
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Play-As-Your-Pet Party

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Hey jammers! Pawsome little update today. The new, returning item is the Turkey Hat, which is being sold in Jam Mart Clothing.

The focus of this update is the new party, "Play-as-Your-Pet Party."
 What a great idea, AJHQ! And hey, I think I see my owl in the back there. ^.^ Be sure to check out the new area, everyone!

And AJHQ is coming out wiht a new elemental armor.
 The Ice Armor Set! Looks pretty epic. The Deer, as we suspected, is on its way to Jamaa, and Animal Jam just came out with an awesome adventure animation video – be sure to watch it in the Journal!
 Daily Jamaaliday gifts will be starting once again, and double gems is still here, be sure to use it while you can!
 This game looks pretty exciting, I can't wait to see it!
 We have new artwork on the Daily Explorer...
 And a Pet Party exclusive, be sure to stop by!
Happy jamming, everyone. Enjoy the update!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. first and what do u do at the party?

    1. Congrats! :P

      It's such a cute party. Everyone looks like an adorable little pet. No one talks much at that party, or trades much there. Everyone is unusually quiet. I think because no one is used to using their pet as an avatar yet. I dunno. The itty-bitty furniture is cute. I bought some. I think full-size bunnies can fit in the mini armchairs almost as well as the pets. :P

    2. I haven't been to the party, but I'm going as my hummingbird. I want to see the secret sky shop!

    3. Congrats! You get to be your pet at the party! It's really neat-there are little matchbox stands and lego castles... Eeeeee!

    4. The party is really fun! You get to see your pets perspective of a little area. The secret shop is pretty cool! (I only know about the secret shop because my friend e-mailed me a picture of it) They even have LEGO castle-like things! I went as a hamster. You can dance and do actions like you can with your regular Jamaa animal! I give this party a ☻ and 10 out of 5 stars :D
      ~Warriorcats0987- Live Love Laugh Sing

    5. ughghghgg when will she post a thing for today!

  2. Secomd! :P

    I think it will be cool playing as your pet, like you will know how is their day! Also, hope Deers come quickly :D

    Jam On and Play Wild, dudes!

    1. Congrats, dude!

      P.S. reply with what you are thankful for at your school.
      I'm thankful for my amazing friends and teachers
      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

  3. Nice post! ^-^
    Also, I was in that party already, you BE your pet ^o^ It is so fun :D
    Also the deer will come next update! :3
    Hope I helped!

    1. Darn it, I won't have enough diamonds, if it turns out to be a diamond animal. Let's hope it's just a gem animal...

    2. I can't wait for deer! I love them! They're so tall, graceful... majestic!

  4. 3rd comment! :3
    Hmm I don't get the "play as your pet" party... If for example you have a pet fox then you be a fox?? >.< and I'm so glad jamiholiday gifts are coming back! I need to get rid of my Christmas stuff! XD

    1. Oops I mean 4th lol I took too long to write my comment!

    2. Congrats!

      Pets, I think some aren't very creative, but still pretty neat! I think as them as a little friend that follows your animal around...

    3. Exactly! If you have a fox, you get to be that fox at the party. The party is just as it sounds "play-as-your-pet" literally means you get to "play as your pet"

  5. :D I'm glad that my school changed the date of the last day of school :3 I can start playing on the 27th! ♥ my parents are very strict about playing the computer on weekdays.

    1. My parents aren't that strict... because they don't really watch what I do lol
      I can just say I'm doing my homework and have aj open in another tab... I'm evil XD

    2. OMG shadow! we are so much alike i do the same thing!


    3. I wake up and play AJ in the morning on weekends!

    4. @ShadowCharizard AND @Nebula Night
      That's what I do! I type things while I read AJS and other blogs. I wake up at 6:30 my time on weekends to play AJ and if I have time before leaving the house at 7:25 on weekdays I will play AJ

  6. 4th! omg that party will be soooo much fun and omg i commeneted before shadow!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. OMZ!!! I WANT TO BE AN OWL!!!!! I want to go to that new party soooo bad. I cant play till 5:00 my time. :( Anyway, the armor looks like feathers.

    1. Yeah, I can tell you want to be an owl by your name, lol

    2. I take it that owls are your favortie animal?
      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

  9. Hmm... Oh wait...

    First armour: Phoenix Armour (Fire)

    Second armour: Wind Armour

    Third armour: Ice Armour

    Interesting... So, i bet the fourth armour will be an Earth Armour / Rock Armour! :P

    ...Or something like that...

    1. Don't forget the scorpion armor! ^.^ Well, it's the only armor that costs gems.

      I barely use complete armor on my animals so I won't buy armor anymore. It's a great idea if I need to save diamonds in case the deer will cost diamonds. My guess will be for gems because no gem animal that early can come to Jamaa....


    2. I want Phantom and Alpha armor to be sold.

    3. And Elf Armor, and Spartan Armor, and some Knight Armor

    4. Hehe, i was talking about the "elemental" armours, not "gem-bought" armours, altought Spirit Armor isn't a "gem-bought" armor...

    5. Yes, it follows the original 4 elements! Phoenix is fire, ice is water, and wind is air! Now we need some armor for earth...

    6. Plant. Cold. Lightning. Metal. Dark. Light... these are some good main elements they should use.

      Hey, does anyone know if you also get 10 diamonds with the ice armor? I'm planning to go to target this weekend...

    7. I like the diamond shop ,but I wish that naimals could be non member for GEMS!!!!!
      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

    8. I hope they make another elemental armor and with the gift card thing, do you get 10 diamonds with the ice armor?

    9. Hey Cold,

      FYI you can get 10 diamonds in the gift doesn't matter which one you pick there all the same

  10. 5th (claimed) comment! XD

    OMZ! I really want that Ice ARmor! It's awesome! :D


    1. I love the ice armor! It's so icicle-y! o3o

    2. I want it too! It looks so... majestic!

  11. I like this update, and I'm quite pleased we still get a half month left of double gem awesomeness. :D

    On a side note, I got the ice armor today. :3 It looks kinda freaky on kangaroos... XD

    1. Take advantage pf the gem bonus, AJHQ's giving every jammer a free chance to earn thousands, maybe even millions of gems!

    2. Almost done. I have so many gems I dont know what to do with them all!! I wish I where a member cause then I could by colored items for poor or new jammers. I won't tell you how many, i don't want to brag. But if you really want to know, just ask.

    3. @Ronen, Ikr?

      @Owlzzz, I am a gem hoarder too. So I won't be offended if u brag. xD How many you got?

    4. I saw a raccoon wearing the ice armor, it was veeery shiny!

    5. I saw the armor on an arctic wolf. It does have an animation that the armor shines. I would love that armor! But I would trade instead buying. XD


    6. i have some ice armor up 4 trade

      ~ hxxx (not my real user)

    7. Ok,Manxylion, i have about 100,000 gems. no need for gift card!

    8. I saw some on an arctic wolf this morning!

  12. And also for u rare collectors, headdresses are NOT returning

    1. I doubt it also. AJHQ has apparently figured out what the jammers want instead of assuming what they want, so if enough jammers don't want headdresses to return, i don't think they will.

    2. Why?!?
      URGH. I want a headdress. Maybe they can make new colors at the diamond shop...

    3. Well, headdresses were for sale 3 years ago, so were pilgrim hats. I think they're returning.

  13. I forgot about the update. Well I know what I'm doing after school XD

    1. I think we all know what we WANT to do after school, haha.

  14. Hello, everybody. AJ is happy to introduce a new concept. Introducing Animal Jam Pro.
    Animal Jam Pro is a new, members-only fun way to connect and have fun. Membership to AJ Pro is premium, so memberships start at $75.00 a month. Once you begin playing, you will be able to access your "Jam Messenger", a new, fun way to Jam-a-gram. It's like texting, only with Animal Jam touches. Jamaa will be much bigger with expanded land. With lands from the bustling Jamaa Central to modern downtown, there's a place for every jammer to have fun! The chat is also expanded, so all ages have freedom of speech. Dens have also changed. You can customize and build however you want. We've heard the problems of scamming and AJ-Pro has fixed that! We now have introduced the Scammer Cop concept. Scammer Cop is something you can install to your account to protect yourself from scammers and trades. Don't understand? Here's how it works! Install it for an extra $50.00 and our best moderators will check to find scammers or attempted scammers and BAN THEM! Adventures are also more competative. And tired of strangers or even buddies entering your den? We also introduced Den Cop! Den Cop is a way to choose who to allow in your den. You can choose everybody, buddies and buddies of buddies, buddies, or just yourself. You will love AJ-Pro! Get started February 2014!

    *AJ-Pro may be unsafe for children under the age of 8. Prices for membership will vary time to time and cheapest rates are during holiday seasons. Land features may change time to time. AJ-Pro can't control scammers, hackers, and child predators and is also not a real thing.*

    1. This a funny ad Anonymous :D I imagine if AJHQ actually released an update about this. Animal Jam Headquarters already does enough to keep every jammer safe though. Plus, all jammers already have freedom of speech, just different forms of speech.

    2. I can't tell if it's a jammer trying to be funny or if this is one of those Anons again.....

    3. ._. liar liar. stahp spamming us please.

    4. Lol, if it weren't for the hefty cost, Animal Jam pro would sound really awesome....

      I do wish more older people played too.

    5. @Manxylion Just you wait until the child molesters roll in

    6. They don't scare me. As long as I don't share any info about where I live or give them my facebook info, there is 0 chance they'll find anything out about me through a game. Also I can block them.
      Anyway, all parents should teach their kids not to share personal info, and teach them to just leave when a stranger makes them uncomfortable.


    8. XD
      Anyone can make their tag lead to a website on the name/url option. Funny ad, lol.



    10. Lol guys, you do realize it says "... and is also not a real thing" right? Just pointing it out.


    11. ^ Of course. We were just speaking hypothetically. Geeze. :P

    12. Funny Animal Jam parody! What if AJ was insane?

    13. Oh my GOSH that is hilarious I totally coughed up my soda when I read that x3

    14. @Manxy,
      I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean it in an offensive way at all ;-;


  15. ERMG I NEEDA ICE ARMOR! My membership running out soon, so I'm sure to get it! :D

    1. My membership ran out months ago. Hopefully I'll get the card next month.

    2. I don't need it... I don't need it... I don't need it... I don't need it... I don't need it... I don't need it... I definitely don't need it...


      I NEED IT!!!


    3. My membership ran out and my target is having a sale so I might save for one

  16. I like the party! I'm so excited!!! I'm going to Catching Fire tonight with my friends :D

    ~ dooda123

    1. LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I love the pet party so muuuuch!! The items are so cute and mini!! I LOVE MINI STUFF!!!

    3. Cool! I love to curl up with friends and watch a cool new movie.

    4. My school did a 1 day early pre screening of the movie and I LOVED it! They did a good job comparing the movie and the book cuz they were so similar! also, please follow and comment on my blog at

      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

  17. I reallllly want that ice armor, I hope my dad gets me membership for the jamaalidays! o3o
    hehehe if he doesn't Imma annoy him 'till he does.... mwahaha

    1. lol i have the full set up 4 trade and i dont want it

      ~ hxxx (not mah really user)

    2. I'm going to do chores and save up coins I find lying on the floor!

  18. LONG STORY SHORT CANT COMMENT BECAUSE IM GROUNDED + I HAVE TO RAISE UP MY GRADES! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I RETURN ON MY DAILY COMMENT BASIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. Whats with the caps?

    2. maybe because shes grounded , her computer had caps on and she was to much of a hurry to turn it off?

  19. i got a plaque yesterday from ajhq cuz that drawing with the tree and the blue backround is mine! :D im so happy!!!

    1. Congratulations! My art has appeared in Jammer Central twice.

  20. Replies
    1. Haha! There is no last comment! People are always commenting! ;)

  21. Please be fore gems! @anonymous, um "last comment" can really never happen on any blog... more comments add on.
    Deer: please be for gems! 1st reason: so I can get that AWESOME ice armor! 2nd reason: So I don't have to wait.

    1. I hope they are for gems! Diamonds are getting sorta annoying. :L

  22. Hey everybody:D
    So this has nothing to do with Animal Jam, but yesterday, on the 21st of November (I hate how timezones are all messed up), I was really depressed for two reasons: One, apparently my best friend thinks I'm annoying, and two, because on the next day, it would have been EXACTLY 8 years since the death of my father. I was crying while waiting at the dropoff zone for Mum to pick me up, and I'd had a rubbish day. My friends got me to say what exactly was going on, though I didn't say the first reason I was sad, and they were sympathetic.
    The next day, I come to band and basically chill in the corner on my Trumpet. Then, after packing up and all that, I come out of the music block to find a ton of my friends waiting for me to come out! Apparently the friend that supposedly found me annoying had told about the whole class about why I was so sad yesterday, so they got together literally overnight to make a card for me! You wouldn't have believed the smile on my face when I saw. Since I woulda been only 3, I only have 3 memories of my father and I was replaying them over and over the night before, and I wanted to stay home and mourn. Yes, I still thought about Dad 24/7 that day but it made me realize how much I was really loved. I never really met my Dad, but my Mum's a great woman and she wouldn't have married a meanie. I hope he's proud of me.
    Just never forget, no matter how isolated you feel, remember your friends are always there for you to make you smile and feel better. I know my friends aren't reading this, but I'm still gonna say this: I love you guys :D
    And to Dad: I only hope I can make you proud. I wish I could've known you better. But the three memories I have of you will remain with me always. May you rest in peace with our father in heaven. I love you Dad.

    Sorry this has nothing to do with AJ, I just needed to rant. :)


    1. Aww. That's so sad. I had a grandfather that I never met and he died before I was born. :(


    2. Aww :( I had a step grandfather that passed away a few years ago..

    3. Same with me, Krazy, but he lived in Western Australia whereas I live on the East Coast and we hardly ever visit there AND he was on Dad's side of the family too, so I guess I never had any particular ties with him... I was devastated when his wife, my grandma, died though. She was great.


      sorry... lol

      I'm sure your father was a great man. May he rest in peace ♥

    5. My grandfather died of Alzheimer's a week after my baby brother, Rory, was born. May he rest in peace...

    6. I'm so sorry mimkid! I understand how you feel I know this isn't the same, but my cat died when I was very young and I only have a few memories of him, but one that stands out in my mind is crying when we had to take him away.

    7. awww, glad your friends made you happy though! i kind of was sad for a while cuz my bff's little sis passed away.. she was only 9! :c but things like that happen and you just need to live your life. anyway, you play trumpet! thats awesome i do to XD

  23. The update is awesome! Yesterday I was at the party two times! And also, today we might go food shopping and I will try to find an AJ gift card to get the ice armor!

    1. It's one of my favorite updates! I think I'm going to save up some of my money, maybe I can convince Mom to give me allowances for doing chores again... Hee hee...

  24. awesome update also can't wait for thanksgiving

    ~member of team crafted

    1. I can't either! Also, what's Team Crafted? Is it a Minecraft thing? I love Minecraft!

  25. grrr i cant get on tomorrow cuz im going to California hey! well really if i cant get on aj while im there...their better not be a weding...

    1. You're quite lucky to go to California!

    2. Ima Cali gurl too XD


    3. I love california

      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

  26. Hey guys, I know I quit commenting, but I'm just coming back for a viisit :)

    Anyway, the party is so adorbs! I love it! I'm pretty sure that's gonna boost the population of pets. Cuz no offense to anyone, but I felt like pets were kinda pointless cuz there wasn't much to do with them. But now that there's this party, they don't seem as pointless anymore! ^.^

    Unrelated to the topic, I'm excited because my school drama club is going to perform a flash mob to "What does the fox say" lol. I actually like that song. Really, I do. But of course we have to wait all the way until January :P

    1. Welcome back!

      It's true, pets aren't very efficient. But with this new party, it's so much fun! I've only imagined playing as your pets! I'm sure it'll go big on the Warriors fans.

      Also, you're doing a flash mob? You're super lucky! What does the fox say?

    2. OMG! I think we go to the same school! My school is doing that, too!

    3. What grade are you in? I think I know you 0-0

      Is it a read a thon flash mob? If so I think we go to the same school lol

    4. What grade are you in? I think I know you 0-0

      Is it a read a thon flash mob? If so I think we go to the same school lol

    5. Well first of all I'm in 8th grade. I'm not gonna say what school I go to, but it's a Catholic school and we're doing the flash mob for Catholic Schools Week.

      Second. It's not a read a thon flash mob lol. It's just a regular one to "What does the fox say" :)

    6. cool! During my study hall everyone usually flash mobs each other! We have done "Thriller" "Macarena" and "Happy Birthday" for my writing teacher. We had a spellathon and did flash mobs with our own raps and chants. At my school dance we did a "What Does The Fox Say" mob and another "Macarena" with girls vs. boys. Girls won(obviously, no offense to boys though) let's just say my school is a bit cuckoo.

      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Lsugh Sing

    7. Ok lol I thought maybe we go to the same school since of the what does the fox say flash mob! lol

    8. That would be cool if we did! I wish blogger had a private message feature so I could tell my school without weidos looking at this comment

  27. Hello, jammers. We would like to tell you about our new website launching January 2014!

    Animal Jam Pro is a new website available for all jammers January 2014! We have heard your complaints about non-members not getting enough freedom, so we have made our site members-only. To join, you must pay. Rates vary, and the cheapest price is usually during holiday seasons. The averge rate would be $50.00. Once you join, you can build your den. The den can be whatever you wish. Then you can explore and make new friends. Instead of Jam-a-grams, we put in modern ways of communication into our game. You will use the "Jam Messenger", a new tool designed like texting to communicate and send gifts to your buddies. There are plenty of lands to explore. There's busy and bustling Jamaa Central, Downtown Jamaa that has that modern taste, The West, the wild side of Jamaa, and much more. Most of the other lands will remain. We have also added in retail stores like Walmart, Target, Toys R Us, Best Buy, and more. Restaurants include McDonald's, Subway, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Olive Garden, Applebees, and a whole lot more. Adventures are harder, graphic, and challenging. Scammers can be banned for life if you download Scammer Cop (for an extra $65.00) and you can have more privacy control with Den Cop (for an additional $90.00). In addition to your Jam Messenger, we introduced the Pawphone. The Pawphone can play games, chat, search the web, play music, look at sites like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. and more. You will love AJ-Pro. Our motto is: You have fun, We get your money.

    *Warning: AJ-Pro may be graphic for small children. Prices vary time to time. Additional charges may apply. AJ-Pro can not stop scammers and bullies from registering and if you experience deppresion from being scammed or bullied, go see a doctor right away. All membership money will be kept by Animal Jam's parent company SmartBomb Interactive. Game features may vary time to time. AJ-Pro can not guarantee this game is completely safe and is also not a real thing.*

    1. I wouldn't be surprised it aj did this, if they did it would be insane.

    2. Animal Jam Headquarters has gone insane! :o

    3. Yeah right. Who's gonna spend that much money on a virtual game? Seriously people. I can obviously see that this is written by some random person because of some spelling errors. No offense, but I think this is untrue.


    4. IKR ipod1m :D!!!! I especially don't like how they only added the gross fake food restaurants like Mcdonalds.... YUCK! I'm never going to play that, definetly not fo $50.00!!!!!!

    5. Animal Jam HeadquartersNovember 23, 2013 at 8:01 AM

      Seen the bottom? Lol, you got trolled.

    6. lol the fake AJ ads are SO FUNNY!

      @iPod1m could you buddy me? I saw your blog :3

    7. ummmm if AJHQ did that I would scream

    8. As much as this is funny, I wish ppl would stop spamming snowy's wonderful blog

      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

    9. this is not real. really? go see a doctor right away if you get depression from being scammed? =-= really.

      plus national geographic isnt greedy they wouldnt agree to that.

    10. See that stick here? Go catch it and suck it. I don't approve scammers - go away

  28. trolololololololololollolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololloloolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo:3lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololollollololololololololololololololololololololoololololololololoololololooollolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol0ollollololololololololololololololoololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololol

  29. The ice armor is only obtainable in membership cards till Dec. 31.

  30. something very bad happened i traded rare bows for rocking horse he accepted but i did not get the rocking horse and he got the bows now am left with nothing the same thing happened to my sis my usernam is "fdhdjftf"

  31. My friend got the armor and it shimmers and shines! It's absolutely beautiful and majestic!

    1. Urgh... the ice armor makes me SOO jealous.
      "valued at 9 diamonds" Will it come to the diamond shop?

    2. I hope
      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

  32. Has anyone seen the brand new ANIMAL SLOTS? I have been waiting for this! :D

    1. Yep, I just noticed them. The bad thing is I wanted more pet slots. >.<

    2. I wanted more den item and clothing item slots. >.<


  33. I'm a little dissappointed around this time of year... like EVERY game just celebrates Christmas, but not Hannukka. :(
    Couldn't there be a christmas tree AND a menorah (candle holder)? I dont celebate Christmas and I sort of think its unfair...

    1. My neighbors celebrate Hanukkah. Maybe you could send a suggestion to AJHQ about that.

  34. Hi people! Would you guys mind checking out my blog? I work hard to post at least once every 2 days I am working on the book blog I have, but it's really hard to. the link is

  35. hey im only back for a teeny bit because i got allowed on here FOR A BIT! but anyway, im sorry that you guys miss me, i really do wish i could comment here, i could give out my sugar and happiness, but im depressed because of my grounding. i hope you guys have fun without me, im not going to like go to heaven, but this is too touching and depressing. honestly, i wish i could live at AJS, but as of the laws of physics say i can't.. phisically impossible and my atoms would split and you know what would happen.. but anyway, please always remember my presence for i may not always be here in the future, i might get assassinated or poisioned or something tragic might happen.. im sorry i wish i could honestly stay here and talk..i suppose i might just either never play or study.. i honestly don't know when i will ever come back.. goodbye and always remember me, even if it kills you to..
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. Aww! Will you still be on AJ sometimes? - xXRobinHoodXx

    2. @ RobinHood- yes, but only for maybe about 2 hours or so...

    3. nuuuu kiki please stay! D:

      ~Warriorcats0987-Live Love Laugh Sing

    4. @ everyone who thinks im dead - everyone i am not dead i am just grounded you can read it in my comment .-.
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  36. why didnt you post?

  37. Omg is this awesome or what?

  38. I HATE scmmers one tried to get my antlers. I want ice armor badly OH and I want headdress lol random _cat10091

  39. plz go to this blog thanks that is my web page blog i'm malenock by the way


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw