
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Skeleton Suit

Hey jammers! Lots of things to catch up on, my huge test-filled week is finally over. Anyhow, here's the new Hedge Hog arcade game being sold in the Sol Arcade (it came out a while ago).
Today's item, however, is one of my favorite underwater clothing items, the Skeleton Suit! Buy yours in Bahari Bargains.
The new News Crew winner has been chosen, and for the first time it's a nonmember! Congratulations Mythical Snowyspirit! 
Meanwhile, I though there'd be no better time to post one of the Mushroom Den skyways brought to you by Kinyonga. This one lets you step down onto those cute mini mushrooms.

pictures by Kinyonga

Neat huh? Yikes, I need to earn some gems to get a Mushroom Hut. Should I have a Night of the Phantoms Mushroom Hut or should I have a Haunted Mansion? Tell me your thoughts!

P.S. Feel free to host parties and what-not at my den, it's open for any activities!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh so everyone gets mad at me when I first comment but y'all dont get mad at him :( well I might as well tell yall where I've been. Well a while back after I quit aj, I found a new website. This website was where the people where nicer, all clothing and home items were for everyone, and people didn't just trade because there was no trading!:) so they were nice to u and welcomed u there when u first arrived. It was call pixie hollow

    2. I used to do pixie hollow! I quit it cause people barely talk even though I have free chat and not all clothing and home items is available for everyone and there is no trading! Ok, what I was just said was pretty much what you said but rephrased.
      -Dance287 (but I get bored sometimes and use pixie hollow)

    3. I quit pixie hollow because almost every item is for members so you lied about the every item for everyone thing.


  2. I got second comment. :l Wonderful post though, Snowy!

  3. Wow. Pretty empty I must say! Never seen it this empty before. I'M IMPRESSED WITH MYSELF. Just kiddin. ^.^


  4. Nice ... Even if I don't like under water.. I'm get afew skeleton suit.. Are they in all colors ? White / blue / red ?

    I can't get on line for two more hours : /

  5. yay skeleton suits bak ^^
    and thx for the glich info

  6. The Night Of The Phantoms Is Almost Here!!! ^0^ O________________________________O


  7. Gee, Snowyclaw! You changed up the blog quite a bit!

    1. By the way, I <3 the Skeleton Suit, even if it is member.

  8. Replies
    1. not epic its awsomely epicly phantomistically AWSOME

    2. lol hesoyan7 i agreed! it's actually more than epic, i love her videos and her blog so much! number 1 fan!

  9. Back ground suits me just fine.. I LOVE holloween! boo! lol
    i'm gald holloween rarez are returning 0_0


  10. EPicly majically awsomely phantomically sppookily awsomistic THEME
    LUV IT

  11. you should have your haunted mansion and i made a big party there yesterday :D

  12. i love your blogs new look it is spooktactulaur [i hope i spelled that right] i really want the take one thing and the scary lats to come back!!!!!

    -winter431 add me on aj!!! :)

  13. Haunted House totally!

  14. Oh boy!I can't wait for Day of the Phantoms ^_^ I wish the blog could look like this all the time XD

    ~Darkcat(Add lovewolf122 on AJ :D)

  15. Hey Snowy! That new aspect it is so cool. Please tell me how did you get that aspect because I want one for my blog.


  16. Hello Snowy :3

    If you like, I could give you 5 silver bricks :3
    Don't worry, I have tons on another account :3


  17. i love the backround! i think you should have a haunted mansion.

  18. Wow Snowy! AWESOMELY EPIC (etc...!) blog design! And thanks for putting my glitch up! :)


  19. Awesome black and gray blog design.


  20. You should by a haunted mansion and have a day of the phantoms party!


    1. i tottaly agree!!!!! there should be like all phantoms everywhere!!!


  21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the new blog design!! Its so.... SPOOKY!! 0_0

  22. I think u should have the mushroom hut it would be cool, diffrent, and fun!~ blossom90791 ( yes I am back but aj isnt as fun as it used to be :( )

  23. I see the blog is ready for night of the phantoms!!

    Happy Jamming Jammers!

  24. I kinda like the old design better becuz this one is kinda confusing.Sorry snow.Just my opion:).Please no nasty comments about this!

    -julysweet(who loves AJ)

    1. i like both this one is awesome!!! so spooky

    2. Hey, I think snowy or goldy should do something like phantoms taking over the blog, or somethin.

    3. The background is ok, just my opinion because it makes this blog look clan-ish and it is a little too dark for me. But I never said I didn't like it!

  25. night of the phantoms it will be tottaly epic
    snowy do you go on aj a lot beccause when im on your never on i imagine we live in differint parts of the world!!!!!! though goldys always on when i am i cant wait for the the next update i hope the phantom vortex returns and the shameans or alphas return


    buddy me

  26. Awe I really wanted to win :c nice post Snow…

    1. Bye haunted mansion!!!
      Visit my blogs:

  27. Hey snowy, I luv the new blog background its pretty scary. I like how your blog style is. Would you mind buddying me anytime soon? Anyone could buddy me, I have like 30 buddy slots. Here'a the rules to be my buddy; allways be true to your word, no lying about things. Be random because I don't like awkward moments. And lastly, be kind, no being mean, no being mad at me for no reason, and respect my privacy. ADD ME!!!! Ps I'm doing this on my iPhone :p

    1. No offence , but hmm your setting rules to be your friend ? ... Maybe that's part of why you have 30 free spaces...

  28. I play minecrafft!Only pocket addition becuz the computer addition is just to expensive-.-.

    -julysweet(the girl who plays minecrafft-.-)

    1. Lol July. I play minecraft on the Xbox cause my laptop can't run mc :c I have 2 minecraft related blogs tho!!

      ~ xShadowWolf02x
      (The girl who ALSO plays minecraft ^.^)

  29. Hi everyone! I'm doing a contest! Please enter!!!

    Here's the URL:


  30. ☼pielover4ever☼October 7, 2012 at 7:46 AM

    I love the new look of the blog snowy! I think you should do the haunted mansion so you don't have to spend your gems quickly on a mushroom hut XD. and the haunted mansion is also spookier too!

    1. I think Julysweet is kind of... -.-.Boasting.
      I think a haunted mansion would be way better, since it's Halloween, you know!
      The mushroom hut is probably just an animal den, that brings out what animals are. But the haunted mansion is spookier.

  31. A true friend would NOT have rules for being one.Sorry but it's not right.Its make people think your picky!:)

    -julysweet(the best 5th grader!)

    1. ☼pielover4ever☼October 7, 2012 at 8:18 AM

      geez... dude she asked a question, almost like a vote, to see what den we think she should have. i have opinions, and you can't judge me for that. so you don't have to be mean about it...

    2. I'm a fifth grader too that's kind of mean


    3. Me, too. But I'm picky....But I agree with the first part exept I wouldn't explain it that way.... :P

  32. i like the haunted mansion

    @ anonmymous snowy actully asked us what we liked better a mushroom hut or haunted manision for night of the phantoms and i really dont think pielover4ever is picky!! and also its your opinion that your the best 5th grader because im in 5th grade too! so...


    1. By the way, I think it should be in the Haunted Mansion! Even if I don't go, I still think it should be there.

    2. I'm in forth grade. I feel like the only forth grader that reads this blog!


  33. guyz are what do you do on animal jam
    tell me what number you are ok!

    1.rare collecter
    2.gem spender
    3.gem earnder
    4.buddy finder
    6.glitch fun person
    8.clan leader
    10.animal jam police

    i think im a gem earner!!!!! what do you think you are?


    rock on!!

    1. ☼pielover4ever☼October 7, 2012 at 8:23 AM

      hmm is it ok if we pick more than 1? lol ok if so... i am:

      1. rare collector (i collect non-mem rares)

      3. gem earner (i like to have a lot of gems so i don't get broke if i need to buy a lot of something. btw, i think best dressed is the best game to earn quick gems in XD)

      5. entertainer (i like to make my buddies laugh)

    2. Animal jam police (I don't like all those daters and clanners that chop heads off! No offence XP), Buddy finder, And a friend. I wish friends were an option...

    3. 1. Im a rare collector.
      2. I'm kind of an AJ police, I just don't like people who want to "Do it" when they are waaay to young.
      3. Entertainer. I love it when people laugh, and get angry, at my funny jokes.

    4. 1. I'm a total rare collector.
      2. I'm am sorta a AJ Police, because I make sure nothing bad happens and NO SCAMMING! And I hate scammers, hackers, odd den-ners (people with inappropriate dens), stalkers, clan leaders that growls and "bites head off", and daters.
      3. Entertainer, because I always entertain my real life friends online and I sometimes host Yard Sales and stuff like that at my den!
      4. Gem Earner, because it is fun!
      5. An Adopter when I am oh so very bored and I have already done the stuff above.
      6. Glitches. I <3 Glitches!

    5. I think I'm number 6.a glitch person and number 8. An adopter.


    6. I mean number adopter sorry!


  34. Cool Spooky new look

  35. ☼pielover4ever☼October 7, 2012 at 8:37 AM

    Hey jammers! If you are going trick-or-treating, to a halloween party, or anything with a halloween costume, i would like to know what you guys are gonna be for halloween! I would like to know what your costume would be like in real life, and what it would be like on AJ (if you have one).

    Ok, so i'm gonna share what i'm going to be for halloween in real life. I'm going as a pile of junk! lol yes, this is a weird costume but it's pretty unique! So, if you are wondering how i'm gonna be a pile of junk, well, it's pretty simple. i'm gonna wear pants, and tape random objects, (sometimes known as junk) to them! Then, i'll wear a shirt, and over that shirt i'm going to wear a trash bag over it. I'll cut arm holes and a head hole in it. Then i'll tape random objects to it! i'm also going to tape random objects to my trick-or-treating bag!

    Ok, so on AJ, i have multiple costumes. If scary bat wings DO come out, i'll probably be a bat. But, if they don't, i still have a few other costumes. i'll be a turkey, with an orange turkey hat and orange and yellow mech angel wings. I'll be a land shark too, with the rare shark fin. I might also be a purple or pink blob monster, with pink or purple worn and everything else would be pink or purple too. I'll be uncle sam too, with freedom clothes. That's really all the things i can be on Aj, since i'm a non member lol.

    1. I'm going to be an AG... (If you don't know that is go to and go to girl of the year...)......... And in AJ I'm going to be a witch. Or maybe something else because I've been that for my whole time on AJ X3.

    2. In real life, I'm going to be a vampire.
      There is this itchy wig I'm gonna wear, it's red and black, and I havea a dress that has a red bat medallion. I have creepy black lace up gloves, my new fuzzy black boots, and I also have black glasses (I need glasses) that go perfect with the costume. On AJ, I'm probably gonna be something like a unique made up monster. Like, wearing all sorts of costumes and stuff!
      Well, bye

    3. In real life, I am gonna be Anne of Green Gables or Anne of Avonlea. And in AJ, well, let's see.... IDK.
      -Dance287 (who is still deciding what do wear on AJ)

  36. @ julysweet maybe try not say your the best 5th grader ever because at school i think im the best 5th grader and im sure everyone thinks there the best 5th grader thats in 5th grade so you dont have to say that it is well kinda rude and just a warning what goes around comes around!!!!


    1. Yea, Julysweet, you know that you insulted Animal Jam Downpoour. -.-
      Anyway, there's lots of fifth graders that would be offended by that.

    2. Yeah, because you just insulted me. I never choose best fifth graders. I will only say stuff like, "Best Hat" or stuff like that.

    3. ☼pielover4ever☼October 7, 2012 at 2:42 PM

      lol am i like the only 7th grader here?

    4. I'm a 7th grader! -Zebrafish

  37. for halloween in real life im gonna be a geek and on animal jam im a were shark


    p.s great question

  38. in real lige im wearing this 70 shirt it looks weird but ok!! ok so i learned a new glitch!!!!!!!!!!! i know 2 know thank you to my buddy that taught me it


  39. Anyone know the username of the NC winner? I wanna go greet 'em

    papad91728's the glitch queen and news crew winner

  40. Hey Jammers! Have any you noticed that the Spooky Party like disappeared? I haven't been to one in weeks!

    Also, I have to thank you guys so much! Animaljam Downpour has finally reached 2,000 views! I'm so happy and I couldn't have done it without you guys!

    And nice blog change Snowy! It's really cool and awesome!

    ~Cassiusclay2, who is crazy about Halloween!

  41. I love the new skin! Very Halloween-ish!

  42. Hey Snowy!

    Your blog is so cool with the new blog background, and your wolf too! I had a buddy glitch or so... It says I was friends with you but then when I look at your animal, suddenly the +Buddy (Add A Buddy) Button goes on and when I click 'Add Buddy' it says Snowyclaw's buddylist is full!

    -Lonely Shadow

  43. I like your new design snowy! Love the colors on the blog!

  44. Hmmm I had a question , but I forget now : /

  45. I REALLY WANT THE AMERICAN GIRL GOTY!SHES SO PRETTY AND SHE DOES GYMNASTICS LIKE MEH!I want her for Christmas!The new American doll cemershal is out!Ive seen it a lot-.-.Its getting anoying.I might be switching back to fuzzys blog becuz a lot of people here are being mean to me:(.Anyways this might be my last post here.Just keep in mind that I MIGHT be switching if none be nice to meh just for my opion.So bye if this is my post.Sorry if I was mean but Bella is back and y'all ate being kinda mean becuz of my opion.Everyone should have a right to have hers/his opion.Bye:(!

    -julysweet(the very sad 5th grader that thought this was a good blog)

    1. American girl is cool. that is nothing to be ashamed of. if anyone is mean to you there probally jealous your getting one. there $100 bucks! Anyway I think u should have a haunted mushroom hut snowy!

    2. I know! They are $100 bucks! That is why I am entering a contest to get one one of their dolls, plus a free book and $105! By the way, julysweet can you buddy me? My user name is Dance287. And I love the Gymnastics one! I think her name was McKenna. The book was awesome.
      -Dance287 (who really doesn't want you to leave since you are awesome.)

    3. Awww!!!Thats really is honest!Ive never ever had a commet who wants to buddy meh!I'll try to buddy meh!My AJ user is julysweet just send me a buddy request and I will accept it on tuesday as soon as I can!And yes I do know thy there 100$ but I want mine for chrismas!Her dog copper is so cutie!So it won't be soon that I buddy you becuz I don't have school tommorow but no computer but Tuesday I do and I stay till 3:40 and then I got to walk home soooooo...yea!Just send meh a buddy mail!

      -julysweet(a very happy 5th grader!)

    4. Yep I used to collect dolls. I am 11 now
      So I not that interested but I have 4. There fun to play with. HAUNTED MUSHROOM HUT SNOWYCLAW PLEASE!!!! <3

  46. xD epic template Snowy! It sort of hurts my eyes... ohs well and ends well! (basically: "oh well..." and "all's well and ends well") Maybe... I could throw a last goodbye party- since I now HAVE to QUIT. :( :D

    -pac10 (the real one, also I accidentally logged out on my blogger account- so whatev' can't use it anyway!)

  47. Replies
    1. Please comment with full comments, but this time is okay. Please remember net time, there are a lot of comment each day, and we want to make sure the posts are not filling up with worthless comments!

    2. Really Zebrasavvy? It doesn't matter. Redstar just wanted to say Hi. Snowy/ Goldy don't care! This isn't a worthless comment, someone just wanted to be nice. Its not like Redstar did space spamming.

  48. Looking for a new author, and many more cool things!
    Register to be an author:
    My blog:
    Thanks, & all Hallows Eve, or as Americans say it, Happy Halloween! ~Zebrasavvy

  49. why didn't you post about that its thanks giving today?

    1. I don't think she lives in Canada, and a lot of people on this blog live in America. It wouldnt make sense to post about it.


  50. Hi Snowy! I'm the person that sent you that lava glove. I love your Blog!!!! ^-^ ~XxSmileyMileyxX

  51. Oh my gosh, Snowy... I just got back from camping... The Blog looks way different (obviously) but it's my favourite colours! Black and Grey! Yay! xD

  52. when is there going to be another contest and when do they choose a news crew member.

  53. i love the new look for the blog snowy! it seems as if my b-day is already here :D

    ~funnyhahahaha the funniest jammer in Jamaa :P

  54. haunted mansion!!!

  55. Sorry I didn't comment earlier, the power was out here And I need wi-fi for my iPod :3 anyways yay, I bought a skeleton suit even though it scares me on my penguin and turtle. I don't have a dolphin. I think they're too mainstream. But anyway: :3

    -MangoShapedSpace (the cranky Jammer because on Wednesday she has a dentist appointment right in the middle of P. E. so she gets her teeth cleaned while in her stinky sweaty gym clothes. On the bright side it's the last period of the day for me.)

  56. 100TH COMMENT!!! WOOOHOOOO! I find this more thrilling than first!

  57. I like the new background snowy! Also havering the haunted mansion den brings out the Halloween vibe. Waaa! I have gone back to School now. Poo... Well never mind! Keep on posting!, wolfypoof

  58. i think u should change th emouse colour :3

  59. ok snowy, i think u should go with the haunted mansion den. it goes more with the theme of jamma rite now. in winter go with the gingerbread den and in spring maybe go with the mushroom den?

  60. Go with the muchroom hut :3


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw