
Friday, February 21, 2014

Telescope Returns

Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow  Giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on Youtube.

Hey jammers! Today's new old item is the Telescope, returning from its timey wimey trip to wibbly wobbly spacey wacey.
Sold in the Outback Imports! 
And AJHQ has also brought back the Hot Cocoa Machine over in the Diamond Shop. Aww, makes my giveaway rather silly. ^.^'
As you may have seen, AJHQ is sending some advertisements out about the new diamond deals. It seems that AJHQ is creating a
massive dependence on these, and it's bothering everyjammer!
As reported by Emily, the player ID glitch is showing up in more and more places around Jamaa. This time, adventures!
Speaking of the adventures, with the new update jammers have been discovering adventure island in the Base Camp!
Hopefully it will open soon! I wonder how it will involve eagles and their flying abilities... These abilities are certainly fun, they open up a lot of new possibilities for music videos around Jamaa. Eagles work pretty well with plenty of items, including the Headdress – the feathers have been doubled! Anyone get that reference? :D
Try bold pattens to catch others' attention!
As some of you may remember, there was a glitch a while back where you could "fly" around, with different methods of flying for each land. I actually coined the name, way back when, the "skyway." If you'd like to travel back in time, click here! Here's a classic picture:
I really enjoy seeing theses types of places again, it seems like AJHQ is bringing them back, in a way. Hopefully nonmembers will soon receive an option like this with future flying animals.

What are you guys thinking of the extra posts? Are they enjoyable? I will likely have to slow down, with school things picking up, but feel free to submit your own articles to be published here on the blog. In fact, there's a contest that will be posted later today!
Happy jamming everyone.


  1. S-Claw you post really early! I stayed up late waiting for the new item, and it took me at least 6 trips until I found it. I could post, but I'm waiting until 7 am to get the Daily Explorer post. By the way, the time this comment was posted was 2:56 am.

    1. It took me a while to find where the new item was today. I thought "it couldn't be in the outback store, right???" and there it was. xD
      (Happy firsty) :P

    2. i like the telescope.. its cool
      lol randome comment.plz look at and comment on mai blog:

    3. oh and s-claw were is the telescome sold? XD\


      wow i feel stupid x3

    5. yay im third on the commentator-tots list! the "tots" thing is an inside joke i have with myself... XD



    7. ok ppl.. if you are in someplace were normal animals cant go and u change animals from eagle to say.. bunny then u won't stay there, i cheked :P

    8. ok ppl.. if you are in someplace were normal animals cant go and u change animals from eagle to say.. bunny then u won't stay there, i cheked :P

    9. am i talking to myself? i hope im not. if i am im crazy. well, more crazy..

      ~jzale314 really am i talking to myself?

    10. oh snowy if u go behind jam-mart clothing there is a little river can u do a jamaa mystery on it?

      ~jzale314 who is still alone :T

    11. LOL u need to go to the jammer central there is a really funny vid on eagles!!!


    12. Really? :D
      Then i must check the video out! :3

    13. Congrats on 1st Ronen! Snowy really is an early bird... I have no idea how you people manage to get first ;-;
      Except if you live in another time zone than Snow does, well then it's pretty much easy XD

  2. How do you get the border around your screenshots? I want mine to have them. I haven't fully learned HTML yet so I don't really know how to code it.

    1. Go to your blogger template, click edit, under advanced, click images. Then there'll be border colour - click it and choose a colour :)

    2. It depends on the template. Snowy didn't edit any HTML, the border is default for this template.

    3. Thanks Kin and Pumaa!

    4. hey kin, i made a link to ur blog from mine...... i really miss u. i hope rocky will start posting like normal now, it wont be the same but mister chunky buddy is not posting ether.. his last post was on the second of February....
      ~jzale314 who misses kinyonga TONS

    5. I miss Kinyonga too, even though i didn't comment i used to read her posts everyday. :(
      But of course, i can't blame her for quitting. Everyone has to quit eventually, right?
      And what Pumaa said is correct...Snowyclaw's one is a default one. ^.^

  3. My eagle is American. I love how the stars look on its wings. Im quite proud of my eagle. :)
    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, And yours is beautiful.

    1. I have so many ideas on the theme of my eagle once I get it. I think I'll do more like a messenger type of bird, like from the Walt Disney movie, Valiant.

    2. Mine is purple. I love purple.

    3. im going to ask my brother to drive me to target so i can buy a eagle membership... i would ask my mom but she is working and my dad is driving to a ski race....

    4. ok guys don't say: skyflock apperently its "sharing personal info" how?


    5. ok if any of u wonder best dressed was moved to the end of the group of games with falling phantoms and splash n dash. if any of u wondered..

    6. The eagle's body color is a secret color not on the palette I think. I kept it. o3o

  4. I want an eagle... How do you get diamonds so fast Snowy? ;n;

    1. Well, she doesn't have a lot of time to play AJ on a daily basis, so I guess her diamonds stocked up. I even think she has more than 10 diamonds.

    2. Maybe she bought a membership card? c:

  5. I'm so happy that the Telescopes are back! I will obviously do an observatory but I feel kind of sad because yesterday one person offered a big cat banner for my telescope and I accepted! I hope they're not too sad!

    1. I hope they aren't too. But in retrospect, you can get any existing game item you want as long as you set your mind to it. I thought I would never get a black pirate sword, but I did.

    2. She probably doesn't need to buy diamond shop items because fans send her so many mailtime goods.

    3. Aww that person is probably disappointed at AJHQ, not you though. It was a fair trade at the time.

    4. and nobody notice the dr who refrence and the mlp refrence 0-0


  6. I saw some number glitches on the gallery.

    1. Hmm, I myself wouldn't call them number glitches, because glitches are bugs that affect our game-play, and the numbers don't really affect anything. I'd label it more as a technical problem :P.

    2. I think the numbers correspond to ID of the Jammer. Perhaps the system read the ID instead of the display name.

      Speaking of glitches, can someone explain this glitch where your den is a Small House but it has underwater features like underwater furniture and your character swimming. Feel free look at the glitch in pictures at my blog:

    3. Just remembered that the ID thing was exactly what S-claw said! :)

    4. Yep, its probably an ID. ^.^
      And i will check out the glitch. :)

    5. Well whatever it is, that long string of numbers makes my eyes hurt just looking at it! XC

  7. I wear a headdress on my eagle, too! It shows that my headdress feathers are the same as my eagle's.

    Real Native American headdresses are made of eagle feathers, too so they look pretty cool on an actual eagle. Maybe AJHQ will release headdresses soon since they have eagle feathers and that eagles are here. Maybe not, sadly (or happily). :(


    1. I heard a few players saying that headdresses will soon be sold in the Diamond Shop. Any rare that's returned to the Diamond Shop does not affect me in literally any way. I'd feel more than happy rares came back.

    2. I didn't know they were made of eagle feathers, but it makes sense. :3

    3. I didn't know either, but that's really cool. :)
      Diamond shop rares don't really affect me either..I don't really think i would be that upset if headdresses returned. ^.^

    4. I think headdresses will return, too. Maybe they will be one of the "lucky" items that AJHQ mentioned on a page in the Jamaa Journal. That word "lucky" does sound like they will be returning rares. If not then AJHQ should've written "new".

      I hope headdresses come back so I can get my fav colors and no one will bother me about that item again! It should return since the headdress looks very nice on every animal. I try to make the best styles and I think headdresses will be one of the pieces.


    5. Pawesome, I'd love to see some more headdresses around Jamaa! :D

  8. Omg I'm so sad!! I can't get on AJ because my internet doesn't let that website work anymore! :'( But I really want the eagle!! Oh well.. well its my moms bday today so... I don't know where im going with this..

    1. Happy Birthday to your mother! Sorry you can't play AJ anymore. I suggest you contact AJHQ about this, but to get the best results, I also suggest you click or copy this link:

      All the best!

    2. Did you try logging in on a different computer in your house? Or with a different AJ account? Or with a different browser? (If you contact AJHQ about this problem they will probably just ask you this same thing).

    3. @Manxylion
      I did try to log in on other computers, on different accounts and a different browser. Same thing happened. I can get on at my library, and when I use data from my moms phone. I think it's my internet that's the problem. My dad said he called our people about it and they said everything was fine, but I still can't get on at my house..

      @Ronen Jamaa
      I might contact AJHQ but I don't think they can do anything about it so why bother? It's not the website, it's my internet.. But now that I think about, it might be BOTH! Because my internet works on other websites but not animal jam. But animal jam works at other places! So now I am very confused..

    4. ANIMAL JAM IS OFFLINE TOO! WHAT AM I GOING TO DOO? Is it just my computer doing this?

    5. No, AJ was offline for everyone. Though it's weird how servers are still full when I try to get in.


    6. Wow, the EXACT same thing happened to me last Tuesday! I tried everything; clearing the cache/cookies, updating Adobe Flash Player, using different browsers, computers, etc. None of it worked. Plus, Animal Jam loaded fine for me at different locations, and it seemed that everyone else could log on, but I couldn't at home.

      The problem lasted for about three days, and then just today I was able to access Animal Jam again. I think that it was a temporary problem with Animal Jam, sometimes websites experience an error and they can't access every internet connection.

      If the problem persists for a really long time; I would recommend calling Animal Jam first, (since usually they give automated replies through email), and they should be able to help you! They are programmers, after all. Just make sure that you get a human on the line. XD


    7. @Krazy

      AJ is offline for me at all!

    8. AJ must be very glitchy. o-o
      I hope it's working for y'all now!

    9. @Etherealcomet
      My computer has been not working for animal jam for over a month.. but it did work ONE day then the next day it stopped working again..

  9. I love Doctor Who like you don't even know >.< I've watched the Christmas special 6 1/2 times and I cried every time!

    1. I have never watched that show but many people who have say it's wibbly wobbly timey wimey wonderful! I might watch it when I have the time.

    2. I love Dr. Who too! Did u watch day of the doctor? Not bad! Even my Language Arts teacher watches Dr. Who!

    3. ...and there's a pony in My Little Pony that looks like Dr. Who, everyone calls him Dr. Whooves XD

    4. lol the day of the doctor got me into doctor who =D YAY!!

      ~E ( ever watch doctor whooves and assicents? )

    Go Princess Luna lol!
    The telescope looks awesome, and it's for nonmembers too!

    1. I like it when AJHQ brings back vintage items.

    2. What does vintage mean? Haven't heard this word for a long time. O.O


    3. Vintage is like old stuff. I've been to a vintage store irl before, they had really old comic books, furniture... lol
      It smelled really musty in there though.

  11. 12th comment? I am not sure.....

    1. You're the 11th comment besides replies, but with replies you're comment number 24.

    2. Happy snow1334111 NU MAD =333 sorry.February 21, 2014 at 3:52 PM


    3. Wow, replies make a big difference, huh? Good thing we don't count them then XD

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I swear I saw another post today about Spirit Crew! Where did it go?

    1. Yeah! What in Jamaa is going on!?

    2. I did, too! Good thing I read it already. Snowyclaw probably reverted it to draft or deleted it for some reason.

    3. Weird, I didn't see one... must be because I'm too late! XD

  14. Hey peeps!

    I got an idea for next update or sometime in the future. I want this to be next update! Have you ever get annoyed with Jam-a-Grams that say "What for your _____" or a virus by Jam-a-Gram? I have the idea to turn on/off Jam-a-Grams from peeps who aren't your friends. I love my style for my eagle with a headdress but peeps can't leave me alone! They just ask what for it by Jam-a-Gram. AJHQ has to know this! D:


    1. You could just block a person and they won't be able to send you Jam-A-Grams.

    2. Ya...
      Have you heard of the jammers Recycled______? They creep me out! But im not scared of u puffin hackers!
      Block em and report em!

    3. Wasn't talking about u i was talking about recycled______, imbackforgood, imbackforever, (aka fman122)

    4. Yeah when I get an annoying Jam-a-Gram, I just ignore it. Then, if they repeat it, I delete it. And if it continues, I just block the player. :T

      And I dislike so much when people send me Jam-a-Grams saying, "What for _____ (mainly my one and only worn that happens to be black- black worn is a very desired worn color I realized.) And what's most annoying is I don't have it on trade. Like seriously people, stop asking me and a ton of other Jammers for an item they have if it's not on their Trade List. -_-

      So yeah..

    5. I want that idea so peeps can leave me alone about asking what for my rares and also in case if I by mistake get a virus.

      Back in beta, no one cares about rares. When I wear a cool outfit that time, peeps are like "Cool outfit!" but now peeps today are like "What for your ______?" when I wear any rare that is popular.

      All I want is for peeps to leave me alone.


    6. It's even worse if they just demand you add something to ur list. Like the other day this horse JAGs me and says "add headdress to ur list plz" and I said "but I like my headdress" and the horse is like "FINE MEAT!!!!" (I assume he/she meant to say "FINE MEANY" but couldn't type the word "meany" in a jam-a-gram. Ugh, it wouldn't be so bad if people weren't so rude. -_-

    7. Ugh, some people these days....

    8. Yeah... that's why I don't reply to annoying jam a grams because then people will have easy access to my player card... D:
      But if I don't reply they might not reply because my username is very long ^w^

    9. lol "fine meat" XD that just soudns funny and kind of sound like a cook talking about meat XDDD


  15. I FINALLY GET THE REFERENCE! THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED! Luna is one of my favorites <3

  16. hhna bdcn zxnv xmhdfvaefbhadbc,mnasbdfcmhjavhzbs cnx cmhzvdcvzsdc zd cassschd hcmxnvjszdfvbmjd


  17. snowy where are the telescopes being sold? and could somebody get on AJ and see if wolfsrock87878 is on? thats me and i randomly got logged off and now i am panicing!!

    1. oh it must have been an unptade or everybody got kicked off the worlds are empty
      so nvm about my questions

    2. I had that problem, too. When I was at Sarepia, it said that I logged off for too long. I kept trying to log in. After I went to another browser, it said that it was on maintenance. Maybe a little bug fix for some items equipped on eagles?


    3. The glove glitch is still going on eagles. I thought i was being hacked but thank goodness i was not :O

    4. The telescopes are in Kimbara Outback, probably to get people to go there... xD

  18. The telescopes look pretty cool. I see those numbers everywhere lol but what do they mean?

    1. I have no idea. XD
      I like the telescopes though.. and I have a feeling those thin bronze giraffe statues might come out too!

    It looked so good on my eagle.. D :<
    Man I hate hackers..... If anyone wants to trade me a headdress (any color except pink) jamagram me!
    Live laugh and aww man

    1. Recycled_________! Most likely...

    2. D: Sorry you lost your headdress! Ikr with all these hackers in Jamaa, it's... Ugh! I hate (I know "hate" is a strong word) hackers sooo much!! D:<

  20. i am so going everwere with my eagle


  21. I hate eagles because there only member and they cost diamonds I mean AJHQ has never cared for non member about new animals always giving us the crappy animals it makes me so MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. i know right! we should make a petition for nm eagles!!

    2. They might release another flying animal that will be for all Jammers. I seen a poll at the AJ Everloop that said what other bird animals we wanna see. Most votes are for the owl. Maybe the owl will be for all Jammers?


    3. Yes! AJ NEEDS to have an all jammer, or if not that an all member flying animal! Because it seems that all AJ cares about these days are money. Cuz non members can't get an eagle, and if your a member and don't have 10 diamonds, you can't get an eagle either. So you just have to spend real-life money to get an eagle if you don't have enough diamonds. -.- So nonmembers AND members are upset about this (including me). And owls as another new flying animal seems PAWSOME!!

    4. Aren't you guys happy about the sunken ship den being nonmember at least? O.o

    5. Yes. Finally nonmembers have the choice between a land den and an underwater den. c:

  22. Hmm... In Club Penguin, you get #s before your name is approved. Could this be AJHQs way of approving names, to fend off hacks? Also, I LOVED the Zios Skyway, 'cause I was able to master getting into the pit, and I still have a screenshot of myself dancing on the elephant. Wow, I didn't know eagles were out. And now I am flaming mad nms don't get to have them. I understand, AJ needs the money, but they would have never reached 10 million back in 2010 w/o us. It's a FLYING ANIMAL!! We nms kinda want it?!


    1. 2010 was the year of the beta phase. They reached 10 million players in April 2013. Now, AJ has 12 million players and counting. We're close to having more layers than Minecraft, which is 13 million.

    2. then aj well be in the world record next year of beating mc or very next to it..\


    3. Think of all the storage accounts. .o.

  23. snowy, I sent in a rare freedom glove a few month back, while you were still in your last giveaway, and I said in the jam a gram I wanted for you to use that in your next giveaway (this one I guess) and you never used it in a giveaway. I would really appreciate it if you used it in this one or the next one. thanks, meow68

    1. I think she will, but she has been behind on her jam a grams XD

  24. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I can't customize myself anymore! :O I wanted to sell something but I can't. The customization turns dark gray and I can't click a single thing that I had to reload the page. I'm stuck on my styles forever. :'(

    Does anyone have that problem? I hope I'm not the only one having this problem. O.O


    1. Aww that's awful! That you can't customize your avatar anymore. DX That is weird though o.o Good luck trying to be able to customize yourself again!

    2. @ Krazy:
      OMG OMG OMG OMG NOOOOO!!!! I just logged on AJ and clicked "Change Your Look" or whatever. The entire thing turned light gray, so I couldn't change my avatar's looks. It forced me to refresh webpage, and I tried it 2x so far. Idk about you, but I'm kinda scared now... and really frustrated with AJHQ now!! D:< I also couldn't click anything! WHY AJ WHY!?!?! )':
      ~(an annoyed) cutepups522~

    3. OMG Krazy the exact same thing happened to me earlier today!!!!!!
      I went to edit my animals look and the whole thing kept turning gray but nothing happened and I kept having to log off.
      I got it to work when I tried it on explorer, it only glitches on firefox for some reason, and it only started today. :/ I thought it was only me but I guess not. I hope this gets fixed soon. I hate explorer. XD

    4. it wont let me on explorer.... :( I am having the problem ~bunni8232

    5. Really? I still can't change my look, and I'm on Explorer, not Firefox. o-o I always had to refresh, and I tried it on my other animals, but it still doesn't work for me. DX

    6. im not on aj right now but i can image the anger.. i cant even log on because it well glitch and loades forvever until the " you were off for so long" thing came up.. >.< and i cant go anywhere thats awesome..


    7. Oh wow okay. xD Idk why mine likes explorer. I guess it's a quirk.
      Well the good news is, since this is happening to a lot of people that probably means more people will complain about it to AJ and it may be fixed sooner. :3

    8. I'm on Google Chrome and it hasn't happened to me at all... .-.

    9. :D Yay I can now customize again! That was so annoying! But, yay! :)

  25. Why did you remove the spirit crew post? :(

    1. Probably because S-claw thought it was a bad idea and there would be too much competition.

  26. I cannot believe AJHQ is running a game only for MONEY.
    Sure, i understand that they need money to run a game.

    But look, i think what AJHQ is thinking right now is this: "If we ARE running a game, why don't we try and get all the money?"
    I understand about them thinking that too, but if I where AJHQ, i would still try to be fair to the people playing! >:(
    What im trying to tell here is that AJHQ shouldn't think about only money, they should think about the game! the jammers! I mean, we all know how Club Penguin has lost many players due to its unfairness. Does AJHQ want to lose players!? Of course not! Now they are not only being tough on nonmembers, but on members too. If animal jam continues like this, then im quitting! >:(

    1. Sorry guys..I HAD to rant to let out my anger. D:<

    2. I agree. I would quit the game after a whole year if rare obsession, too many diamond animals, human items, and hacking still continue!

      Where was the AJ I used to know from 2010? The one with nicer Jammers and the less humanic world of Jamaa. :(


    3. Well, National Geographic used to own the game more back then... Smart Bomb Interactive kinda took over, and since they have more animators and peeps on the job they kinda need more money... ;-;

    4. The workers need money to feed their children so they won't go hungry and so they can send them to school. Being a web and graphics designer is a real living. It isn't like they are some evil villain on top of a dark castle on a hill with lightning around it sitting on their gold toilets going "MWAHAHAHA!!! We'll make eagles diamond shop items so we can have even MOAAAR. They are a regular business just like an amusement park. Back in the beta days they took a risk by investing money in making the site and hoping it would be popular enough to pay for itself. Well it did, and it's doing well now. :3

    5. You have a right to say your opinions if you're mad, but there are 2 sides to everything too.

  27. I'm so mad at AjHQ! They won't let me change my look, and I was supposed to have one day left of membership but now im nonmember! Either it's glitching or they hate me o.o

    1. Weird glitch. I'm sure AJHQ doesn't hate you though, they probably don't even know that you and I exist.

  28. Did anyone notice that kinyonga's picture got into ng kids march issue or is that a different kinyonga?
    Live laugh and love huskies

  29. Haha, yes Princess Luna! :D
    And if you put any kinds of wings like mech wings, scary bat wings, they are put on the eagles back behind their real wings, so THE WINGS GET DOUBLED TOO. QUADRUPLE FEATHERS ANYONE? :D

  30. THE CUSTIOMIZATION FINALLY WORKS FOR ME!!!!! YAAY! I hope it's fixed for everyone else, though. If not, there's a chance it'll happen to me again. XD


  31. Has anyone else noticed the underwater pet glitch? I had a sea horse, then I went to the play as your pet party, and im a sea horse! I also have a pet fox underwater.

  32. Too bad I cant discover secret areas cuz my dad wont buy me membership T_T


  33. I think AJHQ will bring out something like sparrows or tiny birds for nms to fly with. Idk.

  34. If they bring back claw I am quitting. They are bringing back all the rares! I bet mummy gloves are next >:(

  35. Hey snowy and friends :3
    I have a question...
    Should I get an eagle or a cheetah?

  36. I think there will be seagulls for non members! ^^ and if a sky world comes out than you can go in that, on land, and in the water because seagulls can dive water!

  37. LOL XD WIbbly Wobbly Spacey Wacey XD I see you're a fellow whovian XD

  38. Princess34542- AJ SuperStarAugust 4, 2014 at 7:50 AM

    I got the "Doubled Feathers" reference. Cute. Reaaal cute. :3

  39. Princess34542- AJ SuperStarAugust 4, 2014 at 7:50 AM



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw