Sunday, January 6, 2013

Clovers and Crazy Plants

Hey jammers! Today's item is the Upside Down Pot, sold in the New Year's Party 2013. It was originally sold at the wacky April Fools Party in 2012 (notice the very strange gem price).
As you might have heard, the Clover Table was yesterday's new item. It was last sold in 2012's Lucky Day Party.
Also, Kielessa spotted a neat Animal Jam ad featuring Greely, the wolf alpha! What do you think of his newer look?
Which do you like better? Why? Happy jamming everyone!

Side note... For some reason I'm not able to change font on the blog, has anyone encountered this issue before? What do I do? Also, I was wondering, does that ad over there bother you guys a ton? I don't want it to take away from the blog. >.<

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!