Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birds of Paradise

Click here for the full Jamaa Journal!

Hey jammers! So much new things to see in this exciting pre-raccoon update. Let's start with the new item today, the returning rare . . . the Heart Antennae Headband!
 It is available on the first page of Jam Mart Furniture. On the topic of Friendship Festival items, it looks like they are on seasonal clearance. Click here to see all the items in stores.
With this update AJHQ's focus is the new Paradise Party, Birds of Paradise, and their Journey Book pages.

Click here to see the post about the party, and click here to see the guide to all the birds on the Journey Page.
This is National Geographic's 125 year anniversary, there are banners displaying their celebratory video around Jamaa.
Raccoons will likely come within the next update or so. And don't forget maybe-members, pet tigers are this month only.
The results of the Best Buddy contest are up in the Jammer Central art gallery, be sure to go check out the winning entires.
 Cosmo's hat contest winner will be announced next update!
And here is this update's calendar and double gems.
Finally, here are AJHQ posts on the Daily Explorer.
That's about all I have for the update jammers, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!