
Friday, January 17, 2014

Puck _/.\_

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Hey Jammers! On behalf of Snowy and the Animal Jam Spirit Blog I apologize for the lateness of this post, but I think I should fill in and take care of it, as I'm sure you've all been awaiting a post for the last couple of days!
Yesterday's new item was the Giant Snowy Paw Print, sold in Jam Mart Furniture! It looks a lot like the Snow Angel den item (a previous Jamaaliday gift) except it's member!
Today's new item is the Hockey Sticks, sold in Jam Mart Furniture! :D 
You there, sauce me a stick so I can nip top cheddar, eh? XD
This is definitely one of my favorite den items of all time since hockey is my FAVORITE sport! And best of all, it comes in TEN different colors!
 Awesome item! Maybe I'll build a rink in my den? :P
If only there was an ice hockey mini game or something… Wouldn't that be cool?
Speaking of ice…here's something I noticed etched deep into the ice at Mt. Shiveer!
Could this be Harper, the seal Alpha? If so, it's clear that she's had an impact on Jamaa. Why, then, hasn't AJHQ given us any information about her and a lot of the other Alphas?
What do you think?

Okay, now for our most recent Daily Explorer Posts! Here's yesterday's Daily Explorer Post! Click the picture below to learn more!
This post introduces the New Jammer Snaps Contest: Jammer Parades. Sounds fun! Maybe I'll try to organize a parade of my own..? :P
 Now for today's Daily Explorer Post! Click on the picture below to learn more!
This post features Sol Arcade, a great place to have fun and earn gems! :)
Last but not least, a message from AJHQ to go purchase some of the newly added winter-themed den items!
Okay, that's about all I've got! Happy jamming everyone!

Friendship Friday:

In honor of Friendship Friday, I'd like you all to describe a time you met a pawsome new friend on Animal Jam! ^.^


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First!

  3. Second comment! Also i need help i traded my long red collar for a really unfair trade which i thought was fair same with my pink rhino. I didnt know my rares and now im in death mode so please help meh! >.< Also come warm up with a hot cocoa treat and more at my den! I like it when people go to my den. :3

    1. Do you know who you traded? Perhaps you could kindly ask her that if she would give your long red collar back and you accidentally traded it unfairly. Sorry if its not really helpful.

    2. Well, probably, as always, peeps will refuse to give back really rare stuff to the person who traded them. So I don't think he/she will say yes.


    3. If I were you I would avoid trading rares until you are more familiar with the worth of items. You could get scammed easily by... trivial things like not knowing the colors of beta tail armor, etc.

    4. Congrats!

      Honestly, these days rares are very confusing. I've just decided to trade as little as possible so that I don't lose any of my rares. It's hard not to do foolish trade sometimes, so I just don't bother trading very much at all. XD

  4. Replies
    1. Congrats! And thank GOODNESS you posted. On Saturday or Sunday when snowy came back there would be so much items for her to catch up on, it would be a mess!!

    2. Congratulations! C:

    3. Congrats *give cookies* ^.^ Thank you for posting, you and Cutie are the only ones that post on time. Even though I didn't try out I don't think it's very fair to the people who did try out and didn't get it, and they would do the job, if the Thursday and Friday authors can't post maybe they should give other people a chance. It just seems selfish to me.
      ~ dooda123

    4. Wait there might not even be a Thurday author I could have sworn there was...
      ~ dooda123

    5. Snowy does Thursday. I agree with you XD but the only day I would be a good author is Sunday too bad there's no Sunday author! But anyway there's one more author coming the Wednesday author!!

    6. lol congrats on 3rd XD
      Thanks for taking the responsibility to post! c:

    7. Thanks everyone! Just trying to help Snowy out, she must be really busy! And plus, the Thursday author never posted, so I figured I cover for them.

  5. Fourth. Say congrats to me, I know you all will X3

  6. Hey, Equestria Girl here. Just to let all of you know, I am changing my profile. Just thought I should let you know.

    1. Finally someone who likes MLP other than Snowy!!

    2. I like MLP too. :P
      But it doesn't play on my television, i watched a few episodes of it on YouTube though, and i loved it. :3

    3. mlp is the best i love it so much XD plz reply Ur fav character

      ~sugarberries p.s my fave is fluttershy

    4. Mlp is the best too and well EG isnt that great.. Well for the boys it isnt too great since they dont relate to it in some sort..

      ~E IM NO BOY

    5. im a boy and i like mlp a little... but im not a brony im not 30 im 10

    6. I LOVE MLP!!! alicorn twilight sparkle is best pony

    7. MLP doesn't play on my TV either but it plays on my friends TV and when I go there we watch it X3

    8. My favs are Rainbow Dash and Derpy! c:

    9. I don't really know much about MLP I've never seen it before.. DX

  7. 6th! :3 A time I met a jammer was, well, I was chatting with other people and she turned around and started yelling at me. I don't know what I did, but she got really upset. So the next day, I went to her and told her I was sorry for whatever I did to her. She said it was ok, and in the end we showed each other our dens and sat and talked for quite a while. She is really nice! XD

    1. Congrats on 6th, and that's a great example of making friends : )

    2. Congratulations on 6th! ^.^
      And i agree with LongSilence. Making new friends is fun. ^.^

    3. I wonder why she started yelling at you in the first place... XD

    4. Congrats on 6th! Sometimes we have misunderstandings with others, but I'm glad this one worked out! Great example! :)

  8. I used to think that seal meant only seals could break the ice, but I know it's not true because penguins (but snow leopards and arctic wolves actually wouldn't work..) but I don't think its Harper because she would be dressed up. Anyone notice the wolf in Coral Canyons by the Best Dressed game?

    1. Yep. Peeps think that it's a sign for what animals are required to break the bridge.

      We would never break the bridge, I tried millions of times with other wolf strangers. But if AJHQ can make secret rooms or secret diamonds around Jamaa as a new update, it would be pretty cool and no one needs to keep wasting their times trying to find one.


    2. Also, have you guys seen the awesome horse in Epic Wonders? There are animal carvings all over the place!

    3. Yeah I agree, there's tons of carvings around, and I hope in some future update AJHQ explains them!

  9. One more thing: A poll about my profile pic. Reply to this comment to vote. Should I do an animal photo, keep the one I have, write LongSilence and put it on a background, or do a gif?

    1. Or do a picture of something not related to AJ (like plants or stars)

    2. I like your profile the way it is. :3
      But if you really want to change it, you can do an animal or your avatar on AJ.

    3. You can leave your profile pic like that. I like it! I agree to Cloudclaws that you can change to your favorite animal avatar on AJ if you really want to change it. I don't know my favorite animal avatar, but I'm sure you do! ^.^


    4. I actually have 3 that I like so that might not work XD

    5. I like your profile pic, it looks cool and the colors fit with your name, they're both very calm.

    6. Change it to an animal! :3

  10. Hey jammers. It's Equestria Girl. Not! I have now updated my profile. Whatch what my profile is about on youtube. Search up Snow miser theme, and enjoy! ~.~

  11. My best bud is well,ALL MY BUDDIEEESSSS!!

    1. lol
      Agreed... well I do have buddies I talk to more than others. XD
      Those would be the people I know in real life though. owo

    2. True! XD But I am closer with some friends than others...

    3. my bestie on animal jam is random XD

  12. I was adopted by a wolf one day and that was how I met Heyhey, the wolf had adopted her too. We played hide and seek in the wolfs forests and gradually played it throughout Jamaa. Unfortunately she said she was hacked one day and she never spoke to me again. So I deleted her.

    1. That's sad. :(

      But if someone is hacked, they can't just quit. It sounds like they're in love with their pixels and they quit because they lost them. But I will quit if serious drama, rare obsession and scamming won't stop for 1 more year. Not even a single game like that was ruined. EVER!


    2. I know right. I will totally quit too. I actually said that to you yesterday :)

    3. Yeesh that's harsh... o-o'
      One of my buddies quit because she liked Minecraft more. She became a grey tiger and I constantly debated with myself on whether I should delete her... but I never did! And she came back! :D

    4. Aw that's so sad D:
      I don't delete any of my gray buddies just because I don't want to lose the memories. But I'm aware that people quit, and though it's sad, it's reality. I'll probably quit eventually when I age out of AJ

  13. One time I was opening my own store and I didn't have anyone to help me. So I said store my den and only 3 people came. 2 of those people are my bffs today. So on with the story, they said they would help me after they bought a few items. We then started playing with each other and going on adventures. I can remember it all like it was 1 second ago. ~Mack24230

    1. That's also how I made two of my buddies! XD
      When I was a total noob I ran a plushie store because I loved playing the claw. People actually traded me some rare things for fox plushies. o-o

    2. Awesome! Sadly I can't really remember how I made some of my best friends, but I do remember one of them. I made a great friend trough Clanning :)

  14. I was in Sarepia Forest. I saw a koala called MissDaisyPaws, and she said she was hosting a 'All animal member and non member party' In her den, So I went. She was very polite and funny, and generous. so I added her, and to that day, we became very good friends. That pawesome buddy is Jammer260528

    1. I hope you'll hangout with each other well! :D


    2. Interesting. XD
      I met most of my buddies through adventures nowadays.

    3. That's great! I met most of my buddies long long ago, but I still enjoy making new friends!

  15. Oh dang i think i might have strep throat :(


    1. Aww. I hope you'll be alright.


    2. My friend had strep throat, and since she's the crazy one in our group, we were arguing who would be her replacement for the 2 days she was absent.


    3. I don't think I've ever had strep throat... o-o
      But anyway, feel better soon!

    4. Ouch! Feel better! :O

  16. A couple days ago i buddied goldcobra we dont see eachother that much but we are good friends.

    1. Cool! I buddied Pumaa a while ago but we don't talk much. However, I do talk to RainbowCat1 a lot! We buddied each other through this blog! Cool, huh?

  17. am i the only person who is afraid of claymation? Its so creepy.....

    1. I actually like claymation.. I watched tons of it as a little kid. XD

    2. Never heard of it?

  18. Friendship Friday: About a month ago I didn't really want to have any friends. They usually just use me for my rares... I don't even know how they find out I have a spike and stuff because I never wear it or put it on trade... Well anyways I was in Jamaa Township going to the sol arcade when a bunny rabbit just came up to me and said hi... I really didnt know what to do so I ran off to my den. About a minute later the bunny jam a grammed me that she was sorry if she made me upset and wanted to be my buddy. So I accepted her and we talked a bit.. well she did most of the talking but soon after that we became best friends and always did what eachother did.. I also ave her my rare spike and she didnt delet me! She said I was the best and she will never trade it!! I then realized making friends is fun and from that day I made tons of new friends :)

    1. That's a great story! I wish all Jammers were like that ^.^

  19. Did you guys hear TheDreamSchool changed her user? If you search TheDreamSchool it says that jammer can't be found. Her new user is Larevuer or something (Check my blog I forgot how to spell it) but it means TheDreamer in French. On Blogger she was TheDreamer

    1. When you go to my profile click on the first blog which would be Animal Jam:Jamaa's Secrets don't click on LongSilence's Blog or AJ Daily Items

    2. I don't like how they don't let you capitalize letters other than the first one when you make a new user.... In my opinion non capitalized usernames don't look right.. I dunno I'm picky when it comes to this. o-o'
      Also I don't like numbers in names either.

    3. @ShadowCharizard
      Really? Then how is my user "HelpTheEndagered297?"

  20. I really want a epic fox,wolf or tiger plushie.
    I am offering a BETA carrot garden and a rare heart locket.
    If u have 1 plz JAG me and we can meet.
    Live laugh and love huskies

    1. Yeah, I wish I had an epic plushie. DX

    2. I have all of em (I'm not bragging) but I bought one on eBay and I got the rare code...

  21. Omg helptheendangered297 war for ur founders or ur spike u can say no it will be fine with me but can u buddy me

    1. They're not for trade, and my list is full. I'm so sorry D:

  22. WOW! thats a lot of comments! LOL


    1. 4 my real comment. ummmmmmmm like that is cool how she made that pucks on that title...............that was random. Anywho, um the frendship friday thing is kinda weird. no affence. -CMO1st

    2. I know right! That could be a cool emote if you like hockey XD

    3. Thanks! But I'm a guy...XD
      And what's wrong with the Friendship Friday? o-o

  23. Hai jammers! c:
    I'm back on AJS! >.<
    So.. Yesterday I was sorta complaining about the flaws (HORRIBLE flaws) AJ overlooked..
    This comment is about adoption because i've complained the longest about this subject.
    People that don't want or can't reproduce adopt childen in need of homes. If you watch The Little Couple, you know what i mean :)
    People fly around the world sometimes to pick up a child in need of a home. A new parent dosen't know how to care for their baby, if it was adopted. This is all true and it all happens today, around the globe. To adopt, you must select a child, sign paperwork that LEGALLY claims that you will take care of it. Take it home and you have a perfect life now. Now, Animal Jam wise, how to adopt..
    Go to the pillow room, calmly say "I adopt ____" and.. shockingly... KIDNAP THEM! I'm SERIOUS. Total STRANGERS will KIDNAP so-called "homeless" or "parentless" children. Seriously?! And when you adopt them, the first thing they do is be a brat. Really?! -.-
    And i've seen New Jammers get a HORRIBLE influence and adopt. .-.
    Please don't kidnap and don't AJ Adopt!! I have AJ Adopted because I was testing. And then there were two bunnies BEGGING to adopt them. I said "No, stop it!" and she balistcally BAWLED her eyes out, and the other one didn't do anything, so i adopted her. She said "where do i sleep" AND IT TOOK ME FIVE MINUTES JUST TO GET HER WAY.. I mean, if i went to a sleepover, and i said "where do i sleep" and the host would have to ruin her time to get the bed i want. Same thing. Different life. Basically, when she was offline, i got evil and unbuddied her :)
    Pleease AJHQ! If you are reading this, DO NOT make an Adoption Center in AJ!!!!! It's bad enough in 1-18-2014!! if you do, a bunch of your players will quit! (including me!) ;-;
    And if you don't hear me and do it anyway, DO NOT remove the Pillow Room. The music is so calm and nice, please don't ruin anyone's time by not doing anything to stop adoption!
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    1. Kiki, as much as I see your opinion, I feel that an adoption center is a good thing. It shows us how to care for others and socialize, plus we have fun! It's a great thing to do when you're bored, and besides- It's basically playing Family on an Online Game, and it's not inappropriate! I do agree kidnapping is wrong, but the way I see it, it's just a fun way to play on AJ!

      Sriha123 (Ignore the Kiwicola)

    2. Why did you people turn the pillow room into an adoption center anyway? Its a place for buddies to hangout. Not a place to yell ADOPT ME PLZ MEMBERS ONLY.


    3. Yeah and there's always annoying bunnies there who are arctic wolf pups or something. They're always like, "I need a member wolf mommy!" Or something..

    4. Yeah the pillow room should just become the adoption center... -.-

    5. When little bunnies ask me to adopt them, I firmly say "No, I don't adopt anymore. sorry" and when they start with the tears, I ignore it. I leave. If I don't buddy them they can't follow me. I go play an adventure. Or go to the arcade. I forget all about them.

      I agree they can be total brats and treat you like a slave once you become their "mom". And they get all weird on you and take the roleplay so seriously. It's called rolePLAY as in play, as in PRETEND and not real. But I think some of the younger ones have trouble with getting overly attached to their fake moms. So yeah it's better to be honest in the first place and say NO WAY instead of saying yes just to stop the tears only to upset them more later when you ditch them.

      I don't think adoption should be banned. I think people should be encouraged not to be guilted into doing things they don't want to do with tear faces. Say NO and stick to it. Don't let them manipulate you cause that's what little kids are good at. .-.

    6. I kinda agree with this. Once I saw these two little bunnies, and they yell "ADOPT ME LOL I'M A RARE SPECIES, MEMBERS ONLY. PLZZZZZZZZZZ ADOPT ME I'M THE BESTEST (lol bad grammar) BUNNY IN THE WORLD" And this arctic wolf came in and she sat down and did nothing like she was meditating, and the bunnies "attacked" her: "HAI FUTURE MOMMY. I MEAN- PRETTY ARCTIC WOLF. WILL YOU ADOPT US PLZZZZZZZZZ" The arctic wolf was like: No thanks. But the bunnies kept on begging her. "PLZZZZZZZ, WE'RE JUST LITTLE BUNNIES, WE WANNA MOMMYYYYY." They cried and cried about it until the arctic wolf was fed up and left, and the bunnies were perfectly fine the next moment.

      It's ridiculous. .3.

    7. Yeah, it is ridiculous sometimes.

  24. Oh my gosh, FINALLY a post! Thank you! You surely put yourself in a responsible position!

    Cheers, Sriha123

  25. No offence but snowy's blog is kinda falling apart. Like no one updated it for 2 days but then you did thank god. But seriously if she can't post the people who help her should actully HELP her. Not you. You already updated it :) Im NOT hating but this has gone on for too long now. I mean lets face it snowy's had her spot light and other great blogs should too. I know she is busy with school work and other important stuff but her helpers should HELP otherwise this blog will be over. ;(

    1. No offense taken, but I disagree. It gets plenty of commenters and lots of hits still. Almost 4 million views now. People still care about this blog and what it has to offer. As long as people still read and comment, then it's still got a lot of life left in it.


    2. Yeah, I think we're just in a rough patch right now. But if everyone keeps commenting this blog will continue to thrive! :D

  26. Am I the only person AJ just died on? It says they're offline, but I think its because theres WAY too many people right now.

    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, AND MY FRIEND WANTED TO TELL ME SOMETHING IMPORTANT!

  27. I met one of my best AJ friends through her blog! Her name is KKat19, and she is now my blog author! She had this "Talented Authors" party, and so she wanted blog authors to send her links to their blogs! So I did, and we ended up being really great friends! You can see her Blogger profile by going to my blog, and looking under the Contrubutors section, and clicking on KKat! My cousin Snowyclaw also helps out a TON! Thanks so much to the both of them.

    1. Congratulations Snowy!
      Buddy me I am cutepaws55555
      Thanks! I a big fan! :)


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw