
Friday, December 18, 2015

New Party Items + Pet Penguin Accessories

Hey jammers! Today AJHQ added some fun new updates to Jamaa, click here to read the full post. This is simply just a add on to the last post, so without further ado, let's get started with the Pet Penguin accessories!
Pet Penguins can explore the lands and oceans of Jamaa, and they're absolutely adorable!! Members can adopt one in the Diamond Shop for three diamonds. They come with a superb clothing collection...
Play-As-Your-Pet Party mystery items...
Pet Penguin's ocean clothing collection...
Hopefully, there will be more new ocean pets in the future! Jamaa's oceans are beautiful, it makes me upset that oceans don't get that much attention anymore! It would be lovely if AJHQ releases a new mini game or animal down below in the oceans, don't ya think?
Eyebrows on fleek XO
Anywho, moving on to the new party items!

Ol' Barn Party
Medieval Party
Birthday Party 
Lab Party
Restaurant Party
Dance Club Party
I'm in love with the candy shop and medieval items, wonderful work AJHQ! What do you jammers think about these item sets? Happy jamming all.

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