
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Undersea Goggles

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Hey jammers! Today's returning items are the underwater Goggles, sold in Bahari Bargains. Perfect for any outfit!

Speaking of outfits, here is your clothing-tip-of-the-day: keep it simple! Sometimes the neatest outfits are the simplest ones. As a challenge, try wearing only one piece of clothing on your animal, and then choose matching colors.

See what you can come up with! Next... There is a new gem code, SHADOWS, announced through Nat Geo Kids magazine!

Go try it out! And a jamtastic jammer sent in the fun renovation underway in the Trading Party. All sorts of new items!
 Be sure to mention your username when you send in pictures!
 Good to know AJHQ likes to redecorate once and a while! Now for written Wednesday, I had something I wanted to ask... What do you think about Animal Jam only celebrating American holidays? Is it fair, since they're centered in the United States, or do you think they should branch out to more international celebrations?
If so, which ones? Happy jamming, everyone!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A wonderfully made music video from Starsweeper!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link at


  1. Aaaaaah thank you so much for featuring my music video! ;A; It really made my day, it's great to know that you liked it! I really appreciate it <33

    1. Congrats about your music vid and congrats on first :)

    2. Congrats!! *Throws random confetti and gives 3 mini cup-cakes!!!*

    3. Awesome music video!

    4. Congrats on your first comment, and great music video! o3o

    5. Congats!

      Member of team crafted

    6. Cool vid I wish my parents would let ME make music bids. U so lucky. -yav5

  2. Replies
    1. Congrats!! *Throws random confetti and gives 3 mini cup-cakes!!!*

  3. Replies
    1. Now. for my REAL comment! I think the Music Vid. was GREAT!! I think it is kinda fair that they did U.S. festivals.. although they could add these -
      > World Environment Day
      > World Health Day
      Ya.. thats it XD!!


    3. I hope the deer come out later. I am not prepared.
      *looks at empty wallet*

    4. Hey, lpsblu! Long time no see! Me too I'm excited for the new animal!

      Shadow, I know you're broke on diamonds, but when it's there earlier, it makes it very exciting and less boring for most Jammers who have been waiting for the new animal for a while. I'm bored and I want the new animal to come out because it might be the main part of the next update which is tomorrow. I'll be my deer WITHOUT changing into another animal for almost one whole week. It's ok Shadow. You'll get one soon!


    5. I have like 1 diamond. I am never going to get the deer. If u search me u can see what I spend my diamonds on. My user is yav5.

  4. 4th or 5th comment! :D

    I just logged in but I forgot to use the new code! XD

    1. Congrats!! *Throws random confetti and gives 3 mini cup-cakes!!!*

    2. D'aw I hate it when that happens.
      Then you have to log out and log back in and restart the whole laggy process. Ugh. >.<
      It's happened to me too many times.

  5. I think they should influence the holidays that have the roots of some of the cultures blended in Jamaa. The Temple of Zios is like India, so why not have... an elephant parade?

    1. oohh in that case mt. shiver should be sibiria or russia.... thats where I'm from, and they could celebrate men and women's day and or old new year!

    2. No. Acctually nebula, Temple of Zios is more like the AZTECS! Look at Zios's mask and the Aztec mask.. pretty similar. I live in India.. so I would know! But good guess. I would say the elephant is pretty Indian style!

    3. YES! I watched the emperors new grove the other day, and all the temples and stuff looked like Zios! Weird, but kinda cool.

    4. I love Emperor's New Groove. X3
      But an elephant parade would be EPIC! They could even sell an elephant themed den there o3o

  6. I think they should add more holidays that are similar to other international celebrations because there are peeps who don't know Christmas or don't celebrate 4th of July. And the Jamaalidays and Freedom Day are both just like Christmas and 4th of July. I think they should put a few more holidays in AJ that are actually similar to the real holidays. Not sure what but I think the US should research countries and find their celebrations and put them in AJ some time. ^.^


    1. But there are other holidays such as Hanukkah that fall around the Jamaalidays time of year. That's why they don't call it Jamaa-mas or something, it is based off of the word holidays.

  7. Hey peeps! Today is an exciting day because...... it is the day before the update! Isn't it pawsome! What do you think will be released tomorrow? The new animal? A new Adventure? A Feast of Thanks party? What do you think? I think the new animal and the Feast of Thanks celebrations will come. Not sure about a new adventure, but it'll be great, too!


    1. I hope that they will ''place'' the new animal. Because i am in 3 days non member. I hope it is a non member animal.

    2. I can't wait for the Feast of Thanks! I've never been in one before... .-.

  8. I love your outfit snowy! I think AJ should branch out to more regions. I know some jammers in Canada and Ireland. They should celebrate more in my opinion.
    ~Heartsncandy :)

    1. I agree~ ^.^ They SHOULD expand~ :D

  9. hey I agree with the one item is the best outfit because no matter what aj does their still animals! it is kinda strange that aj is only celebrating American holidays. but then again their the most well known!

    1. Maybe it's because most jammers do live in the U.S., also AJHQ is in the U.S., but ya they might be the most well known holidays. I don't know any holidays celebrated in other countries other then some Mexican holiday since I'm taking Spanish. But Christmas is one holiday that is celebrated through the world and AJ celebrates that ^.^
      ~ dooda123

    2. Agreed, dooda. However I do like that AJHQ isn't labeling it as "Christmas" because not everyone celebrates that holiday (I do, but other Jammers might celebrate Hannakkuh, etc.)

  10. Hehe. I forget to send in my name. I am VlueplaysAj! (bluedepapegaai123)

  11. Ya I noticed AJ redecorated the trading party a while ago, I like it! It's good to mix things up ^.^

    ~ dooda123

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Awww. I wish that I could get Nat Geo kids. I did get them for one year once as a christmas gift, but then the year ended. They don't even have them at my grocery store any more. :(

    1. I was considering ripping out an order form from a copy of the magazine at the library, but what if they catch me. O_O

    2. So long as you don't damage the book, they don't care

  14. I think Animal Jam should "be made" for more languages, brcause i'm sure there's people that aren't from the U.S. Or U.K. playing the game. And since it's made on North America, i think it would be weird to put "parties" from another countries. Anyone more thinks the same?

    1. Animal Jam is already translated in other countries. If you used a computer in let's say, Mexico, the website would be viewed with Mexican words.

    2. Spanish, not Mexican XD
      But they do have it in different languages.

  15. I think that on historical holidays,(such as Bastille day) AJHQ should post little facts about it, maybe in the daily explorer or in little banner around town. They could also give you codes through jam-a-grams like a little breath mint to put in your den on bad breath day. (Yes, bad breath day does exist) ;P

  16. AJHQ is also updating some other parties as well, and agreed, Snowy! The same things in a party get a bit old after a while, right? Ooh I can't wait for the Jamaaliday party to come back... ^_^ xD

  17. I think that maybe AJHQ should open up to celebrating holidays of at least Canada, however, there would still be Canada Day and etc for AJHQ to worry about so idk... I guess there are arguments for all sides in my opinion. ;P xD. I would also like to see AJHQ open up Australia... but then again there are the Jamaalidays in summer... Hmm, maybe AJHQ could make different servers for different countries, but somehow you could still play with you're buddies from different country-servers.. hmm... >:3

    1. YES! Canada! I'm a Canadian! X3 Anywho, I agree with ya.


    2. Why not combine all the cultures during the holidays. Like they could have Country Day or something like that.

  18. Yeah what about people who play from like india or australia maybe they want to celebrate on animal jam Australia Day or Indian Festivals celebrations etc

  19. Okay, give me a second..........IDEA!!!!! Animaljam should choose a week in the year, where they decorate the world of Jamaa with things from different cultures.
    A simple, yet direct way to get the Jammers to get to know and learn more about the Jammers from different countries or cultures.
    And YES! There ARE Jammers from different countries and or Cultures. I have a friend from Sri-Lanka on animaljam.

    ANYWAY, main point is, I think it would be a fun idea.
    Animaljam decorating jamma with items from many different cultures, (Or they could decorate as a different culture every year, either way will do) Anyway,
    There could be new items, that relate to the years theme or themes
    Art contests that relate to other cultures
    Icon buttons that give you information about a culture or countrie
    And daily gifts that relate to one of the themes, or the theme.
    In the end, everyone has fun, everyone gets free gifts, and most importantly, everyone learns more about eachother!
    If you also think this is a good idea please say so.

    (You can even think of adding things to this idea that you think would make it better)

    1. Agreed. It focuses on all cultures, so no one gets left out. And all the flags in the flag shop could go on sale! o3o

    2. I think there,should be a 3 week celebration to show how where thankful for all jammers even if there mean or a trickster. I am an American I am big on parties!

  20. A I think ajhq should bring In things like fiesta de los muetros and year of the dragon

    1. I like those holidays, that would be a good idea. owo

  21. Ya that would be a cool idea even though I'm american.

  22. Nice fashion tips. :3

    Whenever I go with just one item, I usually choose the halo.
    I have all of the halo colors. ^-^

  23. Crud, I made someone bad. Someone asked me to have my fox hat. I said it wasn't for trade. But she sent me rare mech angel wings and forgot to read the Jam-a-gram message and I discard the gift. It said that it's an item to trade for the fox hat. I told her that I don't want to trade it but she asked if she can have the wings back. >.< Darn, I discarded them by mistake. I think she'll think I'm a scammer now. I'm too fast!


    1. Ok, I traded new mech angel wings and send it to her. Now she won't even know this problem happened (I said brb and she left and I started to get a new pair for her).


    2. Krazygirl95- that's really kind of you to find her another pair of wings. Technically though since she did send them in your mailbox it means that you didn't need to find her more wings. You did say you didn't want to trade the Fox hat so she shouldn't have tried to do a trade by mail.

    3. I had that same problem, except without the discarding part. Someone asked for my blue mech wings (before the adventures so they were quite rare) and I said no. So they started to send me random stuff that was not even close to its worth, and I sent them all back, but they just threw a temper tantrum and reported me and blocked me and all the other things incompetent little kids do. It was scary a little, cause I was newish, but now I look back at it and laugh. XD

  24. Well, about including Holidays around the world, I don't think that they should.. Now, I'm not against Other places or cultures, I just don't think it'd be right in Animal Jam.. Perhaps they could have a shop selling items around the world! The store should be included in the flag shop! Oh oh! They should also have dens from other cultures! I think these are good ideas! But I'm not into having Holidays around the world because they can effect with peoples religions.. and such..

    1. i agree with haven it can mess up stuff...but i also think that if theres like diff countrys and like u pick one but its a server so every time u get on u can change it but u still play with other ur buddies! and its like differant accounts just with the same user and animals but the items are differant but idk its just an idea...

  25. Ok. So heres what I think aj should do. So, on the login screen, aj could put a "Change My Language" sign, so people who don't speak american can play. and if you switch your langue, the event in aj are different, for different languages.

    1. ENGLISH NOT AMERICAN but that's besides the point

  26. You know, I think that AJ should be a bit more fair to the other countries with the celebrations thing. There should be a bit more stuff for Canadians and the others. Its kinda fair that Canadians got to test out Tunnel Town beta but that's the only thing they did. Anyways happy Children's Day! ~Pinkpaw365

    1. I think Animal Jam should celebrate Chinese New Year. It's fun. There would be firecrackers and lion/dragon dances. The plain New Year thing is sorta boring.


  27. ALERT!

    1. *UPDATE*
      6:55 PM

      Now users are seeing a second duplicate of them frozen up! When will this ever stop? If you want to see the madness, click my link and go to Wootmoo's den. This is crazy!

  28. I wish they would bring those giant raccoon plushies back! I loved 'em!

    1. I didn't buy enough of them! ;w;
      I also wish Top Hats would come back, I didn't buy enough of those either. Maybe they'll bring out the hat shops again?

      Ah, well... everything is rereleased in time.

  29. I love the raccoon's outfit. The outfit suggestions thing is goanna be fun!

  30. I think they should to something for more holidays then u.s ones - member of team crafted

  31. They should make more Holidays. Just because America is famous doesn't mean they should have only American Festivals. I come from India and a month ago it was Diwali. My family didn't have enough free time to get some crackers, so we watched the show on the terrace instead. The origin of the festival comes from this: A 10 Headed demon once stole a god's Maiden. The God and The Demon fought for 10 days. The God shot an arrow into the Demon's heart, and went back to his home place with the Maiden. Lights were used to guide the two back. Also Snowy, if religion stuff like this isn't allowed in the comments free feel to flag this ^_^

  32. Darn it! No new animal this update. Just a party. -.- Now it'll be 2 MORE weeks to get it which is boring.


    1. P.S.- Sorry if "darn" is a bad word if it is. I'm just surprised that the deer isn't here.


  33. Guys pet owls are glitching now! They land in the air or on your tail! They also fly higher now :3

  34. Hi Jammers! Arthop here, be sure to check out my blog! I do not have a link to it, but on your search thingy-ma-bobber, search; 'secretsofemporia blog'

    P.S Please post a comment if you can! :)

  35. visit this websight! it is mine ;D and tell people about it! thx! i'm malenock by the way

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw