
Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Jammer Wall

Hey jammers! Welp, there was a little news leak on AJHQ's part, soooooo I made a little AJS BREAKING NEWS coverage of the event.

What do you think of this future addition to Jamaa? Will it be like our very own Animal Jam Facebook, or even an Animal Jam Forum?

Apologies for the lack of posts, my lovely grandmother is visiting me this weekend, and we are going on some adventures together.
Post on all new things tomorrow. Happy jamming!


  1. Congrats! Wowsers on the leak!

  2. Congratulations on first! :D

  3. Congratulations on second!

  4. Great video snowy!
    And Tigerly told you about it! :D
    I wonder if the Animal Jam Wall will be for nonmembers, too. Or it might be another way for AJHQ to force people to get membership..
    Anyway, it sounds great! :D

  5. Wowsies
    that looks fabulous!
    pity if it did exist it would be members only though.

  6. Rainbow Dash The TrainerJune 27, 2015 at 6:53 PM

    Well this looks interesting :3

  7. That sounds awesome! I'm so excited!

  8. The Lone Wolf 2413June 27, 2015 at 7:03 PM

    The Wall: The newest way for Jammers to post aggravating things such as: A) NEEDS RARE SPIKE COLLAR OR I WILL QUIT AJ FOREVS B) EPIC AWESOME TRADING PARTY IN (soandso)'s DEN!!!! C) aNy1 wanNa dO a liter8 WCRP??!!! as well as sane things such as: A) Does anyone happen to know what the rarity of a yellow spiked collar is? B) I have opened a cafe in my den and I would appreicate it if you came. C) Hello, would anyone like to have a conversation about the newest features? Haha, I hope you get my sarcasm here. Happy Jamming, everyone.

  9. The Lone Wolf 2413June 27, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    It says it is being tested by members rather than being infinitely restricted to only those who spend their time and money to chat in a wall. (Hehe, no offense to anyone who may take it that way.) However, I think it will be opened to all Jammers after a brief period of Beta Testing. Many websites to this (Ex. Dolldivine) to make sure everything is worked out before releasing it publicly.

  10. look what happened to messaging via jam a grams
    "currently being tested of members"
    for two years

    yeah mhmm

  11. off topic question but still...

    what is the long you have stayed up and why
    mine is 1 in the morning watching "Tanked" and reading fanfictions

  12. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 27, 2015 at 7:13 PM

    :D me too!

  13. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 27, 2015 at 7:14 PM

    They also said that writing your own jamagrams was being tested, and now it's for members only :(

  14. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 27, 2015 at 7:15 PM

    Congrats! Gives donuts

  15. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 27, 2015 at 7:17 PM

    Late and short post today? You couldn't ask anyone else to post? Sorry if that seemed offensive or rude, I didn't mean for it to be

  16. I think the upcoming Jammer Wall will be an efficient way to chat with buddies without the interruption of other Jammers in the game. I see it similar to the lock your den feature without removing your buddies. Maybe it can be like Goolge+ and you can invite a certain amount of people to chat.

  17. I
    Think it will be kinda cool! I hope it comes out super soon!!!!!

  18. I don't like the new idea of the gems and diamonds being moved to my profile where I change my animals clothing because a lot of times it takes a long time to load. I like to look at the amount of money I have quick but oh well. I'm happy about the wall thing possibly.

  19. The Lone Wolf 2413June 27, 2015 at 11:31 PM

    Right now it is almost 2:00 here. Do we really want me to answer this question? Well, I will anyways. The longest I have stayed up before sleeping was about 5:27 while I just couldn't sleep and just sketched some owls. (I draw owls when I am aggravated and cats whenever I am mad. I also draw otters whenever I am feeling happy.) However, I have stayed up two days in a row on more than one occasion. The reason is mainly that I live in practically the wilderness and we have native animals attempting to share our house with us as well as the fast that my mother owns a dance studio and must be up so early for pretty much anything. Then again, this also happens at friend's houses when I come over because I fear they may do something to me or that I may do something to them in my sleep. Man, I really need to learn to summarize things...

  20. The Lone Wolf 2413June 27, 2015 at 11:35 PM

    Let us keep waiting until they decide "Crud, the users are on to us and we must change things before we are overrun with small children and obsessive teens!" Ha... Now you must imagine a mod of seven-year-olds waddling towards Wild Works with pitchforks. I have delivered an enjoying thought to you.

  21. What if aj had a Skype like you'd not see there face but there aj face.

  22. SnowyClaw, please put me on whitelist. Please if you can.

  23. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 7:17 AM

    The Jammer Wall was an idea I had in mind for a long time, but I think Spirits Jamaa found it first. :3

  24. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 7:17 AM

    Sounds nice!

  25. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 7:18 AM

    Juust what I would expect if it did open up. Aggravating things would probably outnumber sane things though...

  26. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 7:18 AM

    vair interesting.

  27. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 28, 2015 at 8:05 AM

    Maybe ajhq would mod it or something and ban PPP from the jammer wall for a few days?

  28. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaJune 28, 2015 at 8:25 AM

    Tigerly lives on! ;D

  29. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:51 AM

    Hang on, what's a Jammer Wall?

    PS. growl, late post!

  30. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:51 AM


  31. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    THANK YOU for agreeing with me. I mean, as soon as I log onto AJ I used to spin the DS and then see what my gems total was - but now, when AJ is still sleepy at the start, I have to go right into my clothing part which takes a long time to load. Then most of the time I log out again and log back in, which just annoys me.

  32. ๐Ÿ’œVilot๐Ÿ’œthe๐Ÿ’œwolf๐Ÿ’œJune 28, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    Yeah ๐Ÿ˜

  33. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:53 AM

    Sounds amazing!

  34. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:54 AM

    Mine is around half past midnight, and because of sleepovers, parties, New Year, or another reason like that which is perfectly normal. I know half past midnight is not very late, but I usually am the sort of person who goes to bed early and gets up early, rather than going late and getting up late

  35. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:54 AM


  36. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 8:54 AM

    Going 2 da new post!

  37. The Jammer Wall seems like a chat system, probably where you can meet new Jammers without having to meet them somewhere in Jamaa. AJHQ probably finally caught up with everyone on AJ and decided that they should have a forum sort of thing- with different topics, such as a "Help" topic, a topic for ad's, such as "Starbucks at (my) den", 1 or more roleplay topic(s) and possibly a Suggestion topic. I think that if they made the Jammer Wall like this, it'd be great. But I'm assuming the Jammer Wall is either gonna be like Animal Jam, with tons mods correcting EVERYTHING you say, or it's going to be like [url=]The Daily Explorer[/url] , where it takes an hour for the mods to receive your comments and approve of them.

  38. Sounds like Facebook... Oh no. I'm not a fan of human esq items in AJ, and this, in my opinion, is much worse. I feel like this will change the game entirely. I'm scared. ;-;

  39. I guess so... I'm just not a fan of the fact that it reminds me of, like, Facebook. I like the concept of the Jammer Wall, but maybe not the execution. What's next, selfies online? Seriously AJHQ...

  40. Once again another lovely video Snowy!!

  41. sounds super cool hope it is like a animal jam facebook becuz i dont like facebooks to many weird ppl :P and now me and my bff lana can talk on something other then a phone unless its for a phone or something completely diffrent XD oh well sounds cool :D

  42. i sorta feel the same but hopefully its awesome

  43. Oh my gosh. Lol. I didn't even know this was a glitch. I was playing Animal Jam, and I tried to change the color, and I saw that. I haven't been a member in a LONG time, and I haven't been on Animal Jam. So I thought I missed something. Then I bought a membership, and I was looking up how to get on Jammer Wall. Then I found this! Dumb me!

  44. seems interesting, reminds me of the tfm cafe. unfortunately i think this is a way for many people to take advantage of the system by targeting users for "scaling" and whatnot. you see often that people are accusing each other of scamming but want to get the word out more; i suppose this is a way they can do that. i'm sure there will be a filter system as strict as any other chat on animal jam, but people always find a way to bypass the system and post topics that might not be of appropriate discussion.

  45. Thank you snowy and tigerlyy this will be a nice new feature to jamaa it did make me curious on why they moved the gems and achievements tigerlyy makes sense with this so my question is is it a HACK or GLITCH or is it REAL !

  46. mine is all night
    sleep over

  47. The Lone Wolf 2413June 28, 2015 at 9:48 PM

    Hahaha, I doubt. Seriously, do you think AJ would want to keep people from using their site? No. That is why scammers, trade-beggers, trolls, inappropraite couples, and (shudder) AJ birth still exist. We need the better mods. WE NEED THEM!

  48. Ikr! That literally describes on my life on animal jam now xD

  49. On Aparri's Instagram it says: Jammer Wall! and today is Thursday so maybe a new update but Im not very smart so.. XD!

  50. This is from Aparri's Instagram < But the Jammer Wall is ready If you go into Parent's Dashboard, it says Jammer Wall: ENABLE

  51. CrimsonandShadows Art&AnimatioJuly 9, 2015 at 8:01 AM

    Look up facerig :P

  52. when is the jammers wall for available to everyone?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw