Monday, April 7, 2014

Rare Big Bow

Click here to enter the Party Hat, Rare Bow and Cocoa Giveaway
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Heya jammers! Cutegirl2001 here! Here in Jamaa, the Rare Big Bow can be spotted, perfectly tied on   jammers ^.^
A blue bow! It kind of reminds me of the ones, in contests, and if you win the contest you get the big blue bow!

And, apparently AJHQ thinks so too!
Looks like that arctic wolf is workin' it!

But *cough, it could never top my rockin snow leopard! 
Haha I'm so proud of my little leopard! Don't mind me, just kidding around ;)

Next, here are some tips for the (sometimes impossible) Claw Machine! The first one, is to try to position your Claw at the tip-top of the top plushie sticking out:

The second tip, is to, hold down the left/right keys for about 2 seconds, so the Claw moves a bit, but while the Claw is moving, press the space/down arrow key
These tricks may not work on some computers, so if they do not, please don't come after me with pitch-forks or whatnot! >.< 

Okay, now time for our Monday Mystery!
In the adventure, Greely's Infero, at one point, you are able to see Jamaa Township from there. Why is it, that there is not volcano there, or that we cannot see the volcano? Is it something to do with the phantom's dark magic? I look forward to reading your stories jammers, and rewarding the most interesting ones!

P.S. Don't forget to send in picture of full plushie collections, if you have one! Happy jamming!