
Monday, August 8, 2016

Rare Keytar, Schoolhouse Party Items, and New Homepage?

Hey jammers! This week's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Keytar located on the third page of Jam Mart Clothing.
Seems like AJHQ are rolling out more musical rare items! Over at the Schoolhouse Party there are four new items.
Love the school bag! Clark Stacey (CEO of WildWorks) tweeted out a few days ago a link to an interesting news clip about girls in the gaming industry featuring WildWorks! You can check out the CNBC video by clicking here
While watching the news clip I spotted an AJHQ member working on something that definitely looks like a new revamped Animal Jam homepage. What do you think?
A lot of you jammers may notice new summer AJ adverts around AJS this summer, including this adorable Beach House advert! Do you think
these new adverts will bring in new players?

Happy jamming!!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw