
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Festival Cottage, Goats in Trees & Chinese New Years Monkeys Only Party

Hey jammers! Apologies for the late post, AJHQ updated in the middle of my classes today (their schedule can be rather confusing sometimes;). Anywho, while the goats haven't arrived quite yet, this little Friendship Festival and Chinese New Year interlude is very exciting!!
The main focus is the new Friendship Cottage, which is a large new den sold in the Diamond Shop. It's almost like a fancy holiday ski lodge...

Whoa, looks like a long climb to the top, hope that slide is worth it. I'll try to change my den (snowyclaw) to this soon, feel free to stop by and explore! Speaking of Friendship Festival though, new items!!
Aww, isn't that sweet? You can even decorate around the base with this month's flowers to create different ways to display the pretty little thing.
The next big event of this update is the brand new holiday celebration – CHINESE NEW YEAR! This year is the Year of the Monkey (any monkeys out there?), and AJHQ has pulled out all the stops.

It's part of the temporary party list...
And includes some beautiful scenery, perfect for the holiday's history.
Plus a feast table...
Look at all those paper lanterns!!
The shop includes some festive items from Chinese culture, as well as some adorable monkey items that appear very "Animal Jammy."
There is even a fantastic sunset view of the fireworks at the top of the mountain, as well as some natural waterfall slides.
In other news, goats will be here next update, and the den item inventory has increased to 500 ITEMS.. Whoa, thanks AJHQ!!
Chatting system has changed slightly, which I'll explore in depth in this weekend's posts. Meanwhile, what do you think of the change?
The summer carnival is back for a quick sale...
And Jammer Parties have some new updates and settings!
That's about it for today, more info tomorrow on other additions to Jamaa. Hope you enjoy this update, and happy jamming!!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw