
Monday, October 8, 2012

Rare Big Skull

Hey jammers! Today's "rare" item is the Rare Big Skull, a creepy black and orange hat similar to the nonmember skull!
Not enough gems. ^.(\ Anywho, you can buy yours today (and today only!) on the second page of the Hot Cocoa Hut catalog in Mt. Shiveer. AJHQ also posted on the Daily Explorer.
That's about it, sorry for the short post. Are you guys looking forward to the Night of the Phantoms celebration starting soon? Have a good Monday, and happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. P.S Check out my blog! I edited it a ton and I want some personal feedback and opinions!

      P.P.S I like the Big Skull. C:

    2. P.P.S.S

      I am definetely looking forward to the Night Of The Phantoms!!

    3. Meep! Kind of 4th comment kind of 2nd! XD I'm soo looking forward to the Night Of The Phantoms!!! But I don't like the RIM. 1. 900 Gems. 2. Member. 3. Boring. 4. I'm sure we were all wanting something 1. Non-member to come out. 2. An old rare - nm wings/worns etc...

      ~Kinyonga, starter of the Non-Member Movement!

    4. Anyone like broccoli? I like it with cheese on top. ;D

    5. Wouldn't it be cool if Scary Bat Wings were a Rare Monday? Like instead of the orange tips, they were white?

    6. I like broccoli... With rice though...
      It would be awesome if Non Member Wings were white tips XD The original ones are orange... And the member ones are peachy pink... So white would be cool, or a bit of gray X3

      You should see the Yellow-Black Worn in Hayes848's blog o3o It doesn't look like it was edited (Or it might be... -3-) but yeah, someone was wearing a worn and it was striped yellow and black that's just cool ><

    7. What's the blogs name?


    8. AnimalJam EagleEye!

      Here's the web address:

    9. I checked out your blog and i've got to say; Nice work! :)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  2. Snowy that might suit your non member bat wings! XD
    Though the Ninja mask is still good :3

  3. ☼pielover4ever☼October 8, 2012 at 4:39 AM

    i swear, there have been like 10 MEMBER item rare mondays in a row! AJHQ freakin hates non members....

    1. They don't HATE non members, they just want people to buy membashipz. Don't get them tho, I've had one for a year, and I wasted $70+. Minecraft is a totally better game, and you buy it once and never buy it again! It costs $30 bucks, the same amount as a 6 month membership.

      Nice post and your banner looks awesome =3
      ≈ ×ShadowWolf02× ≈
      Come yo me if you need Minecraft help =3

    2. I love how AJ dose everything around u.s. holidays .. Today is thanksgiving in Canada .. And is was the same thing with Canada day .. Both holiday .. Nothing for or about Canada !!

      Something rare ( for Monday rare ) and To do with thanksgiving ( Canadian thanksgiving ) would have been brilliant !!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. sorry wrong place it is to the comment of before

    5. shadowwolf02-
      I've had a membership for almost a year, and it only cost me fifty...

    6. That's because AJ is IN America. Also- this isn't my REAL comment. :D


    7. Animal jam is based in the U.S. .. But it's offered worldwide .. So shouldn't they honor other countries holidays ?

      Just my two cents

    8. @Coolpo2
      It cost me $70+ because my parents didn't allow me to buy the 1 year mem, and I'm glad they said that. I also bought hummingbird and lion giftcards... Ehh, I'll earn the money back sooner or later.

    9. Cool! My parents bought me an infinite membership so each month they automatically get charged $5.00 I think it is and I get my 1,500 gem bonus! I think it's a good decision if you're going to be playing Animal Jam for a whole while.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    10. @Infinity
      I thought I was, but then I started playing minecraft... Yeah...

  4. I cant wait for Day if the Phantoms! (No I will not call it Night of the Phantoms)I hope The Haunted mansion comes back this year,because I wasn't on AJ last October and the Haunted Mansion looks perfect for Halloween parties X3


  5. Like your banner snowy. The items okay. Not my favorite. All I had to say. Sigh. This is going to be a long, boring day. Awholenewworld

  6. I'm not at school today because of Thanksgiving!!!!!

    1. Im not at school becuz....Well it's a hoilday buy NOT Thanksgiving.Well have a good day,Today I'm gonna decide if I will leave this blog and go to fuzzys,or not.So yea!bye if this is my last commet.If I don't come back I'll be at fuzzys blog:(.You prob know why I might and most likely be going:{.

      -julysweet(who will post if will leave or not):[

    2. Bai! *In head: Whatev' -.-*


    3. Chu guys lucky. D: I not on a holiday today. DX

    4. I know. ME TOO. *sniff sniff* awholenewworld

    5. Yus! I'm saving all my gems, till the Haunted Mansion den comes out and then i'll buy a bunch of Halloween stuff and decorate like crazy! :D

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  7. I'm not at school today because of Columbus Day! I live in Maine so it's not thanksgiving.


  8. Hey snowy, this is meateater4233. I just want to ask you when the night of the phantoms is going to be this year. Please answer and friend me please. Also why can't they put a NON member rare. it getting annoying

    1. Okay- clearly you're new to this blog. Snowyclaw does NOT accept buddy requests. The Night of the Phantoms should be out in the next update (this thursday). She will NOT answer your primitive question. And I don't know why they won't put a nonmem. rare up. So you go be annoyed, see how this blog works, and live a half-decent life- like the REST of us!


    2. Excuse me?! I am not new! ruuuuuuuuuuuuuudde>:(

    3. @Anonymous well.. that was kind of harsh. I'd like to just say Snowy does except buddy requests only when she/he has them available! Also you cannot say wether Snowyclaw is a boy/girl you can call him/her what you want (boy or girl) but don't judge Snowyclaw without even getting to know him/her yourself!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  9. *real comment this time* Wow. This is why I never get RIMs. Too, too, too, too expensive! I need to save up to get another freaking animal (sorry- no soft words like "flipping" today)! -sigh- I think when I can use my blogger account I'll accidentally (or purposefully) use anonymous instead of my blogger account. Just click... Select Profile... go down to the bottom... and click... ANONYMOUS!! Also- Canadians and Australians and Brits, AJ is in AMERICA. That's why there's halloween, thanksgiving, ETC. Man I remember when I met a couple from Aussie. They didn't celebrate Thanksgiving!!!

    -pac10 *anonymous* (cool dat way)

    1. Also- ... I have decided, though I cannot use my blogger account... that I want to be a member of this blog. Anyone think this is wise?! I mean- I've waited a year and a half to do this. Should I do it? (If you didn't know, I'm having conflicting/warring emotions)

      -pac10 Who.. will still have to be anonymous

    2. Wait- Is it even LEGAL to sign-up as anonymous?! Do I HAVE to use my blogger account- 'cause my parent's'll KILL me!! (Not kidding- you should see my dad when a kidnapper would try to "steal me away"- he'd go to federal prison... and I never knew *theoretically* that a corpse could twist that way) .. I have done everything else though. I have invited 6 friends to this blog... and etc.

      -pac10 *commenting a lot*

    3. It's fine that you don't want to use your Blogger account just comment the way you currently do people can't judge you for all that.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  10. Dear Jammers,
    Hi, I’m iPod4276! I just started Animal Jam about 3 weeks to a month ago, and I’m advertising my channel!

    My channel has many things you can look at. If you go to the “feed” part, it’s got posts like any blog has! If you go to the “featured” part, it has an introduction about me! Look at the side. It has all of Animal Jam’s websites, and it has a custom description about me and my channel! Then look below the description and websites, and you’ve got the featured channel: Animal Jam’s channel! Go to “uploads”, and you’ll see all of my videos!
    Hope to see you soon in Jamaa!

    1. Today Its thanksgiving in Maine!Yay!Im so thankful for everything!

    2. Wow! Thanksgiving? Oh my pie on rye! (Uniquelog's saying.) That's amazing it's almost Halloween here in the USA, too bad Animal Jam doesn't have the tradition to go along with when each person in each (nation,location.) but instead they just go along with the tradition of the USA.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  11. I'm not a fan of RM.......I cant wait 'til the Day of the Phantoms! Sorry, I'll call it that forever :). Please no-one correct me c: . :D

    1. I know, right? I like "Day" of the phantoms better too!

    2. RM? I'm not familiar with "RM" what is it? And yup, i'm extremely excited for the Day of the Phantoms update on Thursday! I really, really hope shamans and the Haunted Mansion den come! :)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  12. I wonder what happened to all the nonmembers Monday Rares!!! Princess93 / AJ User

    1. Right!!
      Poor non-members! I miss The non member rare mondays! I'm a member but still. :)

      ~ Princess Rainy

    2. Same here! I get every rare Monday, each Monday I wish AJHQ did in fact release a couple non member Rare Monday items for Mondays like one Monday it's a member item the next Monday it's a non member item!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  13. When was the last time they had a non mem RIM? T_T Even if the big skull was non mem, I wouldn't buy it :| Waaay too expensive!

    1. What is this "Big Skull" and "RIM" you speak of? >_< As of "Big Skull" are you referring to the 'Skull Helmet' which was latest sold in the Spooky Party which has seemed to go away? I'm very confused! D:

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  14. sorry guys sorry same as Snow school probs lol anyway awesome and also like the new background got to say :) love it p.s guys i miss people going to my blog lol please :)i will thank you for the support you will give me i need to keep myself up :) hopefully you guys will enjoy my old Website madness :) well it came in 2011 so not exactly that old LOL anyway still i think it's alright if you want :)

  15. p.s changing my background to a Halloween background to :)

  16. Okay I'm just saying... To... "speed" things up:

    Snowy- this is not Spam. Goldy- the same thing I said to Snowy but to you. There are 210+ comments on the sign-up page... And I sorta wanna (finally) sign up. Could you maybe... check the page..? ... I'm wondering if you'll read this comment.


  17. When will the Non Mem Scary horns coming out?

    1. They may not come out, but if they do---somewhere between now and halloween.

    2. well i am guessing anyway but it may be coming a lil, early like it has before....

    3. Wait.. wha-? There are non member Scary Horns? O_O Wow I know nothing.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  18. That skull is pretty sick. I can see it being really rare.

  19. Hey I figured out what the last nm rare was: a rare lei. Man

  20. I hate rm. these animal jam hq people are rubbing these member stuff in our faces of non members

  21. does this mean the normal big skull is worth something?If so what items.Please reply.

    Happy Jamming!

  22. Hey guys Im new to blogging and was inspired by snowy claw can you all please look at my blog it would mean lot it is called

    1. I will check yours out. Will you check mine out?

    2. I checked out both of your blogs! Very nice work guys! I have 5 blogs you can check out my main one at:

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  23. Can I be an author? I have good grammar, I can tell you email on a chat..

  24. Please send me a skull hat cause I can't get online today ;(

    Ps: I am tootie2303

  25. omg, 4 day weekend is over for meh :c

  26. Aww! I've always hated it when long school breaks come to an end, I can tell how you feel!

    ~ Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  27. Infinity magichero, how long have you been back? x3

  28. bri3ibyybh34hybowyoih lol :D


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw