
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Smack of Jellyfish

Hey jammers! Today's new item is an adorable underwater furniture one, sold in Sunken Treasures. A Smack of Jellyfish!
Aren't they fun? There is also a new post on the DE.
In the past few updates there have been some nature videos added by Brady Barr and Tierny Thys, check em' out!
Happy jamming everyone, see you around Jamaa!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Yay welcome back underwater items

    1. Yay!!! I recovered my blogger account!! =3 (replying since i wanted to make this comment higher in the list XP

    2. Lol i returned with my old name :D

    3. snowy claw i am your biggest fan i am macedestiny! will you put me on mailtime?

  2. Ugh. Why is it mostly members? I miss 2010! I wish I could go back three years before to have lot's of non-mem stuff then member ones! I never had membership, and maybe, Never will, I don't live in US, my aunt doesn't understand me saying that she should buy me the Lion gift card, and we don't use are Paypal account!

    I wish some underwater den items were non member and a den for non members too. Can we at least have another den AJ?


    1. What AJHQ want is money. They do memberships to earn profits. They just add membership to an account which is totally free to them and earning a lot of money from this. This is why National Geographic kids made Animal Jam, to earn a profit.

    2. Actually it isn't free. It probably cost a lot of money to use all that stuff to make the virtual world. You need to have a lot of technology which costs money and specail programs too. Also the employees need to be paid. Adding membership effects and everything cost money since they need to pay the employees for creating all the items.

    3. I KNOW RIGHT I MISS BETA TOO! D: 1: is that they only give new stuff to members now its totally not fair! And i"m like Come on Animal jam give the non members some good stuff too! 2: if they would bring back beta everybody would stop hacking and scamming because everything would be for everybody and not for members!3: i don't understand why cant members see that non members are like them? i see non members quit AJ everyday because its not fair anymore. they get scammed and hacked and sometimes made fun of because they have no membership! and its sad to see non members getting picked on D: I Mean like whats going to happen when non members are going to quit? They should at least have: Two Dens, Two pets, Three animals, And better clothing and den items. - kittycat98048

    4. I understand that people want membership. But nobody needs to complain about it. Animal jam does enough for non members like daily jamaaliday gift. If you cant afford membership then you need to save up or yoy just get thirty to fourty seals to jump on the ice in Mt shiveer.

    5. I know that you non members want a membership, but let's face it: You can't just bring back Beta days! They're over. Live with it. Be realistic: Say you were working at the AJ headquarters. You would be working really hard every day coming up with game ideas, animating, fixing glitches, answering questions, making sure nobody is bullying, and just plain getting everything done! You'd want to get paid. You can't deny that. And that's where we members come in! basically, we pay a small amount to get all the features of Animal Jam. The people working at AJ would get paid. They LIVE on the money from membership. And back to where we paid for all this! It's a reasonable amount to pay, honestly. if they bring back beta, my money will be wasted! Animal Jam will probably be sued by angry members everywhere. Live with it. Don't Complain.

    6. Serverus AJ, Smart Bomb made Animal Jam, not NGkids. National Geographic simply sponsors Animal Jam. And yes, Non-members should have more priviledges, along with the option of adopting a cat or a dog, five animal slots, and a monthly gift of a small item you can get for a high price in stores, or an old member item. You know, retire old member items, bring them to nonmembers so that they play AJ, and bring more nonmember animals to them. However, we cannot get beta back, since Animal Jam has many employees to pay and programs to pay for, along with paying for the high-option accounts and all the little ads they have on other sites. So stop protesting about beta and actually ask for a few more member privledges.

    7. I think that animal jam is a little in fair to non members. They don't have as much freedom. Members however, sometimes aren't as kind to non members as they could be. Non members are great as members... Just without membership. Ajhq could put out more non member items tho, I have to say. Also, non members should be able to do the following:

      -type on jama grams
      -be able to purchase underwater dens
      -have access to all animals (except store bought animals.)
      -have more items in stores to be able to purchase
      -be able to change the color of items
      -have more freedom in general.

      If non members got all of those privledges I think that animal jam could be more successful. I see many non members quit, because they feel hey don't have the same freedom as members. Also, non members can't be so sensitive. Their feelings may get hurt sometimes, but I find them heart broken a lot. Even more recently. Sometimes I wish I weren't a member... I want to take a stand towards non members. I want to help them out.

    8. Some members don't appreciate non members; they hate non members and blah blah blah... :(

    9. They don't have that many things to make you want to be a member. Without people with membership there is no animal jam because the memberships are the main source of money for animal jam without it Nimal jam would not be here. Btw, underwater den items are SUPER EXPENSIVE!!! I had one of those dens I only had like 3 or 4 things In it! I have a nonmember account so yea, I totally agree that no members should have more items!!! When I first got on AJ around mid2010 I was a nonmember on my main account (now memb) and it was awesome!!! I thought this was the fairest game EVER with the difference of no members and members because I playing club penguin, ( it is SOOOOO unfair!!! You can't even wear actual clothes if nonmember) Now AJHQ wants more members because of the economy and money so no members don't get as many things so they hopefully become members. If you are thinking of quitting because you are a nonmember and don't get as much just hang around and wait until money is better then it will be like 2010 again! :) BTW, I agree that nonmember a should at least be able to pick between two colors! It is not that much of a deal!
      -Report them
      - complain to AJHQ about some fights starting like that
      - Stand up for yourself and say," You know what, in the real world all men are created equal is part of the constitution! So is animal jam not?!?!?! No members are sometimes the best! Just think, they might now get something's members have but think, members just geta different avatar made by AJHQ with the same amount of care! So stop acting like that and be nice to others." They might start to fight with you but, don't listen!
      That's all I really have I know it doesn't have to do with the post today but... Yea
      Thx, Arctic33 (Arctic wolf, snow leopard, jumping cute fox, prancing sunny girl, teensy cute bunny, and sometimes others!)

    10. I KEEP SAYING THIS BUT can they make a dang inturnet fun raiser like PLEASE!!!


      Who is a non member and want to smack the AJHQ face since there going to do club penguin style again ugh!!!
      Every post is member this member that CAN'T IT BE SOMETHING GOOD NON MEMBER THING!!!!

  3. I'm just wondering how do you get lists of views on your blog? I don't get that much comments and I also don't have time to post sometimes. And no seems to look at it. Can I have some tips?

    1. I tell other people to take a look at my blog and I post every time I can! You can also add random post which is not about AJ or you can also add polls!

  4. I would like to touch on something that is becoming a growing issue. First I asked that snowy not remove this please and second please read the full posting before commenting
    Online And Animal jam dating ? Is it ok or isn't it ?
    Myself have tryed this twice ,
    the first time was a joke
    We just hung out on animal jam together
    Second time how every was totaly different we started off alittle ruff as I had trust issues and I let them know this from the start , after a little fight / break up we both realized what we had and the next almost two months have been perfect until now
    Now little problems are popping up I am big in to sports and most of them take place when we have time to be together, also former / ex partner are starting to come between us
    I know most of you will say its all fake anyways I myself believed that until this
    This is different we text / Share photos / have called a few times this is real
    But problems are starting , as much has both feel for each other I think it's coming to an end

    1. Good luck! I do date on animal jam, and I know how that feels. It's actually happened to me a few times. Even though you do talk on the phone and text and stuff, it would probably be best to break up and be friends. It's you life and your decision, but thats what I would do. It could get worse and if you do actually break up it'll be a lot worse.

    2. Thanks for your option
      I feel we can work though any problems that may occur

    3. My opinion on this is:
      I'm not sure kids and teens under 15 should be online dating at all.

      They should be socializing with people they like in person. Those are the most important years of your life to make lots of awkward mistakes and learn from them. :D Doing that in-game will cost you the carefree fun of being a kid on AJ.

      There should be a place to date, and a place to play. Don't mix the two. Kids need to finish being kids!!

      I am not saying online dating never works for anyone. When you are mature enough it can be great.
      But you have your whole lives ahead of you to try online dating. What is the rush?

    4. AJ dating is not okay...There are 5-year-olds playing AJ, and kids like me, who are bothered by it. ^-^

    5. Well, dating should obviosly be not right on animaljam. Animaljam is not about dating and relations. Its about having fun and meeting friends or making new friends. You shouldn't even ask that kind of question.

    6. I think that online dating is ok. Honestly, sometimes you have no clue who you are caught up with at first. You need to be careful. But I know.. Once you find the special someone;) your life can change... Drastically. :D

      Fooooooooot u know I'm talking bout chu ;)

    7. I think it is fine, people around like 5-6 and younger can't really type. And people who can type and want to do that have the choice to do it themselves. They make the choice and nobody can change what their choice was. Yea, sure I have done it before. IT WAS ALL FAKE AND ALL MY DECISION!!!!! Animal jam is made for people to have fun! Yea, sure it may be weird but in a way it gets you a tiny tiny bit ready for when it really comes in real life in the future. So I am a little bothered by it but it don't like go fight and totally go crazy about things that will happen to me in real life sooner or later. If you need any of advice like this from me I am the user Arctic33, trust me I can help. I have changed someone's mind bout quitting AJ! I can help

    8. THEY CAN because if you can read you can write!!! Think before you type!!! And banned online dating because I keep seeing people saying " GO TO MY DEN IF YOU LIKE ME!!!" Like really teens... THIS IS A KID's GAME YOU CAN'T RUIN THERE FUN!!!


  5. Member items again! But it's cute..

  6. dude this is wrong stop doing sick stuff

  7. I hate these dang adds! I got one about getting a visa card and all state car insurance! Why would kids care about this stuff? (honestly it seems like Snowyclaw is only going to make money off her biggest fans who keep clicking and exiting the add)

    1. That's not true...Snowy just wants a chatroll membership

  8. I gotta question ya'll can answer :3 just for fun

    'If you could wear one item from AJ in real life, and have one den item from AJ in real life, what would they be?'

    My answer: Blue heart locket and Shadow Garden :3

    Now comment below your answers! x3

    1. Hmm... Probably rare cozy shoes and claw machine. I would love to have the claw machine in my room!

    2. Lets see... Claw machine deffenitly and uhhhhh.... SPIKE :P

    3. if i could wear three items from aj i would pick a Black top hat Black spike and a Spiked wrist band X3 don't know why but i just like black XP

    4. I would choose a blue headdress, and I don't know about the den item. Ya, I guess claw machine. (Sorry Anonymous, not trying to copy you.)

    5. Definitely my rare shark fin and my full moon window. XD
      ~kadly5, kady5, and FridayLeon

    6. WHITE WINGS :D (i wanna fly :D) GIANT DOLPHIN PLUSHIE :D (that you can, but my dads to LAZY to buy. (heh, that rymes)


    7. Wooden Floor and Top hat ( Black white and red )

    8. Hmmm... I would want to have mech angel wings... maybe. but what i would REALLY luve to have would be the fantasy castle den!!!! (I know that's not a den item, but i guess it doesn't matter)

    9. Hmm, I guess I would do Tail Armor (for my legs, instead) and Zios mask+ Mira statue. I love Jamaasian culture that much, and I have nothing real gold in the house D:

    10. Umm..... Probably something I can wear to school often so..... Dark blue fox hat and den item would be..... Totally my GIANT HORSE PLUSHIE!!! (I own horses and love them so it matches me :D)

    11. Clothing item I'd want in real life:
      Something crazy and random just for fun, like one of those carousel hats from the carnival, lol.

      Den item I would want in real life: The new epic wonders diamond on display. I'd auction it off and make a ton of money. XD

    12. i would say bow and arrows but i do archery in real life :P um then... my artic hood and den item.... can my den count???? lolz i feel so darn tired american idol is on tonight :DDDDDDD (it is exciton coz i am in aus) happy 1...2... oh yeah 2 days before australia day :D



    14. I would choose my blue fox hat, blue bow and arrow, and the den item? Hmm a claw machine! lol :3 - FFWillard

  9. I am going to buy the jellies and watch the videos as soon as I get online!

  10. I love the jelly fish :P

  11. kittycat98048
    -I wish they would bring back beta days :( they were so much cooler and bigger

    1. Beta was cool ^_^ it really was i liked it but the thing is lost meh beta account .-. darn darn darn i had lots of stuff to D: but i dont care its not all about rares ^_^

    2. @taco
      I lost mine, too....Well, not exactly lost..But I was scammed/hacked of my beta item/items after beta on my original account :(

    3. And I agree...It's not all about rares :P

  12. Yea me too

  13. How many of u know what smack is? :) reply below

    1. Hmm I would guess grope of or a lot of jellys

    2. Lol.. A smack is like... They say a school of fish, a smack is what they call a large group of jellyfish. :)

    3. Yay I was right .. Thanks and hi smarty pants

    4. Ohno all schools and buses cancelled .. We're in a extrem deep frezzzzzzz -47c -52f

    5. Awesome :)
      A large group of jelly fish us called a smack
      Which sounds funny :D

    6. That does sound funny

    7. Know what really sounds funny? Smack the jellyfishes. XD


    8. OMG My schools power went out!

    9. It's scary when it's passing period.. And the power goes out.. Then your ramming into people in the crowded halls :D lol it's happened

    10. It was passing period for me and we only have five minutes and the power went out and it was completely dark, like impossible to see clearly and I had to get across the school. It's not my fault I keep bumping into people and I was born with walking fast so I kept like bouncing off backpacks lol

    11. chu714 who quit her blogJanuary 23, 2013 at 10:37 PM

      Yesterday my school didn't have Internet and nobody could call them or call someone else and the computers were down, so we couldn't take book quizzes or check out books. :(

    12. Lol my school power goes out all the time but the most scary power out was when it was rainy day we had math class it was pitch black and then THUNDER the girl next to me got really scared and hugged me XD

    13. Wow mines not i want it too even know it will make the day quick and i like the dark LOL

  14. today is my birthday yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!! soeey if that was spam ~zipper787

    1. Mine too. Happy birthday to us! :D
      Except I have to go to the dentist.... UGH D:

    2. Happy Birthday Cece and Zipper! *throws confetti in the air*

    3. Thank you :) Me and my step-brother are fighting on how many cupcakes we get while my step mom says she'll hide them so we can only eat one. lol

    4. Good luck with cupcakes! Sounds soo good. Lol I would rather cookies lol.. Just my preference.

    5. Oh.. Sorry about that. I meant to also put:

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Have an amazing day! :D

  15. No, it is not spam. I will try to send you a gift after school.

  16. Atention non-members: Tgis has ben mentioned before, its not fair if non-members and members are equal, becase some people PAID REAL MONEY FOR IT. I agree, its not faor to NM,but AJHQ needs money. I'm not sure if its true, but my dad said it cost alost a MILLION dollars to have a public website, AND its cost $1,500 to get the game createing program. Plus, its cost $400 to make it world wide. Plus paying workers, ect.

    1. WOW! I knew the money was high...but not that high! I get why they have membership, and I knew it before.....AJ doesn't just want to give more to certain players, they just need money to RUN THEIR SITE. Or else there will be no AJ...But they wouldn't let that happen :)

  17. The smack of jellyfish is cute! :)
    I rarely ever use my underwater den, but I might buy one of this item just to see what it looks like. ^_^

    1. Omg my cat is so cute he has a flat face and looks like he ran into a brick wall

  18. Hey all! You can ask me anything about Animal Jam in my blog, just go to this link:
    Thanks! You can also vote the poll!

  19. Snowy!!! The Beard and Hat and reindeer antlers are gone!

    1. That makes sense.....It's about time they left...I'm sad the Jamaalidays are leaving though...But I cant wait till the greenery comes back! ツ

    2. Yea. Summer time, come! It's freezing! Literally...

    3. Not for me..... Today was 81 I get hot easily so that was burning... So excited for it to hit 100... :(

    4. ... Are you inTexas? That's what it's like where I am...

  20. i rlly want freedom wings. i know aj isn't about rares. but i REALLY want freedom wings. i offer: mummy glove, 2 rares and anything else rare i can find. would anybody be kind enough to accept that? im thinking of quitting... ppl sat on me because i went to a beta trading party and wasen't rare..

  21. they should really do a shop which a sertan animal can only acces to wear the clothes that is in there i wannt AJHQ to do that


    1. All ideas are great, but that would zap the idea of Animal Jam being fair enough to nonmembers to let them go anywhere except the horse party, since some would be members-only. Great idea, but if they did this, they should add more free animal slots and only make shops for nonmember animals. I hope you consider that exactly what you said may be unfair, I am truly sorry if I hurt your feelings.
      And those people who sat on you because you weren't rare must have been jerks. Just avoid any unoffical trading parties, and try to get more rares.

    2. Yeah people are just jerks these days -_- well, the nice people are on this blog.

  22. the jelly fish are adorable! I don't feel like commenting... so... yeah. ... ... bored.........

    1. Also, to the several people yesterday or whenever it was, I wasn't referring to anonymous. I was referring to the group of... weirdos that formed the group Anonymous. You know? The guys that cuss? So... yeah. I know I was anonymous once, but I wasn't apart of that group.


    3. Where did u get Indians from? .-.

  23. The jellyfish are cute. :3 But, I don't have/use underwater dens. o3o I saw some people in Jamaa Township protesting against memberships because AJ isn't really fair to non members. I agree that non members should maybe have a few more privileges, but AJ HQ needs to make some money from memberships, or they couldn't afford to run the game.

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  25. You jelly of my fishies? X3

    1. Lol..

      Imma smack some jelly on meh fish! ... Wait I think that came out wrong.. I ain't gonna hurt da fish.. Maybe I will.. I dunno. I can't be trusted when it comes to smacking things.. Or jelly :D

  26. dear snowyclaw
    i have something i want you to do.Its almost my birthday on Feb. 13 2013! if!!and i was wondering if you can post that its my birthday?if you cant....well its alright.its all i wanted for my birthday...(i am turning 10)

    hope you saw this comment!!



    1. Hey, we could be sisters. My birthday is feburary 10. I wanted to ask too because this year will be the worst bday ever. I will get 15 euros (yes I am in Europe) and then I can pick something. To my brothers birthday I sent him my rare headdress. It turns out that he does not have anything that good to send me. I hope you see this comment but I know that this blog is about animaljam and not birthdays. : (. Anyways, I will be turning 11 this year.

  27. I have looked at a lot of animal jam blogs, but none are like yours!!!! This is the best animal jam blog by far! There are new posts everyday! :)

    1. I have a blog, you might have seen it, I am just so busy for it because I have school and I get home at four from it and I am so busy!! Snowy's blog is awesome!!!!

  28. Hello, this is pretty much the same thing I commented about yesterday. If you haven't seen my comment, or you're not sure what I'm talking about let me explain! (I won't stop posting comments like this until my friend is happier)

    My friend has created a blog and she's very upset that no one is reading it! She thinks no one likes her because of it too, and I KNOW this isn't true!
    In conclusion, please check out her blog!! Snowy, please, please, please post about her blog too!

    I hope you help out!! <3 <3
    ~w3213 :')

    1. What blog is it? Can you post a link, please?

  29. Please check out my blog. AJ Cookiez! We are looking to get 2000 views in order to earn a blogging party to celebrate! If you would like to help out.. You can check out the blog, comment, and even become an author! Thank you! Hope to see you round AJC soon!

  30. hi guys dragonite3679 looks like a snowyclaw imposter

  31. im so tired of the scammmers because of them my worn is gone im not rare anymore

  32. Hey guys back with my old username Kerriecat also my user happy to be back :) also i want the smake of jellyfish but i mostly use my land den D:

    Pawesome! Oh, and by the way, anyone who wants to learn more about Jellyfish, visit Tierney's Aquarium and click on the Jellyfish tank to learn some interesting facts! :D

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw