
Friday, July 6, 2012

Giant Crystal

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Guess what jammers? I super jamaasian (in my opinion) item has come to Jam Mart Furniture - the Giant Crystal!
You can change the colors and everything, plus it works really well in the Fantasy Den from Tuesday's update.
Not to mention it's GIANT. I like it, how about you all? I wonder where they came from, anyone have a story explaining it? Perhaps it has something to do with Mira and the spirit stones.
Happy jamming everyone!


  1. The spirit stones were made from a crystel far bigger than this but after all this time it has grown smaller and animal jam has divided it equally for every jammer so we could make our own spirit stones!!!!


    1. I'm guys I think it's just a decorative item to go with the fantasty story just something decrotive.not that I don't like this stuff I just think its something good to go with the new den.

    2. By tha way anyone know how to pick a lock??

    3. I don't really agree with blossom9o791 cause i believe that there must be a story every item in animal jam has a story that explain's how it got there or then it wouldn't make sence to put it in jamaa


    4. I know how to pick a lock.

    5. To pick a lock try a bent paper clip, a nail file, or anything smal and skinny.

    6. it depends of what kind of lock... the bathroom kind I have at my house is really easy. Use a thin screwdriver to push it in- Am I talking too much?

    7. I pick locks using guitar picks. XD

      It really works.

    8. Why are you guys talking about picking locks? This is an Animal Jam blog XD
      *Tc*----(TheCrystal)-----Crystal Snow

    9. once i picked the lock on my bros room (With my nail omg) turns out they had my stuff >:( Well about the crystal i think i agree with tigerclaw0720


  2. wow there really listening to us we found hope snow :)

  3. The Unknown Wolf Of Jamaa (not username)July 6, 2012 at 2:15 AM

    The giant crystal is a spirit stone, it repesents The Animals Of Jamaa! The animals united to become Jamaa. So maybe it's the coat of arms, and a sign from Jamaa Shamans to show that their not gone? i hope so.

    1. I hope so too! By the way, Snowyclaw, sorry if I sound a bit cheesy and weird, but it's "A super Jamaasian..." not "I super Jamaasian..." Well, yeah. And btw I'm having a contest on my blog! Anyone can join, but it ends tomorrow! Quick, go to my blog for a chance to win some cool prizes!!!
      Thanks!!! Or type in Animal Jam Times Kinyonga Contest


    2. i noticed the little error too. Im wondering how in the world snowyclaw pressed I instead of A. They're on opposite sides of the keyboard... ;)

  4. im gonna save gems to buy every color and put shaman statue by the right color * perhaps by color of fur? idk yet* - morsea mancat taco mea™ - the walrus ate my taco™-tigertaco2011

  5. Maybe, It's how many shamans there or will be. The crystals represent shamans?

  6. Ok here's why ever time there's a new den they make den items to go with there's horse stuff in jam mart furniture still for the horse den and there was ice stuff for the ice den

  7. Maybe Mira put all the Spirit Stones together to keep them safe from the phantoms, (that's why monkeys aren't extinct, just endangered), and Mira took a chip off each Spirit Stone made a smaller version of all the Spirit Stones for us Jammasians!

  8. I spelled Jamaasians "Jammasians" but that's a commen mistake for me when I write the word Jamaa.

  9. I believe the stone has something to do with Zios. Maybe rather than leaving Mira, he was taken! This is what I believe happened. Zios was in his temple blessing his first children, the shamans we know today, when a long forgotten evil came into the temple with The Crystal of Mira a jewel so powerful it can contain the gods. When Zios was put in the crystal with ancient magic, our shamans, the only children who had time to get a blessing, attacked and destroyed the evil but sadly, none knew how to free Zios, not even the Skymother herself. Over time the crystal fell apart, with parts of Zios's soul with it, now we hold the only key to get Zios back! But with crystal found the evil rises. ~ Sugarfree8

    1. Ohh good idea!
      I say, in my Jamaasain school, Zios mysterously dissipered. Maybe, he was taken, by some evil force, that couldn't be phantoms. Because Mira cried phantoms AFTER he went missing. So the question is, WHAT evil force?

    2. @Missflo

      Lets just hire some detectives :3. The ''evil forces'' were E.T-s? Who knows?

    3. Yah I agree it's wierd phantoms killed him and phantoms were after he died

    4. Awesome story :)

  10. ok guys listen to this for a story

    long ago there was a valley full them but they was magical they helped the shaman live some believe they was anyway....but no one knows but now they say the shaman was turned to stone as no one had a yea how to save them but with the crystal they will relive

  11. lol after two hours still no one answers me lol

  12. I think its a spirit stone.

    AJHQ is trying to get rid of that stuff, so they broke spirit stones into smaller crystals, and sold them.

  13. @blossom90791
    I've picked a lock with a bobby pin smothered in butter.

    I had to because when me and my friend slept over at my Uncle's, (We had brought our Nintendo DS's and a few movies) We locked ourselves out of the bedroom! -.-

  14. sooooooooooo bored

  15. Check out my blog, today to enter a contest for a chance to win a free prize! Contest ends tomarrow, July 7th 2012!!!!

    1. cool ill check it out xxx can you see like website madness its a mis of animal jam and moshi monsters and odd times other stuff xxx

  16. I'm bored... So bored.... Here's a random question for everyone- is anyone on here a brony or pegasister? Lol I'm a hardcore pegasister... My favorites are rainbow dash, DJ PON-3 and derpy hooves :P

    1. I'm a female brony. Not a pegasister. A brony. My favorites are Discord, Nightmare Moon, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!!, Rainbow Dash, and Derpy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am also a female brony/pegasister :3 I quite like FIM. Anyone who has a problem with it, dob't talk to me :P and I like Pinkie Pie, DJ PON-3, Derpy, and Scootaloo.

      The giant crystals are so cool! Fingers crossed there will be a small crystal or something for nonmembers!


    4. Trixie is my other favorite... Isn't a pegasister just a female brony? Oh and queen chrysalis and the changelings are awesome too... I like nightmare moon also.. I JUST LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!

  17. another reminder from AJHQ! Have you heard the great news? FOXES are coming to jamaa princess93

  18. I don't mean to hurt anyone.....
    The Crystals are probably just a fantasy thing for the fantasy den. Maybe I'm wrong but......
    I also go with the shaman sign thing but just saying it COULD be just a den item

  19. I have an idea! Some olden day jammers were mining for new Spirit Stones, but instead found the Giant crystals!

  20. Mayeb the crystals are dormant spirit stones that ahve been used?

  21. Maybe AJHQ Just wants the item in Jamaa people!!!

  22. And if you have a blue fox hat please trade me i am coolrabb on animal jam. My friend found out my password somehow and stole it and then someone scammed it... :(

  23. Where I think where the crystals came from was a sacred valley filled with the crystals. The vally had the power of all the shamans and Zios. Long time after, some furinture-makers found the crystals, and used it as a furniturepiece. No one knows yet to unleash the powers of the shamans, but soon there may be a way....

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. cool!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw