
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Surfboards & French Servers

Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on Youtube.

Hey jammers! Before I get to my adventures in France, we have today's item: the Surfboard. You can buy your own in Jam Mart Furniture. I guess summer is officially on its way to Jamaa now.
No, tis not a mistake, the last two colors are the same! I swear, no lie man, check it out bro. ^.^ Also, as you may have discovered, the new plushies are here! Snow Leopards, Kangaroos, Arctic Wolves, Cheetahs, Lions... The whole caboose! Well, actually, probably the whole train. The entire circus train, from Australia to the Arctic.

Thanks for sending the picture in chorus2010!
There are plenty of little guys with fun clothing features! An arctic wolf with Elf Tail Armor, a snow leopard unicorn, and a super speedy cheetah hero. If you have a collection, send it in!
As you may have noticed, AJHQ has addressed the mystery of the missing Golden Eggs. Hopefully you received yours!

And now to move on – we must travel to France. Or at least the new Animal Jam servers, in French! Most likely a feature of the most recent server update (remember when AJ was down?), and run parallel to our English ones (server names are sill the same as ours). You can tell you're there by the little flag!
 Isn't that neat? These servers are likely only accessible from French speaking countries, and the exact words they demand are likely so everything can be translated back to English. I wonder why it's not just a setting or something. I hope they get a Spanish one soon though, I'd love some practice. What do you think?
 With all these safe chat words I even got my own code name!
 Hehe, 'twas fun to visit, yes. At the moment it seems the only way to get there is to find a buddy who is on that certain server. I'll let you know if anything new comes up, and perhaps a video will show up on my channel in a little while. Stop by later!
Happy jamming.

P.S. Do you have a complete set of plushies? Send a picture of them in a cool arrangement to to become part of the grand plushie compilation! Join the halls of plushie fame.


  1. Replies
    1. real comment:- that surfboards look awesome but too bad it is only for members :( and i saw those plushies on snowys den yesterday they were cute!

    2. congratz on first!!!i saw you in the french server XD
      i was really confused so i had to just keep saying: ME USA
      i was also using google translate.... :P

    3. Congrats! Do you know what servers are french? :D

    4. EN FRANCAIS, MON AMIS!!!! Epic

    5. CONGRATS!! But y does it matter?

    6. I'm learning French at school!

  2. First comment yay! Anyway, nice plushies! cool server!

    theseyo out

  3. 1st YAY! Thanks snowy for making thing blog!

  4. Replies
    1. the size of snowy's posts are i'd say double mine on a day when i do a long post! XD

  5. 5th
    Wow great post! I love the new plushies.


    1. Congrats on 5th! And I finally got a snow leopard!! They're so cute eeee >3<

  6. i am having a contest on my blog and the winner gets a non member sword! to enter the contest go to

    1. Cool! I don't really need an nm sword, so I won't enter but still, if you're really needing an nm sword, people should enter this :D


    1. I wanted to but it was full :(

    2. her den is cool and i bet you will get to see it sometime ^.^

    3. Wow, she was there!? I wish I was TwT
      Anyway, I was at her den for a while! It's amazing! I love the use of wallpaper!

  8. Le eek, that kangaroo plushie is so exaggerated. XD The French thing is just weird. I wonder what makes us able to get into those servers? o3o

    1. I know!! I love the kanga plush though.. the big head makes it cute! I wonder about that too.. I would really like to be in French animal jam. XD
      No one is really telling us how to get into those servers..

  9. I have a complete set of monkey and koala plushies!
    I can't figure out how to sent the picture to you Snowyclaw.
    May you please help me.
    I am xxajislegendxx

    1. I have the complete sets together in my den.
      Please Snowyclaw if you can take a picture and post it next time.
      I am xxajislegendxx

    2. i LOVE the new plushies and i was on the french server with her!
      i was so weird!!!!!!

    3. but sometimes i will go on a "normal" server and speak Spanish..

    4. I'm so happy its not just me who went to a" French server." When I went there, I thought I accidentally changed the language when you log in. Then when I realized I didn't, I thought my AJ language (English) had been hacked into French- which I don't understand. XD

    5. @xxajislegendxx

      To take a picture take a screenshot. To send it to snowyclaw send it to
      Hope I helped!

    6. Yes, Arcticstar is right. C:
      If you don't know how to take a screenshot, then google it. Or you could also use the snipping tool, if your computer has it. It's more efficient.

    7. Thank you for helping me with that.
      Hopefully I will be featured tomorrow.


    8. I have been having some trouble sending them to Snowyclaw.
      Can someone else do it for me.Make sure you say it is my plushies please.


    9. Sure no problem. I'll do it for you. If your den is locked then I can't help you though

  10. Nice plushies! you should update them too animal jam wiki, unless you want me to for you. But i dont have to.

  11. One day i dreamed that AJ was in french and now my dream come true:O

  12. Hey snowyclaw, did you know you don't need to find a French server? At the bottom of the AJ website it has a "Language" button. Click it and choose your language. There's French, Deutch, and surprisingly portuguese. After you chose your language, you log into your account. You will be able to speak the language! I tried this out a couple of times and it works. Hope this helped.

    1. lol i want to try Spanish :P

    2. I tried and it returned me to english.
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I speak a different language but I still hear you call....

    3. @ecpg is your AJ account the same name as your blogger account? If so I think I saw you in jamaa! XD


    5. Is there German or something, I speak it XD

    6. Yep im easy to find since i go to random servers every day

    7. Is there a thing when u can change the language to Swedish becuz I am very bad at English BTW I live in Sweden and its kinda hard to play aj becuz everything is english so I usually use Google translate like what im using right now p.s I have never been to america

  13. I want a German server... Hopefully there will be one soon..

    1. why are you telling all of this personal info?
      and i don't think that you are snowyclaw.

    2. I think there is one, in the language button on the homepage. A couple of comments above, rodentGP described the process of changing the language.. but I can't seem to get it to work for me..

  14. O,o °reads comment above mine° Well!

    1. Lily, she meant to reply to the comment above yours.

    2. Figured as much @tigerstar26

    3. My orginal comment was orginally just above the long insane offensive post XD

  15. I tried getting there from America by changing the language to french, which didnt work. I want a Spanish one too so I can further understand what everyone's saying!
    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Cuz I kinda lost my Duolingo account by forgetting the password...

    1. Yes, I have the same situation. I change the language on the homepage, but the game isn't affected, it's only in English...

  16. All those "Snowyclaw" comments... um no.

    Anyway, I would love to visit one of those French servers!

    Please check out my blog:

    1. Ikr? Most of the comments are "Snowyclaw" or people replying to them. :|

      PS—I looked at your blog, it's awesome! :D

    2. can you please visit my blog:
      i don't have very many views or comments and i love all (nice) comments!

    3. Well, those comments seem to be removed now.

    4. I'm glad they're gone, that was the most immature thing I've never seen

  17. XD the surf board is cool XD


    1. Yes, I like the sun on it. It has a nice color scheme.

  18. Oh, good, those "Snowyclaw" comments were deleted.

    1. Oh that's good. ? I just read over the comments and saw a "Snowyclaw argument" and I was completely lost of what you're talking about. I haven't seen any of those types of comments on this post. XD

    2. Huzzah!
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Yay.

    3. oh yay! The the snowy-imposer is gone! i think that that persons impression of snowy was sort of good but, LOVE STORY'S? TONS OF PERSONAL INFO? i really did not think that he/she was snowy!

    4. @ Cutepups522
      There was a Snowy imposter. :|

    5. DX I know what you mean now by "Snowyclaw imposter." There's an anon with the name "Snowyclaw" posting a 'story' a few comments down. I know its not the real Snowy cuz the real one has a pic next to the name and author symbol. :T

    6. Noooooo the imposter is backkkkkkk

    7. Oh, well.. that's good. We don't need that sort of drama here.

  19. I keep getting the french flag, It's cool and all but its an odd glitch or whatever it is...

    1. Ooh I think that means your in a french server! Thats so cool!
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, :)

    2. can peopel please visit my blog:
      it has been 10 days since i have gotten a comment or more then 10 views on a post.... i hope i don't sound like i am begging XD

    3. Wow, I wish I could get that French flag! It just doesn't seem to be working for me...
      @jzale I commented on it c:

  20. The surfboards are like the underwater ones. Animal jam in French is fun!!! but i don't know a word of french, but Bonjour. That means hi i think.

    1. Yes it means greetings XD anywho the surfboards are unfortunately not as good as the previous ones in my opinion, they were sleeker, had no sand below them, and had phantoms on them.

    2. Oui (yes in french).
      Non (no in frech ["no" is how it's pronounced])

    3. Comment ca va, tout le monde? :{3 *rubs French mustache*


    4. English Translation: How's it going, everyone?


    5. @Arcticstar
      Yes, the phantom one was amazing. Good thing I bought one before they left...

    6. Ca va bien madame/monsieur krazy!

    7. C'est madame Krazy. :3


    8. Translation: nice to meet you miss krazy

    9. Toi aussi, Arcticstar!


  21. I went into a French server today! I hope they add Mexican (or Castilian Spanish maybe) servers. Although I don't understand much Spanish, I'd still like one. I'm part Mexican.

    1. I'm gonna try to go on to a French server with my limited knowledge of French.

    2. I agree, that this language idea is nice! I hope they add a Russian one XD

    3. All kinds of languages would be cool to have on AJ!

    4. I almost went through all the servers XD Congo has the French one but when I checked it was gone so yeah XD -Dewott12

  22. I typed "Snowboard Classant" in the Google Translate tool and it said in English, it meant "Categorizing Snowboards"

    1. lol
      Interesting.. I thought it just meant ''snowy claw'' at first.

    2. Lol XD I wonder what's mine

  23. I saw Snowy in the French server! I kept saying, "Me", "(Hearts)" "Snowboard Clicis" or something like that x3

  24. I want the kangaroo plushie with the fedora so badly! It's mostly because my kangaroo wears a fedora XD

    1. Wow, that's amazing!!! It pretty much a plushie of you! XD

  25. Aww the red arctic wolf plushie with tail armorial is so cute! I really want one! :D

  26. The new cell is dark and hot. The guards speek heavy Indian and don't let us feast or drink. My sister is starving, as the only food is Bangladeshi. Keep praying for us to escape this hard-stricken country and hope we will some day return.


    1. ,........................... : l

    2. Um.... oookaaaay..... weird.

    3. That's not the real snowyclaw! The real snowyclaw almost never posts comments and she has a profile picture of her wolf on it

    4. Um...India has over 30+ languages. IMPOSTER ALERT! Don't you know you always do your research before something like this? Amateur.. I should know, I prank my friends A LOT.

      Cheers, Sriha123

    5. I just noticed another mistake. I'm pretty sure Snowy would spell "speak" right.

  27. I feel so stupid.... this whole time I thought it was spanish... I even posted a video about it >.< Arrggg.... Don't call me bad names please D:

    1. In the front page of Animal Jam, there's not only English and French. There's also Portuguese and Dutch. But I don't think there are servers for them.


    2. Thanks. And I wish there where servers for them lol

    3. Aww it's OK. :c
      No one is going to be mad at you for not knowing Spanish XD

  28. Oh, visit amarkazami's den to see lots of new and old plushies!

  29. Love the thing in French

    1. Same! Adding languages is a great idea on AJ's part. C:

  30. Ha, the fake Snowclaw is kinda funny. xD Its fun seeing how its such junk.

    1. Yeah, and read the things that "snowyclaw" is posting, so not like her, and no profile picture

      -I prefer to be anonymous

    2. Yes, it's not hard to tell that the imposter is not real...

  31. Snowyclaw, I was trying to get into your den yesterday, but I don't have patience so I only tried to get in for 5 minutes, I actually found it easier to get into Julian2's den when it was unlocked once, just shows how much ppl appreciate what you're doing ;)

    1. I tried getting in and it showed the login world error thingy.

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. I GOT IN!!!

      Cheers, Sriha123

    3. Yes, it took quite a while for me to get in, C:
      Also, some people appreciate the old games, like river race and the den claw, that Snowy sets up ^w^

  32. Aww, I wanna go to that server! :( But I sometimes talk in French, and it's fun teaching people new things.

    Cheers, Sriha123

    1. I'm sure it will be an official feature soon, and then we'll know how to get in. XD

  33. Hey, I just realized that if you're in a den, and it becomes locked, you get kicked out! Before you'd get to stay, but now you don't! So cool!

    Cheers, Sriha123

    1. That's good.

      Because do you ever want some Jammer to stay in your den and never come out? No one likes that. I hope the next update they'll do will be a little feature to make sure you're being scammed or something and you can use that feature to bring back your items (just an idea in my head XD)...


      P.S.- I'm going to ignore those imposter comments which aren't funny....

    2. That would be kinda crazy though, and would promote flash trading...Like any good idea, there's usually a kink.

      Cheers, Sriha123

    3. Hm, well they could always use that feature to bring back items that were fairly traded without the other person's consent, and then the other person will be like, ''where's the spike I just got through fair trading!? Ahh I got hacked?!" So I don't really think an automated non-scamming thing would be a good idea.

  34. Hey jammers! I was just wondering, any soul eater fans?

    P.S. I have AJ versions of some of the characters, you can see them on my google profile X3

    1. I see, nice characters you remade!


  35. I had that French chat thing yesterday (April 4th)! I thought it was some April Fool's joke! Really, I don't know French a lot, so all I said was something like, "Hello Madam" and AHH because I was freaking out. Yea... I do wish they add a Spanish one! I do know Spanish a LOT more than French.

    1. I know French a lot more than Spanish. I'm not from the United States, so....

      I'm happy that there aren't only English servers at least.


    2. Yes, AJHQ has been very thoughtful with this whole language thing... Though I can't say I know French very well, and only a little Spanish. Though it would be good studying for Spanish class. XD

  36. That imposter is just some idiot. Last year there was this person that did something similar to this, but not only impersonated Snowy, he impersonated some other jammers. Just ignore this impersonated because all he/she wants is attention because he/she isn't good enough to get any good attention naturally.

  37. Idea! Let's ignore the imposter and they might go away!

    1. Yep. Let's hope that karma gets the best of that nasty imposter. c:

    2. I agree, Anon.


  38. Guys, just don't reply to the fake snowy. She obviously isn't the real one because she is racist and swares. Just ignore her.

    P.S. Fake snowy, not to be rude, but it isn't funny. People who do things like you do them to intimidate people and be mean. Be mature, and stop posting your comments. Your efforts to do this are for a vain purpose.

  39. "Snowy," if you say "Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others and Happy jamming!" then WHY are you swearing and bullying people. Your just trying to be famous and people to like you but its not working you realize. Please. Stop.

    1. Im just not going to argue anymore e3e
      P.S. REAL snowyclaw pleassseeee come help us with this imposter DX

  40. XD Just figured out how not to be anonymous o3o I'm a bit of an idiot sometimes

    1. It's ok to not realize anything. X3


  41. I can be "SnowyClaw" too!

  42. Please visit my AJ blog >>>> thanks!!

  43. Ce blog est mon préféré!

  44. Sorry, guys. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to comment consistently, but I'm going to try.
    *stares at surfboard for a long time, then finally gets it* XD Maybe there are magical creatures somewhere that can see more colors than us and it is different to them ;) I kinda wish I could imagine some other color! It would be awesome!
    It's a leopard! It's a unicorn! It's a leocorn unipard! XD Random!
    :( No, still haven't gotten mine. I discovered that when I was online the other day with a real life friend and we were racing to see who would get their prize first. I got all the eggs first, but she got her prize first. I had to do it on a storage :(
    Wow, that is so cool! I wish I could get onto that server!

    1. Say, have you ever heard of the mantis shrimp? It can see many more colors than we do.

  45. Also, more on my family's upcoming trips. Here is a diagram I have layed out.

    June 2014- Cruise on Royal Carribbean's Oasis Of The Seas to the Western Carribbean in a Family Balcony Stateroom

    July 2014- Trip to Manila for 6 days

  46. Is anyone else really sick of that imposter snowyclaw?

    1. I am. He had URL's that lead to Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, Sears, and even Netflix!

  47. Universal Orlando

    1. that was supposed to be a reply to the earlier one sorry

  48. The comments are getting deleted! Snowyclaw, make a statement regarding this!

  49. This is Part 2 of my story i made on yesterdays post. Hope you enjoy! -LilSmile-

    I turned one year old to day, old enough to finally explore Jamaa. Liza told me she and the other alphas rescued most jammers, but not my parents. As a sorry gift, Liza gave me a 12 month membership. Mixed emotions filled my heart. Excitement for exploring Jamaa and my membership, and deep sadness for the loss of my parents. Liza and I met eachother in front of Mira's statue. "With your membership, you have unlocked new things to do and see, Flora. Before you go exploring, you must promise me never to scam,bully, or have inappropiate behavior." said Liza. I promised her and she added, "You also receive 25 diamonds and 15,000 gems." She handed the diamonds and gems to me and I was off to explore.

    As I walked in Jamaa, I saw two Arctic Wolves bullying a poor helpless seal. Bravely, I walked towards them. The first one was all black with a worn, top hat, and long spike. The other was white with red lightning marks and he wore a white and red fox hat, and a rare silver bows. "Exscuse me, but i dont think you should be bullying in jamaa." I said to the black arctic wolf. He narrowed his eyes at me crossly. "Who cares what you think. Mind your own buisness and leave. We're teaching this unrare seal a lesson for looking at us," the white one snickered, " He's unrare like you!" The little seal hid behind me, quavering. I had to stand up to these bullies because they don't belong in Jamaa. "Who cares if i'm "unrare"? I'm a jammer like everyone else." I said, They wolves looked at eachother, glared at me, and padded off. "T-t-thank you for saving me..." the seal thanked shyly. "No problem. Jammers need to stick up for other jammers." I smiled. The timid seal smiled back and hurried off. I turned around to explore more, feeling good on the inside. Then two wolves walked towards me with a astonished look on their faces.

    "I can not believe you did that!" one wolf said. "You stood up to Major and Daredevil, the meanest jammers ever!" the other one said. "Well, someone had to. I'm Flora, by the way." I replied. "I'm Twinkle and she's Blossom." Twinkle said. She was pink with icy blue flames. She had a pink fox hat. pink nm swords, and a pink nm glove. I realized they were both members and it reminded me of my membership. "Want to be buddies with us?" Blossom asked. "Okay, I'm new and I don't know much around. Oh, and i have alot of diamonds and gems." I said. Blossom was light blue with dark blue lightning spots. She had a blue headflower and rare blue bow and arrows. Twinkles eyes widened with excitement, "OMZ, that means its shopping time." Blossom looked at her and laughed, "Let's donate things to her. Since she's new and all." "Oh no, theres no need for that, Blossom." I said timidly. "Come on Flora we insist," Twinkle said "Come to my den and we will start there." she said with stars dancing in her eyes. "Wow, i already have friends on my fisrt day!" I thought happily.

    I hope you guys enoyed! I will be making one on the next post! - LilSmile- Happy Jamming

    1. Thanks shadow! This is my first time writing and its nice to know someone enjoys its :D

  50. Hai jammers! I'm back :3
    I never got to finish the book of Black Doves, but i did finish the newest chapter! Behold... CHAPTER FOUR :3

    Chapter Four: Tiger
    A week has passed since the framed food fight. During classes, everyone knew what happened, even the teachers, which made Benzo sit in the farthest corner of the classroom. Kiki put down her backpack one day and scanned the classroom. 7:10 read the clock. Kiki sat in her seat and drew doodles of Benzo gaining good fame, not cruelty from Danist.
    A minute after Kiki finished her sketch, the tiger from the alley strutted in. She was popular and pretty, by the looks of it. Not the bad popular, but everyone knew her, popular. She took out a glittery pen, glitterier than Kiki’s. The tiger muttered “Benzo isn’t a bully, I know it. I am not convined that he would be so cruel by himself. Someone has to be behind the torture.” Kiki’s ears perked as high as Mt. Shiveer. Her fur bristled like tree bark. Not surprizingly, I know… At 7:15, the classroom door slamed. Mrs. Eagleheart glared at every soul in the class, as if her creepy stare hadn’t made us die of fear. She screeched, “Every peer in this classroom must be on SILENT!!!! It’s time for MATH.” Danist snickered, surprizingly so high but low that Mrs. Eagleheart hardly heard him.
    All through math, it’s as if Tiger studied for the final, hardest college test in Jamaa and beyond. She was pure genius, and when it was time for break, Kiki knew it was the perfect moment to get more info from the tiger. She ran down the hall to her, her gaze sharp with mystery. “Kiki, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be going to LA? I have to get to class..” Kiki was losing time fast. “I need to ask you a question..” the tiger’s eyes beamed with curiosity. “Oh, umm, I think I have time for one question..”
    “Did Benzo really cause the food fight?”
    Tiger gasped, “Of course not! Benzo wouldn’t do ANYTHING like that unless he was forced to!”
    “He WAS!”
    “By who?! No wait, I got it, Danist!”
    “Yes, exactly! Let’s solve this mystery together!”
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

  51. I wonder if "snowyclaw" the imposter realizes how dumb he looks trying to get attention by posting on a blog about a colourful animal game. XD (nothing against AJ or AJ spirit just making a point)

  52. Hey guys! How to add the "join this site" thing on the side of your blog?

    1. 1. Go to "Layout"
      2. Click "Add A Gadget"
      3. Click "More Gadgets"
      4. On "More Gadgets", scroll to the bottom.
      5. There should be the followers gadget. Click "Add to Blog", and there you go! C: Hope this helped ^.^

  53. my birthday is on next thursday juz throughin that out there if anyone cares.... -goes crying in a corner if nobody cares-


  54. Did you guys know that free chat is only for non members? How unfair is that? I guess they have had NM items in the diamond shop, but that doesn't mean that taking free chat away is fair.

    -A quite cross Kitkat8529

    1. Yup, and I'm mad about it. Well... kinda, because actually my nm account doesn't have free chat.. but my member account can't type a period, !, or ? and a space after it.

    2. I'm half way for it. I find it good because non members have something for them only, but then again it's a bit annyoing.

  55. PS. Please visit my blog by clicking on my user and choosing animal antics. It isn't so I can be famous. It's for the big cats. And the badgers. Thank you.

  56. I found all the eggs and i did'nt get the reward. D: Also I have an arrangement of plushies but i cant take a picture.

  57. HELP!! My username is Princesarge, I FOUND ALL THE EGGS BUT GOT NO PRIZE HELP!

    1. I had the same problem. It seems like some people have gotten theirs, but I am missing one. Luckily I have many storages. XD

  58. I also found the eggs but didn't get a prize. A couple days later, they randomly gave me the prize.
    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I think I have laryngitis.

    1. OMG papad91278, I saw you yesterday at snowyclaw's den XD

    2. I bet you did!! :)
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, POCHAHONTAS IS ON TV

    3. Awww I hope I get it soon... XD
      So you say you just randomly got the ''eggcelent'' notification? Just randomly while walking around and stuff?

  59. les gars, j'ai trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait aider à trouver un serveur français. Au bas de la page d'accueil de confiture animal il ya une liste des choses comme "Aide, blog, etc" Un de ceux-ci devraient dire la langue.

  60. i was in a french server and i was testing and it was SOOO WEIRD!
    i need help with french!

  61. Wow! very helpful I even went to a french server and kept saying


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw