
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Winter Palace + Goat Animal?

Hey jammers! AJHQ updated today with a rubbish update (same content ideas, repeated news). Firstly, today's returning item is the Ice Prison on sale in Jam Mart Furniture!
Introducing the Winter Palace! Revealed by accident on the Daily Explorer, the Winter Palace den is available at the Diamond Shop for seven diamonds. If you dislike gigantic dens which take hours to decorate: you most likely will not be interested like me.
Moving on, the second page of the Jamaa Journal tells us all mini-games are on double gems! Keep saving up all your shiny gems for all the new items coming out this year. Seems a little random, don't you think?
Probably the most exciting part of this week's update, a new animal is coming to Jamaa! There are hints throughout the Jamaa Journal (where the page number would be) and my guess is a goat?! 
I hope this time the new animal doesn't look awfully designed and deformed. Also, the polar bears of Jamaa are returning soon, in the next update. Next page we have...
Is it a new feature? A new land? Something that is actually worth the wait? No, of course not! It's more repeated news. That's right, jammers, expect even more repeated news in updates to come.
Next up we have a new retail gift card bonus - pick up an AJ retail gift card in your local supermarket to unlock an adorable Pet Snow Leopard and three lush items! 
Lastly, the interface (buddy list, settings bar, menu area, etc) has had a small color change. Happy jamming everyone!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw