Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Watermelons + Bots

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Hey jammers! Well, one thing's for sure. Summer's on its way! How do I know? Watermelons, the summeriest of all fruits, the picnic necessity, have arrived to the Jam Mart Furniture shop!
 Now, for a random side topic, since I don't have anything else to talk about today. ^.^ Cometcatcher109 sent in this picture of a panda in Falling Phantoms wearing an unreleased item... Hmm...
Well that, my friends, is what I refer to as a "bot." These animals are computer programed, randomly generated to help fill in games that don't have enough jammers. They are run by the computer, or what you could call "instinct" I guess, so sometimes it's good to pay attention to how they're moving around the game!

How do you recognized a bot? Look for animals that appear in the game last second, who are wearing random colors that don't really go with each other, are using eyes that don't look normal, and, of course, some will be wearing items in colors that have not yet been released! Hopefully you learned a bit about these mysterious bots. ^.^
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!