
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ski Lift Chair

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Hey jammers! What a crazy week, sorry for the late post! If any authors enjoy making extra posts, and I haven't posted by 4am AJS time, go right ahead! Today's fun new item is the Ski Lift Chair!
Pretty snazzy, perfect for the top of any snowy hilltop where one may need a little breather before heading down the alpine slope. In other news, mini jammers!
These little guys have been popping up everywhere!
Thanks for sending pictures crystal33619 and sheepa1! 
From what's being said, it appears to be a willfully done glitch, buy only jammers around you can see it, not you (sorta like the lava monster glitch!). I would guess it has something to do with Sky High, Wind Rider, or the new mini challenge at the end of the phantom prison adventure. What do you think? Meanwhile, AJHQ!
Beautiful art and a fun video! Meanwhile, for written Wednesday I have a question for you. Should Diamond Shop animals have their own alphas? Why or why not? If they should, what would their names be? Happy jamming!


  1. You know, snowyclaw, you don't have to apologize. I bet most blog readers don't consider the time you post late. When I read this I just came home from school, and it was posted 32 minutes before I had came home.

    1. I was still at school. Your school ends at 12:30? Wait, 12:30 AJS time. U probably live in a different time zone (like me)

    2. Hm, I agree with that. No need to apologize. But I guess Snowy is just being aware of the peeps who like to read the blog before school.

    3. omg... School..? That was in the middle of the night for me... D:

    4. Really? I live in the U.S. but im two hours ahead of Spirit Time (the time on this blog) so if 12 Spirit Time was 2 for me then you live in -checks world clock- Asia?

    5. I don't understand why snowy needs to post early anyway! If i post early like her my earliest would BE 4 am ajs time anyway! Its fine for the late post.

    6. Well I don't think the new authors are helping much honestly, I mean they haven't posted for 2 days, I don't really care what time there is a post but it would be nice if there was one at least, and shouldn't the people that win the author try outs help post?
      ~ dooda123

    7. Snowy shouldn't have all that stress on her shoulders, that why there are new authors that post certain days.
      ~ dooda123

    8. No posts for two days. Wow... And today's not even Snowy's day..

    9. Okay, so I totally agree, Snowy shouldn't have to apologize for her busy schedule and doesn't deserve all this stress on her shoulders. But you can't place all the blame on the other authors, especially those who have posted on their proper day.

    10. Cutegirl always posts too but puppywuppy missed today...

  2. Real comment: They should put a real ski lift thing in Jamaa near the statue and it takes you to the top of Mt. Shiveer. Wouldn't be a bad idea...

    1. That would be pretty good... especially if you could ride on it like the slides in crystal sands, but the idea seems to humanish for me. Anyone know the old crystal sands? The one without the slides, it looked more natural. ;c

    2. That is a pretty cool idea..But i agree with Shadow that might be a bit to humanish. So maybe AJHQ could make a skating or Ski Lifting Mini-game? ^.^
      And i miss the old Crystal sands, i saw some images of it and it looked much better. ;-;

    3. Yesh!!!! I loved the old crystal sands. It was so natury

    4. I especially loved the Lion Rock and it seemed more 'Jamaasian'. The new one its humany and we already have waterslides in the waterpark den! But the water park den came out on the same update where Crystal Sands was changed (I still remember it...

    5. Omg great idea! I would LOVE that!

    6. I miss old aj before the diamond shop

    7. I remember the old Crystal Sands. I think I quit AJ for a year when it changed. I came back though lol

    8. Really? I quit AJ for like 3 months a year ago because of the problem with rares... I have rares but not as much as HelpTheEndangered or any of you guys. My user is LongSilence but thanks to that animal glitch you won't see what my animals are wearing unless I'm online..

    9. Well, if I'm online and I show them to you :3

  3. 4th comment and I think yes, and the arctic wolf should have a alpha named Howles (girl) and the lion- Braveheart (boy) kangaroo- hopply (boy) snow lepaord- snowclaw (girl) and leaperd- speedlie (girl)

    1. They should name an Alpha after Snowyclaw. That would be amazing.

    2. I agree that Diamond shop animals should have shamans, here's a little story/legend i made about why i think the diamond shop animals don't have shamans.
      The story of the shamans:
      A long time ago when Mira and Zios had created Jamaa, it included all kinds of animals. seals, rabbits, wolves, eagles, swans, turtles, and much, much more. Each animal was given a Shaman and a Spirit Stone to protect the shaman and give life to the animals in Jamaa. But when Mira's tears created the phantoms, Spirit Stones where stolen, animals and shamans where lost. The six main remaining shamans, Cosmo, Peck, Greely, Graham, Sir Gilbert, Liza knew something had to be done about the phantoms.

      And so, the Great Phantom War begun. Many lives where lost that day, but Jamaa had won, and the phantoms vanished. Mira sent out the six shamans on a quest to find the lost animals, many Spirit Stones where found once again, but some animals where found too late.
      Something had happened to their shaman, since their Spirit Stone was stolen. For now, they must share their shamans with other animals until a new shaman is found for them. Now, who are these animals?

      The diamond shop animals.

    3. Thats cool! if you go to my website:
      I wrote a story about my made up cheetah alpha, Savannah. (Thought the name was fitting because 1. I have a cheetah plush named Savannah. 2. Because wild cats in Africa live on Savannahs.)

    4. lol and someone in my school is named Savannah!

  4. 5th comment, that's a weird glitch, I know how to do it from a different blog, so I'm gonna try it today. Also today's item is weird lol it's a bench with a piece of metal :)

    1. I forgot my user....


    2. Yeah, I wish I knew how to do it.. I'm gonna search it up....

    3. Congrats!
      yeah, i agree, it does look like a bench with a piece of metal on top of it. XD

  5. 6th (or 9th or something)

    Lol, that glitch makes the Jammers look so hilarious XD

    That art looks nice, but for some reason I can't see the pictures they post on the Daily Explorer :/

    For Written Wednseday, I think maybe some of them get an Alpha, and the others get a Shaman?

    -Unrelated to anything- I bit my tongue while eating an apple ;-;


    1. Shamans and alphas are the same thing they used to be called shamans but they changed it to alphas. I like shamans better but that's just me.

    2. That glitch is getting too common, it's annoying.
      Hm, and don't you hate it when you bite into something thinking it's soft, but it's actually hard? XD

    3. Shamans and alphas are pretty much the same thing, but the Alphas are the main shamans. The others are still called shamans.

    4. Wow, I didnt know that XD Thanks! But i like to call them shamans better than Alphas since Alphas are wolf pack leaders (so it would be good for Greely lol)

  6. 10th.Can they make peck and sir gilbert appear in adventures?I would like to see more of them.

    1. forgot my user sorry

    2. I REALLY want to see peck in adventures.


    3. Peck is my second favorite alpha next to Harper but she's my favorite 'main' alpha!

    4. I'm sure we'll see them soon! They haven't stopped making more adventures yet...

    5. I would love to see Peck and Sir Gilbert in the adventures!
      And i can't wait till we find out what happened to Greely..

    6. I think that he survived somehow with his powers. But maybe the phantoms captured him and turned him against Jamaa. So there could be an Adventure to turn Greely back to his old self..

  7. They should have shamans for the diamond shop animals,but I think AJHQ forgot about the other shamans like Ruby,Cornelius,Amelia,etc. AJ should represent them more,they are only known by being carved into statues!I'm a bit frustrated that they don't represent them that much!

    1. Yes, they should.
      I think of the main Animals (the non member ones before seals and penguins) as Alphas. The rest I like to still call "shamans".

    2. THIS. I AGREE WITH YOU SO SO SO MUCH MOLLIE. Something needs to be done...

    3. I totally agree with you! AJHQ should at least write a short description of them and put a picture in the Alphas page!

  8. I know how to do that glitch :3 My friend taught me. What you have to do to it is jump then do a request for a friend game (like how you host adventures), let someone press join and then when they leave the room and come back, or anyone comes in you will be tiny :3

  9. Wow 16 that's pretty good for me

    Real comment: that is what a lot of animals look like in the parallel glitch

    1. I've seen it on tigers in the den switch glitch too.

    2. And when you can be ocean animals in a land den the tigers get tiny but not parallel.

  10. I saw that glitch and i was asking for how to do it and the girl said send me a spike and i will tell you.
    Im angelgal1

    1. Yeah, that's really selfish - and extremely unfair. It would be easier to figure out the glitch yourself then to get a spike.

    2. I miss the old days with nicer Jammers..... :(


    3. Me too! There were no rares yet so there were no scammers. That was before my account was made but not before I joined AJ (I had a different account but changed it because the user was my name...)

  11. 17th: real comment the arctic wolf should have one Stay cool ~ cool

    1. Congrats on 17th!
      I think the lion should also get an Alpha.... Maybe all the big cats can have Sir Gilbert?

  12. You host four gem, let someone join you and immediately click out. Then, you ask everyone to leave at come back. (Or at least a friend). It should work. :)

  13. My Wriiten Wednesday: I think they should totally have alphas! The new eagles coming out should have one too and deer also. I think the names could be Aria (Snow Leopard, girl) Blast (Arctic Wolf, boy) Spark (cheetah, girl) Sir Tails (Lion, boy) and for the kangaroo I like Anon (the fourth comment) idea of Hopply.

    1. This could be a place to share Written Wednesdays but you don't have to. Also the ocean animals should have alphas too! The dolphin alpha is Venus (From the dolphin Venus statue) but sharks octopuses and turtles don't have one.

    2. Cool names! Except Sir Tails doesn't sound original... Sir Gilbert might get a little mad...

    3. Great names! :D I think they should be called Snowflake (Arctic wolf, girl) Maliki (Lion, boy) Cloud (Snow Leopard, girl) And i think Savannah for a Cheetah and Hopply for a Kangaroo are good ones. ^.^

    4. That would be cool if they had a shaman or alpha after you (I see what you did with Cloud.)

    5. It's not like there could be an Alpha called Silence. That would be wierd XD

    6. No..i just came up with cloud. O_O

  14. I believe there should be Alphas for the Diamond Shop animals! They are just like any other animal, except maybe just a little special. Without them having Alphas is like... an ice cream sundae without chocolate fudge... The HORROR!!! -Dun dun dunnn- It's so horrible to think about. Honestly. If you have Alphas for other REGULAR animals, why not the Diamond Shop ones? It's only fair!

    1. Agreed.. I've been thinking, why don't they have alphas... Is AJHQ lazy? Have they forgotten about Alphas. Did deer get Alphas?

    2. To ShadowCharizard: Nope, they didn't get an Alpha. Its almost as if AJHQ is getting too lazy to make new Alphas or write backgrounds for Alphas (or shamans, Cloudclaws said) like Ruby, Amelia, or Marco (the ones that are only known as bronze statues). Something has to be done. What if we make some sort of thing like the Jamaasian Movement for these alphas?

    3. Snowy needs to know about this!

      THE JAMAASIAN MOVEMENT MUST COME BACK!!! About Alphas! :) I want to see not only the "main" Alphas to be in the Adventures. :)


  15. It's not really fair to the Diamond Shop animals if they DON'T have Alphas, if you know what I mean... They're just like any animal, like Pandapaws30025 said. I mean, it's not fair at all to them 'cause they don't have a special recognition. Now, it's just like: Oh, hey, it's a special animal.

    1. What about the ocean animals? You guys forgot about them

    2. And deer! WHAT ABOUT THE DEER??!?!

    3. I have to agree with all of you, but then again, NONE of the minor alphas have backstories or have been revamped, so there is no point in making more "hobos", as I remember somebody put it.

    4. Hobos... That's funny. I think yesterday or some other day we were thinking of things we wanted to email to AJHQ and now your back, so I think it's still on the comments of another post...

  16. Wait, there is a PHANTOM PRISON adventure and a mini game?! Wait?!!! What did I miss?
    Snowy, did you mean the Great Escape or the Phantom Portal adventure? .-.
    I love the Great Escape music, but unfortuantely, that means I hafta wait 2 more weeks for my Cosmo den. DX

    1. Amy, I was thinking the same thing. xD That would be pretty cool, though! Oh... The Great Escape would make sense, as there is kind of a Wind Rider game at the end.

    2. I was thinking the same thing too. XD But its probably Great Escape, since it has a wind rider game at the end of it. :P

  17. i know the mini gltch :)

    1. Me too when I went on and did the daily bonus, I saw someone doing it and they were asking everyone if they were tiny lolz

  18. Theres no update today, right? I havent been able to go on yet but I still hope there is XD ill answer this question after ive been on AJ so no need to reply

    1. Nope, no update (I was expecting it) :c

    2. Nope, there was a rather boring update last week, though. ;-;

    3. I said no need to reply. Your just trying to add an extra comment to yourself -.-

    4. Mia is right though. Last week, it was a boring update. The only exciting part is that there's an animal or something coming to Jamaa. Hopefully a new animal and land! :D

      It would be better if AJHQ can make an update EVERY week instead of 2 weeks. AJ is already boring than it used to be. Going into Jamaa Township and see 5 scammers everyday is just so boring! It's like the same day happens again and again!


  19. Those little jammers look like toy jammers :P

    1. XD That's kinda funny, it's like they froze and shrunk when asking to play with someone. Silly, huh?


  20. Hey Snowyclaw! I know we got AJHQ to get people to recognize the alphas, but we need a new Jamaasian Movement topic. Some things that we need to accomplish:

    .Get a deer alpha/ underwater alphas/ diamond shop animal alphas
    .Get more backstories and info on the other alphas (Marco, Ruby, etc.)
    .Get AJHQ to do more things with Mira/Zios. Some jammers have forgotten all about them! I was dancing at the fire at Sarepia, and Mira came out of the fire. I say "Oh yay, Mira!" and two people are like "Who's Mira?" And then I look at them like O-O

    Anyways, we need those things accomplished. New jamaasian movement topic? :D *wink wink*

    1. I agree, i mean shouldn't the Jamaasian Movement continue?! Where's the Spirit Stones? Where's Mira? Where's Zios?

    2. I agree with you SOO much. AJ is forgetting about all these things and making AJ just a game. But it's more than that! (I posted a comment like that way before you did)

    3. I agree. I'm on with you guys. :)
      I need to know what those Alphas are, also for ones that aren't recognized. In beta, EVERYONE knows Mira and Zios. Strange, huh? AJHQ FORGOT ALL about AJ culture! :(

      So, I'm in!


    4. So am I! I wish snowy could reply to this but I know she's busy and if you're reading this, snowy, Please take what we said in mind!

    5. Maybe one of you guys can email her? That would be easier for her to catch up. Here is what I want for the Jamaasian Movement:

      -Bring back some beta features back into AJ (Old Crystal Sands, beta den, etc.)
      -Bring at least most beta items back WITHOUT NEW COLORS (All I want is no serious drama)!
      -AJHQ should make more Jamaasian items.
      -Diamond Shamans, backstories for the forgotten Shamans, etc.
      -A few more non-member rights (color changing, typing in Jam-a-Grams, etc.)

      Maybe not everything we wanted will happen but it's worth a try. We bringed the Alphas back so let's try to achieve our goals! :D


    6. Yeah, they don't mention Mira NEARLY enough...

    7. If they brought back beta items, many jammers would quit because those betas they worked hard for, i know i would... but they should start making more beta looking items i would like that

    8. I agree 100 percent! One of my buddies, 1tiana, made another profile that is "Mira"! She also made Zios XD She did it because she wants to make Jammers realize who Mira and Zios are.

  21. Hey ppls I've been on today and I haven't seen any of of this "Mini Jammer" thing.


    1. I saw it twice today but it was only because I was on Aldan -.- I hate Aldan because people go like RARE PEOPLE ONLY SHOULD BE HERE. And they bully unrare Jammers...

    2. I hate Aldan, too. I posted an idea for the Jamaasian Movement to bring back rares.

      For the new colors being released for rare items., DO YOU SEE THAT PEEPS STILL ACT RARE WITH RARE SPIKES! I HATE THE IDEA AJHQ DID! BRING THE OLD COLORS BACK! I'll quit AJ if the scamming problem still happens after 1 more year. Please, AJHQ, do something!


    3. I will quit too. AJ is getting boring with all these rares...

  22. Oh, and what is a heart balloon worth? DX

    1. Uhh..Other summer carnival stuff? o-o
      To be honest, i don't have any clue.

    2. Heart balloon was never a Summer Carnival item. It's an item that is brought into stores around Valentines day so it's not worth very much as it is coming back very soon, but try trading it again in a couple of months. :)

    3. I have a clover balloon so it's pretty much the same for me but a tad bit worth more since it comes out a month after the heart balloon (I hope you don't think this isn't related to what you're talking about....)

  23. The top commenter gadget is glitching again..

  24. Sorry I haven't been commenting; I am sometimes pretty busy lol. I agree that AJHQ should make Diamond Shop alphas!

  25. How to do the glitch: 1 sit 2 play 4 gem 3 cancel fast you won't seem small on your computer, but others will see you tiny! I hope this helps! -SPHDZ


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw