
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Graham Tiki Statue and the Old Animal Color Palette

Hey jammers! For a lot of the Northern Hemisphere jammers it's summer vacation now – are you free from school's tyranny yet? In Animal Jam news, Graham Tiki Statue comes to Jam Mart Furniture!
I love his hat. ^.^ These guys are smaller than I imagined – perfect for any summer tiki themed party on the beach! They don't come in any more colors, but this update sure brought a lot of animal colors!

 There is an almost overwhelming color palette now, but it's neat that AJHQ has left the "mystery color." I don't think the first mystery color (magenta) was on purpose, but AJHQ adapts to the times!
 It's crazy to think the whole palette started so small...
Anyone remember that? Looks so puny now I suppose. Way back wednesday? As a little closing glitch I have an Animal Jam game that became a little too attached to the jammer. It wouldn't let them go...
Thanks for submitting akirathefurry. That looks like the start of a Jamaasian horror story or something. Want to write one in the comments? Not too scary! I get spooked easily. o.o Happy jamming!


  1. Replies
    1. What r you ppl soon at 4:00 in the morning????!!!!!
      You r probly older than I am but I would get in trouble if I was on the computer that early!!!

    2. Oh and it says 6:36am but its actually 8:36
      Idk if t
      Its put in ajs time er what.

    3. Congrats :3

      8:20 Here O.O


    4. Idk i woke up at 10:00 because im too lazy :U (I have a problem with my eyes) YERG!!!!!!!!!

    5. Hai OWWWE sory if gammar bad my hand spraunt,.,,
      I still wan to see the blog... snowboard eh?

    6. What time zone r u guys in right now? My time is an hour before Snowy's. For my city (or province I think) there was a strike for teachers, so we let out 2 weeks earlier than we were supposed to be, but, we won't be getting our report cards, which I don't know if it's a good thing or not. Anyways, congratulations on first, Wildfur123aj! -hands over an adorable fox pup-

    7. Oops, forgot to sign off my comment before this one.

    8. I have Superpowers..... And the ability to stay up 1:00 AM - 6:00 AM and longer :3

      This pointless comment was brought to you by VICTORYSCREECHxD

    9. Congrats Wildfur!
      Gwen, like for you, Wildfur and many other people are in different time zones. It could have been 8:00 AM for Wildfur. Also, some jammers need to get up early to go places :)

    10. how do you stay up the whole night?? i only did that once because the doctors told me to for this medical test thing. but anyways i could never stay up a whole night, i need my sleep lol

    11. Congratulations! :D
      And I agree Hayluc, I hardly stayed up on New Years. xD
      I was all like NOPE I just stayed up till 12 then I fell asleep.

    12. Congratulations to you, squire! -bows and tips hat-


    14. 58spots here! I agree to the comment thing. Also i have a scary, VERY scary story. Once I logged on to animal jam and everything seemed normal. I got a plushie from the machine, and won 3 diamonds from the daily spin! I thought it would be nice to do an adventure. I hosted the hive and then I started when 3 of my buddies joined in. When we talked to Cosmo, something was strange about him... he was dark, bloodshot RED. And all he was saying was, ''DON'T GO IN THERE. DON'T GO IN THERE. DON'T GO IN THERE,'' over and over again. I went past him anyway. There I saw all the alphas crying, and some reason, there was DRIPPING BLOOD all over them. Scared, I went past them and saw a green creature floating in the air saying, '' HE WARNED YOU.'' My screen went black. I scared out of my mind. I closed out of animal jam, but for my computer back round it said, ''HE WARNED YOU.''
      Hope ya liked it! Thats my creepy pasta story. Oh, and also, I WARNED YOU.

    15. Congrats! :throws boxes of Girl Scout Cookies around:

    16. Its just the timezones guys. It shows differently depending on which place you guys are in. Who knows? 4 AM could be 9 PM for them! For me? its 8 AM right now ^^.


    17. Let's give this horror story a shot in the spotlight!
      Story name: hidden (NOT REAL)
      I was in aldan trading with my best friend normandy doing glitches to make people confused. It worked because me and my bff were pros at glitches!

      Bff: Where we off to next!
      Me: I really don't know. Where you want to go?
      Bff: Hmm..... OH! Let's go to find "hidden"!
      Me: Hidden? I thought that was just a legend!
      Bff: She is real all right!
      Me: Ok, I guess.....
      So we went off to find Hidden.

      We check Temple of Zios, Crystal sands and Mt. Shiveer. Then we were in Coral Canyons.
      Me: Ok, we checked 4 places now. Can we go do something else now!?
      Bff: Yeah... I guess.....
      Then a little bunny hopped by saying the exacts words, "STAY HIDDEN OR SHE WILL FIND YOU!" Me and my friend looked at each other and back where the bunny last hopped by. Then we were scramming across the map. We didn't know how we can hide so we just stood in the middle where we can easily be spotted. Then every other animal disapearded.
      Bff: She is coming.....
      Me: Who? Tell me who!

      then my bff's animals all turned black with red evil eyes. I was about to turn off the computer it would break though because it was on it's last legs. My bff just stood there....
      Me: Normandy quit being a troll Let's go!
      Then a crowd came looking just like her and the worst part was.... EVERYTHING NORMANDY HAD THEY HAD! Same names and user, same pets, same everything.

      Then they all the audio changed to people screaming as if they were about to suffer in terror. My animal was slowly fading to black and my eyes were changing to red. Then i saw a little bunny walk through the crowd.

      She had a happy face and was pink with purple eyes, purple worn and green heart pattern.
      Me (irl): What? IT COULDN'T BE!
      I checked her use and it was Hidden. Worst part was it was the bunny that warned me and my friend!

      Me: NO! I CAN'T DO THIS!

      The bunny did sad face and backed up into the crowd having the other animals grab her by ears tail, front paws and back paws as she was hanging there. She said and i read slowly, "Don't leave me alone. You were that last person I found." Then the animals pulled as her fell to the ground with blood coming from everywhere.

  2. OMG my second first I was so excited omg, *does happy dance* sorry eternal. XD

  3. First!?! Wow I never knew we started out with so little colors, also I just wanted to say I just started my blog plz come see it
    Btw to find it on your own you can only look it up on google it won't come up on other search engines

    1. I know right. So few colors. I can't even imagine what it was like. ;o;

    2. You are actually third, congrats! Ikr!

    3. Third, but still impressive! Congrats!

    4. Back then, AJ was everything to me. Now, it's so hard to believe THAT was what the color palette was like.

  4. Lol oops I'm second also sorry eternal
    Hides inside a chocolate cake

    1. CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D NOM NOM NOM

    2. You are actually fourth, congrats! NOM! *steals Shadow's piece of cake* MINE, ALL MINE!!!!!

    3. Run, Cocoloco, Eternal may eat YOU with that cake! O.o Also congrats.

    4. fourth, but i'll pretend like you're second if you gimme cake ;)

    5. :Takes cake from Tallstar: Hehe >:3 - noms on b4 anybody can take it away - Wait.. Eternal wanted it... he's gonna chase me o-o

    6. Oi! You gotta Share~! You gotta Care~! Don't be so greedy Eden :(.

      However...-grabs Ipecac- DOWN IT GOES!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha I deleted my own comment!!!!!! Need to move on..

    2. Are you sure you deleted it? Or did someone SABOTAGE it? *looks around*

    3. Lol, Shadow - Dun dun dun dun....

    4. ...If you deleted your own comment, why is it still there? YOU LIAR! -Begins to attack the 'comment' searching for the old one.


      Ahhh, I've been watching to much anime :).


    Yaaaaaaaaaay! Yeah I know. She is so annoying sometimes...

    1. Hehe.....At least nobody knows my secret life... >:3

    2. You do not go to my school. Only 3 people at my school play AJ and they are not obsessed.. you don't I know

    3. @BlingBling *Sigh* When will you learn..

  7. Replies
    1. O.O 11037th? Now that's A LOT of comments for one post! More than a thousand.... wow.

      @ edwingrim2:
      Congrats on 8th! c:

  8. I'm tenth, but vlue is 9th! CONGRATTIES! 10th is the highest I have ever been. Wah.


    1. Congratulations! It's an exhilarating feeling, isn't it?


      ^^ I think that's from a long time ago Build-A-Bear commercial about Smurfs.? X3

      And congrats on 9th or 10th! :D

  9. im 11 :DD and im boredddddd DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS WAT TO DO IN SUMMER?! (no traveling, no "visiting friends" thing cuz they r all gone and most live far away from me, no playing with siblings,no reading books, no playing outside, no video games) i think i took most of ur ideas. HAPPY JAMMIING :DD

    1. lie on the ground on scream " I'M BORD!!!!!" until your pearents take you to an amusment park or somethin.


    2. Mk, here's a list of things I totally make up:
      1 Go around the house and eat all the food. Maybe your parents will take you out to eat.
      2 count your money and pretend to be a banker (XD).
      3 Play survival, outside. Get a bunch of long sticks and lean them up against a tree. (That's how you make a lean-two). Sleep in it for the night. Maybe even make yourself a bow and arrow with a sorta bendy stick and some twine or fishing line.
      3 Climb a tree and swing on it's branches and pretend your a monkey XD
      4 get a barbie doll and cut it up and draw blood on it. Make a zombie.
      Lol hope something sounds a tiny bit okishly fun.

    3. 1. Attempt to label everything in your house
      2. Run around screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING
      3. Go behind someone and stare at them. See how long it takes them to notice.
      4. Have a dance party with yourself.
      5. Call someone from the phone book and tell them to stop calling you. (XD)
      Well, that's all I have for now <3
      -KittyPhoenix (On her iPad :3)


    5. omg yes prank calling people is so fun. make sure you call a mcdonalds or something instead of some random person because they could get mad at you. heres a good script: ok so call a pizza place. say you want 1 plain pizza, and 1 cheese. when they say "so 2 cheeses, right?" say "no, 1 plain and 1 cheese!" and keep insisting. hehehehe

    6. "2. Run around screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING"

      I will do this, Kitty. This is gold. <3

    7. @Eternal Myth



      Ah yes, my cousin who lives in America said she was chosen for some guy named Paul or something like that and she had to ride a stick horse while screaming the British are coming. When I asked her for the video since her parents were there, she said she deleted the evidence ;-;.


    9. I believe that Paul Revere yelled, "THE BRITISH ARE COMING!"
      I had a HUGE unit about the American Revolution a few months ago in my history class. About that, I finished learning about the history curriculum today, and I don't need to bring that binder anymore. YESH!!! Having a binder with nearly 300 pages can be quite heavy!
      And it's cool that you know this stuff, since you're not even American! ^.^

    10. Dear jammers... I'm sorry to say, but I have to stop commenting. Something happened to my google account and nothing is publishing (;O;) I might comment as anonymous sometimes, but rather than that, I'll be quitting commenting for the summer due to family stuff.

    11. One last comment though:
      I'm glad you all liked my ideas, and I came up with one more. Dress up at Where's Waldo, go out in public, hide somewhere, and see if anyone notices. P.S.: If you're looking for more weird things to do, some ideas are on
      Happy Jamming-
      Kitty <3

  10. I remember the first color pallet >_>
    I didn't like it at all (because the only shades of blue were blues I didn't like and because there wasn't a big variety of colors).



    2. eh it was alright, at least you could change the individual colors of the patterns and eyes and stuff.

    3. Factory and Mythy, I couldn't agree more. All the blues seemed to have some green in them and it frustrated me to no end.

    4. Somewhere over the rainbow...
      Dreams come true!

      Eh, at least this is true for you guys :).


  11. 11th????? MY AGE XD wow animal jam sure didn't have many colours back then, poor adventure, -tells adventure- "If you love something let it go"


    1. oops am =P


    2. ikr I'm way older than 11. o.o
      You're all leeeeetle children ouo

    3. I'm older than 11 too.

      OMG took forever to type that sentence ^^. My computer is lagging again. NU...... DX lol.

    4. ...:(. Mythy, we can be 10 together. I'm not turning 11 in a LONG time...


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I find it rather annoying that (I'm pretty sure) Best Dressed still uses an outdated colour palette last time I checked.


    1. Loki found a way to win in best dressed every time o3o Be a famous person or fman XD

    2. Aww. AJ must've overlooked it.
      And that's sad, Eternal. I guess people are just that hooked onto famous people. xc

    3. Or you can be a jerk and dress as the exact opposite, or keep nothing on. Your choice ):(.


  14. I still remember my first color combination when I first joined. On my wolf if was white with the light green swirls, with blue eyes :3 It was hard to think of cool color combinations with only 20 choices.

    1. My first color combo was white, grey and black. Yep, a monochromatic tiger with blue eyes. xD

      The only change I made to it was changing the eyes to the secret color blue.

  15. Hey peeps! Here's the next part of the Krazy's Diary story (look at the last posts for the 2 parts, I post them daily):

    June 27, 2013 (continued)

    Me and Loki went to the Summer Carnival. We played games and earned tickets. We finished the day going to get cotton candy. We saw a random fox waving at us, he looked a little chubby, but the more chubbier, the more fluffy, right? The fox dropped his cotton candy and shouted: "YARG! NOW THE COTTON CANDY IS GUNNA GO BAAAD!!" Loki whispered in my ear: "That's my friend Eternal, he can be a little crazy at some times but he can be serious about things." (This was requested by Eternal Myth so don't think that I'm insulting him) I nodded. Eternal continued on talking to himself: "Bah, whatever, it's not like I'm in love with food..." Loki went up to greet Eternal: "Waz up? I'm here with my friend Krazy. But do you know what's so cool about her? SHE'S A GIRL WHO CAN FIGHT!!!!!!" Eternal replied: "Sweeeeeet!" I sighed as if there's something weird about them. I then said: "Since it's getting dark, we should go back to our dens." Loki replied: "Oh not yet, I'll just hang out with Eternal for a little bit." I waved goodbye and went back to my den to go to sleep.

    July 4, 2013

    It was Freedom Day. It isn't my favourite holiday since my family don't celebrate it. My ancestors weren't American like most of the other Jammers. All of my friends were there, including Loki and Eternal but I forgot to mention 3 other friends: Splash Cutelily (a fox), Pink Toughflower (a tiger) and Tiger Cleverspirit (a bunny). We went to hang out at the Freedom Party and talked about things that were away from the special event. We gotten to see fireworks but while we were watching them, I went face to face with the pink "rare"arctic wolf who gave me and ugly-like look. She was with other "cool" friends who also had spike collars, gazelle horns, sunglasses, worns and even rare coloured tail armour! I turned away as if there was no one there. And I still looked up at the fireworks with my friends. Looks like that arctic wolf will never forget me for what I did to stop them from intimidating Loki. I think I'll be the next victim....

    I hope you enjoying reading this story!


    1. Ah well lucky you! ^.^ Happy Early Birthday!


    2. Sorry but im too lazy to read stories- OH GAWD WHY AM I A FLUFFY FOX???

    3. XD I like da story Cuz its true cotton candy is fake cotton XD

    4. I didn't say you're fluffy, I just wrote that I thought that animals are fluffier when they're chubby. XD I have a dog, he's skinny but if he was chubby, he would look fluffy even with medium fur. XD


  16. Hi guys! ^-^
    You probably don't know me.
    Thats because I get up at six instead of four….
    I don't have an alarm clock D:

    Wow! That color paler seems so… SMAAAAAL!!!
    I am glad we have gotten more now, and that we kept the mystery color!

    Hey Snowyclaw, I think that you should make an article all about Zios and Mira, deeply thinking about their history, where they are born and things like that..
    I think that Zios was born in South America in the 1700's …..

    good idea…..?


    1. Ah yes, back in the 1700's, those were the good old days.. xD

    2. Well, all abroad the Spirit Blog train Tigerfort! Our News Crew is our conducters and Snowyclaw as our driver! Welcome :).

      The Mira and Zios thing is pretty interesting! But Mira was created by Zios since he got lonely. Zios created the Animal Jam galaxy. Not really sure if you read it already, but read the Animal Jam legend. Just look it up! ^^.

      ...Shadow, your so old.


  17. wow I get up so late that 27th is a new record for meh…..

  18. 28th?
    Well, at least my best was 3rd.

    1. Real comment:
      O.O That happened to me once. I clicked the first no, and it didnt stop. Then i clicked the next no, and it still went back to the game. It was creepy. I kept trying until i saw a yes. Then i clicked it.

      Ill make a new story later ^D^

      See chu later!

    2. That is very scary. o.o
      It's a very good creepypasta starter though xD

  19. Replies

    2. NU Eternal! (whacks Eternal over the head with a cake) LEAVE DE CAT ALONE!

    3. Killing cats, that's rude, Eternal. >:c

    4. BY MY THROTH! -Using Luna's Royal Voice- How DARE ye threaten thee Your Honorable Cats? THOU! WILT! SUFFER!!!! -Summons upon army of royal kittens-

      -Shinymewgal, the BEST royal speaker of all time.

    5. Now now, Eternal. Don't be mean to them kitty cats. Don't be like my dog! D: My dog 'bullies' my cats- if they move and come too close, then she'll bark at them and then they'll fight. Not good.

    6. Ugh sorry guys >.< Its just its always cats these days and NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER DOGS!!!!! WROOOFY YARG!!!!!!!!

    7. My cat is nice... so long if he doesn't decide he likes your pants..

  20. LOL. Im doing nothing for the summer

  21. Maybe I'll give that horror story a shot...


    YES< NO

    It was an early summer morning. As usually did every morning, I got up and went downstairs, going into the kitchen and fetching myself breakfast. Then I would go back up to my room to sat at my computer and check animal jam, eating breakfast at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone. Heh, Such a funny saying.

    Once I was logged in, I switched into my favorite animal, a fox. She was black with a white belly, wearing gray elf cuffs, a black worn blanket, black pigtails, and a blue spike, the only non-matching thing on her. The server I appeared to be in was Bremer, it wasn't normal, though. Something was off.

    Nobody was there.

    "Hey, it's fine." I told myself. "We'll switch servers and it'll be fine, right?"

    I click the settings button at the corner of my screen. Nothing happens.

    Going into my map, I decide to try and play my favorite game, Falling Phantoms, in hopes it would calm me down. Clicking The Lost Temple Of Zios, my fox appears at the spawn.

    Next to me is a wolf. A non member. He's completely black, no other color on him. His eyes were a beady red, nothing like I had seen ever before.

    "BUDDIES?" He asked me, staring at me with his intense crimson glare. "I have a fully buddy list, thank you." I reply, bouncing away from him to where I could enter Falling Phantoms. It was true. My buddy list was full. Most of the people on my list were real friends. People who lived in my neighborhood. Even people I had met online. Safely, mind you.

    I entered the game and once I was in, the game was about to start. There were 4 other people, other than myself. One was a bunny, mint colored and wearing a bright pink jamaaliday scarf. Another was a member arctic wolf, icy blue and wearing the full set of ice armor. The third was another member. She was an eagle, a tan colored eagle with a white head wearing a founder's hat. The last person was...

    That wolf I saw in Lost Temple Of Zios not even a minute ago.

    Before I had a chance to react, the game began. The flaming phantoms were raining down on all sides. I was dashing here and there, left and right, then right again.

    Then it was only me and... him.


    How did he... you can't chat during a game? Can you?

    I had gotten distracted. BOOM! My fox was obliterated by a huge phantom. Angry, I moved my mouse to the corner of my screen to exit the game.


    YES < NO

    The familiar window that came up every time you tried to exit a game.

    I clicked yes. The window didn't go away. But I was back in Lost Temple Of Zios. From what I could see, the server was still empty...

    "C'mon!" I shouted at my screen, continuously clicking the YES < button.


    YES < NO


    I froze. Did my screen just fizzle out into static a little bit just now?

    The wolf was standing in front of my fox now, extremely close. I could do nothing. I couldn't run away. This glitch made it impossible.


    YES < NO

    "BUDDIES!!!" The wolf shouted.

    He... leaped on my fox... and... murdered her, hitting her with a rock. Over, and over, and over, and over again. I could only watch as it happened. I didn't think it was possible... but it was. Shivering, I backed away from my computer.


    YES NO

    My computer turned off suddenly with a crack of static.


    That voice... was behind me. He's behind me now. Please... whatever you do... don't stay in an empty server. Get out as soon as you can. Or he'll come for

    Honestly this was my first horror story, so if isn't great sorry! I've never written anything like this before ^-^'
    Have a great day everyone!

    1. 0.0
      -ss hhh iiii vvvvv eeeeee rrrrrrr ssssssss !!!!!!!!!-

    2. OMG THAT WAS SCARY!!! *shivers*

      Just kidding about me being scared, but it was kinda creepy. A black wolf asking to be your buddy? I'll never trust going to empty servers again, cuz when I see one Jammer, they just wanna chat with me or something. And they're strangers! It's like they're lonely. I should try and make a horror thing myself, or more of a creepy pasta? I dunno....


    3. Okay.....I'm totally scared now....Red isn't my favorite color... O.O

    4. Ok I don't mean to be racist about black wolves, I'm saying a creepy looking wolf like that.... HE HAS TO BE A CREEPY PASTA!!!


    5. That.... WAS PAWSOME!!! One of the best animal jam creepypastas I've ever heard. Well, read. Great job! - Promptly throws phone down against the floor- ANOTHER!

    6. -after reading every CreepyPasta on this, Loki runs around screaming: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-

  22. That statue came out like 3 days ago...

  23. Great horror story, I really enjoyed it! But actually, I've said in alot of empty server cuz it's fun to stay in Jamaa Township and start dancing with noone around u. :-P

  24. Oops, meant 'stayed in alot of empty servers'. My bad. I tend to make alot of typos when I type fast.

  25. SOMEONE :slams down a book: MAKE THIS A CREEPYPASTA! SOMEONE, ANYONE! :waves a billion gems: I WANT A CREEPYPASTA!
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    1. OMG <3 Thanks guys! I seriously thought this wasn't gonna be this popular >3<
      With love <3


  26. That's scary!?!?! One time I was trapped in a room with this hacker he looked like..... Well u know who.
    He was spamming me with gifts but I didnt open them then u tried to log out but he said "Going somewhere?"
    I screamed then my pink party hat was gone.I cried. Then I left the game and went to movie star planet.
    The end.... Or is it?

    1. You-know-who? -Screams in terror as Voldemort appears in front of my animal and says Avada Kedevra-. HARRY SAVE ME ;-;.


    2. -runs in to save you with Loki's Spear and the Wolverine- I'LL SAVE YOU!
      Harry: Oh forget this. -He walks out dramatically-

  27. Here's a horror story I made. THIS IS FOR FUN, ok? I don't want arguments that say "oh it's not scary" or "it's too scary". Just saying! ^.^

    The Untitled Room

    NEVER GO TO THE UNTITLED ROOM! There's a reason why AJHQ fixed this glitch. This is how it started:

    At 11:50 P.M., I decided to hang out with my buddy so we can do glitches. I spent time doing glitches with my friends because I thought it was funny, well guess what? This one is NOT! We were both kangaroos. I was a white kangaroo with blue eyes, no pattern, freedom hat, snowflake cape, freedom bands and a light red Jamaaliday scarf. My friend was a purple kangaroo with a light blue fox hat, orange spotted pattern and a green bow. We were in Kimbara Outback where this scary glitch used to be in.
    Me: "Do you remember the Untitled Room glitch?"
    Friend: "Yeah, but I wonder why AJHQ fixed it."
    Me: "I think there's another way to go in it."
    Friend: "You shouldn't do that! If it was fixed then maybe it was because it can brake our account!"
    Me: "Let's try."
    My friend was nervous but she agreed. We tried to do the old way. Didn't work. We did other things like doing the game invite, den to den and other things. None of them worked. But I had the idea to move from Kimbara Outback into the Outback Imports shop. Me and my friend kept on doing it then the screen went black. The title was written Untitled Room. Before, there were flowery bushes in the area but there was none, it was just like a void! There was something wrong, my friend was spazzing out! She disappeared and reappeared and it kept on happening.
    Friend: "HELP!"
    Me: "NO!"
    Suddenly, her clothing items disappeared and she was gone. Did her account shattered into pieces? I couldn't take it so I tried to log off, but I couldn't. It was now 12:00 A.M. and I still couldn't get out. I couldn't close the window. I wanted to turn off my computer with the power button but it was a risk of also braking the computer!

    Suddenly, a kangaroo with the same clothing items as me appeared. She had the same name as me (Rosy Theroo) also but she was completely black with no eyes at all. But one thing that had me almost faint: SHE HAD THE SAME USER AS ME! It was my reflection! Except that she was black with no eyes while I was white with blue eyes. She said a quote that said: "I love you!" I was so scared that I still tried to log off.
    Reflection: "Do you want to be my friend? I'm so lonely."
    I pretended that I was on brb as if she wasn't there. The reflection came closer to me. I heard screams as if it's a sound effect in a horror movie. Is it the music playing in the Untitled Room?
    Reflection: "Please be my friend."
    The reflection was on me. Then she sat on me as if hugging me. After I noticed, I automatically turned black, with no eyes and all my items started to fade away.
    Me (in real life): "What the-?"
    Me (in AJ): "NOOOO!!" *a loud scream in background*
    My animal disappeared and the strange reflection was still there.
    Reflection: "I told you to be my friend."

    This is the reason why AJHQ fixed this glitch. Never try to go in glitches that are fixed!

    I hope I gave you chills in his story! >:3 MUAHAHAHA!!!


  28. Ok, my story is NOT REAL and a FAKE GLITCH.

    So, I was with my friend at my den. We were playing around with the emotions. Some random jammer came into my den. Her color was completely white, she was a wolf, member, with a white fox hat and white worn. Her user was Scared. My friend started freaking out. She was running everywhere screaming AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    Scared: Scared now?
    My friend: Lock your den!!!!

    So I locked my den. Scared disappeared.

    Me: Who is that? R u friends with her?
    Friend: No! Well, I use too. She hacked me!!!
    Me: Whaaaaaa.........

    Then all of a sudden, My friend froze in mid-jump. She jam a grammed me and said:

    I can't move or type!!! It won't let me log off or close the window!! Help!!

    Then, this girl appeared who looked like scared, but was an eagle. Her user was NowRUScared?

    She started controlling me. I was moving, typing, and everything else. But I wasn't doing anything!!! Then, she started making me send all my stuff to her. She sent everything except my most prized possession, A waterfall.

    Me: No!!!!!!
    NowRUScared: password, or it's gone!!!

    I said my password just as a logged off and changed my password to something different. When I got back on, all my stuff was there, but I had a pillow formation of NowRUScared stuck on the ground.

    Lesson: Block hackers/scammers and always listen to your closest friends when they start freaking out when someone comes close to them!!!


  29. A friend of mine wanted to play Animal Jam with me. She gave me the link to the website, and there was a strangely long blank space following it. I ignored it for now and start playing. I clicked the link.

    I logged in and it took me to the loading screen. I hummed as I waited

    Finally! I thought when I pressed the arrow keys around and watched as my bunny moved across the screen. I looked on my buddy list to see if my friend was online, but she wasn't yet. It was rather strange since she said she wanted to play.

    I went to my den, clicked the edit items. I looked down at all of my furniture and froze; All of it was shaded in the grey that is usually there when a non-member has a member item. I clicked my a item, expecting it to say you needed to be member.

    But it didn't. Instead, the box saying you didn't have enough gems appeared. It showed 7,100 gems for what I had and a 150 for the Flower Carpet. What?

    I concluded it to be a mere glitch and moved my mouse to the buy items button and clicked.

    ALL of the items had red tags that you get when you don't have enough gems. I glanced at my amount of gems and it still said I had 7,100 gems. I clicked the Graham Tiki Statue and the message saying I don't have enough gems appeared once again.

    Finally, after staring at the screen for some time, I exited the message and clicked the X on the shop and was greeted by the message the Animal Jam sends out to everyone.

    41647164 it read. Usually Animal Jam's messages were alerts for something like new items or animals, but what the heck was this?

    I went to the Lost Temple of Zios. Maybe I could play Falling Phantoms to clear my mind and possibly break the glitch. I was met with the sight of the usual jammers trading and such. I clicked on someone's profile by habit, and the trading list was shaded in grey like when you disable trading.

    Eh, probably just another bit of this insane glitch. I clicked the game and began to play.

    There was no one else in the game, but it still let me play. A frown came across my face.

    I survived the phantoms for a bit, but was eventually crushed by a gigantic one. The game continued though, and my bunny was still running across the screen. I began to panic and clicked the X.

    Huh? Leave? Wasn't it supposed to be 'Leave Game'?

    What the? I pressed the green 'No' and my bunny continued running around the screen, trying to avoid phantoms. I clicked the X button to my window and to my relief, it closed. But I kinda wish I left the window open.

    My background had been set to picture copies of 41647164. My heart was beating so fast against my chest it hurt.

    It took me several long minutes to composure myself. I decided to write 41647164 on a piece of paper and see if it had any messages within it.

    I tried almost everything, but I couldn't find a single message hidden in it. In anger, I swept it off my desk.

    It landed upside-down, and I swear, the 4 looked strangely like an H...

    And that's when it hit me, how could I been so stupid? I looked upside down letters up and started to decode it:

    4 = H 1 = I 6 = G 4 = H 7 = L 1 = I 6 = G 4 = H

    It stopped at H, but it obviously spelled out highlight, just lacked the T. But highlight what exactly?
    And that's when I remembered that big blank space. Did it mean that?

    I went to my email, it was logged in for me already, and looked at the message. I quickly highlighted the large space, revealing the white words from the blue highlight.

    And what it said nearly gave me a heart attack.

    (That's the end of the story, I'll give a little explanation for it.)

    Hackers were born thanks to the anonymity of the internet. Have you ever been given a email saying you needed to change your password for certain websites, but it wasn't from their customer service? Emails are one of the most targeted things for hackers, and once they have access to your account, they can easily hack into your email and start a chain of hacking people.


  30. This is an animal jam blog. Not... whatever that is.

  31. I am going to write an animal jam story. If you want me to include you, please give your aj username, the animal, its description (Name, colors, patterns, mood, etc) And it will be put in. This wont be a fairy tale either so if you dont want your character to get badly hurt, get kidnapped, killed, or etc please say that as well. Thank you.

    1. Oooh~! A story? Mind if I join then?

      Username: Shinymewgal (In the story, call me Nix)
      Species: Snow Leopard
      Colors: Light purple as the main color, and light blue covering the muzzle, tail, and paws.
      Pattern: Leopard pattern that is on Snow Leopard's in real life.
      Attitude: Has slight anger issues; incredibly naive and gullible;
      has mood swings commonly; often ignores directions and does it 'her way'; can be quite negative at times.
      Wears: A purple flower crown, freedom bands, purple bow and arrows, and a rare heart locket.
      Notes: I would prefer if you don't kill her, but you can do what you wish with her actually.

      And tats that! This was really fun to make ^^. Can't wait to see your story!


    2. sure I can be in it!
      User- roorookanga
      Im going to be my pink and white and blue wolf
      you can call me roo in the story
      I can be a naive and kind girl, kinda clumsy
      and i could be in a kidnap
      look at my aj character for the outfit
      Good Luck In Your Story!

    3. I wanna be in it!

      User: IAmTheLokiFan (Call me Wolvie/Loki)
      She is a navy-blue wolf with a white underbelly and dark gray patches, blind icy blue eyes :)
      She wears a purple/blue fox hat, freedom bands, white moon necklace, and a blue nm sword :)

    4. Me too!
      User: Sunshineglade
      Looks: Brown bunny with white splotches and blue cute eyes
      I can be the first one to be kidnapped\killed

    5. User: Fire66300
      Animal names: Rust the Wolf
      Rust details: you can choose Rust to have powers or not, his powers are: can put any amount of rust on iron, can make any type of metal appear in midair, can breath fire but he normally HATES breathing fire.
      Rust appearance: Black wolf with red lightning bolts and red eyes, red and black elf armor, red and black ledgend glove, black ninja mask.
      Note: Rust is a kidnapper

  32. -swats exit game banner away-

    1. Until it RETURNS! The Return of the Exit Banner, coming soon to closest teatros! (Theaters)


    that totally sounds like a legitimate animal jam website!

  34. Nice stories guys ^-^
    I forgot how much I loved creepypastas and horror stories lol

    1. And with Slenderman as our driver, what could possibly go wrong? >:).


  35. I know off topic but say I if u think ppl are judged by how rare they r and it should be EQUAL to all jammers no matter how rare or how new they r.

    1. Btw plz dont judge ppl by how rare they are. It just makes them feel bad. :( Thats what I would do if I was treated like that. I was and btw block and report popular style for scamming my rare white bow and arrows.

  36. What does Beta mean?

    I don't think a retired Item is the same as beta

    1. Beta is what was sold in the beta days of AJ. ( like, the testing weeks. I think it lasted two weeks, not sure)


    2. It lasted about 3 weeks since Animal Jam began in August. My older sister joined a month after beta, so yea...

      -Shinymewgal (If your wondering, my sister's old account is named ChristmasPaw)

  37. Right, I think I'll give a horror a shot, not scary to be honest, but just a try...

    I was having the best of times in Coral Canyons. I moaned loudly when my very good, nice and kind friend told me she must leave. She logged off reluctantly with loads of "goodbye" and "see ya later" and all that. Typical.

    So after a while of hanging out alone, breaking the bridge with a few hyenas and a rhino, playing "Best Dressed" and stuff, I got bored. I was alone, and for some reason a load of animals began to go appear in the room. Soon, it was full. Strange, Coral Canyons isn't usually full...I though. OK, relax, Snowy or some other Blogger is here, I told myself and joined the awkward crowd.

    I should tell you, I was a warrior-like, black and white wold with magenta eyes, a sword, tattered old hood, ect. I am never part of a "Clan" or whatever, and I never act ferocious, but I might've looked like a person nobody who didn't really know me would buddy with. So I was surprised when an orange wolf, with a designer skirt and pigtails, told me she can play with me.

    I sorta didn't trust her, but hey! I can log off when I want to! My brain said. No prob. So I went around with her, and again, crowds started to disappear very quickly. Weird, I though. The party must've moved, I told myself. We came up to a bunny, small, new, a non-member. "Watch me" the new wolf said. I realized her name was just Tulip. OK,a glitch, whatever.

    She began to bully the bunny, and I told her to stop. She ignored, so I reported her and blocked her. Whew. Now I can log off and avoid trouble. So I tried to log off.

    Log Out?
    Yes <- No

    Nothing. I tried and tried. Over and over. I wanted to close the window, but it didn't close. I couldn't risk unplugging the laptop cause' it's old and wheezy and needs care, and I couldn't get into the manual switch off. I had to watch in vain as the bunny kept making "crying" faces above his sad little head. Tulip put an "evil grin" face on and said: "Your turn".

    I had to act cool. "No" I said. I thought her eyes flashed. No, you can't flash eyes on AJ, I reassured myself anxiously. "I said, your turn" she said, and I knew she meant it in a toxic, unnaturally calm and quiet way. I wanted to give her a "Nope" in her face, but I just waited. "Fine!" she said and I could feel the chill of her snap.

    The lands whirled. We went from room to room. Nobody was there to here my lousy, bubble-enclosed "Help!". I got sick and my eyes hurt. When I though a headache crept into my head, we stopped in my den. Beta stuff, rares and other cool, non-member (But also new!) times littered the Giant Mushroom (Ha ha, Mush-Room, I calmed myself) sloppily but with a fun charm behind them.

    "No one, will ignore me" Tulip said in her toxic way of chatting, and I felt weak and pale. Then something awful happened. Tulip's eyes blazed red, and all my stuff, I mean ALL my stuff was burning, blazing, gone forever. All the while I wanted to desperately log off, but AJ never let me. "Please!" I begged through gritted teeth.

    Too late. Tulip was gone, the den was empty and bleak. The next day, I got an official suspension warning from AJHQ, for bullying and terrorizing players. I got banned for a month.

    If a crowd suddenly pops up around you in a scatter-y room, she's coming for you. Beware!

    I was inspired by Anne Fine's book "The Tulip Touch" on this, and this was never, ever true Jammers!

    -Majeczka333 (Yup! My actual username!)


  39. on wendsday the color palate barley gave any colors :p

  40. Hey it's meh. So now I present to you a random, true fact of the day- for me. :3

    Today, in school, I had to wear a dress and ballroom dance in my school's library. (It was for one of my classes.) So many younger kids walked by staring at us, standing with expressions like, "What is this!?" XD

    AJ now.:
    O_O Tiki Graham's mouth though... talk about creepy.
    2 choices: No (or) NO >:D
    The evolution of AJs color palette! ^-^

    PS: Changed profile pic. c:

  41. @ spambot here ^^:
    If Rainbow sees this comment on here, as a warning, I'm telling you that she'll hit you with a fly swatter. O-O XD

  42. I read all the current CreepyPastas/horrors on this post, and let me say this. All of them are awesome and love the descriptions and eerie feelings in them! I also have story on my blog: ( heh heh. >:)

  43. I was walking with my buddy, Wolf18889, and we were in Crystal Sands. Then, a Non-Member Wolf, Happy MajorWolf ( All pink with blue swirls and green eyes ) came up to me and said, "Wanna be buddies?" I didn't want to be rude, so I buddied her. When the sign showed up that shows somebody is now your buddy, it said something else..... It said: BEWARE!

    I was shocked. When I clicked out of the message, Wolf18889 was gone, and the once Pink Wolf was All Black with Red Eyes. I tried to un-buddy her, but when I went to unbuddy her, I noticed her username: BewareOfMe. I screamed, "HELP" but then, I was in her den. " I didn't click her den icon! " I panicked. Then........ I noticed who it really was...... Fman's sister ( XD ) Soon, all of my items were fading away. I ran to my den, and it was all white. I wandered around for about 10 minutes, when BewareOfMe came. Soon, my computer crashed, and I cried. My Animal Jam Account was gone. My buddies were lost, and I thought, " Why me... " I mean, my buddies meant something to me. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of Doritos and watched Frozen. After about 6 months, I decided to make a new account, called Sorrowful. When I went on for about a minute on my Mom's computer, I saw Wolf18889. I was so relieved. We re-buddied, and I got all of my buddies back.

    Moral of Story: When you see a hacker/scammer, report and block them. THIS STORY IS MADE UP! Please don't leave any bad replies, I think I did OK.


    1. Nice story! And Fman's sister? XD
      Coolio! :)

    2. I WAS DELETED D:?????

    3. @IAmTheLokiFan

      XD :pats on the back: It's made up :3

      @Cutepups522 AJ

      Thanks! XD I had to put something, Fman's too casual x3

  44. I think you should have done something a bit more realistic, but it was all right.

  45. for my story this will scare the bananas out of you! :D
    so I logged on animal jam and did daily spin and checked for new items and rest of that! that was until i was getting hundreds and i mean HUNDREDS of jam-a-grams! I ignored it until it finally reached 100. when i clicked to see them all there was only one.... It was lagging a lot, but not before i checked it. The jam-a-gram was black until it said i got logged out so i got back on. I wanted to see the jam-a-gram until when i check it was no longer there. So i went to my den...And that is when the scary things started to happen. NOW BEFORE I MAKE YOU GUYS GET SCARED MAKE SURE U HAVE THE LIGHTS ON READING THIS >:3 or turn them out if you dare? So i was in my den all alone and safe. That was until i heard a little girl voice singing slowly," lalala la laaaa. lalala la laaaa." OVer and over as it was spinning in my head! Then jammers came in my den every animal i loved with all my heart coverd in RED, HOT,THICK, blood..... I screamed and it was CRAZY how non buddies came in when my den was locked!!Then the singing stopped and the jammers left only because i got logged out again. Went back on and all the worlds were empty. So I was in township, alone, quiet. then a jam-a-gram came. It was risky to check it until i did. As i read it slowly saying. "look behind you." The picture was black and it looked like it had red blood on it. As i slowly turned around to see...................................... -screams- THE END!!!! Thanks for reading reply what you think plz! :) and remember to turn around.....

    1. Wow, that story's intense! I like it though. .o.

    2. O.o...Its pretty good, but it kinda made my head spin. You should do paragraphs to make it look neater. My lights were off, but its morning so it doesn't really make a difference. AND THE BLACK PLAGUE SONG? -screams-


    3. Well i tried thanks for the opinions though! :)

    4. I would imagine a deep opera voice singing while those "zombie-like" Jammers go in your den. I would laugh so hard! XD Just a little bit of a comedy. Still, great horror story. Almost gave me the chills....


  46. You guys should be grateful, I've seen MUCH worse comments. -shudders as remembering some perverted person that posted inappropriate comments-

    I hope Snowy blocks people like these ^^.


  47. @ Shinymewgal:
    -shudders too- I know what/who you're talking about. THOSE types of comments are just SICK!! And worse, one of them is saying mean things/being mean to a few people on this blog (not saying who). Snowy should DEFINITELY block these 2 types of people from commenting on blogs- especially ones about children's online gaming.

  48. Hey guys! I know a lot of you don't believe in free diamond rumors, I don't either, but I found a cool glitch.

    So, too bad it only gives one diamond and doesn't really work after you use it once, but it's cool. :D

    So just dance anywhere in Jamaa and press Alt+F4. Within a few minutes you should see a diamond in your possession. It was discovered by a friend of mine, but she never told cause she didn't want AJHQ to feel ripped off or anything if the whole secret got out.

    Hope this helped. :3

  49. OMG IM SO HAPPY :D TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY :D :) STILL HAPPY! lol see you in jamaa :)

    LilSmile ;) (oh yea, nice post)

  50. New channel on youtube! Plz like comment nicely and subscribe to it! The channel name is crazygirldude. Also the username of the person who made it on animal jam. Once again like comment nicely and subscribe!

    1. P.S. Buddy her and umm idk about budding me. 99 out of 100 slots get it while it lasts XD.

  51. KISS ME ETERNALMYTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. O---------O O-----------O O--------------O O-O Um.. *Pokes away* Go....Please.... O.o Your creepy...Like Creepy Connie....

  52. hi jammers D; here are things to do for the summer
    1: go to the park and say to someone im lonely D:
    2: run around screaming AHHHH outside untll someone finds and you and say what
    3: go on the swing at the park and hog it and swing untill your tireed and say woohoo!!
    4: pull a prank
    5: scream: IM A HOG! untill people start stareing at you and then you run
    6: play truth or dare
    7: go in the pool and say hiiii to everyone you know from school

    and that all my things have fun D: ~barbearella

  53. I'm not scared of anything but I love Harvey moon's story.
    Here's mine:

    So a girl called Amber has to do a project about something mysterious in their town. She goes to a school called Drayton High. It was believed to be haunted.
    When she got there, she noticed the chandelier above her was rocking without nobody touching it.

    She went into the classroom and saw a creepy face with no pupils and blood dripping out of the eyes and mouth. The teacher, who was standing next to the picture with her face against the wall, turned around. Her face matched the picture exactly. Then suddenly Amber heard a knife and a scream. She closed her eyes. Nothing happened. She wasn't screaming. It was someone along the corridor.

    Amber didn't want to find out about it, so she ran into the lunch hall.
    She took some fish to eat. As she cut the fish into bite - size pieces, ants and spiders jumped out of the fish. There was another screaming noise and a few gunshots.

    Amber ran home, extremely terrified. She got tired on the way home. Lent on the wall. Fell through it. And then realised. She was a ghost...

    I haven't decided how she died yet.

  54. Ok, MY creepypasta. I wishes to remain.. ANONYMOUS sooo I'm gonna tell this differently then I wrote it..

    One day, I logged onto Animal Jam and went onto the Rocky server. I spawned in Coral Canyons and saw my friends were on, and in Empress and Prince form. Tie to play evil. I morphed into Rust, my evil character, and something was off. The tag on "Knight Scarymaster" was a red skull, and not a black paw.
    And the rest of my nameplate was black.
    I shrugged and headed over to Empress's den, and saw her and Prince arguing over which unfortunate plushie was going to get killed first. Still screaming in caps-lock she told me to head over to the diamond shop and get a cheetah or "SOMETHING." I sighed, and teleported to the Diamond shop. But instead I spawned in the Township. The tag at the corner of my screen said I was in the diamond shop.
    I walked to the Shop and when I went in, it was black, like the Void glitch. Only the clickable tables showed. I clicked on the statue of an arctic wolf and the window popped up. The name said "YOU'RE NEXT" and the Diamond count said "YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED." I rolled over the cheetah ad it turned into a red Magic Mirror, with the lean body of the cheetah sticking out behind the mirror. Whats more, over the mirror it said "SOLD OUT." I hit the small blue X in the corner, and when I rolled over it it turned red. As soon as the window went away, there was the red mirror in the corner. A non-member wolf, black with streaks of red, appeared. "COME." he said.
    I was immediatly teleported to the Phantom Vortex, which only appears on Halloween. There was no one there but a red and black arctic wolf with a beta nametag. he said, "Welcome to your DOOM." Not just in chat, but through speakers as well. Hacker, I thought. Hacker, hacker hacker! I clicked on the nametag, and the arctic wolf's username was "HAHAHA" I backed away form the computer, and took the battery out. Then there was a knock at the door and a rasping voice:
    "You will never be free from me.."

    Yeah... It gave me shivers when I first wrote it..


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw