
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Knitted Helmet

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Hi Jammers! Sorry for the late post, I was too busy snuggling up in today's cozy new item, the Knitted Sweater, located in Shiveer Shoppe! ^.^
It looks similar to the Holiday Sweater, but it's member and comes in 8 different colors! A sweater seems fitting for Jamaa's current winter theme, huh?
Anywho, today, while I was waiting for the new item to update, I clicked on the Shop icon and this is what happened! 
A combination of the number glitch and the everything "Rare" glitch...And for some reason there's an AJHQ symbol on all the items. Maybe it was because they were adding the new item? 

I saw another strange thing in Jamaa today! I was playing Jamaa Derby, and all of the sudden I saw a horse wearing this item, and even though I've seen mech helmets many times before, this one seemed different...
That's a bot! Silly AJHQ lets them have any clothes they want. ~snowy
I thought about it, and I'm quite sure that I've never seen this Green Mech Helmet before, aside from in Best Dressed! Odd, but a bit exciting, because this could mean that we might see this item in stores sometime soon, or possibly in Adventures! 
Also, when I was browsing around the web today, I found this cute little AJ Ad! 
Looks like some animals on an Adventure? I think it'll attract some new Jammers for sure!
On a more sad note, the Jamaalidays have ended, along with the Jamaaliday Jam Party! D:
I haven't seen it on the "My Parties" list all day, so I'm pretty sure it won't be returning for awhile.
Now for today's Daily Explorer Post! 
Just the usual post about yesterday's Rare... I wore the wings around a bit yesterday just to be silly! 
Speaking of the Daily Explorer, I also noticed that AJHQ changed the New Year's Party Post. Originally, it was the post from last year, but they changed it to a new post with a 2014 Banner instead of 2013!
I actually noticed that there was a lot of comments and complaints on yesterday's post about how the DE post was the same as last year. Who knows? Maybe that's why AJHQ decided to change it? 

Trivia Tuesday:

What were the Alphas originally called?

Happy Jamming Everyone,


Here is a great blog by Veri22!
To get your music vid or blog spotlighted,
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Butterfly New Year

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Hi jammers! So sorry for late post!!!!
Okie sooo the monday rare's the cool-colored butterfly wings! 
You can sure make some cool looking outfits with this one!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snow of the New Year

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! We have lovely new item today, the Snowboard, sold for 500 gems in the classic Jam Mart Furniture.
As you may have seen, the New Year's Party has arrived!
 There are lovely items highlighting this very full year of ours. Everything from Sky High items to the Lucky Day celebration.
We have a collection of collectable music...
And some highlight and this-year-only furniture available on the upper deck. Be sure to stock up, 2014 won't start over!
Jammers have submitted some crazy glitches! fluffcatz noticed quite a few extra jammers as she went on her adventure.
This seems to be a recurring theme in these worlds. It's as if different times and places collide into one. Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. You know, that sort of stuff. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
No I'm not. (\^.^/)
We also have collisions of another kind, between a den and a land. This is likely a result of the many issues with dens recently. At the moment, there is a sequence of steps that allow you to switch other jammers' dens. I do implore you, don't change others' dens. It causes glitches for everyone involved. But anywho, Daily Explorer!
I now conclude my post, hope you have a splendid Sunday!
Happy jamming all.

Here is a summery music video from Tammy!
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add my channel to your featured bar,
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Snow Shovel

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! Today brings us a new, nonmember den item! You can buy the Snow Shovel at your local Jam Mart Furniture, in ten different colors, for the reasonable price of 300 gems!

This is the perfect item! Since many of the holidays are over, jammers will need to dig there way out of their dens in order to dig their way through the snow to get more holiday food. Or you could just place it all nice like in your den, and wait for the snow to melt. That way you look productive, but you don't hurt the snow's feelings (water is a fairly polar molecule).
 I apologize for my complete ramble there! Here's a cute advertisement for the Jamaalidays, which are sadly coming to a close. Thanks for submitting it AnimalJammer! Also, don't forget...
Remember to enter the News Crew contest, this one looks like one you can really be creative with. Happy jamming!

Here is a snow patrol music video from InfinityMagicHeroisBack!
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and email me the link –

Friday, December 27, 2013

Deer Antlers

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
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Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! As you may know, author tryouts are going on, and today is our third day. There is one last opportunity to become a Spirit Author Wednesday, so check the submission form!
Now, Friday's author will be announced. ^.^ Congratulations to puppuwuppy70931! If you are up to the task, you will be posting on Fridays for AJS. If you'd like to accept, email

Hey jammers! Today I have something to show you, Deer Antlers! I think they're cool, maybe Snowy could try them on her wolf? Haha, they kind of look similar... Anyways, the picture:
They are in Jam Mart Clothing, sell for 550 gems, quite expensive, and are colorable! They also come in the colors white, red, secret color blue, light green, pink, light purple and black. I've noticed that lots of people have bought the Deer Fur for their deer, let's go take a look at a few jammers with it on!
Even the Arctic Wolves like them! Well, this one does, at least! I thought that this looked cute! X3
I also made this Christmas outfit, hoping that it might keep me from being a Scrooge this Christmas! Bah! Humbug! Hope ya like it!
Well, I think I got the whole Christmas theme down! But maybe not the style part... Oh well! Now for...


This Friendship Friday, I have a tip for you that may help you gain friends to hang out with! Go to semi-populated places and talk to people who look lonely. That could both get you a friend and help a person out by saving them from boredom!

Before -----------------------------> After!

Well, that pretty much wraps things up for today! Happy Jamming!

As a side note, here's a hopeful News Crew contest!
Looks like fun, be sure to enter!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Deer Beards

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
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Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! Sorry for the suuuuper late post. After all the holiday festivities yesterday I was all tuckered out, and of course I slept in quite late. ^.^ Anywho, today's item is perfect for the winter season!
Have some lovely Deer Fur to keep you warm this winter! I've been assured that no harm came to any deer in the making of this product (but I'm pretty sure that silly Mira stole all the fur just to sell it back to them at an inflated cost, what a trickster).
And there we have some contest results, aren't they fun? I have to cut this short, must get back to homework-type things, teachers giving homework over break is no fun. Hope your holiday celebrations are fantastic, and remember, tomorrow's another author day, if you'd like to apply, click the picture below!

Happy jamming!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Candy Cane Christmas

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Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates the holiday, I hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family today. To decorate your festive holiday den for you and your buddies' Christmas party, AJHQ has brought back the tasty Candy Cane decoration! 'Tis sold in Jam Mart Furniture.

Perfect for member and nonmember dens alike. ^.^ Meanwhile, the 25 of December had brought us the 25 and final gift in the Jamaaliday Advent Calendar, 1000 gems! ¡Mucho dinero!

And over on the Daily Explorer AJHQ has given us a fascinating article about reindeer/caribou and their relation to deer.

Be sure to also visit the pawsome National Geographic Kids page they provided, full of fun facts about caribou/reindeer. Click here! Did you know, that since males shed their antlers earlier than the females (both grow antlers, neat right?), that means the Reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh are girls!
I feel very mislead. "All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call her names..." I guess we'll just have to make the change! That's about all for today, I again wish you the merriest of Christmases, and to those who don't celebrate it (and also to those who do), happy Hearts Warming! Hearts Warming is a non-religious, equestrian festival celebrating friendship. What's not to love?! I made this as a gift for my cousin the holiday, and I thought I'd share.
Little sketch of Celestia (deity that raises the sun), who wishes you the happiest of holidays, and a bright and hopeful new year. See you around Jamaa everyone, happy jamming!

Here is a chorus of bells music video from TheQuiteCrazyJammer!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link –

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Candy Paws and Ties

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win.

Hey jammers! As you may know, author tryouts are going on, and today is our second day. There is another opportunity to become a Spirit Author Friday, so check the submission form! I put out a video earlier today to run through some new developments and details, click here to watch!
Now, Tuesday's author will be announced. ^.^ Congratulations to 
HelpTheEndagered297! If you are up to the task, you will be posting on Tuesdays for AJS. If you'd like to accept, email me at


Hiya Jammers! ^.^ Today we a great new den items, the returning Paw Candy, sold in Jam Mart Furniture! 
I've always liked this item! It's very cute, and available to all Jammers :) Today's Daily Gift is the brand new Candy Cane Tie!
I really like this gift! It's new, it's festive, and it'll go well with Jamaaliday outfits! But be careful, sometimes it gets covered up if you're wearing a Hat and Beard! Speaking of gifts, if you weren't sure, here are all the colors of yesterday's Daily Gift! :3
And now for some strange glitches around AJ... O_O A couple times, while I was trying to switch animals, it just kept endlessly loading and nothing happened! Eventually I had to log out :\
Then, when I logged back on, I received a trade in Jamaa Township...
Looks like the number glitch is at it again! >.< After that, I was in the Pillow Room, sleepily laying down on some pillows... When all the sudden my friend started hopping on me and my animal stood up without me even touching anything! :O
I'm glad AJHQ did a subtle little fix for this type of behavior. :) ~snowyclaw

Alright, enough of the laughs, time for the most recent Daily Explorer posts! 
When I first went on AJ yesterday morning, I went to the Daily Explorer to see what the Rare Item Monday was, and this is what showed up. I was really confused because the item above looks just like the Red Hat and Beard that's in stores, and even more confused when I logged in and couldn't find it in any stores. Eventually, I noticed the Rare Hood With Feather in Epic Wonders, and figured AJ had made a mistake on their DE post. I was must've been correct, since AJHQ took down the Hat and Beard post and replaced it with the Rare Hood With Feather post, shown below! :P 
Cute picture of a deer with Monday's Rare! :3 Strange that they had it wrong though, huh? Ooh, and before I forget, let me remind those of you Jammers that are members to purchase a pet reindeer before they're gone! You can purchase them in Jamaa Township right by the Pillow Room, or at the Jamaaliday Jam Party! ^.^
And look, some new educational videos!
I'm sure you'll enjoy these intriguing educational videos! Lastly, I've thought of a cool new Tradition for each Tuesday...


Every Tuesday, we'll ask you jammers an interesting question either about jamaasian history or just about animals/nature in general! Sound like a good idea? Let me know what you think in the comments! Here's the question for today's Trivia Tuesday:
How did Phantoms come to Jamaa? 
So long, Jammers! Have a great day! (:


A snowy christmas music video from Sparks765!
To get your music vid featured,
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