Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hat and Curly Wig

Hey jammers! Today's gift is normally a St. Paty's one, but eh, I don't think anyone's complaining! The Hat and Curly Wig.
 Not the most popular rare, but at least it's nonmember and not too expensive. Meanwhile, AJHQ has a new post on DE.
Good luck with writing your articles everyone, here are a few research sources that I would recommend.
Cornell is always a good resource for bird research! National Geographic is an amazing source too, just click the image.
I also recommend this movie that I watched a little while back, Birds of the Gods, my Nature (a PBS program).

If that link doesn't work, PBS has a really cool app (in the App Store) that has selections from many of their programs. Have fun learning about Birds of Paradise, see you around Jamaa!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!