Friday, February 6, 2015

Rarity Ratings
Rare Spiked Collars

Ciao, Jammers! Today's item is a much requested, yet controversial topic. We are going to rate Spiked Collars.
Sources For This Episode

(Also, the Tuesday date isn't working out for me so I'm going to post Rarity Ratings on Thursdays. :])

Rare Long Spiked Collars
Before I start: SPIKES ARE NOT BETA. 
Rare Spiked Collars come in 8 colors, pictured above. They're all the colors of the
 RAAAINBOW - indigo and + pink and black. They were released as the 2nd Monthly Member gift in Animal Jam. There are many in the game, but they're still a highly coveted item.
These are the rarity rankings of each color based on popular opinion
8th Place: Yellow
7th Place: Orange
6th Place: Green
5th Place: Purple
4th Place: Pink
3rd Place: Blue
2nd Place: Red
1st Place: Black
These are the rarity rankings of each color based on how many exist.
8th Place:  Blue
7th Place: Black
6th Place: Pink
5th Place: Purple
4th Place: Red
3rd Place: Yellow
2nd Place: Orange
1st Place: Green
 These lists highly contrast with one another. Black is highly coveted on one end of the spectrum, but very common as Spiked Long Collars go. The rarest collars, if you were to add up both scores, would be Green and Red, with Black close behind. Yellow and Blue would be the least rare.
don't sue me if your trading partner says otherwise

Short Spiked Collars
Short Spiked Collars, while cool, are much less rare than long ones. With enough patience, you can easily win these guys in TFD (The Forgotten Desert).
As far as trading goes, they're like 1/2 of a Long Spike (still pretty rare).
They've different colors than their shinier counterparts, with a periwinkle replacing blue, but the rare to color ratio is pretty much the same.

Non Rare Spiked Collars

Arriving in Jamaa in August, these Spikes aren't the rarest, but are still look awesome on any animal! They've all the same rare amount.  I personally like the brown one the best. How about you jammers?
That's all for today's post! See you later! Byeee!