
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mini Pogo Post

Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
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Hey jammers! As I mentioned before, I have a bunch of tests these next few days. Sorry to be off schedule, but hopefully my homework levels will be more manageable after these exams are over.
Today's new item is the Pogo Stick, which is being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture shop. I love the wooden style (especially the leafy one), but I'm confused on how an animal would use it... Moving on!
To wrap up this rather brief post, clearance board!

Last Day to buy the Jam Mart Furniture Chalkboard, complete with odd lettering of what seems to be Jamaa's written language. Looks a bit like dragon runes! Click here for more clearance items.
Happy jamming!


  1. Don't mean to be annoying, but first comment. 0-0 Yayyy

    I'm going to miss that chalkboard. :\

  2. Replies
    1. Man, I'm in a good timezone for this. o3o Uh... An animal on a pogo stick would look weird, that's for sure. Agh! I need to buy that chalkboard RIGHT NOW, I never got around to it.

    2. An animal on a pogo stick? That would be awesomesauce.
      Though for a giraffe it might be a tad awkward...

    3. the only animal that could ride the Pogo would be a monkey!
      that chalk board is cool too bad its leaving, but nothing stays in stores for ever. it'l probaly return at the start of the school year -hano313

    4. And a koala could probably manage to ride it as well! Lol imagine a panda riding it!

    5. Congrats! I think the cogo is for decoration!

    6. I like pogo sticks, never managed to get one in my hands though

  3. well my first time being third lol

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. FOURTH YAY. lol

    1. I've never been in a single digit before lol.

    2. Omg I just saw someone with the light orange unreleased color of the gazelle horns!!!!! The user was mongo I think

    3. Lol congrats! And i think i saw someone with BLUE gazalles o.O

    4. I saw rainbow gazelles... What's up with that?!

    5. O.O -says in zombie voice- Must get rainbow gazelles

  7. Cool post snowy. But what use is the pogo stick? XD


  8. Well sorry wrong user…. I can just imagine a wolf with the paws all mixed pup falling on that thine XD

    ^.^ hanju678

    1. .............................................................................................-Thinks in mind- ''Don't even think about it EternalMyth, don't even THINK about it..''

  9. I finished all my big exams in the past weeks. The rest are small things to boost up our final grades for the year.

    Animals could simply use their paws and claws and flippers and legs. I mean, if a seal can balance a ball...

    To think, during Teacher Appreciation Week, that a chalkboard would go on clearance. And you know so much. I've never even heard of dragon runes :P

    1. I love runes! I have a strange fascination with them :P

  10. 8th! Thats my best in a long time!

  11. Omg a jammer just scammed my rare gazelle horns DXDX
    if someone would donate or knows someone who can help, jg me @ hanju678.

    ~hanju678 ):

    1. Hey could you do me a favour? I have a blog/charity thing for scammed people on blogger, click my NAME/URL thing to take to to giveaway page and enter, so I have your "how you were scammed" thing on my blog, it's new so no one uses it but it would be nice if I could help someone finally :D and when I have a few spare rares you can enter again if you like. just want people to know I don't mean to advertise thanks.

    2. Aw see this is what i'm talking about AJHQ doesn't even care about SOME jammers! They don't even know if they're scammed but if yes they won't even send a gift to replace their scammed item. See this is what's wrong about animal jam and i'm very sorry to hear that Hanju ):
      And that's wonderful snow131313 i'm very glad that some people actually care about others and not very selfish :)
      Mm! May i get an amen here!? Lol srry i was thinking about church DX

    3. I know eternal. One time my friend had scammed my fox hat, and she was my best friend!!! I sent an email to AJ and they did nothing.

  12. How did it get scammed?I can help u I have a pink party hat if u want it to make u rare just trade really good like maybe a Viking hat or a nrare headdress or good betas like wood floor or a dif color party hat

    1. he said to send it to him and i would get a nr headdress. Silly me, i listened DX

  13. Hey Snowyclaw! ^.^ I was wondering if you can post some things about jammers wearing unreleased items. I've been noticing quite a lot of them wearing white,orange, or turquoise colored gazelle horns (maybe pink too). Rumor says that if your call or email AJHQ that you got scammed or hacked, they'll give you unreleased colored items or your dream items if you lie. I may or may not be correct but what's your opinion.

    1. Yeah I would like it if somebody cleared up that mystery :\

  14. Its being updated again?? YAY 10th!!!! BEST YET,
    Anyway an animal would look weird on a pogo stick......
    Really? I haven't heard that one yet.
    Sorry I don't comment much.


    1. your not 10th

    2. Updated?... I never pay attention.

    3. Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't know how to reply :U

  15. 15th?.. I dunno. Didn't count that well. Anyway, I like the pogo stick. It's all pogo sticky and stuffs. It's hard to climb onto it though. It doesn't even bounce! DX. (Well, If you click it it does, But thats not de point o3o) Well, Poor teachers! It's -well, Y'know, be hard to teach- without the chalkboards.. At least it's almost summertime.


  16. I like the leafy pogo stick the best. I like leafy things.
    The stack of books is going too, so get em' while they're hot!

  17. Hi Jammers!

    I love this post, good luck with your exams Snowy!

  18. If you want a chalkboard and you can't get one in stores anymore, get a greely's black board


  19. Hullo .3.

  20. love your blog friend me im wolflover16345

  21. WHO WANTS A FOX HAT IT IS ON TRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. um i know this is off topic but i notices something that people are getting scammed... it is very important that jammers stay safe and i understand that your guys stuff is very important to u guys... we are going to do something about it thanks alot! remember,stay safe!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw