
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New Heart Table
and Pizza Dart Board.

Hey jammers! I'm isa4322, the new author that will be posting every Tuesday. Today we have 2 new items. First we have the Heart Table for 400 gems in Jam Mart Furniture with a total of 10 colors, took  me a while to make this gif with so many colors.

And our second new item is the Pizza Dart Board for 350 gems also in Jam Mart Furniture. Why would you play darts with a pizza if you could be eating it? Well now I'm hungry.

And if you click on the darts you get a cute animation. Do you like the new Pizza Parlor items? What's your favorite item?  Tell me in the comments. Get your Liza Nesting Doll before it leaves Epic Wonders in 2 days, along with the other nesting dolls that will be leaving later.

Now to a strange glitch. Did you know spiders can go underwater? (as a  glitch) I sure didn't.

I guess this tarantula has an invisible tube that brings magical life to him. Better run away before that shark gets you. Moving on, to the Trivia Tuesday! Today's trivia is going to be about owls! 

As you all might know owls came to Jamaa recently, to honor them I will be giving all of you some owl trivia. :D Did you know that owls have three eyelids? Sounds weird huh. One for bliking, one for sleeping and one to keep their eye clean and healthy. A group of owls is called a parliament, wisdom or study. There are more than 150 species of owls in the world! What species do you think the new owl in Jamaa is? Tell me in the comments. The smallest species of owls  is called an Elf. 

IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE! Just the right king of cute thing to end my post with. Well that's it for today jammers, be nice to others and have a nice day :D

If you have any glitches suggestions etc. send it to if you want it to appear on next Tuesday's post :D


  1. One glitch is that if you go to the den shop in Coral Canyons, preview the Water Park Den, slide down the tallest slide, then click back while you are sliding down, you will end up in the sky, near the eagles only shop.

  2. Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip!

  3. XxTheMangledShadowxXFebruary 10, 2015 at 5:44 AM

    The pizza themed items are nice, but they could fit the theme a little more without the dart board IMO

  4. Owls have the perfect portions for humans to think they are cute. big eyes little mouth, tiny nose. owls are scientifically proven cute.

  5. i know another glitch
    if you go to the diamond shop preveiw the sky castle den then go down the slide and click back and you will disappear.

  6. Speaking of Owls I just got ten diamonds, should I buy an owl or snow leopard?

  7. I think the animal jam owl is a great horned owl.

  8. Thats a hard choice... i got my snowleopad before owls where even known about... But im saving my diamonds for a owl now.

  9. Eastern screech owl. Check some picks of real Eastern Screech Owls, then look at an aj owl. They are VERY similar.

  10. At the moment I kinda want the snow leopard more but that's mostly because I own a flying animal already and don't really need a owl. The owl is really cute though and I want to get it to

  11. I have lots of fun roleplaying with my snow leopard, but it got kinda boring, so I want a new, cute animal to roleplay with. But I agree. Buy a snow leopard.

  12. If Im ever rich I will buy 500 25 diamond gift cards. Or maybe just just 50. I will be rich! Omg I saw someone with a long pink spike on trade and they said "Trade me 2 silver spikes" Sadly I only had 1 that I didn't even want to trade.

  13. I just got the snow leopard, thank you for helping me pick

  14. Thats great! And heres some items that look snazzy on snow leopards: Headdress, gazelle horns, worn blankets, spikes, ice armor, tail armors, bows and arrows, and friendship bracelets.

  15. i have a snowleopard but i is nm and cant use it but on my other account i have an arctic wolf!

  16. Hmmm i feel a bit sad i don't think much non members can make a pizza parlor with this :T

  17. no it's too small
    I think it's an eastern screech owl

  18. Barn owls are the best. I don't know why, but I find them very cute and slightly mysterious.

  19. Welcome to the Animal Jam Spirit Isa4322!

  20. It may not be any particular breed, but just a made up AJ version. But if it where an actual breed it would probably be eastern screech or great horned.

  21. i got 3 diamonds from the spin and a diamond for the weekly diamonds yes!!!! a month left and 2 weeks left instead of 2 months and 1 week for a owl :D sorry if im getting over excited but -shrugs-

  22. Same Same Same Same EXACTLY

  23. Ever held an eagle owl? If you want your arm back, don't.

  24. Awesome question! I don't but I would be interested to discover and they might come in all princess colours of the Disney princesses! Green, blue, pink, yellow etc. White, pastel colours e.g. etc.

  25. I doubt that. Seriously. Rich people don't play AJ

  26. So?

    I am saving for a lion, kangaroo, cheetah, owl.... SO HARD!!!!

  27. I like owls but they look kinda squashed....

    Some things I want to know before I get an animal:

    What's their dance, hop, play and sleep?
    Are they underwater AND land?
    Can they fly?
    Are they glitched in some way?
    What do items look like on them?

  28. AWESOME!

    Role-play is truly magic.... Snowies can be girls or boys so I got both

  29. Dang! Try the "wootmoo glitch", make your animals nm even if they're, like snow leopards, member animals etc.

  30. I love these conversations! They are so awesome! Actually what the blog is based on, not random relationship facts or social media facts! I think....
    A crested one of some description

  31. I know you got a snowie, but I would get snowie even if you hadn't already. Owls are too over-rated. Actually I like them, but no need to go crazy!
    Also I don't like how you get judged when you choose to get an animal about 3 months after releasing. People think you only just afforded it.

  32. Yes, AJ have lots more options and they went off the tracks too early.

  33. Wow! Awesome glitch! I haven't tried it but like all glitches, I will try!

    Here is a link to a good glitch page:

  34. Awesome! Thanks again! See my idea above.

  35. Okay so my beliefs are expressed in replies to the more interesting comments you put below, and right here, right now: Be prepared:

    I love the wooden effect of the heart table. I love the colours too. It is very multi-purpose in my eyes, and I love tables formed from wooden planks because AJHQ make great effects of them!!!!

    I like the Pizza Dartboard; a genius idea but AJ could have made some more good pizza-related items before swerving totally off the tracks there? They should pick up tomorrow

    I bought a Greely Doll a while back. I was going to recycle it.... I'd better not! People might trade me well for it! Remember guys, it's NOT BETA just because it left! Or IS leaving!

    Great glitch as well! I love the little intertwined glitches in these posts; something for everyone, to keep 'em reading! I like the two perfectly matched anglerfish in the background, staring at the spider like, WE WILL EAT YOU.... and the pink turtle in between them, XD

    And lastly! Welcome to the team, Isa! Is there any reason you picked your Disqus name? Is it your AJ user? And what's it mean? xx

    Also, I like your nametag! I love the fire-pit, I always have and most definitely always will! Everybody check out Treetop Gardens weekly, if not more! It is actually brimming or BLOOMING, one might say, with some epic items! Please excuse the cheesy pun. xx

    And plus, I love owls! My fave is a Little Owl, like the one at Devon's Woodlands Leisure Centre named Chester. In the falconry department! Also, camels have 3 eyelids as well, to stop desert sand blowing into their eyes. Lots of stuff has 3 eyelids! It's called something MEMBRANE.

    Bye guys! :D

  36. Omg i found a glitch i hope somone sends a pic of it soon its where a den thats locked that ur in (not ur buddy) is Jamaa Township/Special Delivery!
    it literally says it on the thingy but ur in a castle XD
    P.S im gonna do an account giveaway first one send me den item wins it :D

  37. Wow, thanks! Be sure to read my other comments and other people's comments! xx Happy reading!

  38. I gifted you a den item but i wanted you to give it to someone new to the game :3

  39. The sane as that one in the picture, with the big ear fluff things, I guess. ( I may love owls, but not so good on facts about 'em. Lol)

  40. 3 eye lids... Hmmm. I wonder what dogs would look like if they had 3 eye lids?

  41. Hi people....or if you're not a person, hi extraterrestrial or mythical creature or whatever all of you people are

  42. The only animals I haven't gotten are the otter and polar bear. I don't have enough space for them! >.<

  43. Humans also have a third eyelid. I think it's the pink on the edge of your eye

  44. I think the new owls are greathorned owls...

  45. But eagle owls are similar though..

  46. I like eastern screech owls, boreal owls, and northern -saw-whet owls the best. :3

  47. It really could be any owl with ear tufts. I made mine a rufous morph eastern screech owl! (sort of... AJ doesn't have a good reddish-orangey brown like the feathers of rufous morph eastern screeches... I just made it light brown, but I still call it an eastern screech XD)it's weird though, I ADORE rufous morphs, but gray morphs terrify me DX well, the gray morphs with more prominent ear tufts, not the ones with short ear tufts, those are adorable. But I like rufous morphs way better than any gray morphs. They're just so... CUUUUTE! X3 oops, I ranted, hehehehe...

  48. technically, but we can't use it anymore. So, I guess, our ancestors could. Did you get this from vsauce, or are you just really smart?

  49. My Disqus name is Isa4322aj because my AJ username is isa4322. What it means you ask? Well isa is short for Isabela and 4322 are numbers i had to put in because of course Isa and Isabela where taken. Actually my first AJ account was isabela4322 but I got another one that is isa4322 because isabela4322 was glitching and I wanted to get membership but I coulnd't for some reason.

  50. Why wouldn't rich people play AJ? Because they have something else to do. Without AJ my life would be the most boring thing ever! Well not the most boring thing ever, but my hobbies wouldn't be that fun.

  51. Same! I have 8 diamonds only 2 weeks! I can't wait to get a owl! They look AWESOME to roleplay with! And I believe it is a eastern screech owl. Check some pictures of eastern screech owls then look at a aj owl. Very very similar right? There both cute too! Omg the owl sleeping motion is the cutes dang sleeping motion aj as EVER made! OMG SO ADORABLE.

  52. Hehe, it would be better to donate that money to charity though ;)

  53. I think the new owl is supposed to be a Great Horned Owl

  54. Same, that dart board looks nothing like my real life one

  55. You remind me of someone in my band class. My band teacher was talking about something important, and then out of nowhere some guy said "I like cheese".

  56. I can still play if I want too. Plus If I was rich I could buy my chickens a good coop. Right now they live with my pigs. I like animal jam, and it would be ok if i still played if I'm ever rich. And I will never be rich anyway. LET ME DREAM...


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw