
Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Great Escape Music

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! My little snowyclaw account has been having issues, items going missing, passwords changing, den glitching, not much fun. AJHQ doesn't seem to understand the problem, so I'll be less frequent on Animal Jam for a while. I'll still try to update the blog though! Today's new item is The Great Escape music.
 You can buy your own copy in the Diamond Shop. AJHQ has also published a fun little article on the Conservation Museum!
Happy jamming everyone, and what are you thankful for?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A gold music video from MoonlightJr!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link at


  1. Replies
    1. Wow! Why am I first for the second time? xD
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
      P.S. sometimes if i'm in a rush and I post ~kiki that is me :3

    2. Aww! Don't feel bad about a little problem with your account. I suggest you transfer your newest gifts to a backup. I do that, because for my birthday, I got a pirate sword so I transferred it to a backup because I didn't want it to be gone. Hope this helped a ton! =^-^=
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    3. Okay hi! This is arcticfox30373. I would like to win the lava glove giveaway. :) Good Luck everyone!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry, Owlzzz, you're second! Congrats anyway! :3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. How is that bad? It's awesome!!

      Cheers, Sriha123

    3. i didnt mean it in a bad way, i just meant you wern't third :D
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  3. Replies
    1. congratz! :D
      -gives a muffin- use it wisely I:3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. welcome :3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    3. muffins and juice and bacon and all junk food x3

      this is a joke right here: #Iamcrazyandeatingtonsofjunkfood

      ~Warriorcats0987 (too lazy to log in)

    4. I love muffins they are waaay better than cupcakes. o3o

  4. my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    my list for rare spike collar gram me if deal o3o
    plz? :D
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. Hey i have 5 rare spikes i may get you one im rarearcticwolf1 btw love you user name thing

    2. thanks! :3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    3. Rare Chicken Hat, Heart Balloon, 4 Raccoon Tails, Lava Glove, Stegasaurus Tail, Rare Bow, Mummy Glove, Rare Top Hat, and white Tail Armor.
      ~kiki <3

    4. Ive been trying to get a spike wrist .-. I hope headdresses DONT come out!i have an orange headdress and a rare one.PLS AJ


  5. Wow! I got a white tail armor FINALLY!
    this is a shoutout to Wolvesforever2002 for giving me white tail armor for my arctic coat and worn blanket. it wasn't that much of a dramatic trade unlike my others :3
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. Whoa, congrats on getting that tail! I love tail items!

    2. Congrats!!! Aren't white tails one of the rarer colors?

  6. Who has a headdress and willing to trade it

    1. i've heard rumors that they will be back in Feast of Thanks but im not too sure! keep trading until you get one!
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. They might have a Feast of Thanks party coming this Thursday, followed by a new Adventure and maybe the new animal (sadly maybe in the Diamond Shop)! I think it's a good idea! :) I hope the headdresses come back with old colors because with new colors, scamming will become more frequent.


    3. Maybe you should wait until the Feast of Thanks. You don't want to be regretting any trades. :I

  7. Well...I took a little trip to the Disabled Classroom for a school contest, and it just touched my heart. You feel so incredibly lucky when you find out more about what people have to go through.

    I'm thankful for...
    1. MY LIFE!!!!!
    2. My family
    3. My friends
    4. My education
    5. The World
    6. My technology

    1. my favorite thankful is #7 XD
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. O_O Definitely #7!!!


  8. epic wonders has a new ring out -karennaAES

    1. I realised that. The sapphire ring! It's wierd how when you change color, it changed the color of the handle thing while the diamond ring changes color with the diamond. O_o


    2. Hey, at least it gives more variety! :D

  9. Hey peeps I got ideas for dens!

    -There should be a den that is a wilderness. For example: A forest den. There are trees surrounding the place with a huge rock as a shelter with a river in front. There will also be vegetation around. Perfect for clans or a place to hunt and be wild animals!

    -There should be dens that have tribes. It's perfect for Jammers who want to make a tribe or clan! For example: A Native American camp with tents that you can enter. There will be wilderness around the camp.

    -There can be a feature to change sizes of the den items. AJHQ did have den items in parties and dens in Adventures that have den items we have but in a different size. Strange, eh? I wonder if AJHQ will have that feature in the future.

    -Maybe AJHQ can give us the Cosmo den! It looks like a den that will come in the future. It would be amazing if it comes! The Cosmo music when you first enter the Meet Cosmo Adventure should be included to match the den!

    That's all I can think! Let's hope AJHQ can add these ideas. Even more slots for clothing items, animals and den items.


    1. @ krazy - maybe there should let us have like an African den, like when you enter it, it will be golden and inside the den would be like a huge African tree with little carvings on the wall. It would be perfect for lion prides and that such :3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. I like my Native American tribe idea. Maybe it'll be a Feast of Thanks den! Since there are headdresses and head feathers. XD I like your idea, kiki. It sounds interesting and perfect for African animals to roam around! ^.^


    3. thanks, krazy! :D
      i got inspired when i saw role-playing cheetahs and lions and i thought "why can't AJHQ make a den where African animals can role-play in their dens?"
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    4. I love that cosmo den idea! I really want a den like his... and the music too. o3o
      We should also be able to rotate items, not just flip them. So we can make an item upside down if we wanted to. XD

  10. Replies
    1. I'm pretty sure that she'll understand. :)


    2. @ Hermione - i understand about it..
      my computer hates me all the time D:
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  11. There is another new item! De saphire ring. I love the music. its so, phantomy.

    1. It is very suspenseful... it doesn't really fit with a den in my opinion. .-.

  12. You forgot the Sapphire Ring .3.

  13. My friend wants me to trade back but i don't want to, should i trade back or should i just ignore her?
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. well, i already unbuddied her and blocked her so she can't come in my den even if she buddied me :|
      is that good enough for a solution?
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. I don't think you should. AJHQ says repetitively that once you make a trade, it is permanent. You can trade back, but I don't advise it. But don't ignore her, that could make matters worse. Just tell her, "I'm sorry I just don't want to trade back. :c" or something. I hope this helped, kiki. :)

    3. Yep, no one can force you to trade back. If she tries pressuring you into doing it, technically she's breaking the rules.

  14. maybye there should be more adventure music. speaking of aventures, i hope AJ fixes the glitches soon.


  15. I CANT BELIEVE YOU ARE QUITTING FOR A WHILE!! you have changed :,(

    1. She's not quitting, she's just going to be less active due to account issues.

    2. @ Anonymous - she's not quitting, she's just experiencing some problems to her account. She will still keep AJS alive, but she'll get pictures with her alts.
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    3. Yes.. she will keep the Spirit alive... showing true courage against the odds...

  16. Snowy, don't give up! Stand up for yourself and move your last items onto a storage! Use your sonic screwdriver! XD We are here so don't give up!
    P.S. You could also use your wand. And Pony power!

  17. nice music... little dramatic though, much like that adventure... O.O

    Also! I got my computer back so now I can comment again. Yippee :DDDDD

    Btw, snowy, I hope you get everything back that you have lost. Are you using a storage account as your main for now?
    -Mia c:

    1. Yeah... you need a really dramatic den... which is hard to achieve with mostly static items. ;-;
      The music has a more... moving feel... but dens are all still....

  18. I love this blog! Keep it alive! ~Happyface~ Tootie2303 :3

  19. =3 aw Snowy, other jammers probaly have that problem too. If you the only one, if you have reltives or something at your house maybe they are toying with you?? -shakes head- happened to me with my cousin once. logged on n found my first fox hat gone, only to find my cousin wearing it, then giving it back the next day. Or possible you have a Hacker on the prowl. I Recommend Locking your account!! Parental controls let you lock it, it wont allow peeps to log into it till you unlock it thru controls again! Its how I stay safe now


    1. Yep, never set passwords to 'remember' XD
      Bad things happen. Baaad things. owo

      I hope you and AJHQ find a solution to this soon, Snowy!

  20. Aww too bad, how about you get a different account and post with that? Not much difference. ;)

  21. Visit for fun stories & epic random stuff!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw