
Thursday, February 16, 2017

BLACKOUT COLLARS, Llamas Return, Pet Hyenas, and More!

Hey jammers! Yellowdash here! It's update day, and it's been quiet a big one too. Let's take a look!

 Special spiked collars are going to be on sale in the diamond shop from today (Thursday) until Sunday. A new type for each day. I'll show today's new spike at the end of the post.

 Llamas have returned to Jamma! Unfortunately, the minibook hasn't been updated with a prize.
 But don't get sad yet, because pet hyenas are in the diamond shop! Their eyes, fur, ears, and pattern are all very silly, just like the playable ones.

 One of my favorite parts of the update is this new Arctic Armor set! The "Arctic Armor" item makes it snow around you. Cool! (Pun not intended.)

 Due to many nations celebrating carnival around this time of year, the summer carnival will be making a return for two weeks. A special item (probably a rare item monday) will be sold their for only one day. Keep your eyes out!

Some other small updates were added as well, including:
  • Polar bear banners to celebration international polar bear day.
  • Rumors of a new SIGN of a new animal in Jamma. No other hints were given.
  • Bird banners to celebrate the Great Backyard Bird Count.
  • Wild Peaks exhibit in the conservation museum.
  • And a Snow Leopard bundle in the retail membership cards.

Okay, here are today's new spiked collars. They are called "Blackout Spikes." 

In other news: Clark Stacy has confirmed Animal Jam is partenering with Phatmojo to bring out new Animal Jam toys. You can take a look at their other products at Currently there is no information on if Jazwares will continue to work with Animal Jam. Be sure to buy some Jazwares toys just in case!

Happy jamming everyone!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw