
Friday, February 13, 2015

Jam On

Hiya Jammers!

Feelers here. Just gonna say some stuff.

How many times have you dealt with the drama of big crowds , rarity, and other stuff? I have far too many times and I don't like it. 

It's always fun to have people compliment you on your posts or your outfit or whatever else, but it seems that too many Jammers believe that popularity and so-called "fame" is the one topic and Animal Jam that will always matter more than being buddies with someone or having fun with the new updates. Wow that was a long sentence.

This is just a quick resignation post, and I'll be on my way. I really like posting spirit sentiments for you guys, but I don't think that anybody is hearing me out or thinking that what I say matters. The reason for that is because several of you guys are young. I'm in no way trying to say that you guys aren't intelligent or immature of whatever. I'm trying to say that nobody is thinking about what I'm saying or actually wondering, and the reason for that is because you guys are young. It would be hard to try teaching kindergarten kids about giant problems in the world, right? It's hard to reach out to youngsters and try explaining that fame and rares aren't important. They won't listen.

I hope you guys turn out to be great people who thought that the fame and rares in this game was really ridiculous.

Jam On

-The Feels


  1. First! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FEEEEEEEEEELERS WHY ARE YOU LEAVING, EVERYONE IS LEAVING NOOOOOOOOOO Oh well, it's your decision but i just want you to know that I always read your posts and I will miss them :( (this doesn't have anything to do with Friday the thirteenth right?)

  2. You're right. Fame and rares aren't important. I agree with everything. I personally don't really like rares because what they have done to the game. I would be way happier if they weren't in the game because ppl wouldn't be as greedy in the game. Sure there might not be as many players but at least the ppl who play the game would be happier.

  3. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    Aww I was so sad- I was coincidently listening to "A thousand years" while reading this, and even though I don't read your posts often I felt like crying, that song always makes me. It so pretty.
    Anyway I'm sad that you are leaving, I hope you know how awesome you have contributed to this blog and that we will all miss u!
    -Aj spirit (Bye Feelers!!!!!!)

  4. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 3:43 PM

    I agree with this post completely. I was sad that all of a sudden that you resigned but if this is what would make you happy, then go with it :)! We we ALL miss you and rares are so... they get on everyones nerves. Well, most peoples nerves. I would hope you will have a really fantastic valentines day, and that Aj spirit will NEVER forget your contribution to its members.

  5. Its a shame that no one ever seems to come up with some unique outfits on AJ. 3/4 of the people I see on AJ have spikes on their animals. Of the 1/4 of the ones that don't have one, they're usually asking for one. What ever happened to the great joy of normal wings and tiny things you see in Jamaa Clothing? Same with the adventures. Everyone is super focused on the FD that it's really hard for me to find people who want to do normal land adventures like Greely's Inferno. (I have a lv 24 Arctic wolf.)

  6. Oh my god I am freaking out! I lost my headphones and I need to listen to music to calm down DX! They probably fell out of my pocket at school and Im flipping DX DX DX

  7. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 3:53 PM

    Oh I would so give you mine know, Im listen to 10 hours of the woodchuck song D:<.
    Annnnywwaaaay, hi! What you need calming down for?

  8. School stresses me out a lot and I just really like music. I cant go one day without my music XD

  9. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 3:56 PM

    Me either. Whats your favorite song?

  10. Idk. I mainly listen to Nightcore, Eminem and Linkin Park

  11. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 3:58 PM

    No idea who dey r XD idk if I have a favorite song. I like katy perry and other songs.Boom clap, timber, thousand years stuff.

  12. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 4:01 PM

    I have tons of homework each day. To make it worse, I was sick the whole week so I have to do like billions of hours of homework.

  13. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    Annnnnyooooneeee heeeeeeere?

    3/5 of the people I find on youtube thinks point of aj is the rares.

  15. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 13, 2015 at 4:11 PM

    Hallo! And ikr!

  16. I completely understand, Feelers. I know how it must be overwhelming to have many jammers liking you for your fame, and not for your fantastic posts. I will miss you :C

  17. last hug? DX
    I'm gonna miss you, Feelers, but I hope you have a really good life! I'm sure you'll be successful and use your advice to help loads of people in real life! Farewell and good luck!

  18. Friday The Thirteenth

  19. who cares about rares? not me.

  20. WHAT? are you still going to post ANYTHING? and i know this isnt helping at all but some of us are mature enough to actually think about what you say, not all of us are 10. lots of us are teens, and some of us actually look forward to your posts, i look forward to your awesome gifs that you've found, love to look at them after school when i reely need a laugh.
    see. friday the 13th has struck again. Whelp. goodbye, my dear unknown friend.

  21. hey, some 10 year olds also understood her posts

  22. I wish Feelers would keep posting these, I get it, and I hope Feelers does post something else.

  23. Goodbye, Feelers.
    Hopefully some people will understand this post.

  24. FEELERS IS LEAVING?????!!!!!


  26. Princess ArcticspiritFebruary 13, 2015 at 7:56 PM

    What?? We totally get you, Feelers, don't go D:

    We aren't all little kids, you know.

  27. If you wish, check out my outfits. I try to make them all unique, along with their names. My username is RonenTheGamer.

  28. Feels, no D:
    I know we think wrong sometimes but don't leave :o

  29. 3/4 of my animals don't have a spike (whether it's rare or not) and I'm not asking for anything. I have my dream item and nothing else can fufil the beauty of pure darkness IMO. (if you don't get my random sentence it means my dream item is a solid black top hat)

  30. Rares are fun to collect, but when you get to the point where you can't stop collecting and shove them onto an overused animal you know you're obsessed.
    And one more thing about the rares, I'd like less recolored RIMs because that's just being lazy.
    Rares are not blessings but they aren't curses. It's the people that keep them that are the blessings and curses.

  31. @Feelers The last gif is me when there's drama

  32. I think im blind...
    Does it say Feelers is leaving in the post...?

  33. I'm reading the posts below and I'm assuming she's leaving??
    I don't see anything that says she's leaving but I'm just going by what the other people says

  34. Jesus, don't even touch that side of YouTube. 99.9% of the newer "famous jammer" videos is quitting, drama, and pointless things.

  35. I love Feel's posts! They're relatable in a lot of ways.

  36. Yay, we're all going to die :D

  37. If your leaving Feelers....
    Then everyone will miss you and I understand your post. Im young and I understand what you mean. Im sorry if on my days on The Spirit Blog i acted like that. Im gonna miss you Feelers DX

  38. Is the 3rd gif Michal Jackson eating popcorn or Bruno Mars o,o

  39. its Jackson in his Thiller Music Video

  40. Oh... :c Feelers, even though I never talked to you before, I just wanted to say that myself, and plenty of other jammers will miss you forever. I want to say I understand you, but I can't. I'm not famous or rare, and I'll probably never fully understand what you are going through. I loved your Spirit Sentiments. You spoke powerful messages, and you brought a different voice to Jamaa. You weren't scared to say your opinion. I always admired you for that... I fully respect your decision to leave. You're an amazing person, and you deserve the best in life :) ~Smile

  41. back from unsaid mom needed to print

  42. :'D

  43. Yes. I understand the post; I understand all of Feel's posts and I can relate to them as well. It's a shame she's leaving. :c

  44. I just realized that I resigned the same day that my governor resigned how funny

  45. Nuuuu ;-; Feelyzzzzzz :c I liked your posts because I agreed and knew what you meant (and loved all the gifs). But, I have to remember this is your decision! Well... thanks for being a great AJS author! :3

  46. haha funneh...

  47. Feelers is leaving?


  48. Hi, i think i'm the ONLY person that's lucky at Friday, the 13

  49. And.. We all miss Feelers.
    Minute of Silence..
    ....thank you.

  50. I actually prefer land adventures, and only my arctic wolf and seal wear a spiked collar. I have a level 12 sea :DDD.

  51. I was lucky then. :U

  52. If it's any consolation, I actually like the Spirit Sentiments. I always looked forward to them as they were my favorite features on the blog. See you in Jamaa.


  54. I love the Spirit Sentiments! I always check the Spirit blog just to see if There is a new one. They are my favorite part of the blog! I love how you add some comedy to the post! I just love you feelers keep on posting!

  55. My sister is 8 and she loves spirit sentiments!

  56. I'm very lucky too. 13 my family's lucky number for generations.

  57. I'm very sad to hear this. I'm so sorry, though I do completely understand and respect your decision.
    You will be missed, Feels, and nobody here will ever forget you. :)

  58. I don't really know though, what do you mean "dealt with a crowd"? But I don't really know if it's because I have a Fox Hat, 5 Rare Spikes, a Headdress etc. But I haven't always done! So if this is something from today..... :shrugs:


    Basically, well what is Michael Jackson even doing in his mouth, and is that Spencer roller-skating down the apartment hall?

  59. It's my dog's bday, 13th April. Also our old house number was 13. We believe she made us move and buy her. Because she was born the year we moved, and then the same year we got her aged 8 weeks, well, yeah :)

  60. Feelers is going?!?!?!?!?!

  61. Huh? Your governor? Resigned :( What?

    Also I always thought you were a gang of people, Feelers, cuz you know, you have your own blog, and you are a gang..... well, we all thought that I imagine!

    Who is the random dark person in your profile pic?!

  62. Smile is always that person who cheers us up in the darkest times :')

  63. I thought it was Michael Jackson, also it looks like he's putting teeth in his mouth, like dentures, and eating the bottom jaw....?!

  64. Have you watched the entire mv, it's 13 minutes long, in some movie or other!

  65. We're all young. What kind of adult goes on AJ?!

  66. Exactly, it never said she's / he's leaving

  67. Wait, what? I upvoted then unvoted LERL!

  68. 11 is little.... and we're all 11 or younger, face it, or we wouldn't be on AJ

  69. I didn't even know he / she was leaving

  70. But still, what kind of teen year old plays AJ

  71. Yes Hungergames XD

  72. I'm de only one who gets nuffin in these comments.... since when is Feelers' gang leaving?

  73. WHY do you keep up voting all of my comments...???????????!

  74. awe bye feelers :(

  75. Princess ArcticspiritFebruary 14, 2015 at 10:41 AM

    So? That's old enough to understand Feelers. She isn't teaching us calculus, she is talking about what we can all relate to.

  76. I was lucky, I got a A+ on my math test. : )

  77. Molly104024-Play wild testerFebruary 14, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    Im not lucky. I heated up fries in class and it caught on fire. Nothing was harmed, though.

  78. bruuhhhhh 20 year olds play aj. welcome to 2015.

  79. I know. But some cold people are. :I

  80. Welcome to strange people with no lives, you mean.

  81. Calculus..... what? Some American thing I guess?

  82. Yes I do because if you're upvoting all of my comments then people are going to think that IM upvoting all of my comments just like you though before even though I wasn't and now I bet you're upvoting them to make people think I'm lame because I up vote my comments even thought I'm not, you are.

  83. No. People can see who upvoted other people's comments, and it will say my name, not yours, problem solved, Dimwit.

  84. The people in this game are becoming more of hackers than nice people. I have played this game since the beta days and the people have greatly changed from that time. In the beginning the people were nice and listened to one another. Slowly the people began to care more about rares than betas. I used to have a lot of friends on this game. Sadly a lot of those people have gone down the wrong path. I am now only friends with one person from the beta days, I was originally friends with many. It used to be easy to find friends on this game, but not anymore. I find that people are also becoming more... stereotypical. People will now judge your animal by its looks, as people in the real world do now. My animal. almost all black, is often rejected by others or been made fun of. This, of course, I don't particularly mind, but it hurts my heart to see others being made fun of because of their looks.
    -ANIMALSRULE643 (yes i know, worst username ever)
    O o wow long comment. Wonder if anyone is actually going to read it...

    And ty Feelers for everything you have done on this blog.

  85. Seriously, dimwit? I have n said a rude thing to you at all, and you called me a dimwit? People have feelings you know, and now mine are broken. 😢

  86. What is that square rectangle thing at the end of your comment?

  87. There is nothing at the end of my comment. I can't believe you are not going to say anything for calling me a dimwit. What if someone called you that? I'm pretty sure you would not appreciate it and be pretty upset and cry like I did. And don't judge me that I cry.

  88. I don't judge people. But there was a little rectangular block at the end of your comment.

  89. You don't judge people....yet you called me a dimwit?

  90. It was an opinion, dimwit.


    You guys are so gullible! Don't tell me you're American!
    I was kidding you big lagga

  91. I know I said this already, but do us a favor and don't leave. I understand that you're tired of the hackers and bullies, but we can overcome this. Man has dealt with millions of problems, and almost all are solved to this day. So please come back!!
    -Bill Cipher whom will miss you

  92. I'm so sorry Loki. I feel the same way even though I joined in 2011. You're right about the attitudes of Jammers changing. Whenever I'm in Aldan to trade, nobody will trade me because I don't look rare. If I change my animal to a cooler look, they bomb me with trades. It's stupid and unfair. :C

  93. We had a dance on the 13th...
    Valentine's day dance
    And a girl that likes to torture me with tickles got in trouble then so woo hoo :P

  94. Dramaa...
    This is late I know I'm stupid but Gemma is right. People can check upvotes so yeah...

  95. @5yoyo5 Stop being rude already. Gemma was just asking what was at the end of your comment and you act like she called you racist.

  96. Key word: some

  97. How do you know? Are you one of those people? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  98. some? lolno
    90% is a more accurate statement.

  99. Hey, do you mind if I can add this as a quote in my against animal jam blog? (Im also against scammers and who made animal jam bad)

    btw heres the website-

  100. No sorry, I'm not against animaljam and never want to imply it. I merely wish that some of the people on the site would be kinder to others and be less stereotypical. Animaljam is a great and is one of the few sites that give nm reasonable items.

  101. Ok, what's going on now? I said nothing rude in that comment. Have you not read gemma's comments to me? I suppose not.

  102. The reason why I was acting a bit upset was because Gemma called me dimwit. Wouldn't you be upset if someone called you that?

  103. That dude needs to chew with his mouth closed. (hate roll in)

  104. Ewwwww (they r never gonna get a guy / gal)

  105. ThatAwesomeAnimalJammerFebruary 22, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    OMG I am crying do not leave us our hearts are going to break booooo come back

  106. I always go back and read this post, I cry each time D':>

  107. Feelerz plz come back...


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw