Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Salon Chair

Click here to enter a free membership giveaway!
Be sure to comment on the video every day to increase your chances of winning!

Hey jammers! On the topic of the membership giveaway again. >.< I have to do it on the YouTube channel because of blogger comments: my computer won't load after the 200th for each post! If only I could find a decent comment system that didn't require email! Gah...

Also, I have some bad news that will delay more videos. AJHQ has decided that I have broken Animal Jam rules in some way...
AJHQ, if you happen to stop by, I'm sorry if I broke any rules, but I'm very careful with personal information, and I really don't think I've broken any rules regarding that subject in any way.
 Please, if you have the time, would you send a little vouch of confidence to AJHQ? Maybe if they heard a little more about me? I just feel really betrayed right now. Anywho, here is today's new item, the Salon Chair, on the first page of Jam Mart Furniture.

Now, the new item!

Look at some of these wacky lion clothing glitches some jammers have spotted recently! I wonder why lions are such an issue...
Sent in by NebulaNight.
Strange void glitches with goggles and bows, hmm...
Sent in by InternationalCoats.
Here is AJHQ's most recent post on the Daily Explorer!
I'm sorry, I've failed again at uploading a Monday Mystery video. I'll try and post one after school tomorrow. Here's a sample of my normal schedule - wake up, school, home, homework, sports, homework, AJ post (if I'm lucky), study until fall asleep. It's a very tiring cycle. Thanks for understanding everyone, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!