
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fancy Fireplace

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Hey jammers, so far I've noticed one new item, the Fancy Fireplace, sold at Jam Mart Furniture. What do you think?
I think maybe . . . Renaissance? I wonder what the time is! And now for our late Monday Mystery. This one is on a beach. . .
Who was Captain Melville? What kind of animal was he or she? Where did Melville come from? What did he or she do in Jamaa? Why did Melville like electric ukulele so much?


  1. I TIHKN I KNOW!!!!!!! Well I am making it all up but....
    Captain Melville was a Wolf who was on the pirate ship called Jamaa Oceaneers. He was one of the first ones to set foot on Jamaa. He built the hut and they decided to name the juice hut after him. He actully rides the cruise ship party ship!

    1. JAMAA OCEANEERS! Twinklesnow i didn't know you were so clever! And they nameed the hut after him! Is it OK if I put that on my blog?

  2. ok my turn please do not copy my answers, this after my research D:< (captain melville was a tiger, he was a captain of a ship ,he must have been on the search of jamma,captain melville made a juice hut and sold juice and had partys and made a claw, he loved music X3)

  3. Snowy I sent u an author invite please check your email

  4. O.O ...This is really fancy!

  5. hmmmmmmmmmm........ ummmmmmmmm uhhhhhhh AHA! Wait noo <:c

  6. Captain melville was a wolf that was captain of a ship. He use to entertain his friends/mates by playing his ukulele. One day, He crashed into jamaa. He thought this was the island he was going to. But after days of exploring, it wasnt. So his crew fixed the boat and they were ready to go back sailing. But captin melville saw many jammers and kids so thirsty and they loved hanging out. So he built a juice hut with a juice machine, a stage and a claw! :D

    1. Wow this is a serious case of Christopher Columbus going on here. O_O

    2. lol that is so good (and funny) lol in my stories people never find em funny when i try lol so i stik with making them wise XD

    3. I think Captain Melville was a tiger. One, because some tigers love water.
      And two, because I had a cat named Melville. <3

      Also, I can really picture a tiger being a captain, I dunno why. C:


      P.S. On my blog Animal Jam Stream, I posted a video tour of beta animal jam. :)

    4. LITTLEBROCON ( AJ username too)July 11, 2012 at 10:20 PM

      Me cans too. So many different cases. I think it was a tiger to. So many choses. I'm so like 0_o' for to chose. Like the name, says sorta evilly, doomy panda

  7. Lukia26 (my AJ user)July 5, 2012 at 7:26 AM

    Hi, Snowy—I just wanted to say, your den looks amazing! It should me the meeting place of members of the Jamaasian Movement :) And about Captain Melville...I have no idea XD


  8. Wow I have to find that out!! (who is capt. Melville??) Well I guess ill come back with come answers...maybe lol Princess93

  9. I think captain Melville was the long lost fox shaman that was very good friends with Mira. He was sent on a mission to sail the jamma seas to discover new lands and create new adventures. He had a great talent which was making juice so he got his own juice hut." That's what I think... Please don't copy I did this all off memory.

    1. Amelia the Fox AlphaFebruary 14, 2013 at 1:26 PM

      And I was his heiress apparent to the title.

    2. Amelia the Fox AlphaFebruary 14, 2013 at 1:28 PM

      And I was his heiress apparent to the title.

  10. Sadly, I can't do this 1! Nice suggestions with this Capt.


    PS: again, thank you rufistar

  11. I was Wondering what was captain and i was thinking that was a crab


  12. he was no animal he was human from the times of human ruled Jamma as so he DID live in jamma put his big gig was music he loved it we never stopped it but there is one bad thing about him this music can kill animals from far away and so so we always did it since the animals was pretty annoying in them days but what he did not know was the animals was mystical as so also day when playing his music i heard a flapping noise but it was no bird when he looked up we saw this wolf but with wings a Alantion wolf...he heard this gentle but it was a scary whisper for once it sounded to him it was a warning/threat to if you don't stop we will do something to you....he screamed crazily when he stopped he felt this sleepy trance (the animals did this to test him within the morning)when he woke up he was thinking it was just a dream but it was not even know he still gone out playing his music to kill the poor things but this time he got it well HE got it...from time a dragon came and burnt him to death for celebrating his death and there life there built a juice hut but the only reason why they named it after him is cause so they can remember the suffer he put them in as they partied day and night but no one knows who saved them its unknown....but for one they knew it was two jammers...but they prayed the bless of them drinking juice singing dancing and kept there heads high for them as the jammers partied for life

  13. and sorry i made lots of mistakes it was cause i was typing fast that is all lol...

  14. Ive heard that we think hes a boat captain, maybe he captained the AJS Mola Mola (Cruise ship party)

    1. good idea but it make it part of jamma as jamma is magical i say its more on the mystical side

  15. I'm gona start some service on aj. Like a monarator. I want to tell people what is wrong. Oh and here is my story,

    Once there was a tiger who sailed the seas of jamaa. He sailed before the beta aj. Then, one day he went upon a dark and strange part of the ocean. He got bewitched with a curse for a thousand years. During the curse, he became a soul. Now, the tigers name was Captain Melville. He had a beloved cub daughter named Crystal. He loved Crystal very much. Her favorite things was music and juice. When they came upon jamaa for the first time, phantoms where invading. The phantoms attacked crystal, but Captain Melville shielded her with his life. The curse and the darkness of the phantoms where brought together and Captain Melville's spirit was lifted.His spirit also helped the phantom race from spreading all around jamaa. But sometimes it's too strong. His crew set up a camp there. And one night he spoke to crystal in her dream. He said, "Crystal, I have one wish of you. Make the land we cam across your own and name it after you. Build a gathering place by my name with all of your favorite things. That is my last wish." When crystal woke the next morning, she and the crew worked hard on the new land. And finally, naming it Crystal sands and Captain Melville's juice hut..
    Story by~maryp7

  16. I think it was the only human 2 ever come to Jamma. He was kind 2 all the animals and helped them out with stuff they couldn't do ( stuff that needs thumbs) when it was time for him 2 leave the animals built a juice hut (because he taught them how 2 make juice) in his honor. Sorry if this story doesn't match it....

  17. Great stories everyone! Here's my version:
    Captain Melville was the captain of a ship, that sended messages from Jammaa to the human world far, far away. He was a human with a passion for the electric ukelile and he respected Mira and the animals, just like he respected the humans. But not everyone trusted Capain Melville. Greeley was afraid Captain Melville would someday bring humans over to Jammaa, what would bring massive changes, because humans don't care about nature, they care only about themselves. So to protect Jammaa, he and his friends distroyed Melville's boat when Captain Melville was sleeping in his juice hut, so he couldn't bring anything from the human world to Jammaa. When Melville saw what Greeley and his friends did, he realised that he could never go back to the human world, because many materials his boat was made of didn't exist in Jammaa. Days and nights he was alone in his juice hut, playing his electric ukelile. But there was one thing Melville had forgot: he had a family in the human world! Not knowing what happened to him, they decided to go search for him, with many boats and a big cruise ship. When Melville's family founded their way to Jammaa, they were shocked of the nature and peace. They founded Melville, making them happy to have succeeded in their mission. When Melville told them what the animals have done to him, his family was mad, and out for revenge. To punish the animals, they wanted to take them to the human world and put them in zoos. Mira did not let this happen to her childs. To protect them she maded the animals and humans unable to see, hear, feel or have any other way to communicate with eachother. As this happened, the animals just continued with their normal buisness, thinking all the humans left. The humand also went back to their world, thinking Jammaa was an empty place with nothing to do in it. As years passed all animals forgot about the humans. The shamans had to leave with Mira to a place far away to fight the phantoms, but since then they didn't come back. On a day Melville's family was poor, and they needed more money very quickly. Then Melville realised there was a whole empty world with just nature, that he could change to a wonderfull vacation location for humans. He and his family went back to Jammaa, and they changed Crystal Sands to a water park. The animals didn't seem to care about the change in crystal sands, because they didn't know it was done by humans. So the animals just acted like it was a normal thing and focussed their minds on collecting rares and dating. The humans kept coming, and they kept changing things. They brought more humans to Jammaa by a huge cruise ship, the Mola Mola. Animals visited it too, but they couldn't see it was filled with humans. After all this time, Mira's protection was lifting slowly. As it began the lift, humans were able to see, feel, touch and kidnap the monkeys in Jammaa, but the monkeys couldn't see, feel or touch the humans. The monkeys realized there was something wrong when it was already too late, when they were in cages on the Mola Mola, to be taken to the human world to be placed in zoos and circusses. As Mira's the protection keeps lifting, humans will soon see all the animals in Jammaa! (And maybe the animals the humans.) We need to stop it! In some way we need to make the humans leave Jammaa!
    Sorry the story is so long. ~By fantasy4.


    2. Ahhh to long!!!!

    3. Dude! You've gotta understand that AJ DATING IS TERRIBLE! TERRIBLE I SAY TERRIBLE >:U

    4. Wow that is REALLY long!! XD

    5. That was by far the best story here , you should go into writing! It wasnt long at all! I loved :)

  18. lol not like im gonna say anything bad that is so not me lol i only say holy for the most or holy cow lol but i never say the dude stuff...anyway lol

  19. people as i said read mine i worked a hour on that lol well 2 hours....


    1. Dating is bad but collecting rares istn't.

  21. I meant only dating...Sorry....

  22. Hi Snowyclaw,
    Its andour, i was wondering if we can like meet each other somewhere at a certain time and day to talk i have a a very important thing to say to you. Also um is Sheesh4 your personal friend in like life or just on aj?? Please visit my den because i want you to see it

  23. Mine only took 10 minutes.

  24. Ugh snowy! I can see what your going through. All the buddy requests. I can't imagine how you stand it.

    Anyway Ive been having trubble with fans, buddy requests and that stuff. I just cann't see how you can stand it like you do.

    And, do you ALWAYS get mobbed wherever you go? That might make me think twice of havving a blog. XD

    I just had to say this somewhere to someone. It made me fell better. And you better know that it's not just you having all there things!


  26. ok here is my story. ok well Melville was a penguin (yes, he was just known as Melville). He lived at Mt. Shiveer. One day he decided to take a break from Mt. Shiveer and search for buried treasure. he and his 3 other penguin friends decided they should sail the oceans of Jamaa, searching for treasure. Mira gave them a blue ship. He called it the Jamaasian Blue (like the blue one in the toy boat pond), and he sailed all the oceans of Jamaa. He then became Captain Melville. One day, he fell asleep on his ship because he had a party and he got really tired. the rest of the crew was asleep too. no one was controlling the wheel and they crashed into a waterslide at Crystal Sands. They all woke up suprised. most of their ship was destroyed, and so was the waterslide. then they noticed a HUGE brown chest under the slide.
    "Yes! I think we have found the treasure!" yelled Captain Melville.
    "Then lets open the chest!" said his crew excitedly.
    They opened the chest, and saw a bunch of stuffed animals.
    "PLUSHIES?!?!?!" said his crew.
    "Wait, its not too bad, that gives me an idea!" exclaimed Captain Melville.
    Captain Melville made a the very first claw machine in Jamaa. He made it out of pieces from his destroyed ship.
    "You made a claw machine?! Out of pieces from the ship?! We thought we were going to repair it!" screamed his crew.
    "Yes, but we don't really need the ship anymore." said Captain Melville.
    And so he built a hut out of other pieces from the ship. He even built a stage and counter. He placed the claw machine in the hut too. He found some bananas, strawberries, grapes, and oranges at crystal sands and decided to make a smoothie machine. His crew was VERY impressed with his work.
    "WOW!!!" they exclaimed. "This is AMAZING!!! We're sorry we yelled at you for not fixing the ship. But you were right, we didn't even need the ship, after you have built this juice hut!"
    "It's fine. Now the jammers can enjoy a new place!" said Captain Melville.
    "Exactly!" said the crew. "And to thank you for all you have done, we are naming the juice hut Captain Melville's Juice Hut!"
    Ever since then, lots of jammers have enjoyed the juice hut by performing concerts, playing the claw game, or getting a smoothie. But now, no one knows where Captain Melville is, perhaps he has returned to Mt. Shiveer, living behind the closed off cave.

    1. btw that story was by ☼LuvMindlessBehavior☼

    2. woah nice story! i really like how it ends mysteriously lol


  27. I believe Captain Melville was a she-tiger, the first she-cat to ever sail. Her boat was called Mievilla after the captain herself. But of course Melville aged so as an older tiger, 50 years old, she would spend long nights slow-dancing with her age-less sweet heart, Sir Gilbert. But one day Gilbert had to leave so Melville moved to Crystal Sands, the only place she could feel close to him. She built a house but quickly turned it into a juice hut, her compassion for smoothies and the electric ukulele soon spread throuh all of Jamaa. But today all that is let of Mmelville is her hut. Many believe her and Gilbert live silently together, hidden, but always watching....Always. ~ Sugarfree8

  28. Hi,who wants to see top hats?
    please search the username:AnimalJam
    thx :)

  29. Captain Melville was a tiger who had come from the land of Tiggiesia. (pronounced tih-GEE-sia) He had searched the seas day and night for a place to colonize, for Tiggiesia had a strict, harsh king who only let him eat grass for all meals. His ship is called the Tiggie Seas. A terrible storm had thrown most of his supplies off the deck, including his compass and a majority of his food. Luck was limited, but at last, he had finally found Jamaa. No others were on the land as he explored, or as he thought. Nighttime came, and Captain Melville had the strangest dream. He dreamed a blue heron, who spoke,"I see you have found where I live. You can build your civilization here, with me and Zios helping." Captain Melville had shown his surprise only after a strange figure walked toward him. The figure had a golden mask, with only his bright eyes showing through the holes. "I am Zios," the figure said. Captain Melville woke up with surprise and worry. His own land, possessed already? Even though he was greedy at times(like sometimes stealing jam, his favorite food, from the king of Tiggiesia), he had a kind heart. He woke up, and named the land Jamaa in honor of his favorite food. All citizens were called Jamaasians, and ate jam. (ok, maybe not ALL citizens) Captain Melville hunted food, and drank from a clean river. He used a rock, sticks, and grass to make an ax. He cut down trees, and built a hut to make jam from nearby berries. But soon, the berries ran out and Melville couldn't find any seeds. So he renamed it after his favorite drink, juice. Mira and Zios made animals to live in Jamaa, and forever, peace and joy stayed in Jamaa.

    1. Forgot this section:
      So Melville had renamed Captain Melville's Jam Hut to Captain Melville's Juice hut. His favorite thing to do was play music on a ukulele. He couldn't make string, so he found some very flexible wires. It was not a person who invented electricity, it was Captain Melville. He hooked up his ukulele, and he made the first musical instrument on Jamaa. Blah blah blah, you know the rest. :P

  30. Captain Melville was a tiger who loved to sail the open seas. The splash of ocean mist was calming for him and he just loved the ocean.
    One day the weather wasn't too bad, so this tiger decided to set sail on his favourite and fastest ship, the AJS Mola Mola. Yet the weather started getting bad. The ship turned over, despite the size, dunking Captain Melville and the passengers among the shores of Crystal Sands. Using what they could, they built a hut. When Melville died, the crew made it a juice hut for memory of him.
    The AJS Mola Mola did not sink though. Thats why the cruise ship party with the AJS Mola Mola is back here today.

  31. Captain Melville was a highly reguarded Wolf.He wears a rare white fireman's hat, a worn , and tail armor.
    He has a grey fire patten, and red fur.He is belived to be a pirate from medival times-cursed to take the form of a wolf-but no-one knows if it's true or not.
    The thing he enjoyed making was smoothyz. But he was also very good at making music (he had a ukulele, it was rare in those days.) One day as he was making smoothys for the good Jammers Of Jamaa, A bird came in. He was frightened as he had never seen Mira, the sky mother, but he knew her legends. "Hello Captain Melville," she said to him as she walked to the counter."Hi," he replied."What type of smoothy do you want?" Mira smiled and said to him,"Oh,I am not here for a smoothy.I'm here to talk to you." "oh" said Meville,suprised. He walked out from behind the counter. "Meville, the Jammers are very happy with your smoothys," Mira began, "But there is danger coming, the humans may come very soon during a storm."
    "Erm, What do you want me to do?" Meville asked. "Make a smoothy for all of them to show them we want to be friends and we're not dumb." replied Mira. There was a flash of light and Mira was gone. While they were talking, it had begun to rain.Many Jammers came in, asking for a smoothy and some protection from the rain.
    Captain Meville was glad to help them. Soon he was very busy and a jammer came up and helped him."You know," a jammer whispered to her buddy,"Maybe it would help if Meville had a smoothy-maker so we can make our own smoothy's on busy days." Meville heard this comment, and frowned. Later when they were all gone, he made a extra smoothy-maker so they could make their own smoothy's.The Jammer- who was a bunny -was overjoyed at Meville making the extra smoothy-maker. Her name was Peckle and she and Meville made friends.
    The other jammers were as happy as Peckle when they found out they could make their own smoothys! Meville explained about Peckle's comment when someone asked why he put the extra smoothy-maker out (They even called it Make your own smoothy magic maker! Captain Meville didn't always have his worn, it was a apron. One night he was making some jam for Peckle- Peckle's birthday was the next day, and she loved jam as a snack- He accidently spilled some of the jam on his apron and the jam burned holes in the apron. He kept on wearing the apron, though. All through the day jammer wondered about his apron!The worn was made in hid honor as they thought it was a rare thing he invented! Yet he remembered what Mira said... And when the humans came, he did exactly as she said. Yet when the humans were gone, He could not be found.

    1. Sorry it's so long i got carried away!
      Hope you like it. Please no copying

  32. Sorry MINE is short and boring I was being lazy I will go again <X2

  33. I think Captin Mellville was a seal and was the first animal in jamaa.
    (other then Mira the mother of jamaa)

  34. Captin Mellville was a seal and loved sailing. He normally wore a worn, A tail armor and his lucky helmet. He first lived in an island called Wazoo and sailed an hour every day. One day it was cold and dark but that didn't break up his hour of sailing. He began to sail north and didn't know that a storm was exacly ahead of him. He sailed with a smile on his face and listened to some eletric ukulele music. He started to whistle until he acctully saw the storm. He turned his ship around and started heading south but the storm just kept coming. He did what he could but soon got wiped out. When he woke up he found himself on an island and started to look for mangos, bananas or any coconuts. He then saw a pathway and followed it. Then, right before his eyes, was Mira, the mother of jamaa.

    1. continuing the story above,

      He could'nt beleive his eyes, It was the mother, Mira. He began to talk to Mira and he asked where he was? Mira just replied Jamaa and turned to stone! Captin Mellvile was shocked and just decided to amake dens and clothes and furniture. He began to look for food and then he found a symbol. It was a circle with a wave on it. He took his lucky helmet off because there were 5 elements shaded in grey. They were water, ice, fire, earth and metal. He put the water symbol on the shaded grey water and it glowed as bright as the sun for about 15 seconds. He knew he had to find all of the symbols to bring peace and he kept seaching. In 2 years time he had found all of the symbols and put them on. He thought for a second and then he remembered Mira saying if you find all the elements of jamaa I will run a tear down my face and if you mix this something special will happen. He ran straight for the statue and saw the tear and put it in the helmet. Then, the helmet disapeared and phantoms came. He thought they were good until they started attacking. He started to fight and won but he didn't survive. After that he was well known as the captin, the leader, the prince of jamaa.

    2. Continuing the story above,

      After a while animals forgot about Captin Mellbille and just went to hot choco hut becausr the juice hut was not invented. Everyone did forget about Captin Mellville, everyone exept Mira. Every once in a while or every now and then when no one is looking a single tear falls down her cheek and she does not tell the animals because she is known never to cry

  35. Hey! Love the story Anonymous (whoever you are). And I really like the fireplace! I'll try to figure out the time on it if you want me to Snowy ^.^
    *Tc*----(TheCrystal)----Crystal Snow

  36. i love all the stories really kerricat1 did a great job! this is ur buddy slipperyseal45!

  37. For homes with traditional fireplaces, most of the heat from the wood logs or even a gas flame ends up going out of the chimney. This is not the case with electric heating; because no venting is required, a much larger percentage of the warmth stays inside the home.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw