
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Friendship Cottage + More Den Inventory Space

Hey jammers! Animal Jam updated a day early this week with fun Valentine's Day update. The front cover of this week's Jamaa Journal announces the FRIENDSHIP FESTIVAL!
February is the perfect month to celebrate one of the most important aspects of Animal Jam: friendship! Hearts, balloons, and other Valentine's Day decorations have been decorated around Jamaa...

As we expected from last week's spoiler alert, members can now have up to 1,000 den items in their den inventory!
And the beautiful friendship ski lodge cottage is back for another year at the diamond shop. Plus, the Special Delivery adventure is back the friendship festival! Tons of Valentine's Day prizes to earn!
Here's a cute illustration of the Friendship Cottage from The Daily Explorer!
Animal Jam are also raising awareness for Safer Internet Day with clickable banners around Jamaa!
Be sure to also check out the bulletin board in Kimbara Outback to check out the winners of Nat Geo Kids' International Photography Contest!
Pandas will begin their travels soon while the llamas of Jamaa are set to return in the next update!
With the friendship festival arriving comes new loading screens from last year!
And lastly, be sure to share the friendship festival spirit by sending one of your buddies these new Jam-a-Grams!
Happy jamming everybody!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw