
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hat and Curly Wig

Hey jammers! Seems today's new item is in the New Year's Party. My best guess is that it's the Hat and Curly Wig.
I'm sorry, I'm going to have to cut today's post short. I'm very tired from school, homework, and sports; I don't have time to sort through yesterday's amazing stories. I read all of them though and they're amazing! In response to a comment yesterday though, here is my crediting policy!

If someone sends info/pictures to me, I tell their username!
If there is no username, I say they are anonymous!
If there are many jammers who give me the same info,
I say so (I'm sorry, I can't credit 20 jammers at once)!
If I get info/pictures from a blog, I tell the blogger's username!
I never copy anything word-for-word without quotes!
I don't have much time to visit other blogs,
I'm very sorry about that!

That's about it, I hope it makes sense. >.< Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Frest comment yay

    I know how you feel :-(

    1. Hey snowyclaw I'm Kkat19= Aj user K-Kat=blogger user! I want to ask... I know u don't have time for oder blogs but plz visit my blog www. The K You have to do the spaces. I'll add you as a author if you visit or comment on it. Please your so talented and I need u to help make my posts better, I'll email you the stuff i don want delted or not deleted if you say, yes.

  2. 2nd .. Just to start the day off right ; )

    1. In reply to your comment in the post before this, I would like to say let's meet in AJ. I may or may not have time to be on in AJ, but it's good if you can add me..... if you have buddy slots and if you want to. I don't force you. If you don't want let's meet in my den but send me jam-a-gram first.
      P.s. visit my blog if any of you want to know how to make a Blogger account.

    2. I'll be on AJ In bout 10 mins

    3. Severus .. I sent you a bunny request..

      ~ footclane

    4. Sorry I'm not on... Because I have English homework to do.. :(

  3. School dosen't start untill 2 and a half weeks. I'm not looking forward to it though... D: Starting year 6.. :|

    1. Year six was a difficult year... But yeah, you sure will pass it! You will feel happy when they tell you your scores (only if you study well)and pass the sixth grade, go on vacation, and back to school and you're now suddenly on secondary! (you no longer feel like a small primary student)

    2. I guess I'm pretty young then....I'm only in fifth grade. :P

    3. Im confused where do you live what state?!?
      I like I live in huston texas

    4. Me and bunnyrockerzrock live in Austrlia. I'll be going to high school next year :T

    5. This year I meant. Forgot it wasn't 2012

    6. That, I guessed AU!!! :) Cool! Bunnyrockerzrock, 6th grade is really fun, and the teachers kind of go easy on u until u figure it out. I'm in 6th right now.

    7. Every school may Βε different.

    8. Don't listen to anyone, sixth grade is easy. I am in it now and it feels just like fith.. :) maybe cause I am in private and no bullying and cussing is strictly not allowed, but the work is not THAT bad. Wait... What am I saying I am doing 7th grade work... Anyway I LOVE the curly wig. Because nearly nobody likes it

    9. You like it because almost no one likes it?Hmm.

  4. ☼pielover4ever☼January 8, 2013 at 4:31 AM

    lol yea, im in 7th grade, and i dont have to wake up until 6:30 on school mornings, but i wake up at 6:00 on school mornings on purpose so i can get my computer time in. i do that cuz sometimes i get a lot of homework and i won't have time for the computer.

  5. You're correct. I checked the party and it is that hat for the exact same price you had. :) Default color green.

  6. 9th comment. XD lol I'm bored.. AWWWWWW MAN SCHOOL TODAY DXX

  7. I have a blog that I've had for awhile, but I'm finally starting to update it. Check it out at
    Http:// or you can click on my tag and go to My Blogs, Animal Jam of Today. I'd really appreciate it.

  8. hey snowyclaw i e-mailed u a couple weeks ago , its quite important i know ure busy but can u pls answer , ill send it again and if u get it twice sorry thanx :)

  9. I'm sorry if this is spam, but does anyone want to be an author for me and my friend's blog? It's called The Legends of Jamaa. We still have room for one author, so if you want to be one, leave a comment on our blog c:

  10. Notice: Have you niticed that it's not 3D? :D
    Maybe the 3D thing is over ^.^
    I'll check the item list :D

    1. Your right. I hope so...

    2. I hope so, too! I have never liked the 3D thing...

    3. Actually, I noticed that they only SLACKED off on the 3D. I don't think 3D is bad, because I got a better idea of what the items were supposed to look like. Besides, the animals always were 3D, and the burrow bookshelf is 3D. So Mia776, I hope that it's not really pure 3D, but the 3D has always been there. Nowadays, you can't escape it.

    4. I think she means the clothing items...

  11. Hi snowyclaw um can you make prizes for 3 ppl who comment everyday?

    1. Maybe she's far too busy to give gifts..

    2. DUDE!!!! rares are what makes her famous thats why she never gives prizes because if she gives all her rares away (like me) she won't be famous! why else would ANYONE want rares so bad the only reason people like rares is so they can be famous THATS THE ONLY REASON!

    3. @The Anonymous above me

      Anonymous, rares aren't just for fame. Many are more stylish than newer items, and it's not the rares that makes Snowyclaw famous, it's her blog and the Jamaasian movement. She gives some prizes, look at the last monday post. Please don't say stuff like that, you could've hurt Andrewj04's feelings. I like rares for STYLE, and to express my feelings, not for fame. Gingerpawz said something about Snowyclaw only wanting fame, and you're saying that again. Please consider my suggestions. Good idea, though, Andrewj04! It would promote the blog a bit.

    4. But there are more than three people commenting everyday.

  12. you are gonna post the great story's right sonwyclaw?

    1. I hope so, madisyn. It would be nice, and I worked quite a bit on mine. It barely has anything from my blog, so it's easier to read than some of my other comment stories.

  13. Grrr school 2day. Its PollylackeJanuary 8, 2013 at 9:31 AM

    24th commenter. XDD I'm bored. Today I have school. Bleah bleah bleah. Anyway, the post made sense. (:

    ~ Pollylacke

  14. It's ok Snowy i know how you feel even if i don't have school yet in Jan. 14. Well i got an idea. Is it ok if i make something for the jammers to make stories with like what you do but if you can't make the post to make stories with can i give the guys at least something to make stories with but not with pictures by anonymous. Wouldn't that be a great idea, or is it just bad. Please tell me. Thank you - ellanicole2003

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't have school 'til jan 14th either! I thought I was the only one... :P

  15. Yep Snow feel your pain today -_-

  16. Wow .. I think I just quite animal jam

  17. Hat and wig......A little weird of an item.....But somewhat useful... :)

    1. The hat and wig item STINKS! i used to be a member and the gifts STINKED! I MEAN COME ON WE WANT SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY USEFUL!

  18. Ello! This ish mah first day back 'cause we got a day off on Monday :3

    ~Prycepan a.k.a The Frying Pan~

  19. Yeah it is the hat and wig! (Could ppl check my blog? Just click my picture and animal jam fun. Thanks!) -Wolfy!

  20. I'm not a big fan of Twoleg/human items, so I offically veto this item.(Lol, fits in with the hat theme.) Though, I'd say that we need some stylish items, like a full-body costume of mythical creatures, and some BETTER member gifts. Seriously, AJ, we don't need MORE pets, we want den items, keys/tickets to testing areas like new lands, and new settings, maybe some clothes. The new members seriously need some better clothes.

    1. i used to be a member and the gifts STINKED! i totally agree with you! PLUS THE NEW MEMBERS DON'T HAVE MUCH STYLE!

    2. members need better costumes

    3. What should happen after people who are non-members spend a year on Animal Jam is: they should be able to have 4 animals (any kind, member and non-member), access to all rares, three dens (like the small house and the oldest den and one member den) and the ability to change the color of non member items.

    4. So what your saying is after a year as non mermber you want all the right as a member .. But not pay for them ?

    5. Then AJ would not have enough money to support the site, And is already giving us no-ads, which is usually what sites put on to get money.

    6. AJ is nicer than some other sites I know. Chicken Smoothie has annoying ads, CP has weekly updates, making it hard to enjoy parties and they are meaner to NMs than AJ, and so on. They are nice to not target us with non-site ads, even though they use their OWN ads to make money, and they let nonmembers go everywhere on the map, and they can attend more parties/roleplays because AJ lets even NMs have multiple sprites. We can ask for a few minor rights, like more sprite inventory, more rares NMs can have, and maybe a smaller gift than members every month, and two pet slots, but it would be a tall order to destroy membership. Then we would have ads when we are in gameplay, and that is more annoying.

  21. I posted on my blog. It's just a goodbye message. Plus, please dont send messages asking for my rares. I won't give them away and it's kind of rude.

  22. Hey, Im 1 of the amazing ppl that just followed this blog >.< So, yea Im new.


    1. I was on before the update so I could stay on. Also, it is the Curly Hat and Wig.

    2. Why are you angry? AJ is working hard to make new updates for everyone, and to make Animal Jam as fun as can be!
      It is just a short update, only about one hour or so. So just have patience

  24. Hannah this blog is amazing! it tell me what the new rare item is on AJ. and it really is the best blog! there is a new post every day. WELCOME

  25. Well i copy your blog word for word all the time.
    I haven't given you credit. Thanks to you, i post a lot more on my boog noe. Bye

    1. Well guess what. Its called plagiarism. And if the people you copied wanted to, they can fine you for it. You'll be expelled from your school. And you'll have a nice fine to pay and face juv.

      Yeah sure, ignore this. But when you have an essay looming ahead of you, and you randomly decide to copy someone cause theres no consequence, or so you say, enjoy getting expelled. No school is going to want you. Right, you "hate" school. But 10,20 years later, when you look back and you're some homeless bum on the street, guess what, you'll curse at yourself and call yourself stupid. Riight. Don't care. Go ahead and plagiarize and eventually face the consequences. Karma bites back you know.

      PS. Fix your spelling.
      Boog and noe aren't words.
      If you don't post a lot on your "blog".
      Just delete it if your posting is plagiarizing.
      It doesn't count as a blog.

    2. Oh, Why, Thank you dear Snaper, For giving me your username! Now I know what kind of idiot would copy someone else's hard work! What you are doing is against the law, And even if it doesn't sound like much as a child, You'll know the full effects of it later on.

    3. You are a very great writer. I agree with you. Plagerism is bad.

    4. If I had a blog, I would never copy anyone's blog!! It makes me feel cheap and not creative. Come on, Snaper6010!! Would YOU like if someone copied you?! Plagerism will have consequences..B€WΔR€¡

  26. Animal jam memb gifts suck! I was here before the monthly gift thing started. The first like five gifts were good after that it stinked

    1. Ikr!!! The monthly gifts now are sucky!!!! Just pets and random stuff!!! And also, there should be new lands!!!>.<

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  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw