
Friday, April 4, 2014

Tutus & Golden Eggs

Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on Youtube.

Hey jammers! My goodness, I need to figure out a way to not fall asleep before posting – 'tis a problem! Anywho, today's brand new item is the Tutu, sold in the Jam Mart Clothing shop!
Fairly similar to the underwater version sold around the Day of the Phantom celebration. With the arrival of the Tutu we are also saying goodbye to those fluffy hats of winter. Last day to buy!

With these expiring clearance items, would you like me to post about them the dat they're leaving, like this? Meanwhile, with this year's egg hunt we find the prize to be a Golden Egg! Neat huh?
 Sadly jammers who also played last year are not receiving their prize. To make sure you've found all the eggs, or to figure out an alternative to getting the prize, click here or look at the post below!
With the update comes the Sol Arcade den and Mystical Armor. My Sol Arcade is decorated and open to anyone who'd like to stop by. ^.^ In other random news, new figures, designs, art pieces, etc. are popping up all over the place! What do you think of this style?
Diamond Shop animals are making their way into the Claw machine, Kangaroos, Arctic Wolves, and more. Oh my!
And one more outrageous question...
You're right chorus2010, where in Jamaa the Paradise Couch? How very strange. Anywho, happy jamming!

P.S. Do you have a complete set of plushies? Send a picture of them in a cool arrangement to to become part of the grand plushie compilation! Join the halls of plushie fame. ^.^


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats! commented on my teen blog! NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!

      :awards huge Life Size Nyan Cat cuppie:

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. +kiwicola you were first reply XD

    3. Sorry i haven't commented at all lately I have had a busy term and now I have 2 weeks of yay

    4. congratz be henshal!

      OMG snowy is on <3 i am in her den!

    5. Congrats on first! *gives gold medal*

    6. Congrats :DD and yolo sweg

  2. Great post Snowy, your Den is fantastic. :)

    1. Aw I can't seem to make it in.. It keeps saying the room is full. lol

    2. ya.... i love how snowy makes her dens!
      i cant seem to do it though.. :P

  3. 2nd! *Showers everyone in cupcakes for celebration!*

    1. Actually you were third, but who cares! Nice job! Oh wait, you tied! :gives cup-pie:

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. i love her den too <3
      i tried to get in but it was full... i kept trying and now i am in!

  4. Replies
    1. Congrats everybody! C: AWESOME new den, huh everyjammer? C: I LOVE it! Mine is phantom styled. I am trying to find more phantom stuff. C:

    2. Actually, you were fourth, but WHO CaReS?! I haven't seen the new den yet, though yours sounds amazing.

      Cheers, Sriha123

      and congratz on 4th!

    4. Congrats, RainbowCat! :D
      Wow! French server? Congrats on seeing Snowy though!

  5. Awesome post Snowy! It's funny because of the time difference when you say that you are posting late it is actually really early for me.

    1. Haha, yes! Snowyclaw should keep this in mind!

    2. it seems like some days she posts at 1:00 am for me!
      i post on weekdays around 8:20 am or 4:30 pm..
      on weekends its about nine to ten.. unless i was at someones house Friday..

  6. Nice!
    Can't wait to get a snow leapard plushie!

    1. Agreed! They are a tad bigger than normal plushies! THE RARE SNOW LEOPARD HAS A UNICORN HORN TOO. IT'S THE BEST THING.

    2. i LOVE the new plushies! I really want a lion one <3

  7. Hello snowy, I feel sorry when everyone was at your den crowding you. I was there just to play the claw wouldn't think it would be THAT crowded!

    1. If you would like to play the claw, did you know that there's a Claw in the Smoothie place in Crystal Sands? Everyone seems to have forgotten about that place. :(

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. There is also the Claw in the Movie Theater in Sarepia and in the Conservation Museum in Appondale.

    3. i think crystal sands needs a store. its the ONLY land with out one XD

    4. Exactly!

    5. Yes, but the den claws are the only ones with phantom plushies! C:

  8. NOOOO!!!! Your den is full so I cant go :( I did not know someones den could be full.

    1. it can be full... some people are a bit.. crazy when it comes to being by famous people.. they will be next to them screaming: HI HI HI PLZ BUDDY ME OR I QUIT!!!!!!!
      and they are in people personal space... i as trying to get people to stop crowding her but..

  9. Aww, the arctic wolf in the pic with the koala is adorable! (Idk how to spell koala :P) oh and I love the new plushies! I collected 6 so far :) good luck everyone

    1. Hey, great job! You spelled koala right!

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. When I created my first account on Aj I didn't know how to spell koala and I wanted my user to be called koala bear . I ended up spelling it kowala XD

    3. Yes, that picture is cute!! ^.^
      Though I wouldn't expect an arctic wolf to be so small, compared to a koala, lol. Maybe it's just a baby.

  10. Well, since my account is suspended (for no reason!!!), I logged on to my sister's and got the egg. Did y'know, two years ago I got the Easter basket, and it was scammed. :( Well, the egg sure is pretty!! :)

    Cheers, Sriha123

    1. Suspended?!! FOR NO REASON! THAT'S HORRIBLE!
      Might I ask how long? Maybe you can get your egg before easter ends...

    2. WHAT?!?!?!?! that seems to happen a lot lately...
      its really annoying...
      lol i have bean reported by aj when i am in clans and i say: whats your name. it bugs me..

  11. Epic Blog! I've been reading almost every day since you started! If you aren't too busy, could you visit my Blog? Oh, and BTW, I did the Egg Hunt last year and still got the prize o-o

    1. I visited your blog, and i LOVE it! :)

    2. Wow, you've really been on for that long? Amazing!
      I'll check your blog! ^w^

    3. cool blog!
      i think that the egg hunt places are a bit too simple for my taste though.... i think aj should do a better job at hiding them.. but hey, who dose not want a prize?

  12. The tutu looks adorable on its own, but it looks awkward once you put it on an animal. Darnit. xD

    1. Yes. It makes kangaroos look fat lol

    2. LOL I didn't see it on a roo yet.

    3. it looks really weird on bunnys... i thought that it would look cute but i guess... no. its too big for bunny's..

  13. I've been looking for a couch for a very long time, once I saw someone in Aldan and they had one on trade, it was very strange since I've never seen them sold in the shop

    1. Perhaps it was sold previously but then deleted like the Graham Nesting Doll..?

    2. The couch? The one from the Paradise party? Or another one?

    3. i think a paradise couch or chair would be nice....

    4. It was the very couch on the cart, I think that's what happened, like it was out then deleted

  14. Snowyclaw, instead of saying day, you said dat "would you like to know the dat" XD

    1. Typos keep happening to me ALL the time, its so annoying. >.<
      Like just then, where i almost typed annying. :P

    2. Haha, I noticed that too! But it's ok. XD

    3. lawl.. well, nobody is perfect!

    4. I actually did a typo when I was typing the comment, so now I have auto correct XD

  15. Wow guys you comment fast O-o

    1. Yeah, this blog is quite popular. :'D

    2. ya... i wonder when the first time that snowy got more then 100 comments was?

  16. Hey guys im doing a mailtime! First best 5 gifts recieve a rare! My username is EternalMyth1 All entries end at April 30! Also im doing a nm sword giveaway :D

  17. i am having a contest on my blog the winner gets a non member sword

    to enter the contest go to

  18. snowyclaw what for your snow leopard kangaroo or arctc wolf plush

  19. .O. I logged on today and just WOW. So many updates! :O New items, new plushies available to get, new JAGs, new den, egg hunt, giraffes coming back soon- probably more that I forgot. OMZ!! =D Also, I went to a different server once and my chat and everything turned French! I reloaded and it turned back to English XD I agree the tutu looks exactly like the underwater one. And on my screen, for commenters, Eternal is put twice! X3 The new JAGs look so cute! c: Who knew AJ could change so much when I don't play it for a day!? ~or did it just change today idek~
    ^LOL my reaction to everything!^

    1. Oh yeah, I read le previous posts and: ....
      Congrats Ronen for winning the contest!
      Congrats Shadow and Tallstar for having your weird and funny glitch posted about. XP
      Nice Sir Gilbert nesting dolls.
      ^.^ lol

    2. Whoops forgot O3O =
      The Golden Egg prize thing is shiny and looks pretty eggsellant! XD And cool of AJHQ to put the games on Double Gems or whatever is special about them. And pet eagles seem cool! c; So far, I luv this update!

    3. Have you noticed in different servers the language has been changed?

    4. Oh thank Mira that its not just me with different languages on AJ! Its weird though, and AJHQ changed the list of servers when you log-in.

    5. Interesting. I haven't seen the languages glitch... yet. heheh

    6. i was in a french server and i had no idea what was going on -3-
      i REALLY want a giraffe!!!! THEY ARE SOOO COOL!!!!!!!

  20. Replies
    1. cool!
      i like cats.
      but not as much as bunny's
      why are one half of all diamond animals big cats?

  21. Can't wait to get the new plushies!

    1. Haha, I've been too lazy to go on the claw.. ;w;
      It's so discouraging. How many almosts can you get in a row?!? ugh

    2. i don't think lion plushies have come out yet :(

    3. Lion plushies did come out. I got a red one in the claw and its on my trade list as well as many other new plushies. My User is LilSmile :)


    took a longer then long time

    1. Amazing! Pink200330 finished their phantom plush collection recently. ^.^

    2. aww man i cant go to devian art :(


    1. Snowyclaw is the nicest person i have ever met on AJ.. I would love to be buddies with her. ^.^
      Just keep trying to get in, that's what i do.
      Chances are one person is eventually gonna leave..

    2. I'm sure Snowy doesn't mind the ruckus in her den. hah

    3. ya.. snowy is super nice! i was watching a julian2 video and he was even saying how nice she is! I sort of feel bad for her because when she walks into her den its all crazy and people are crowding her..

  24. Weird! Yesterday I clicked all of the eggs for the Spring Egg Hunt, and today I got the prize. o-o

    1. Good for you! :3
      I like the new prize for the Easter egg hunt! ^.^
      Its very pretty. :3
      P.S My school is having a easter hat parade! :)

    2. Oh cool! Did you just get it randomly when you logged in, or did you reclick all the eggs?

    3. lol... because i was not on aj last year i got the prize without a hitch :)

  25. Strange glitch/lag...

  26. Snowyclaw i sent you a new picture for my spirit jammer icon about 4 or 5 months ago now..

    1. Yeaaah maybe you should resend it. What if she lost the email? What if she never saw it? :o

    2. Hmm.. Alright. I will try resending..


  28. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  29. Continuing from some days ago!
    *Part 3: Freddy*
    We were still in the room outside the Phantom King's office. I wasn't shocked at seeing Freddy anymore; I was now cautious. Freddy stopped staring at me. I was about to shoot an arrow at him, well since he was a phantom. "Untrustworthy savage beasts," I thought. Just as I was about to pull the trigger to shoot the arrow from my bow, Freddy shouted; not loud enough for the King to hear who was still in his office, not wondering and caring where I was. "STOP PRECIOUS!" he shouted his voice kinda trembling. "Please don't shoot that at me- or hurt me. Please. I'm different than all other phantoms- even the King. Always been different..." his voice started to feel like its been fading away. I however glared at Freddy. "Different? Yeah right. You are a phantom! P-H-A-N-T-O-M. Do you honestly think I would believe such LIES?" I said disgusted. I flicked my tail, annoyed.
    Freddy however didn't flinch. He calmly replied, "I do not blame you, wolf. For I haven't told you why I'm different than all other phantoms. Come sit and I'll tell you the truth." I shivered as I sat down looking at Freddy. The last time I've heard the words "the truth" corresponding with me was when Sir told me that my parents lied to me; I forgave them though. Freddy trembled and began.
    His voice felt distant, like he hardly knew I was there even though I was just in front of him. "A far long time ago, uh before you were born anyways," Freddy stammered. "I was born." Ugh I didn't want to listen to Freddy tell me his life story. I told him to go on. Freddy continued. "I never liked being a phantom- the reputation, my family and society... I felt like I should be doing something good for this world, not bad. Sadly, with no choice, I had to be a phantom. To make it worse, I had to work for the Phantom King in his Phantom Quarters- in his own office, too. I know I'm way younger than the other phantoms, so you're probably wondering why I worked close to the King. The others are evil, obeying the King; I am different because I am not. I worked in the King's office because I was forced to. The Phantom King is my father. Being the only child of the King, I had to follow his steps- which I think means starting out in the highest ranked position in Phantom Society. My father had to do this to me. He didn't really love me though. He gave me all his dirty-work and said I was too nice and soft. He ordered me to be more tough, more like an actual phantom. I might be his son, but I'm not an actual phantom, or what he told me anyways." Freddy suddenly paused, seeing if I understood or not. I was kinda getting it, but I was a bit confused. Phantom Society? "Wha-" I started but Freddy continued, cutting me off. "I wasn't being a dumb phantom when I let that bunny escape from that cage earlier. I was being clever, doing what I considered to be right. I did it on purpose, being sick and tired of the mistreatment my father, the King gave me. Luckily, Father saw it as me being a dumb phantom again. Earlier in the week, I've done smaller things that upset him. Not as big as letting an animal escape. The Phantom King and I hated each other a lot for the past few weeks. He must of then been fed up with me so called "screwing up his plans" that he kicked me out of his office, my work, and our relationship. And on top of that, everyone hated me too. They'd ask me why I wasn't considered evil or doing anything correctly- phantom speak."To make sure I understood, Freddy repeated and explaining it more slowly of why he was different.

    1. Great story! You did a good job conveying their distrust, and Precious's annoyance. XD

    2. Continuing again from some days ago, enjoy!
      *Part 4: Seeing the King again*
      Freddy also told me he had phantom powers, so he wasn't in a bigger sense of danger if he hadn't. Freddy knew how to use his powers efficiently and said that if used in the right way wanted, his phantom powers are as much useful and harmful as the Phantom King's powers. What was different though was he was fighting against another phantom- the Phantom King at that. I was just in front of the King's lair (office) with Freddy next to me. Freddy spoke to me. "Abusing both of us. My father abused me and hated me for being me. I tried to hide from other phantoms my own personality. The Phantom King also abused you, Precious. He has hurt your lands, everyone you care about and love, even yourself. Lets go fight the Phantom King." I nodded. "Lets go Freddy." I opened the door and stood bravely inside the King's lair with the King's son next to me, fighting against his father and being on my side.

      Freddy stepped forward a bit more than I did. "Hello Father," he started. "Stop please. If you don't, you will regret it." Freddy sounded so brave standing, uh floating, up to his father. The Phantom King (Freddy's father) just rolled his eye. "You are a cold-hearted savage creature!" Freddy lost his temper and was arguing/fighting his father. "You don't deserve to be a ruler. I bet you never ever cared about and loved me. Abusing me, your own son, as much as Precious's loved ones."

      Time passed by. I had no idea how this happened. I had my own special powers as well, but not as much using as Freddy did with his powers. He was so talented with his powers... My mind was fuzzy. Ridiculous random things, I randomly thought. I shook my head back to the situation. I used my powers at the King. After each use of my bow or heart locket, I saw spinning light blue lightning bolt shaped marks. After so many times with me mostly missing the Phantom King except for a few times, I lay down on the floor in the middle of the room. I was very dizzy. Suddenly, I saw the King rushing towards me, his powers around him like a cloud. I have speed as one of my special powers, but I didn't have enough time to get out of the way. Probably because I was still dizzy and my mind fuzzy. The Phantom King was very close now. I was frozen to the spot. The Phantom King leaped high in the air and landed on top of me. I was squished. Then all I remembered next was darkness and me suffocating under the Phantom King.

  30. Hi I'm Myfox20 I love this blog its amazing so much work done sorry just wanna get my name out there thx bye add me I'm
    Myfox20 add me snowy law and samaura88 :)

  31. anyone have the orange eagle plushie and the yellow deer plushie? they both have clothing on them? plz let me know

  32. Hai jammers! It's true, i'm back ^.^
    I'm SOO sorry I didn't finish Black Doves!!!!!
    Schoolwork is stressing and this dude keeps on being rude to me, but that's settled don't worry :p
    I'll finish it as soon as possible!!
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
    P.S. SEQUEL COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Kiki I read your story before, and wondered what happened to it. I'm happy that you continued it! I read the continuation, and I think your story's amazing! :D yay

  33. Guys, since I finished the newest chapter, I decided to put up the whole book, just so everyone knows what happens so they arent like "waut wut.."
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

  34. Black Doves
    Book One: The Mystery of the Fox and the Hound

    Chapter One: Hidden Village High
    Kiki stood at the door of Hidden Village High. She breathed cautiously muttering to herself “Kiki, you can do this. Mom told you that it’s just like Dove Hill High.” She walked into the school and suddenly felt like a tiny ant in a picnic. Not that she liked everything, but everything was huge, like a castle! She thought it’d be impossible to build such a huge school, but it’s possible. As soon as she walked in, an Arctic Fox with mech angel wings and an airvator hat looked like a nerd, but to the looks of it, he was HVH’s schoolhouse bully. Him and a red Arctic Wolf with a top-hat-too-big-for-his-head and ice-blue striped was there bullying a cheetah. She had aqua-blue back and head with a pink belly and chest with maroon stars, a head flower, a princess necklace, and freedom wings on her. Obviously she just joined HVH like her. The fox sneered “Hey toddler! When will you be done with those Duploh blocks?” The wolf imitated a toddler crying “Wah wah wah! My necklace got scammed! Wah wah wah!” They both immaturely cracked up. As they walked away innocently as if nothing had happened, the cheetah started to cry. Kiki rushed to the scene, worried. “You need help? I can get someone to help you get to class, I bet it’s about to start.” Kiki comforted the girl. But she wasn’t done. The cheetah sighed “I should go back to preschool. Danist and Benzo are right, I am a baby.” She started to break out, tears like tiny faucets with the pipe broken. Three minutes have passed since the bullies left the cheetah, known as Kylie, in tears. But Kiki knew that Benzo wasn’t trying to be a bully but she didn’t know why he hung around with Danist and the title as a bully clung to him like a burr.
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    1. Chapter Two: The Mystery Of The Framed Wolf
      It’s been a month since Kiki has been a student at Hidden Village High. The last period, History class, had ended and all the animals in Hidden Village High were doing their daily gossiping and chattering. A heartbeat later, all of the animals had immediately became dead silent. All had scooted as far as possible out of the center of the hall, as if it was a play, and Danist, with an aqua backpack and following was Benzo, with a red backpack with an ice-blue zipper and a flame design on it. A penguin with a tiara stood in the middle of the hallway, whimpered as the duo cornered the penguin. Danist bellowed “Where’s your iceberg, Mumble? Dance for me!” The penguin dropped her pompoms, by the looks of it, she was in HVH’s cheerleading squad. She squeaked “I-I can’t dance! I don’t know how to!” Benzo pounded the innocent penguin on a nearby locker and snarled, “Hah! Then you’re a loser!” He mumbled something in Danist’s ear. The fox barked “You have to! It’s either me, or Sasha gets it!!” Benzo squeaked with fear, “Yes, Danist. I promise to come tomorrow before school.”
      The animals continued to make a path for the bullies. Kiki thought in her head “Why am I letting this happen?! I need to talk to Benzo and ask him why he’s acting that way! I know being a bully isn’t his true self, and he needs to escape that prison!” Kiki knew she couldn’t just follow the strong wolf to his den, so she decided to just leave him a letter in his locker. She got out her rainbow-cat notebook and her glittery pen and wrote:

      Dear Benzo,
      Meet me at your locker before school starts tomorrow at 7:30!
      The next day, Kiki came to school early and scanned the school for Benzo’s locker. At last, she found the locker with the same fire stickers on his locker like on his backpack. At 7:05, A shadow loomed over the school. The recognisable Arctic Wolf walked in and slouched his backpack near his locker. He stared at Kiki with bewildered eyes “What made you come here so early?” His voice was tender as honey on waffles, and the wolf’s gleaming ice-blue eyes shimmered with curiosity like diamonds were impossible to tell he was a bully. Kiki stammered “Uhh.. There’s a note in your locker, I need to talk to you about how you are.” He tucked his tail in as if he was being scolded at by Grandma Ellie. He yelped “I’m sorry, it’s just, you know-”
      “Stop right there. Why are you doing this? I see your innocence in your eyes and soul.”
      “It’s a long story..”
      “I bet it can be told before school starts.”
      “Actually, it’s complicated…”
      “Nothing’s complicated!”
      ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    2. Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Framed Wolf part 2 ^-^
      You see..
      Before you came to HVH, I was in love with an Arctic Wolf named Sasha. She was intelligent, kind, and gentle with any animal. But Danist made me lie to her, and..” He broke into small tears, not as desperate as Kylie, but these were love tears. Not sadness in general. Kiki cooed “What a sad story, but that didn’t sound long or complicated. Benzo perked “Oh no, there’s more to the story than that. Talk to my sister when you see her in Homeroom. She’s the orange and blue Arctic Wolf. She has blonde hair and her name is Starmy.” “I’ll find her.” Kiki whispered to herself. Right when she finished her sentence, the bells rang like gongs and the animals rushed back in, relieved to see their private belongings in perfect shape. A blonde wolf, just like Benzo’s description, had pranced the halls, relieved to see her brother. “Benzo! Isn’t that Kiki? She looks nice! Why don’t you as her ou-” Benzo clammed a paw on her chatty muzzle. “Starmy, don’t remind me! I’m not ready for another girl, ok?” He released his grip and stormed out of the halls to Science. Starmy sighed “My classes don’t start for another five minutes. I wish Principal Mira could solve the problem of Danist. I can’t believe i’m related to a bully!” Kiki squeaked, thinking of how tortured Sasha must be. “So Starmy, can you tell me the rest of.. your brother’s relationship with Sasha..?” Starmy turned her head. “I’d be glad to, but not now, it’s not a good time for rumors to spread like viruses.”
      ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    3. Chapter Three: The Fight
      Starmy walked with Kiki after school and when they reached the alley behind the school, Starmy began to talk about Sasha. “So, you know the part when Sasha was cheated on by Benzo, so i’m telling you the rest like you want me to, ok?” Kiki nodded shyly, rage boiling inside. “Benzo wanted to apologize for the mistake he made, since it wasn’t his fault. Sasha got furious and they broke up.. but that’s not the point, because Danist stood in a shadow and actually LAUGHED in front of Benzo’s face, actually CONGRATULATING him for breaking up with his true love. Benzo make a pro-”
      “Starmy, how did you know all of this? Did Benzo tell you or were you.. spying..?”
      “Great Mira, no! I never spied!! He told me..”
      “Go on, then.”
      “Ok, Benzo make a promise to Danist swearing that he will stay by his side and follow his command for the entire school year, and if he failed, he was going to suspend Sasha. Mira and Zios don’t realize what a bully he is, and we have to stop him!”
      “Starmyyy! Wait for meee!!!” An elegant tiger with long beautiful hair, a perfect-pearl necklace, lilac tanktop, purple skirt, and a velvet pink purse, finishing the look with high heels. “Starmy! You have to come! Your brother just started a food fight with Mira!” Kiki’s jaw instantly became 3 ton dumbbells balancing on my lip. Kiki howled “No animal would dare start a food fight with Mira! She’s the principal of all animals!” Starmy welled up with tears, as if the tiny faucets were turning onto full blast. She coughed “My brother…why would he do that?! Ugh! He’s kind to all animals, why is he letting Danist control his life?” I wanted to say Because foxes are clever, Starmy. They make animals do what they want without getting into trouble. But Kiki knew she already knew that.
      * * * *
      At the lunchroom, it looked like a spaghetti tornado from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs but combined with a salad hurricane. Benzo was standing on rear paws, dangling a plate of chicken pot pie with olives near Principal Mira’s beak. She was tied to the floor with spaghetti and meatballs. Kiki thought
      How is that physically possible??
      Principal Mira screeched “Benzo! One more food fight and you will get suspended forever from Hidden Village High! Benzo dropped the plate and hesitated. His eyes drowned in tears, his top hat drooping in the echoing silence. Starmy, mouth gaping open, stared at the scene. “It has to be impossible..” she muttered under her breath. Kiki saw out of the corner of her eye a white fox slouching in the corner of the cafeteria, laughing. Danist… she snarled in her head. You started this war, and we’re going to finish it!
      ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

    4. Chapter Four: Tiger
      A week has passed since the framed food fight. During classes, everyone knew what happened, even the teachers, which made Benzo sit in the farthest corner of the classroom. Kiki put down her backpack one day and scanned the classroom. 7:10 read the clock. Kiki sat in her seat and drew doodles of Benzo gaining good fame, not cruelty from Danist.
      A minute after Kiki finished her sketch, the tiger from the alley strutted in. She was popular and pretty, by the looks of it. Not the bad popular, but everyone knew her, popular. She took out a glittery pen, glitterier than Kiki’s. The tiger muttered “Benzo isn’t a bully, I know it. I am not convined that he would be so cruel by himself. Someone has to be behind the torture.” Kiki’s ears perked as high as Mt. Shiveer. Her fur bristled like tree bark. Not surprizingly, I know… At 7:15, the classroom door slamed. Mrs. Eagleheart glared at every soul in the class, as if her creepy stare hadn’t made us die of fear. She screeched, “Every peer in this classroom must be on SILENT!!!! It’s time for MATH.” Danist snickered, surprizingly so high but low that Mrs. Eagleheart hardly heard him.
      All through math, it’s as if Tiger studied for the final, hardest college test in Jamaa and beyond. She was pure genius, and when it was time for break, Kiki knew it was the perfect moment to get more info from the tiger. She ran down the hall to her, her gaze sharp with mystery. “Kiki, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be going to LA? I have to get to class..” Kiki was losing time fast. “I need to ask you a question..” the tiger’s eyes beamed with curiosity. “Oh, umm, I think I have time for one question..”
      “Did Benzo really cause the food fight?”
      Tiger gasped, “Of course not! Benzo wouldn’t do ANYTHING like that unless he was forced to!”
      “He WAS!”
      “By who?! No wait, I got it, Danist!”
      “Yes, exactly! Let’s solve this mystery together!”
      ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

  35. I was a young wolf pup and I was purple with black spots on me. I lived with my parents, Infinity and Countess, in a small wooden den. I was around nine months old at the time when rumors started spreading around. Other jammers said phantoms with attack the land of jamma. I knew with the alphas looking over us and Mira's and Zios's powers, the phantoms had no chance to attack us and our land. Boy, was I wrong.
    A few months later, the phantoms were attacking the land. Panic struck everywhere faster than the speed of light. The gruesome phantoms captured innocent jammers and burned down their dens. Soon, a group of phantoms reached our house. "Flora, I need you to go to your room, lock the door and hide under your bed." Mother said urgently. With tears in my eyes, I did what I was told. My mother and father went outside to fight off the phantoms. Their shrill crys and the phantoms hideous voices shouting at them became too much to bear. Tears ran down my cheeks,like acid burning on my skin. All of a sudden, I heard nothing. Then came a crackling sound like no other. I quickly got out from under my bed and peeked outside my door. My eyes widened with horror. The whole den was on fire! I rushed out of my room and outside, jumping burning pieces of wood. As I was outside, I saw nothing. No phantoms, no parents. "W-w-what if the phantoms took my parents?" I thought, but closed my eyes and took deep breathes. It didn't help, a lump in my throat grew and I started crying again. I curled myself in a ball and layed there, crying. All of a sudden, whoosing noises came.
    I sat myself up and Liza, the panda alpha! I smiled, graciously, and stood up. "You need not worry, young one. You are safe." Liza said with the voice of tenderness. "But, where are my parents?" I asked worriedly. With sorrowness in her eyes, Liza answered," Sadly, they were corrupted by the phantoms." I lowered my head in vain. "Will I ever see them again?" I asked. Liza lowered her head slightly and closed her eyes. "Time will tell." She opened her eyes and had a thoughful look on her face. "You are turning a year old tomorrow, aren't you?" she said with smile on her face. I totally forgot about that and I nodded. Liza's smile became wider. "You know what happens when you turn that age? You are allowed to finally see the land of Jamaa." she said. My eyes widened with excitement. "What a great start to with my new life!" I thought. I swore to myself to not let my terrible past get in the way of my new life. I wanted to live like a normal jammer.

    That was my story so far guys. I hoped you enjoyed it and i will continue the story :) (if you want to buddy me, im LilSmile) Happy Jamming!

    1. Oh and im sorry if there were mistakes :3 I did this really late at night, so yea XD

    2. Whoa Lil, your story's pawsome! :D

    3. Thanks cutepups! Yours is better though XD

  36. hi hi hi hi hi hi hi if u want me to pass out Snowy say hi back in a jam a gram to wolfsrock87878 which is me :) cake pie and ice cream!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. blog again so happy XD :D

  39. hi snowyclaw! if u jamagramed me i would scream! i love ur blog! my user is AngelsTouch imma non member and i like the rare wings thanks1


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw