
Monday, November 18, 2013

Rare Old Hood

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Hey jammers! Today's rare colored item is for members and nonmembers alike, available on the last page of Jam Mart Clothing.
 The Rare Old Hood! It's quite colorful, I bet you could make a fun patchwork colored outfit for it. In fact, let me try...

I think that looks quite cute. ^.^ Should I do an outfit-a-day feature? That way I can give you fun clothing tips when I have time! Also, an item from yesterday, sorry for the delay!
 Sapphire Ring from the clothing orb of Epic Wonders. And now for today's mystery question, a little random thing...
What movie(s) could each (or both) of these posters be portraying? Respond with a mini story if you like, and I may feature yours in tomorrow's post! Happy jamming, everyone.

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. coNGRAtZ ^.^

      Okieee so HERES my bash at the story ;)

      AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Looking on with terror, the vixen was about to horrifyingly watch, as her pup was to be mercilessly crushed, under the massive weight of the heavy, cement wall beam.

      With bated breath, all the animals in the theater watched, transfixed, and hungry to eat up all the juicy details about the story...... only to find that they were to take a quick intermission. Even with hungry stomachs, cricked necks, stiff joints, and aching paws, all of them were eager to find out what happened to Amber, the fox in the movie. Just for your information, this movie, Fox Courage, won the Pawscar Awards of the year, and nearly all the jammers in Jamaa have watched it. No correction, ALL the jammers have watched it! It is that good! This is the storyline;

      Under the protection of the Alphas, some of the young, and not understanding jammers took advantage of this protection, and began to use it to their own benefit, instead of protecting everyone. Now, one jammer, Amber, was a very spoilt animal, who was an only animal, and didn't really care what everyone else around her did, and how she somtimes caused pain and hurt. For example, one day, when no one was looking, she stole a batch of pawcakes. However, when her not-so-pleased aunt found out, her parents took the blame for it, to not cause her pain. And she was also sly, using her intellegence to manipulate others. But one day this was all going to change.

      With her spoilt princess innocence, the pup could no possibly understand what the 'Return of the Phantoms were' so therefore, keep in mind she had no idea what she was getting herself into. After playing with her regular toy mouse, digging her hole a little deeper, and rolling in the patches of clean grass, she was ready to discover and adventure, with her curiousity. Hollering for her mom to join her, because she was scared of being alone, she expected her mom to join her. When her mom didn't Amber decided to go off, in a huff.

      Discovering a green, moving thing, she decided to step forward, not noticing the sign, which clearly stated 'The Phantom Portal.' After adventuring (and VERY surprisingly, simultaneously avoiding phantoms, unwittingly, she finally got trapped in a sort of pillar contraption. Scared, she tried to back out, but a strange black creature, with tentacles, was behind her. When she tried to paw it, it hurt her, and when she tried to run, it followed her. Her little body was easily tiring, and with dismay, her skull bonked against one of the very big, and very precautiously structured pillars. With a groan, the pillar began to slowly tip over, gaining speed with every passing second.

      Bracing herself, thinking about death, she dimly wondered whether she would be with Mira (one of the shamans she DID know about). However, Gilbert, the tiger shaman, and Graham, the monkey shaman, began to lift the pillar, with their incredible strength. She didn't need the gruff "GO" from gilbert, she fleed straight out of the portal.

      What happened to Gilbert and Graham, remains unknown. At least until Fox Courage 2 comes out. Do they survive? What will the phantoms do, now Amber is involved? Find out ;)

      THANKS PEOPLE, i'm in hollywood land babeh!!!!!! WOHOOOOOO XD


    2. Congrats kin! :D
      Cute outfit Snowyclaw! :) I love the way you combine and create outfits! ^.^
      That was a very nice story. ^_^

  2. Yep, 1st ;)

    I think the new item's pretty cool :3 what do you bet that next Monday the RIM will be a Rare Old Blanket? :3

    1. Yep, I agree with that XD
      Rare item mondays like this come out in sets, like the rare mech wings and helmet.

    2. Yep, with rare old blankets we should be able to make
      a quite nice outfit. :3 You know, when rare bats came out again it would be cool if AJHQ made a rare bat mask the next monday. ^.^

    3. I wish i still had time to plat animal jam. So much homework! And my parents keep saying I can't play when I have time 2! All because my sis house hits me and I hit back!

    4. By da way my user is yav5!

  3. Third comment! Ahh-I love the colors on the rare hood! Almost makes me hungry because of that strawberry cream and mint green color. Mmm!

  4. hey I think the two movie posters are portraying graham and sir gilbert movies. neither of which we can watch!! that's kinda lame because their posted right in front of the movie theater and we cant watch them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. How long have those two movies been playing... they should change them already XC
      No... just kidding... I hate it when AJHQ changes stuff like that. Like the overflow music.

  5. Maybe the movie posters represent documentaries? They both tell the life of the Alpha itself and their influence upon Jamaasian culture.

    1. That's a good idea. I would like to watch a movie like that, I'd bet their lives are really interesting.

    2. That's a great idea. :)
      It would be very interesting, we could hear about there adventures and how they came to Jamaa. I bet it would be really cool :D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Visit for fun stores and random posts ^^

  7. 10th! When I logged on animal jam, I saw someone with a rare headdress, and in my mind I was thinking "I bet the RIM for today is that...." But when I looked for the new item I was like "Thats a relife.". I don't know why though, I kinda wanted them to be the RIM for today.

    1. Well, probably the non-rare headdresses will come back. They probably will still have the same colors because we already have rare headdresses with a different color combination (white and purple). The rare headdresses might or might not come back. We'll see.


  8. Here goes my story! ^.^

    Chapter 1

    In the old days of Jamaa, the Shamans found out that no one knows them and what their abilities are. Sir Gilbert and Graham were the least known from the others since they do nothing most of the time. Graham always run out of ideas on what to invent. Sir Gilbert didn't find any opponents to attack since Jamaa was so peaceful. Liza was the most known because she welcomes everyone to Jamaa and tells them about finding new lands. It is successful today. Everyone already knew what Greely is like. He's the darkest from the others and his stare scares some Jammers. Peck was known for making art around Jamaa and many peeps saw it. Cosmo was more like a very young teacher. He teaches Jammers about plants and other vegetation. The Shamans tried to find a way how to make Graham and Sir Gilbert more known.

    Chapter 2

    Mira was with the Shamans. She heard about the knowledge of the other Shamans except Graham and Sir Gilbert.
    "Even though Jammers like entertainment, we can make movies of Sir Gilbert's and Graham's abilities and beginnings", Mira said with her calm voice.
    "That's a great idea", Graham replied. "Now peeps will now know who we are".
    "Now, I want to hear your beginnings. No need about abilities. I know them already and we can put them in the movies", Mira said.
    Graham starts first.

    Chapter 3

    Graham had lived in a big tree with monkeys in his childhood and adulthood. He loved being creative and makes imaginary machinery and objects. It was peaceful in the 16th century (I decided to make Shamans live longer that time) until saw noises came from far away. Oh no. Graham tried to warn everyone but he can't. The noise became louder. He realised that foreigners came to the jungle of South America and tried to find wood to make homes! This isn't good for the monkeys. Suddenly, everyone heard the noise. They packed their belongings and left the tree to migrate with a machine Graham invented to save their lives. They stopped at a beach. A heron flew to them.
    "Thank you for helping your species", the heron said and pointed a talon at Graham. "We've heard that you need a new home. Why won't you come to Jamaa? It's a place where animals are free."
    Graham and the other monkeys nodded. Mira made a whirl pool from the beach that sent the monkeys to another world: Jamaa.

    Part 2 in the making.....


    1. Chapter 4

      Sir Gilbert was born in the Indian Jungle. During his childhood, his parents tried to protect him but killed by hunters. Gilbert (before he was in Jamaa) was lucky to escape. He tried to survive by finding small prey by himself until he was an adult. He started to find larger prey. Everyone tried to stay away from him, since he was viscous. Gilbert was angry when he killed animals to feed on. It reminds him of humans, trying to kill him for his fur. His parent's fur were used. He imagined animals as humans. The past was awful for him. One day humans came and the new Sir Gilbert attacked and the animals watched. Gilbert looked at them after every animal was dead. The animals cheered and the animals gave berries to him to eat. He ate them and smiled. He's no longer going to eat meat again. Mira appeared and took him and the cheering animals to Jamaa.

      Chapter 4

      Peck was making the posters but she heard Graham and Sir Gilbert running towards her.
      "Peck, we no longer need a movie", Sir Gilbert smiled. Peck almost spilt paint on the posters.
      "Are you sure", Peck asked.
      "We found out some Jammers who found things in the Chamber of Knowledge. Now everyone will know about us this time", Graham replied.
      "That's great", Peck said. She made a huge smile and stopped painting. "Let's go check the chamber out and see!"

      Chapter 6

      Peck forgot to bring the posters down. However, Jammers loved her masterpiece on Graham and Sir Gilbert. Graham and Sir Gilbert had knowledge that was increased. Thanks to Mira who put stuff from their past to the chamber. That was when the Chamber of Knowledge was the most popular place to find things that were used by Mira and the Shamans. But the chamber became empty and 50% of the entire population of Jammers in Jamaa never went to the chamber and see what's there. Including the posters.

      THE END

      Hope you enjoyed!


    2. *After every human is dead, not animal. XD


    3. Visit
      My friend and I are just starting out and we would appreciate views & comments <3

    4. I liked it :) It was very informative and made tons of sense.

    5. Whoa, great story! I always love your stories! XD

    6. That was a fantastic story krazy. :) Your stories are always great. ^.^


    7. "One day humans came and the new Sir Gilbert attacked and the animals watched. Gilbert looked at them after every human was dead."

      Yeah sure. You would be so happy if a tiger came up and mauled your parents to death.. you would be SOOO happy! You would cheer, and give it berries, and make it your king…

  9. I love your outfit snowy! I would love to see an outfit a day, you make the best outfits ^.^
    ~heartsncandy :)

    1. OMG OMG OMG *gasps* *o* thats the BEST idea i've ever heard o3o you should totally do an outfit a day during only the month of december leading up to christmas! *cough* jamaalidays! it would be like a special little outfit advent calender! since aj has stopped doing costume corner i'm sorta running out of inspiration..... but you should do the outfit thing!!! LOL hope u consider it!

    2. Yes, an outfit a day keeps the scammers away.
      ..idk lol
      But yes, it would be good inspiration for us.

    3. That would be so fun to have outfits from snowyclaw. She has AMAZING taste in clothes AND awesomeness

  10. this may not be much of a story but its all i got.
    there was a new movie premering called Alphas(/shamans): How they came to be.people were very excited and the owner of the movie place decided to do the movie again. the rerun didnt get much popularity, since most people had already seen it. but the manager still left the posters up in hopes a new generation would see it.


  11. What if, before the movie theater was not a movie theater? What if it was like, a museum? Maybe the posters were never taken down? Just a suggestion.

  12. For the posters, I belive of this story. (I am katnissthewolf)

    The banners show two alphas, Sir Gilbert and Graham.
    But why is Graham all in black? It is a mystery, but the truth is that the phantoms from our Adventures are silently stealing the secret power of the banners, which make the alphas loyal to Jamaa. They just can't find the final recipe to turn them in to phantoms...

    1. If you don't mind I will leave my story in the replies under your comment because it branches out from that. You were my inspiration for this story and all credit goes to you.
      Jamaa was founded when Mira hand selected one animal from each breed to represent the breed. She picked the animals with the best traits. For the tigers she picked sir Gilbert, the best general in jamaas army, for his strength and resonalbilty and for the monkeys she selected graham , an old monkey how lived in a large tree ( he dident have a tower back then), for his curiosity and knolage of how things worked.
      Each shaman got a land to represent as well. Greely got coral canyions, the seal shaman ( forgot name :( ) got mount shiver, etc.
      Sir Gilbert and graham both wanted the Forrest so they shared. They also lived in a building in the trees ( now the theater ) and lived there. Animal that lived in the forest came to them for their problems and they gladly fixed them. The animals were so great full they hung large paintings in honor of the shamans. One of Gilbert and one of graman.
      However there was some problems. Gilbert always wanted to take the reasonable path and graman always wanted to try something new and test things to find an aweser. However they always came to a peacefull agreement.
      Then graman was wounding through the forest, exploring, and found a path leading to anouther land. As graman explored more he found a lab( perfect for him to work and study) and lots of wounderouse plants and animals.
      He said he wanted to mover their so be want to Gilbert and told him he was moving to anouther land. Gilbert nodded and said ok so graman moved to zios.
      Now that graman had left the forest the animal painted black over graman's figure but left to painting on the wall in honor of him and that is why there is a monkey on the window curtain on the lab in zios.

    2. Lol I guess I didn't follow your prompt very well. Heh heh. But I hoped you liked the story. I forgot to say that I love the colors on the hood. They are very spring/ easterish.

  13. 23 comment o3o

  14. I think the outfit a day would be a really cool feature on this blog

  15. Many love the Alpha they call Graham. And he loves those admirers in return. One day in Graham's laboratory, there was a visitor. She entered and sat down in front of Graham. "Graham," she began, "the many animals of Jamaa have come to a vote. They indeed want you to star in your own movie." the she-monkey finished. "Me?!" Graham asked. "Why, sure!" Graham was then taken to the cameras. The directors thanked him for coming and told him what to do. When they were done with the movie, they hung the poster up on the movie theater. Then, it happened. The phantoms attacked and sprayed sludge all of the poster of Graham. The she-monkey bounded over to the poster and tried wiping it off. Some came off, but some still remains on the poster outside Sarepia Theater today.

  16. Hey snowy, i had alot of fun last night when u were on! It was sooooooooooooooooooo epic getting to meet u because ur one of the nicest jammers in jamaa! well bye snowy!!!

    1. oh and btw im fuzzheadlola on AJ

    2. Lucky, I never seem to get on at the right time. I met her once too though, she was really nice.

  17. What are the BETA plants worth?
    They're the ones that you used to get in Return of the Phantom Beta Testing Mode, but they stopped when Hard Mode came and they got replaced with other things. I asked what they're worth before, but people said they were worth nothing... is that true? ;-;
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. I doubt they'll ever cone out again. Maybe you should wait a while for demand to increase, since trading is also based largely on demand.

  18. Long ago, Mira came up to Sir Gilbert and said, "Jamaa wants to know more about you. I know you don't like public speaking, so I had an idea. We can make a documentary about you!" Mira exclaimed.
    "Sure, I guess. As long as I don't have to speak a ton in it." He responded. They then got together with Cosmo and made the movie. Which shows why the Sir Gilbert poster is there today.

    One day, Peck decided to make a fun interactive movie. She decided to call it "Guess Which Alpha?" She took pictures of all the alphas and covered them in black. Viewers could answer questions on who the alphas were. Peck then put up a poster of graham to advertise it.


    1. So did animaljam sky blog but they do it once a week.

  20. it seems snowyclaw is getting less famous, not as many comments on her posts D:
    Poor snowy D: D: D:

    1. She's not getting less famous, it's just that school has been making everyone so busy.....

  21. It seems one is the Tigers Wrath, and the other Lion Man: In the Sunset of Light!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Finally something for nonmembers!!!!

  24. Man! I got a yellow worn and green worn for a rare bow, i am so lucky!
    Lolz :D

  25. XD I dont have a care about rares now...their pretty tho :3 I love my fox hat.. a gift froma friend who probaly will get the grey player card :L I`ve been sooo unactive on AJ, checkin this blog everyday tho in anticipation of the deers.. Got a flu shot today :L I wish their was something besides needles... And Im playing FeralHeart alot now... ~Faolan98 on AJ, Raggedpelt98 on FH

    1. I don't get flu shots. Meh mom doesn't believe in them, so I'm off the hook XD
      I have a buddy who's a grey tiger... but I wonder if I should delete them or not. They might come back on...

    2. my mom doesnt believe in them either XD


  27. Grham spoke to the Jammers gathered. "What about the Underwater animals? Some of them are even trying to use glitches and come on land. Hundreds of animals can be seen on Coral Canyons amd Mt. Shiveer, but only one-but if you're lucky, two, in Bahari Bay or Deep Blue. In the same way, monkey numbers are dropping drastically. Despite their outrageous price, Arctic Wolves are going up! Soon, we will be underpopulated! For the balance of nature, we must change our ways!"
    "But what can we do?" asked a small, young bunny. "How are we going to help?"
    "When you get on to Animal Jam..." Grahm took a deep breath. "When you spawn, if you have an underwater animal, you will appear in Bahari Bay."

  28. >You post right on time
    >"sorry for the delay!"
    >getting real tired of ur shit snowy

  29. I really want that blanket, fuu XD

  30. One day a lone Wolf named,Eternal Spookymoon, set out to help the alphas. after finding an old portal the dated back before Jamma she met the phantom king. after barley escaping with her life she flees to the alpha alter she calls upon her ancestor, Greely, to tell him what she heard. When greely hears it he tells,the other alphas what eternal heard! To be contenuid. By user,is yav5!

  31. Graham the Movie The Sequel
    All about graham's life ( a documentary)
    Sir Gilbert the movie
    ( an animated movie about sir gilbert and is funny, adventurous and a mystery)

  32. lol no i wouldnt be happy and make it my king!

  33. add meh i am online ppl :3


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw