Hey jammers, before getting to the important part of the post, here's the new item, Fallen Leaves, from Jam Mart Furniture.

Now, I'm sure a lot of you have seen the post about me on gingerpawz blog, if you haven't you can read it by clicking here. I actually didn't hear about the post from you guys but from gingerpawz (she's a friend of mine). I'm not sure how many of you know her personally, but she's a great jammer and we have been good friends for a time. I can only speak for myself about this post, I'm not going to talk on behalf of XxFreeSpiritxX/Goldfishypuppy/RefrainInclination.
I'm kind of sad you guys would turn your back on me from single hateful post, I just feel that suddenly my work on the blog doesn't matter anymore. But I thought some of you might like to hear how I feel, and I'd like to remind you; there are many sides to any story, just as everyone has a different opinion on every topic. So here's my story, be sure to judge on what you know of me, and not what other people claim, for we all are prejudiced on many topics, it's human nature.
To be honest I'm unsure of why she thinks I'm mean, but I try to be kind to everyone I meet. I hope I've been kind to all of you, and I thought I've been kind to ginger, but I guess she doesn't think so. :( If I've ever been mean to anyone, please tell me and I'll try to put it right, it really pains me to see people upset.
Also, I'd like you guys to know that I'm not able to follow other blogs because I made my blogger account with my real email, that means I'd get alerts/reminders/whatever-happens-when-you-subscribe-to-another-blog going to the wrong email, and I'm so confused with blogging already it honestly feels like I'm drowning. >.< Even if I could subscribe I wouldn't have time to read everyone's posts, I barely have enough time to write mine each day! I have homework, sports, piano, and more. :(
Now, about blogging. Contrary to what ginger believes, I actually didn't make this blog for popularity. The first Animal Jam blog I saw was Animal Jam Rush, by VivaCandy. When she stopped posting I was kind of sad, but I read different posts on her blog and loved the way it told how Jamaa evolved. One day I met Graham the Monkey Shaman/Alpha and I was inspired to make this blog, simply to show my friends how cool the culture of Jamaa is. That's why it's called Animal Jam Spirit, because I want to show the spirit of Jamaa to jammers.
My friends were the first Spirit Jammers, they told their friends about the blog and it kinda just started there. We advertised a bit, telling random jammers around, but we didn't do much, it was mostly word of mouth. I never knew the group would get so big, but I was excited that so many jammers enjoyed hearing about Jamaa's culture. When I heard that my blog was helpful I was inspired; I could make a difference in people's lives, even if it was just in our little world of Jamaa.
Would I create the Jamaasian Movement for fame? Those posts took me hours to make and research, I wouldn't do that if this blog and its readers didn't mean something to me. I care about you guys. We're like an online community and I hope we can make it through the ages; even with differing points of view.
To be honest I don't think I'm famous, the over 6 million players in Jamaa are much bigger than we are, but it is so fun being a part of a community. I didn't make the blog for popularity, I made it for fun; later a desire to help and prevent new item scamming, which has hit me many times. >.< To be honest I don't enjoy being known in Jamaa, it's very hard to say "hi" to everyone I meet; I'm a really shy person in real life. I have found so many friends though, and making this blog has truly changed my life in so many ways.
Now, on to ginger's claim of me scamming. Strangely enough this all comes down to a definition, but first, the story. A long time ago (maybe 1/2 a year or so?), when Freedom Wings were still rare, I had two pairs (one from my sister's old account and one from a friend who quit). One of my friends L (I'm sorry, I don't know his full user), also a friend of gingerpawz and LoveLost, really wanted a pair of his own. I wasn't sure what I wanted in trade, but he offered some items.
I believe the items were a beta Arctic Hood, Spaceship Walls, Moon Dirt, and a brown Beard. Knowing he loved his Beard I found him and traded down to a little RC Car. He liked the trade and we traded. I didn't see him for some time, but when I did it was at least a month after the trade. He then asked for a trade-back. We hadn't agreed on any trade-backs and I was upset because by then I really loved the beta Arctic Hood.
I talked about it with him, explaining my view on trade-backs. Like AJHQ says, I believe a trade is final, that once you make a decision you shouldn't demand a trade-back. It's unfair, in my opinion, to demand any trade, and that's how I think of a trade-back, a separate trade. I pointed out he had a second of each of the items he traded, if not more. I was also upset that he didn't take my feelings into account, it felt like he only cared about the rares and the trading, not our friendship. He took this as a flat out no, and told everyone that I scammed him.
Eventually we talked it out, but in that time he had apparently been scammed by someone else. After a disagreement of some sort with gingerpawz, L decided to quit. I've seen him once and a while since then, but we were always friendly. I honestly don't think I scammed him, and in the end I thought we were friends, but gingerpawz believes I scammed.
It's your decision.
Is a refusal to a (much later, not agreed upon)
trade-back make me a scammer?
Does being a writer to a blog, based on culture, getting quite a few views, make me obsessed with being popular?
I'd like to know what you guys think, because I've been confused about these topics so long it's making my head hurt. I hope to see you guys around Jamaa, and don't forget to read my make-up post below, sorry for missing a few days!

P.S. I'm really sorry for writing so much, it's hard to put feelings into words. Jamaa is like a second life to me and I felt this was really important, I hope you guys understand.
Happy jamming.