol I know nothing. Cool!!!!!

  20. Hi hunger and good morning!

  21. Hello Bright Heart! I love the Warrior's series! C:

  22. Aww, that's sweet! Smile deserves it, though. She's such a nice person C:

  23. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:44 AM

    Hallo! Question, why don't you have the spirit thing on your name?

  24. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:45 AM

    <3<3 The warriors!

  25. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:46 AM

    Oh then im okay, haha. I did drive past the authors house though!

  26. I don't know. Nor me or Arthop do, and I'm pretty sure Smile doesn't either. Probably because we are newbies C:

  27. Oh, wait. Nevermind. I went to the Harry Potter themepark in Orlando. That was very exciting, though!

  28. Yeah I wanna go there too but my family don't have 1,500 pounds to travel there!!

  29. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:51 AM

    Whos been on the London eye?

  30. I've seen it!
    When I looked it up on Google. He he C:

  31. If you have been to Walt Disney World in Florida, then u are awesome XDD

  32. Im going to try the MM

    Magicclawz, or Mc for short, walked across the bright sands to the tide pool. She spotted a greenish-blue bottle ledged between the rocks. She walked over to it and carefully tugged it out. She examine it and quickly realized there was a message inside. She tried to tug the cork out, but it wouldn't budge. She grasped it tightly within her teeth and tore the cork out. Quickly and carefully she took the message out and read it.

    " Oh no!" Magicclawz gasped. She dashed off towards the derection of the alphas's dens.

    'Cosmo......Introuble!" Magicclawz panted as she got to the alphas's houses. Magicclawz gave the message too the alphas. The alphas had gathered around by now and Greely thrust his way to the center.

    "How do we know YOU didn't write this, Magicclawz?" Greely growled.

    "Greely!," Snapped Liza "You've seen Cosmo's handwriting, Cosmo wrote this, Not Magicclawz!" Greely snarled and headed back to the back of the crowd. Liza had Magicclawz lead the way to the pools and when they got there, they saw Cosmo in the distince trying to hold on to a piece of bark.

    "Help!" Yelled Cosmo. One of the sea animals on the shore that was in the tide pool, heard Cosmo and dove into the sea. Magicclawz watched as the sea animal, a seal, clasped the piece of bark in his jaws and hauled it to shore. The seal hauled the bark onto the sand.

    "Thank you!" Gasped Cosmo. The seal blinked his welcome and headed off. Suddenly thunder rumbled and there was a loud explosion.

    Magicclawz looked behind her and screeched "THE VOLCANOE IS ERUPTING!" Phantoms started pouring out of the volcanoe and onto the lands of Jamaa.

    Liza grabbed her staff and told the alphas something but she couldn't hear over the war cries of the phantoms. Suddenly the alphas jumped up and colorful rainbow was formed. Magicclawz looked up to Greely and saw his expression was blank. Magicclawz knew Greely hated rainbows. The phantoms lept at them too, creating a black rainbow. The rainbows colided and their was an explosion. As the dust cleared, Magicclawz saw that the Phantoms had disappeared!

    "You did it!" Exciedly howled Magicclawz.

    " Yep, " Said Cosmo " No storm lasts forever."

  33. It ok, You still are awesome : Gives over sized waffle :

  34. Jeez, I realize how long this is XD

  35. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 7:57 AM

    I have when I was really little and I cant remember anything :C ! But I got some sweet souveniurs! Or however you spell it!

  36. I went to a Waffle House yesterday and I had this HUGEEEEEEEEEE WAFFLE with ice cream and chocolate sauce


  38. I did! it was soo hot like 100 degrees!

  39. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:00 AM

    Meh meh.. Dies of wafffleness... (idk XD)

  40. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:04 AM

    My story is coming, almost done, please stay lol.

  41. I went for the first time two years ago. I honestly enjoyed Universal Studios more, though.

  42. ive gone to WDW 6 times XDDDD

  43. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:05 AM

    o.o O.O 6?!?!?!

  44. ya once 2009, 2010,2011, 2012, two times in 2013,2014

  45. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:07 AM

    My lord... and one this year, to come? Gosh your lucky!

  46. Ya im going in halloween

  47. According to, we would suffer hyperthermia after 10 minutes in extremely humid 140 degree - Fahrenheit weather.

  48. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:10 AM

    Hello I'm bunnybobo231 (account)! I'm gonna do the Monday MYSTERY!
    Skippy=Small jammer, loves to solve mysteries
    Skippy ran along the side of the sea, feeling the sunshine on her face. It was the last day of summer and she was going to make the most of it. She was just about to go into Juice hut to get her usual banana smoothie, when she saw something glittering in the water.
    She felt a mystery coming on! 'The smoothie will have to wait' she thought. She walked toward it and sighed heavily "Litters!" She picked it up and was about to recycle it when she realized it had a scroll in it.
    "Oooh!" she squealed. She quickly used her little claws to pry it open. She read it and frowned, for two reasons.
    'Is Cosmo in trouble?'
    'Or is this a prank?" She turned the map over and gasped. She saw something!
    She held it up to the sun and her jaw dropped. It was a map, to reach him! She thought of telling the Alphas. But she had told them mysteries that apparently were not true. This is MY chance to prove to them that I'm an awesome mystery solver!
    So Skippy packed her bags and left to find Cosmo. She changed from bunny into dolphin, and very cleverly turned herself black and wide eyed, so the phantoms would think she was one of them. She came to a huge, black boat, and from a window, she saw Cosmo all tied up!
    I have to get him out of there! She changed back into a black bunny and slipped onto the ship. she quickly got ready to pry the window off, but to her surprise, it was open.
    'The phantoms must have really bad security!' She thought. She ducked in and grabbed Cosmo.
    'Shhh...' Skippy hushed him before he could say anything. Skippy changed into a dolphin and hopped into the water. Cosmo climbed on her back and even though Skippy was exhausted she swam all the way back to Jamaa.
    Cosmo was delighted with her. 'Whats your name?'
    They told all of the other Alphas and they were so pleased. They even offered for her to be an Alpha, but she declined.
    'I think I'll stick to mysteries!' She said with a twinkle in her eye.

  49. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:11 AM

    Well someones a science whiz!

  50. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:11 AM

    Huh suprising.. lol

  51. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:13 AM

    Story is ready!

  52. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:13 AM

    Yay! I hate it. Lol.

  53. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:15 AM

    I more of a history, writing type of girl.
    I hate French and science, and sometimes math. French, is just because of my teacher. She hates me. The worst part: My bff is the teacher's pet. SO UN FAIR.

  54. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:16 AM

    Cool! I wanna live in Europe!

  55. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:21 AM

    What are the last 2?

  56. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:22 AM

    Thank you!

  57. Wow, so many great story entries, Jammers! I'm going to have a hard time picking just one! Ah!

  58. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:23 AM

    Ya same i like those, s.s and history=same

  59. Yeah. My S.S. and science teacher (at the moment are the same) is awesome! He's so funny, and is really kind as well.

  60. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:28 AM

    Cool, wish I was in your shoes.

  61. Aww thank you <3 ^-^ I'll definitely continue reading your blog posts :)

  62. I'm thinking of quitting Animal Jam I'm not quite sure yet. ._.

  63. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:31 AM

    Why..? :c

  64. Well a lot of ppl on there are scammers, hackers, and/or only care about rares and betas and ppl won't listen to me when I tell them that someone is a scam. But I'm still thinking about it.

  65. someone help i just got scammed!! i was in jamma and someone said "trade me another color worn" my laptop is really slow so i thought she had a red one. And i traded my friend my red worn awile ago so i wanted a red one. Tur out it was brown!!! Thats one of the least rare worns!! can someone get on aj and trade worns with me? ill add a rare friendship mask and freeedom wings. Btw i get scam alot ask my brother snowypug

  66. same here. Even though im not quitting

  67. o Saturday was Valentine's Day?! I totally forgot hehe whoopsiesssss (Wow I'm late) xD Happy late Valentine's Day/Friendship Day [<< I really have no idea what it's called] everyone ^-^

  68. also i dont like brown

  69. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:34 AM

    To u too!

  70. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:35 AM

    Ya. I feel ya.

  71. Well, I'm sure not everyone is like that. Besides, think about all the people who do care about you. Your buddies? Wouldn't they miss you? Think of the sorrow they would feel if you left them. Sometimes I feel like maybe I should have quit as well. But I think about all the positives of AJ, and how it has changed my life.

  72. im on aj right now

  73. Ok maybe I shouldn't quit. Plus I do love role playing on there. :3

  74. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:38 AM

    Your awesome, you always know what to say.

  75. nvm i just got a cream worn for my brown

  76. yes dude u awesome

  77. Well.... my other comment is...... um..... just don't look at it.......... o3o XD

  78. im goin up the ladder

  79. Oops, the cherry tree was one of the most valuable old den items. Too bad for anyone who recently traded for one.

  80. I'm going to go play Transformice....... C YA :D

  81. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:46 AM

    Question: What is the best, and worst thing about Animal Jam?

  82. I've come across a GLITCH :D

    Step 1: Be an otter underwater and click play
    step 2: Have a sherif badge ( Aka Police badge ) On
    Step 3: Notice how the Badge turns red XD

  83. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:48 AM

    Hmmm where do you get the police badge?

  84. No offense but " Goin' up the ladder " Kinda relates to Feelers' Jam on rarity post o,o

  85. I've gone 7 times and am going this April! :DDDD

  86. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:53 AM

    Okay what color?

  87. many great things...
    But the most comforting is my friends C:
    Always there for me. Kind, understanding.
    And the worst probably is scammers and hackers.

  88. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:56 AM

    Anyone here?

  89. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 8:57 AM

    Oh nvm I see!

  90. You didn't quite get scammed.
    Scammed would mean they tricked you into doing something.

  91. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:04 AM

    Ya. I agree.

  92. Sorry to tell you hungergames, but the people in this game are becoming more of hackers than nice people. I have played this game since the beta days and the people have greatly changed from that time. In the beginning the people were nice and listened to one another. Slowly the people began to care more about rares than betas. I used to have a lot of friends on this game. Sadly a lot of those people have gone down the wrong path. I am now only friends with one person from the beta days, I was originally friends with many. It used to be easy to find friends on this game, but not anymore. I find that people are also becoming more... stereotypical. People will now judge your animal by its looks, as people in the real world do now. My animal. almost all black, is often rejected by others or been made fun of. This, of course, I don't particularly mind, but it hurts my heart to see others being made fun of because of this.

  93. That all the jammers are becoming absorbed by beta and rares (read my long comment below)

  94. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:12 AM

    Anything good..?

  95. I know not all Jammers are as kind as they should be towards others, but I know lots of goodhearted people. My first best friend, Nwlgal, was a NM. And she was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She was kind, funny, and happy. But then she was on AJ less and less. I miss her terribly. I also had another NM friend, Ilovefood1234. She was incredibly kind. But one day, she stopped getting on. I haven't seen her in two years.

  96. O o i wrote a rlly long comment below

  97. I am sorry that you lost your friends.

  98. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:18 AM

    Wonderful friends, educational purposes, movies. Lots of things!

  99. Though my friends tend to leave me once i tell them im not going to trade them my spike...

  100. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:20 AM

    Well not mine... Most of my friends have known me for a couple years.

  101. I have many more great friends. I'm just hoping they all will choose to stay on AJ C:

  102. that is good, most of my friends are on aj :D (i got like 2 in real life)

  103. i think that the message is real, because in the adventures (and yes i know that AJHQ creates them) we haven't seen the phantoms that much. What if they are up to something? what if Cosmo is in trouble, and the phantoms are going to attack?
    Dear Reader,
    If you find this, then I must warn you. Dark times are ahead. I am lost at sea, hopelessly searching for land, or some source of food. The phantoms draw nearer. Jamaa will soon be nothing but rubble and sorrow. This is a warning. Deliver this message to the Alphas immediately!

    Cosmo could have been placed at sea without food or water because of the phantoms! Have you seen any of the Alpha's in the new adventures? I sure haven't! I hope that the Phantoms are not planning to attack.

    Anyway back onto happy fun stuff! *Wipes hand across head* That was a long story!!!!!! :)

  104. Haha its a very good idea though. I got no insparation for this one, Im still in shock for winning, xxsmileurbeautifulxx's contest. Good luck!

  105. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:33 AM

    Anyone here.................?

  106. btw i sent u a buddy request on aj (im ANIMALSRULE643)

  107. Im writing a poem called despair XD

  108. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:35 AM

    Coolio. Can we hear it?

  109. Im still typing it up, But sure XD

  110. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    Sorry had to log out computer's lagging

  111. Oki, here it is XD

    Darkness, night, no moon no stars
    No light, No sun, No fire
    No friends, shelter, No memory
    I've been locked away for many days
    Lonely, forgotten out of order

  112. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 16, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    That is amazing :gives nobel prize:



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw