
Monday, January 9, 2017

Rare Sun Necklace + Sheep Passage

Hey jammers! Today's weekly Rare Item Monday is the Rare Sun Necklace located on the 8th page of Jam Mart Clothing!
Even during winter Jamaa needs a little bit of sunshine! The sheep of Jamaa are arriving in the next few weeks, but it looks like AJHQ are already planning their arrival in The Phantom Fortress adventure.
This is the first look at the sheep's official animal artwork, what do you think? I don't know how to feel about farm yard animals calling Jamaa home, but I suppose the odd farm yard animal won't hurt?
AJHQ seems to have added Night of the Phantom bat facts back to The Lost Temple Of Zios in January... 
And in Sarepia Forest autumn leaves have randomly returned. AJHQ makes silly mistakes like the rest of us.
To help with your Monday blues take a look at this beautiful Cosmo masterpiece created by Mintella. Thanks to Wolfalean AJ for sharing this in the Animal Jam Google+ community
And lastly, for Monday Mystery, what do you think these symbols mean at the bottom of the phantom fortress? Perhaps these symbols help you open up a secret room on phantom fortress? Happy jamming!

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