
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Heart Welcome Mat, Leaving Dens & New Code!

Hey jammers! Akachip8967 here with a new name, hehe. My new jammer username is Tigerlypaws! I hope you love it as much as I do. My new jammer username is perfect for me because tigers are my favorite animal! This means I will no longer be called Akachip8967 in Jamaa. Feel free to pop over to my den to hangout with your friends and enjoy some hot chocolate! Yummy.

Today's returning item is the Heart Welcome Mat, sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 300 gems. The Friendship Festival is such an amazing celebration! Be sure to welcome your buddies to your den in style with today's returning item! Hehe. ^.^
The Water Park and Mushroom Hut den are now on clearance which means they will be leaving Jamaa soon! Bring back the memories of Jamaa's summer with your Water Park den or Jamaa's fall with the Mushroom hut den! These are pretty snazzy dens. I'm sure they'll return!
It's kinda strange valentines items are already leaving Jamaa's shops. AJHQ may be removing valentines items to make way for more! Isn't the Friendship Festival just so Jam-tastic? I really love this little celebration in Jamaa. 
Over on the Daily Explorer, a new News Crew article has been chosen! Three big cheers for Twinkle Magicstar, such a cute name! This week's News Crew article is all about jammer's favorite activities with their buddies. The next topic is about your favorite adventure so be sure to send your submissions to AJHQ! ^.^ Go wild!!
Click here to read today's article 
Just to wrap up my post for today, I'd love to share with you some Jam-tastic friendship art from the Daily Explorer! How cute? Did you know over 2.5 million jammer art has been submitted to AJHQ? That's a huge amount! I bet AJHQ loves seeing our art every day. Friendship is the best!! ^.^
Happy jamming!
PS. Enter 'friends' when you next log into Jamaa for a shiny gem top-up! 


  1. Second! :D I wonder why the two friendship fest things are leaving. That's odd. They're leaving before the actual day of the fest!

  2. -gives you goldencupake award- CONGRATIES ON FIRSSSSST!

  3. Congrat's on first!!!!! :)

  4. Congrat's on second!

  5. OMg, you are finally on when I am on, it's me wasomji1 I just switched to another account

  6. hello? the chat box is empty and im bored so...........

  7. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 12, 2015 at 1:07 PM


  8. i was just gonna save up for one of those dens D: Why do they have to go? im not gonna have enough time to get one now :P

  9. AJHQ need to make room for updates! I think the Water Park den will return in Jamaa's summer. ^.^

  10. Do you like potions? do you like just visting dens? how about making new friends? ima keep my den unlocked for right now and im online so stop in and have a potion or 2 ^u^ i love meeting ppl from AJS

  11. i hate advertising i wont do it often im just bored and idk...

  12. Hihihihihihihihihihihihi

  13. I love your new user! Are you happy with it?

  14. Okay so my opinion:

    Nice short informative post I appreciated that!
    I love the new nametag, always time for a change xx

    Basically, I'm glad the Water Park's going but MUSHROOM HUT?! NOOOOO! I will force my buddy to get it D:

    Luckily I don't gotta break into my emergency gems, 52,000 because I already have a hut, phewers!

    And basically thanks Tigerly, I really appreciate the time :) Happy holidays everyone! And thx for the code

  15. I watch teleshopping, like, OMG the X5 steam cleaner with 5 additional steam-cleaning pads for garments & upholstery!

    I'm sat there like, MUUUUM CAN I HAVE A CUP OF TEA

    She's like, AW HELL NAH xx

  16. I don't understand why it's still here I mean, last year it went before Autumn .......

    2013, not last year D:

  17. Nobody uses chat boxes :(

  18. I followed you, Wasom

  19. I lurve the way you say congrats even when people aren't first. So generous. I remember the good old days when there were 2000 comments before I even got down here, and everyone was scrabbling to get first.

    Now it's like, IDK AM I FIRST? IS THAT GOOD?

    And I'm lucky if there's 25 comments down here.....


  20. -gives other half of cookie from yesterday, sheepish-

  21. thanks guys :D

  22. Epicbubblegumgurl777March 19, 2015 at 9:40 PM



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw