Monday, November 26, 2012

Rare Bat Glasses

Hey jammers! Today's rare items are Rare Bat Glasses, sold on the seventh page of Jam Mart Clothing. Nonmember, yay!
AJHQ already posted about it on the Daily Explorer.
They also responded to my email about Snow Leopards and Wristbands. They claim they don't know anything about the new animals, which means they won't talk about them until they're announced. They also said that the wristbands don't have any codes with them, but there have been many contradicting...
Be sure to comment with any discoveries! Also, you may have noticed I've purchased an Arctic Wolf. My family finally stopped by Walmart recently, so I was able to pick one up.
Outfit - yay or nay?
Now for Mystery Monday. . . Many theroies have been discussed, but I don't think we've ever done an official post about what happened to Jamaa's creator, Zios. So here it goes. . .
Who is Zios? What is he? How did he disappear so many ages ago? Why did his statue fall, and what did it used to look like? Can't wait to hear your stories everyone, happy jamming!

New artwork is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!