Saturday, April 5, 2014

Surfboards & French Servers

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Hey jammers! Before I get to my adventures in France, we have today's item: the Surfboard. You can buy your own in Jam Mart Furniture. I guess summer is officially on its way to Jamaa now.
No, tis not a mistake, the last two colors are the same! I swear, no lie man, check it out bro. ^.^ Also, as you may have discovered, the new plushies are here! Snow Leopards, Kangaroos, Arctic Wolves, Cheetahs, Lions... The whole caboose! Well, actually, probably the whole train. The entire circus train, from Australia to the Arctic.

Thanks for sending the picture in chorus2010!
There are plenty of little guys with fun clothing features! An arctic wolf with Elf Tail Armor, a snow leopard unicorn, and a super speedy cheetah hero. If you have a collection, send it in!
As you may have noticed, AJHQ has addressed the mystery of the missing Golden Eggs. Hopefully you received yours!

And now to move on – we must travel to France. Or at least the new Animal Jam servers, in French! Most likely a feature of the most recent server update (remember when AJ was down?), and run parallel to our English ones (server names are sill the same as ours). You can tell you're there by the little flag!
 Isn't that neat? These servers are likely only accessible from French speaking countries, and the exact words they demand are likely so everything can be translated back to English. I wonder why it's not just a setting or something. I hope they get a Spanish one soon though, I'd love some practice. What do you think?
 With all these safe chat words I even got my own code name!
 Hehe, 'twas fun to visit, yes. At the moment it seems the only way to get there is to find a buddy who is on that certain server. I'll let you know if anything new comes up, and perhaps a video will show up on my channel in a little while. Stop by later!
Happy jamming.

P.S. Do you have a complete set of plushies? Send a picture of them in a cool arrangement to to become part of the grand plushie compilation! Join the halls of plushie fame.