
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Spirit Snaps #7

Hey jammers, Popsicle back with the seventh Spirit Snaps post!

Firstly, I'm sorry for not being able to post this last week, but I had a lot of homework and I didn't have the time to compile a post. I also may not be able to post next week as I'm going on vacation for most of the week, however we'll see how that works out.

This week (and last week)'s theme was Collections, inspired by my brother's collection of den items. A collection is defined as "the action or process of collecting someone or something." Collectible items in Animal Jam include Spikes, Worn Blankets, RIMs, Claw Machines, Den Betas, sets of seasonal items and Betas.

These are the snaps which jammer sent in!

This week's winner is Noo2, with their impressive collection of trees!

As a prize for best snapshot, Noo2 was sent a couple of rares.

However, there's always another chance to win! Next week's theme is Adventures! The best Adventure-themed snapshot will win a Rare Purse and Rare Scary Bat Wings!

To submit a snapshot, you can email it to, post it in the Disqus comment section below or post it on Google+ on the Animal Jam Community with the hashtag #ajsadventuresnap!

Spirit Snaps is a purely screenshot only contest, so edited images will be disqualified.

Happy jamming and good luck!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw