
Friday, January 25, 2013

Shoal of Minnows

Hey jammers! Today's new item is a Shoal of Minnows, a member underwater item being sold at Sunken Treasures.
AJHQ has also published an art post on the Daily Explorer.
Meanwhile, here's a fun little glitch reported by echid! If you put a Royal Cape on a giraffe it looks like a Heart Cape in edit!
So ducier and sheesh4 haven't had an excess of time to comment lately, so I believe they're going to take a rest of their Spirit Jammer positions for a while. Thanks for all the help in the past you guys! I've noticed two jammers going out of their way to answer others' questions, so they'll be on Spirit Jammer trial period for a little while - welcome to the AJS team Mia776 and AmyJiao! Send a picture (for the side of the blog) to the AJS email when you can. Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. 1st comment :D I really like the den item today!

  2. Im trading a freedom mask for a chicken hat. jamagram me if intrested

    1. How to get on the Spirit Team?

    2. And how do i join the Spirit Team?

    3. These new underwat items look amazing .. But I'm just not a fan of underwat : /

    4. * underwater .. *-* I love my phone.. I love my phone .. I love my phone

    5. Hahahah. U sure loved it much before u got the new 1. Loved it enough to go drop it and break it... Sounds like true love to meh. Lol hahaha

    6. Your to blame for that .. It's on you .. You owe me a new iPhone

    7. Sure... I'm totally not doing that! Lol..

    8. It's 4:45am .. Why you up ? lol .. I'm waiting on the news see if there will be school today

    9. please mind your words .. Children read this blog :) .. Figure I'd say it b4 someone else did

    10. We're gonna overflow snowy's page now??

    11. ;) please stop flooding the page

    12. Mk how bout the bed? Is that a better place?

    13. :o .. ( children cover you eyes )

    14. idk. :P

    15. OMG SPARKY SHUT UP! No one wants to hear that junk! Do it on your own blog!

    16. Sorry! But this is for an Animal Jam blog, not for dating. Plus dont flood the page

    17. Longest replies ever.... why don't you just email each other or use something else like BlackBerry?

    18. That was entertaining and awkward. I was watching the conversation like this a few months ago, and it was pretty funny. It was when Aj Jammer had his old picture up. Lol.


      P.S. I know this is weird, but I don't mind the online dating thing. On the animal jam blog, it's kind of weird though.

    19. If you guys know each other from anywhere else, you could meet there. If you go to the same school, that would be good.

    20. Long replies, and no answer to any of her questions. =_= That's what the Spirit Jammers have to do... Kittycat904, just read my past comments, avoid the offensive ones that slipped from my thoughts and overall answer questions, and also follow what Mia776 does. Do post as many USEFUL comments as you can, and check the Ask Snowyclaw page regularly for questions you can answer, but comment with a Google account. Stay on the Top Commenter list without spamming for at least three weeks or more. Sounds tough? So is the Spirit Jammer position.

    21. Snowyclaw elects helpful Top Commenters to become Spirit Jammers every once in a while. Anyway, the chicken hat came out yesterday, but if it is member and you are non member, I'll happily trade you, my username is roxy30000. I've kept my username in corners since Solidblue02... And you need to use good grammar and avoid common typos to become a AJS Spirit Jammer, so try to correct your spelling and capitalization. It is pretty hard to aim for Spirit Jammer...
      Well, I dreamed for months now to become a Spirit Jammer, and guess what? I became one! So aim for the stars, and act freely and nicely on the blog. I hope my tips helped.

    22. May not be a spirit jammers but yep shes right :)also i wish you luck :)

    23. :( we keep it clean .. Only place we can chat is online I'm Canadian .. She's inthe u.s. we have different time zones. Phone calls and texting is killings us :( .. So when we do get to meet up we try to have funn .. I don't see the problem.. Were Not like a lot if the anonymous people are on here

    24. Chicken hats are in stores, just so you know before you trade a freedom mask... :)

    25. @AJ Jammer
      You could use chatroll or emails, because you can talk over email. Almost the same as comments. Or, you can set up a private blog for you and Sparky to talk in the comments, and the posts could be telling Sparky stuff, and you discuss the topic. The next day, you could post a new topic and hence, you chat again. Simple. I hope that my suggestions will help.

    26. Dear amy, Im a member, but i didnt have enough time to buy the rare one :( I only want jamagrams cause im on a kindle most of the time. Like now. >-< i want kindle flash player.

    27. AJ jammer, I think you can use Skype... I know you can, not over comments on the blog...

  3. 3rd comment.... how did I do that?

  4. I love these underater geoup things. They are so cute! :3


  5. aj is taking alot of under water group items do guys agreed?

    1. Agreed. Within last week, they released the smack of Jellyfish...(or was it yesterday? I have bad memory), and now the school of fish, although it helps keep up the Jamaasian theme of the underwater den items, because the non-recycled items look like they were crafted by Graham.

    2. It was yesterday. And I don't know why, but i feel like I' m suspost to be Amy's friend. O.e

    3. it because I got a underwater den recently and they are awesome!
      I think if everybody gets a lot of the underwater group things the will make more! (More for my underwater zoo!:D! If you want to see it go to my den it might be locked though..... Its still in progress ...:D)

  6. Lolz sparky your freacking us kids out......O.o

    1. Anonymous, YOU ARE FREAKING US OUT! Please stop blaming Sparky for anything, he/she only talked to AJ Jammer about random stuff. Sparky is a breathing, living being, so why are you bullying him/her?

    2. No offence, little harsh there.

  7. ,.....................

    1. Spam. Snowyclaw, please remove this. Just a bunch of puncuation. And Anonymous, you can just not comment to show silence, if that is what you intended. We don't have many comments, but it would help if all of them were useful.

  8. Oh and spark, don't do tht on here plz. 5 yr olds r reading. I bet they don't know what u r talking about though XD

    1. The few comments above here from 4:45.

    2. Sparky, you spammed. Next time, couldn't you email AJ jammer? It frees up comment space.

    3. Yeah but i know you did not mean it anyway but it's best if you Email chat so you don't spam don't worry i have done it two times in my life but i learned just Email AJ jammer kay?

    4. I'm sorry if I sounded blunt, I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today. D: Ever had the case of getting mean and agitated when you just got a reward? I feel like that is what I'm doing. I'm sorry, but next time, could you just say
      "(fill in the blank), could we just email or IM each other?"
      It really helps, and that long reply list is the longest one in my life, and it gets on my nerves when people start a whole new conversation under a perfectly fine one. I answered her questions, though.

  9. @Sparky

    Uhhhhh..... Your kinda freaking me out. No offence.

    1. Are you going to complain too? She did nothing wrong, Zelda_Forever22, but if you mean that when she was chatting with AJ Jammer, then I partially forgive you because the long list of replies made me feel intimidated.

  10. Please add me! :D My Username is lovewolf122

  11. omg i see a bunch of things about sickness on the news D: and my parents won't let me stay home today when i feel horrible even though my sis got to yesterday! errggh im probably going to get sick during class and im gonna say "i told you i was sick" and they will be like "you were right!" ;I life life life...... like a rollercoaster full of headaches. ~umbee_tiger~

    1. Oh no! My mom let me stay at home because she has to grade Chinese exams, so I will be posting a ton of comments to maintain my position. I hope you DO prove them wrong,because its plain wrong if you may have a dangerous disease. And besides, I hope that more good people like you join the Spirit Jammer team, the current Spirit Jammers have trouble containing the comments...

  12. Sparky please stop, this is a blog not a dating site.

    1. Did Snowyclaw delete Sparky's "dating" comments? I never saw them, just his/her spamming comments. Please tell me, that way we can tell who did what. What I mean by "we" is the Spirit Jammers.

    2. All comments are still up.. There was nothing bout dating .. just people with nothing better to do then compline

    3. Thanks, AJ Jammer. I hate these people who complain about stuff that never happened. And Anonymous, why are you blaming Sparky when there is no proof he/she really did it? You can get arrested for false blame.

  13. Sparky just stop. What you are talking about is inappropriate for this website. If u want 2 talk about it on a website 4 that, then go there (i wouldn't recommend it XD). There are little kids on this.

    1. They think that the comment you posted indicates a sound that you make when you're "doing it". Why did you post that comment anyways? You guys can't blame Sparky if you don't know why they put that comment there. It's not right judge peeps before you know the motives.
      ~kadly5, kady4, and FridayLeon

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No we didn't all comments are still up .. Nothing wrong aaa said !

    4. Okay. I'm sorry, but what do these people have against you? I'm sorry for judging you. Why are people blaming when they are the ones who are ruining this blog?

    5. The comment above me was by someone who hacked Uniquelog. What do these guys have against you and AJ Jammer? Sparky, this makes no sense and this blog should never be a place where people cry.

  14. I have an idea the " good " anonymous I'm sure wont mind this , most already do it
    So how about if you can't make an account , or choose not to .. Whatever the reason might be
    .. When posting with an anonymous user .. Could we please use are AJ user name or blogger user , something because honsly , Alota these anonymous have big mouths , but never say who there are .. I ( and this is my opinion ) this there just little snotty nosed kids trying to start problems !

    1. Exactly it's a very good idea :) if Anonymous is removed meaning Name/URL will be used just like it but you put your user on :)

    2. Actually it is against the animal jam rules to give out your username online. Sometimes I regret giving out mine but it's already done. I don't think it is a rule you would get banned for but just something animsl jam wants you to do. Honestly I think I would recommend it for anyone who wants to post comments and does not already have their username posted somewhere on the web.

  15. Merp 0 degrees and lower and I have school 0-0 I'm limesoda14

  16. Congratz Mia776 and Amy Jiao!
    BTW love that new item

    1. Looks like Animal Jam is getting more naturey, and we have some new animal den items that aren't pets! They're listening, they're listening, YAY!!!

  17. Replies
    1. P.S. Sorry for making so many comments! I should have made them into one...

      P.P.S. I love the new item!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Feel free to laugh at me, a Spirit Jammer asking a Spirit Jammer for help. I almost laughed at myself XD.

    4. Actually, I just sent Snowyclaw my picture (too bad that I turned away when I made the picture) by emailing her my document of my screenshot by saving it to desktop, then documents. What a long period of saving and copying! I will delete my question, but you can still laugh at me for how foolish I was.
      Thank you! Congrats to you!

    5. Your not Amy don't worry it happens i am not laughing your fine :)if you are a little worried anyway you can delete it if you want but i think it's fine :)

  18. Congratulations guys! I wish I was on the Spirit Team. Well anyways, I'm planning on making a Google Account soon. If you want you can look up my profile on AJ. Just look up kadly5, kady5, or FridayLeon.
    ~kadly5, kady5, Friday Leon

    1. Thanks! I cant wait to see your blogger profile! :)

    2. Thank you! I hope you can join us soon... Also, I've heard about some Goofy guy who once was a Spirit Jammer... what happened to him?

    3. I think he didn't wanna be a Spirit Jammer anymore... I can't really remember.

    4. Odd... He seemed to have liked being elected, but maybe he got too stressed out handling the bad commenters... It happens to many people, I guess. Thank you for your help. If you remember, please tell me.

    5. Yes, Congrats girls!
      I can't have a google account either because I'm too young. I'm not gonna lie about my age! It's so stupid that you have to be 13 or something to have an account! I've only just turned 11, so I have a LOOOOOOOOOOONG 2 years to wait D:!

      -Mimkid82 ^_^

  19. Eee thats what my brother thinks cats say aswell as meow lol this is such a random comment which is out of topic lol!

    1. o_0 Weird. But still, you're forgiven for spamming. Cats also hiss and purr, did I help? I have no idea what you just said...
      (P.S. Mia776, I post long comments and yet comment a lot, don't worry! I will be commenting a lot because my Mom is grading exams and I'm at home since I woke up.)

    2. Okay thanks Amy :). Is your mom a teacher?

    3. Thanks! How do I make the icon? And strike what I said about the ban, because my mom let me on.

    4. Your welcome :). You can just highlight the smiley face that I made, and click ctrl and then c, and in the comment box (or where ever you want it to be, it doesn't work in AJ...) you click ctrl v. I hope this helped!

  20. Congrats Mia and Amy. You worked hard for it. ;D

    1. Thank you for the compliments! We both did, and I've dreamed of this since I started to read this blog (August 2012), and it came true! Anyway, do you know how to get a good blogging screenshot program from the Chrome Store? My SCREENSHOOTER app won't let me copy/paste

    2. I have a good one. Look up in the chrome webstore "awesome screenshot". Then Click extensions, and then it should be there. It's pretty simple, but super duper easy to use. :)

    3. Thank you! ScreenShOOter takes too long to use.

    4. Your welcome! I love to be helpful! :D

  21. Anyone notice that there are at least two Alpha fan pics in the Awesome Jammer Art Daily Explorer posts? We have more Jamaasian culture served on a dish! I hope that Animal Jam takes this as a sign that people want the Alphas to come into Jamaa soon.

    1. Congrats Amy and Mia776, and good luck!

      (The Wanderer)
      P.S. Do you guys like my nickname?

  22. -cough cough- sorry im really sick. i can't go back to school until monday XD so i have a Almost No School Week! :p

  23. People always reply to comments, yet never really come up with original ones.Come on, we need better topics to discuss! I'm going to watch Youtube now.

  24. Anyone else notice that the minnos are In the shape of a fish?

    1. I do. They are extremely small, though. The whole shoal, I mean. They're like the size of the bunny mat (small)

    2. I did! I was going to comment exactly what you said, Lexi...xD

  25. And if you click on the shoal, it turns into a smiley face, then if you click on it again, it turns into what looks like some sort of jellyfish! Weird, huh!

    1. Awesome! I have to buy it! Although...I'm broke in gems :(. Time to go play best dressed!

    2. Really? I never tried! Better try tommorow, my mom came back from grading exams and banned me from the computer for the rest of the day DX

  26. Ooh the shoal looks like a cool item! I wish I could get one.. But still, I wish AJHQ would realease freedom wings.

    1. I wish so too, although they will probably release them in July. I hope they release Alpha or Mira/ Zios charms, all of the above would be really cool.

  27. Replies
    1. Thanks for the encouragement! Being a Spirit Jammer may be hard, so based on what I've heard, I will need the encouragement. So again, thank you!

  28. Congratulations Amy and Mia! You guys are already a great help to the Spirit Blog community.

    1. We are? Both of us help when we just feel like helping anyway? Thank you for telling us!

    2. Yeah, congrats Amy and Mia! You guys are a huge help to everyone, and I can see that you answer a lot of questions from other Jammers! Keep up the good work! :)

  29. Congratulations Amy Jiao and Mia776!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!

    1. Thank you! Thank you! We do our best to improve Animal Jam Spirit in any way wwe can.

  30. I might me on Animal Jam today after my brother. Search for me zorastar1. Anyway, make sure to trade me cause I am at that time when I need to get rid of stuff. I will acept trades with rares, non member sword, mech wings, or really hard to find clothes. I really want mech wings ( preferablely black) . Why you may ask. Because everybody goes through a stage where you want something really badly. And I guess I am going through that stage. Oh, and sorry if this comment wasn't my best. I had alot of tests at school today and I'm really worn out. I started a thing on AJ. It is called the Journey Book Progam. I help you find all the animals in your journey book. And remember, I'm zorastar1. See ya on Animal Jam.
    - jammer with a heart

  31. Hey! I got a idea! In jammer central you could choose your favorite alpha/shaman/god Whatever you call it! And when you select one... You get a pack of the shamans/alphas clothes! For M's and NM's Have fun being a alpha! (this is only imagination. it is not available. nor accessible in any way.)

  32. Hi guys. My best friend has created a blog ( and she only gets 1-20 views a day. It's really putting her down, she thinks no one likes her and that her blog sucks, worst of all for an unknown reason, most of her buddies on Animal Jam are ignoring her. She's slowly going into a depression because of it. So do me-her a favor and check out her blog!
    P.S. Her username is wolfs4evea but she goes by Wolfs

    1. Excuse me, but you post this almost every day. It's getting spammy. Not to be rude, but I think you should just ask snowy to advertise. Rather then posting this nearly every day.

  33. non members can be spirit jammers?! how can I become a spirit jammer?!

  34. Know what i want? Non robot mods for AJ. I was gaven a warning (not a ban) for saying :) :) :) :) :) :D How in the holy mira is THAT inappropriate? I was even warned just for telling a Jammer not to share their password. I was suspended on a alt for saying "As whole as my buddy list is. " How is THAT even a bad word? AJHQ, Please. =_=

  35. Amy Jiao, what is your AJ user? You don't have to tell me if you don't want too :)

    1. Her username? Her user, is roxy30000 I hope she doesn't mind i told you. ツ

  36. Congrats Mia776 and Amy Jiao! Y'all are very helpful

  37. Oh and snowy, I G-mailed you. ツ

  38. Oh snowy, I am not sure if this has been mentioned before but if you notices, all the animals look 3-D on the animal selection screen and the clothing inventory screen. Please give me credit! I am bigcatsfoever.


    1. Oh, it does not work for selas, penguins, and ocean animals.


    2. I spelled seals wrong.. Sorry for spamming!


  39. It sure is quiet here......

    1. And by the way, Updated my blog for once. click here to see it hope the link worked.....

    2. Darn. It didn't. url is

  40. I wish we had a lion, a snow leopard, and a arctic wolf alpha. :( (XD I said wolf alpha)

  41. I love how AJ is bringing forth some cool underwater items! My blog is called The Animal Jam Aqua, so this pleases me! I love the ocean, and I think that AJ should advertise its underwater domains more! They're actually really cool! Maybe they should have a game like Sky High that gives out rares underwater so that more Jammers explore places like Bahari Bay and Crystal Reef! Just a thought! :)

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw